Detentions, Suspensions, & Expulsions - McDowell Group

[Pages:69]Detentions, Suspensions, & Expulsions

Data Summary

Prepared for Prepared by

September 2016

Detentions, Suspensions, & Expulsions Data Summary

Prepared for:

McDowell Group Anchorage Office 1400 W. Benson Blvd., Suite 510 Anchorage, Alaska 99503

McDowell Group Juneau Office 9360 Glacier Highway, Suite 201 Juneau, Alaska 99801


Prepared by:

September 2016

Table of Contents

List of Tables

Table 1. Types of Discipline ...................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Table 2. Alternative Placements and Populations ........................................................................................................................... 8 Table 3. Alcohol and Drug Related Misconduct, Discipline, Alternative Placements, .....................................................10 Table 4. Gender Comparison, Enrollment and Number and Percent of Total Number of Detentions, ...................12 Table 5. Race/Ethnicity Comparison, Enrollment and Number and Percent of Total Number of Detentions, In-

School Suspensions, and Out-of-School Suspensions, ..............................................................................................13 Table 6. Traditional Elementary School Enrollment and Number and Percent of Detentions, ...................................13 Table 7. Number of Alcohol, Drug, All Other Reasons, and Totals for Expulsions, ..........................................................14 Table 8. Reasons for Detention, All ASD Schools, Sorted by SY2015-2016 Ranking, SY2013-2014 to SY2015-

2016................................................................................................................................................................................................. 14 Table 9. Number of Detentions and Annual Percent Change for All Traditional Schools (Elementary, Middle, and

High), AN/AI and All Other Students, ASD, SY2013-2014 to SY2015-2016 .......................................................16 Table 10. Number of Detentions, Individuals with Detentions, Individuals with More Than 1 Detention, and

Student Enrollment, ..................................................................................................................................................................18 Table 11. Percent of Total Detentions and Percent of Total Enrollment, .............................................................................21 Table 12. Percent of Enrolled Students Who Receive Detentions, by School Type, ........................................................23 Table 13. Reasons for In-School Suspension, All ASD Schools, Sorted by SY2015-2016 Ranking, SY2013-2014 to

SY2015-2016 ................................................................................................................................................................................ 25 Table 14. Number of In-School Suspensions and Annual Percent Change for All Traditional Schools (Elementary,

Middle, and High), AN/AI and All Other Students, ASD, SY2013-2014 to SY2015-2016 ............................27 Table 15. Number of In-School Suspensions, Individuals with In-School Suspensions, Individuals with More Than

1 In-School Suspensions, and Student Enrollment, By Gender, By School Type, AN/AI and All Other Students, ASD, SY2013-2014 to SY2015-2016...............................................................................................................29 Table 16. Percent of Total In-School Suspensions and Percent of Total Enrollment, .....................................................33 Table 17. Percent of Enrolled Students Who Receive In-School Suspensions, by School Type, ................................35 Table 18. Average Number of Days Suspended per In-School Suspension, by School Type,.....................................37 Table 19. Reasons for Out-of-School Suspension, All ASD Schools, Sorted by SY2015-2016 Ranking, SY20132014 to SY2015-2016...............................................................................................................................................................39 Table 20. Number of Out-of-School Suspensions and Annual Percent Change for All Traditional Schools (Elementary, Middle, and High), AN/AI and All Other Students, ASD, SY2013-2014 to SY2015-2016 ...40 Table 21. Number of Out-of-School Suspensions and Annual Percent Change for All Alternative Schools (Elementary, Middle, and High, AN/AI and All Other Students, ASD,...................................................................41 Table 22. Number of Out-of-School Suspensions and Annual Percent Change for All Charter Schools (Elementary, Middle, and High), AN/AI and All Other Students, ASD, SY2013-2014 to SY2015-2016 ...42 Table 23. Number of Out-of-School Suspensions, Individuals with Out-of-School Suspensions, Individuals with More Than 1 Out-of-School Suspensions, and Student Enrollment, By Gender, By School Type, AN/AI and All Other Students, ASD, SY2013-2014 to SY2015-2016 ..................................................................................44 Table 24. Percent of Total Out-of-School Suspensions and Percent of Total Enrollment, ...........................................48 Table 25. Percent of Enrolled Students Who Receive Out-of-School Suspensions, by School Type,.......................50 Table 26. Average Number of Days Suspended per In-School Suspension, by School Type,.....................................52 Table 27. Reasons for Expulsion, All ASD Schools, Sorted by SY2015-2016 Ranking, SY2013-2014 to SY20152016................................................................................................................................................................................................. 54 Table 28. Number of Expulsions and Annual Percent Change for All Traditional, Alternative, ...................................55 Table 29. Number of Expulsions, Individuals with Expulsions, and Student Enrollment,...............................................56 Table 30. Alcohol and Drug-Related Suspensions, Grades K-12, AN/AI and All Other Students, ASD, SY20122013 to 2014-2015....................................................................................................................................................................59 Table 31. Alcohol and Drug-Related Suspensions, 7th ? 8th Grades, AN/AI and All Other Students, ASD, SY20122013 to SY2014-2015...............................................................................................................................................................60 Table 32. Alcohol and Drug Related Expulsions, Grades K-12, AN/AI and All Other Students, ASD, SY2012-2013 to SY2014-2015 ..........................................................................................................................................................................61 Table 33. Alcohol and Drug-Related Expulsions, 7th ? 8th Grades, AN/AI and All Other Students, ASD SY20122013 to 2014-2015....................................................................................................................................................................62

