Loudoun County Public Schools


Comparing Reconstruction Plans: Lincoln, Johnson, and the Radical Republicans

USE Chapter 17, Section 1 in your textbook, Answer the following IN YOUR OWN WORDS!


1. What was Reconstruction?

2. Give a description of the things that Lincoln wanted to accomplish with his “Ten Percent Plan”. (2 sentences)

3. Give a description of the things that the Radical Republicans wanted to accomplish with the “Wade Davis Bill”. (2 sentences)

4. Give a description of the things that Johnson wanted to accomplish with his “Restoration” plan. (2 sentences)

5. Of the three Reconstruction Plans, which one would you have supported and why? (Paragraph= 4-5 sentences)

Scream ! (about Reconstruction)

Preview Assignment

Directions: Think about a time when you were forced to do something that was supposed to be good for you even though, at the time, it made you so mad that you wanted to scream. In the space below, write what you felt like screaming

|S | | |

| |Soldiers from the North supervised the South. | |

|C | | |

| |Carpetbaggers from the North take control of Southern politics and | |

| |business. | |

|R | | |

| |Rights of African Americans were lost when states passed Black Codes. | |

|E | | |

| |Equal Rights of citizenship and voting were guaranteed for African | |

| |Americans with the 14th and 15th Amendments. | |

|A | | |

| |African Americans held public office in the South. | |

|M | | |

| |Military leaders of the Confederacy could not hold office. | |

Processing Assignment

Directions: Imagine that you are a Southerner (black or white) who is living unhappily under Reconstruction. During a parade for President Johnson, you find that you have 30 seconds to scream at him about your frustrations.

In the space below, write what you would scream (and why) based on your knowledge of Congress’s harsh Reconstruction policies. Be sure to say something about at least three of the policies from your SCREAM notes.




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Effects of Reconstruction on American Life Honors

Review for Test

All Units

Previous Unit

Civil War

II. Reconstruction Policies and Problems

• Southern military leaders and restrictions

• Carpetbaggers

• African-Americans hold political positons “office”

• Northern soldiers in the South

I. Basic Provisions of the Amendments

• 13th Amendment

• 14th Amendment

• 15th Amendment

Amendments ensure equal protection for all


Reconstruction scalawags

Amendment equal protection

ban slavery servitude

citizenship Civil Rights Act of 1866

hold office freedmen



the effects of Reconstruction on American Life


1. What are the basic provisions of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments?

2. What were the Reconstruction policies for the South?


is about



Civil War Amendments! Text Your Notes!

In the boxes below rewrite the definitions of the 3 Amendments as though they were a text message you were sending to a friend. You may change the wording so that it becomes something that you can understand!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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