List of Figures

Figure 1. ASD School Discipline Policy................................................................................................................................................. 5 Figure 2. Number of Detentions for All Traditional Schools (Elementary, Middle, and High),....................................16 Figure 3. Percent of Enrollment by Gender,.....................................................................................................................................17 Figure 4. Percent of Number of Detentions by Gender, All Traditional Schools, SY2015-2016 .................................17 Figure 5. Percent of Total Enrollment and Percent of Number of All Detentions, All Traditional Schools, AN/AI

Students, SY2013-2014 to SY2015-2016..........................................................................................................................21 Figure 6. Number of In-School Suspensions for All Traditional Schools (Elementary, Middle, and High), ............27 Figure 7. Percent of Enrollment by Gender, All Traditional Schools, SY2015-2016 .........................................................28 Figure 8. Percent of Number of In-School Suspensions, by Gender, All Traditional Schools, .....................................28 Figure 9. Percent of Total Enrollment and Percent of Number of All In-School Suspensions, All Traditional

Schools, AN/AI, SY2013-2014 to SY2015-2016 .............................................................................................................32 Figure 10. Number of Out-of-School Suspensions for All Traditional Schools (Elementary, Middle, and High),

AN/AI and All Other Students, ASD, SY2013-2014 to SY2015-2016 ...................................................................40 Figure 11. Number of Out-of-School Suspensions for All Alternative Schools,................................................................41 Figure 12. Number of Out-of-School Suspensions for All Charter Schools,.......................................................................42 Figure 13. Percent of Enrollment by Gender, ..................................................................................................................................43 Figure 14. Percent of Number of Out-of-School Suspensions by Gender, .........................................................................43 Figure 15. Percent of Total Enrollment and Percent of Number of All Out-of-School Suspensions, .......................47 Figure 16. Number of Expulsions for All Traditional, Alternative, and Charter Schools, ................................................55 Figure 17. Number of Alcohol and Drug-Related Suspensions, Grades K-12, AN/AI and All Other Students, ASD,

SY2012-2013 to 2014-2015 ...................................................................................................................................................58 Figure 18. Number of Alcohol and Drug-Related Suspensions, 7th-8th Grades, AN/AI and All Other Students,

ASD, SY2012-2013 to SY2014-2015 ...................................................................................................................................59 Figure 19. Number of Alcohol and Drug-Related Expulsions, Grades K-12, AN/AI and All Other Students, ASD,

SY2012-2013 to 2014-2015 ...................................................................................................................................................61

Introduction and Purpose


The Anchorage Realizing Indigenous Student Excellence (ARISE) Partnership is a citywide, collective impact effort to support Alaska Native and American Indian (AN/AI) students from cradle to Elder. The School Climate Strategic Action Team identified discipline policy and data as crucial components of the School Climate and Connectedness outcome. This report supports ARISE's ongoing School Climate work by (1) describing the current Anchorage School District (ASD) discipline policy and (2) presenting ASD disciplinary data for School Years (SY) 2013-2014 to 2015-2016. This report does not evaluate the discipline policy or its implementation.


This report begins with an overview the ASD discipline policy. A description of discipline types, alternative placements, and prohibited behavior follows the policy overview.

Next, the report presents summarized data for detentions, in-school suspensions, out-of-school suspensions, and expulsions. These data identify the number of disciplinary actions that students receive as well as the reasons for those actions. Data are presented for three school years and by race/ethnicity, gender, and grade. Following a presentation of data for all types of student misconduct, the report conveys data specifically for alcohol and drug-related offenses.

The report concludes with "Next Steps," which includes suggestions for further research into the field of school discipline, school climate, and educational outcomes.

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Methodology and Definitions


Policy Review

Information on the discipline policy was gathered during meetings and interviews with the ASD discipline supervisor, as well as from ASD's Student Handbooks (elementary, middle, and high school versions).


ASD provided the number of detentions, in-school suspensions, out-of-school suspensions, and expulsions for all student misconduct; the top reasons for each disciplinary action; and the number of suspensions and expulsions for alcohol and drug-related offenses. These data were reviewed and contextualized, relating disciplinary data proportionally to student enrollment.


Alaska Native/American Indian (AN/AI) All ? Unless otherwise noted, Alaska Native/American Indian All refers to Alaska Native and/or American Indian students alone or in any combination with other races/ethnicities.

All Other ? Refers to any race/ethnicity or any combination of races/ethnicities that does not include AN/AI students

Alternative Placements ? Programs or classrooms for students removed from the traditional classroom for an extended period of time for disciplinary reasons. Alternative placements provide continued educational access during absences caused by disciplinary actions. They may also address behavioral issues through efforts such as counseling.

Detention ? A disciplinary action where students sit under the supervision of a school staff member. They are expected to study or work on class assignments.

Enrollment ? Annual enrollment represents the number of students enrolled on October 1 of the school year. ASD uses this measure of enrollment as its official count. Note that although enrollment may vary during the school year, this measure looks at a single point in time.

Expulsion ? A disciplinary action where the student is removed from the class and school environment. To be expelled, school administrators, such as assistant principals or principals, recommend the sanction to the ASD discipline supervisor who then presents the case to the School Board. The School Board reaches a decision following a vote.

In-School Suspension ? A disciplinary action where a student is removed from the traditional classroom, but kept within the school. Students are placed in a separate classroom with oversight from school faculty.

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Out-of-School Suspension ? A disciplinary action where a student is removed from class and school, and denied participation in school-related activities. The removal from school is not to exceed 45 days for elementary school students and 90 days for middle and high school students. Current procedure tries to limit out-of-school suspensions to 10 days or less.

Simple Discipline ? A disciplinary action referring to any event other than out-of-school suspension or expulsion.

Statement of Rights and Responsibilities (SRR) ? The School Board policy that identifies the responsibility of students to uphold a safe learning environment, describes appropriate disciplinary actions in response to student misconduct, and lists the goals and guidelines to ensure fair discipline as well as students' rights in the case of disciplinary action.

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