Standard 1: - Elkhart Community Schools


|Mission/Philosophy Statement |2 |

| | |

|Standards Reference |3 |

| | |

|Unit Reference |70 |


Social studies instruction in Elkhart Community Schools will provide all students with an opportunity to become active lifelong learners, and responsible citizens who participate effectively in our democracy. Therefore, social studies instruction will provide active learning experiences integrating the skills necessary for all students to exercise their responsibilities as citizens in a constitutional democracy by engaging in inquiry, problem solving, and decision making in school and community settings.

Grade 6

The Standards and Power Indicators

Power Indicators are Highlighted in Bold

|Standard 1 – History |

|Students will examine the key historic movements, events, and figures that contributed to the development of the modern European and American nations from early civilizations to early modern times. |

|6.1.1 |Describe the development of ancient Aegean civilizations and the Greek city-based republics, including the cultural achievements of Athens. |

|6.1.2 |Trace the major developments and achievements of the Roman Republic and the rise and expansion of the Roman Empire. |

|6.1.3 |Describe the migration of Jews and the spread of Christianity and the Roman Catholic Church in Western Europe during the Roman Empire. |

|6.1.4 |Analyze the reasons for the decline and fall of the Roman Empire. |

|6.1.5 |Explain the continuation and contributions of the eastern Roman Empire, referred to as the Byzantine Empire, after the fall of Rome, including its influence on the spread of Christianity in |

| |Russia and Eastern Europe. |

|6.1.6 |Describe medieval society and explain the political, social, and economic organization provided by the feudal system. |

|6.1.7 |Analyze the diverse points of view and interests of those involved in the Crusades and give examples of the changes brought about by the Crusades. |

| |Example: The expansion of trade routes, increased contact between European and non-European peoples, changes in technology, and centralization of political and military power. |

|6.1.8 |Explain the effects of the Black Death, or bubonic plague, along with economic, environmental, and social factors that led to the decline of medieval monarchies. |

|6.1.9 |Examine the importance of Asian trade routes and trace the rise of cultural centers and trading cities, such as Florence and Venice. |

|6.1.10 |Recognize the diverse perspectives, ideas, interests, and personalities that brought about the Renaissance in Europe. |

| |Example: Ideas – the importance of the individual; scientific inquiry based on observation and experimentation; interest in Greek and Roman thought; and new approaches in the fine arts and |

| |literature. |

| |Personalities – Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Nicholas Copernicus, William Shakespeare, and Galileo Galilei. |

|6.1.11 |Analyze the interconnections of people, places, and events in the economic, scientific, and cultural exchanges that led to the European Renaissance and voyages of discovery. |

|6.1.12 |Describe the development of Spain during and after the defeat of the Muslims and the completion of the “re-conquest” in 1492. |

|6.1.13 |Describe the development of Mesoamerican* civilizations — such as the Mayas, Toltecs, and Aztecs in Mexico and the Incas in South America — prior to contact with Europeans. |

| |Example: Agricultural, scientific, and artistic achievements. |

|6.1.14 |Examine the causes and outcomes of the defeat of the Aztec and Incan empires by the Spanish. |

|6.1.15 |Compare Spanish colonies in Mexico and South America with French and British colonies in Canada. |

|6.1.16 |Develop and compare timelines that identify major people, events, and developments in the history of individual civilizations and/or countries that comprise Europe and the Americas. |

|6.1.17 |Use the terms decade, century, and millennium and compare alternative ways that historical periods and eras are designated by identifying the organizing principles upon which each is based. |

|6.1.18 |Recognize the diverse perspectives, ideas, interests, and personalities that brought about the Renaissance in Europe. |

| |Example: Read accounts of the travels of Marco Polo considering perspectives on the geography of the world during his time. |

|6.1.19 |Analyze cause-and-effect relationships, keeping in mind multiple causation, including the importance of individuals, ideas, human interests, beliefs, and chance in history. |

|6.1.20 |Differentiate between factual and fictional historical accounts; explain the meaning of historical passages by identifying who was involved, what happened, where it happened, what events led to |

| |these developments, and what consequences or outcomes followed. |

|6.1.21 |Form research questions and use a variety of information resources* to obtain, evaluate, and present historical data on the people, places, events, and developments in the history of Europe and |

| |the Americas. |

| |Example: Collect data and develop maps, graphs, or spread sheets showing the impact of the Black Death on the population of Europe. |

|Standard 2 – Civics and Government |

|Students will compare and contrast forms of government in different historical periods with contemporary political structures of Europe and the Americas and examine the rights and responsibilities of |

|individuals in different political systems. |

|6.2.1 |Compare the characteristics of different types of government developed by ancient European civilizations — such as the Greek democracies, the Roman Republic, and the Roman Empire — and compare |

| |these to governments today. |

|6.2.2 |Examine key ideas of the Magna Carta (1215), the Petition of Right (1628), and the English Bill of Rights (1689) as documents to place limits on the English monarchy. |

|6.2.3 |Define the term nation-state* and describe the rise of nation-states headed by monarchs in Europe from 1500 to 1700. |

|6.2.4 |Identify major forms of government in Europe and the Americas and compare them with that of the United States. |

| |Example: Compare the constitutional government of the United States with that of Canada or the United Kingdom; compare constitutional democracies with nondemocracies, such as the Soviet Union in|

| |the past and Cuba in the present. |

|6.2.5 |Describe the governmental institution of the European Union (EU) and its relationship to the sovereign governments of particular members of the EU. |

|6.26 |Define citizenship and roles of citizens in selected nation-states of Europe and the Americas, and make comparisons to the United States. |

| |Example: Examine the roles of citizens in voting and participating in political parties and voluntary organizations of civil society. |

|6.2.7 |Identify the functions of governmental international organizations in the world today. |

| |Example: Examine the functions of the Organization of American States (OAS), the World Court, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and the United Nations. |

|6.2.8 |Analyze the impact of the concept of democracy on nations of Europe and the Americas. |

| |Example: Explain the development of European democracies and political change toward democracy in South America. |

|6.2.9 |Use data gathered from a variety of information resources* to compare different forms of government in Europe and the Americas. |

|Standard 3 – Geography |

|Students will identify the characteristics of climate regions in Europe and the Americas and describe major physical features, countries and cities of Europe and the Western Hemisphere. |

|6.3.1 |Explain the components of most maps (title, scale, legend, grid, and projection). Compare different map types (topographic, thematic, etc.) and different map projections, and explain the |

| |appropriate use for each. |

|6.3.2 |Use latitude and longitude to locate places on Earth and describe the uses of locational technology, such as Global Positioning Systems (GPS)* and Geographic Information Systems (GIS)*. |

|6.3.3 |Identify the names and locations of countries and major cities in Europe and the Western Hemisphere. Identify the states of Mexico and the provinces of Canada. |

|6.3.4 |Describe major physical characteristics* of regions in Europe and the Americas. |

|6.3.5 |Describe major cultural characteristics* of regions in Europe and the Western Hemisphere. |

|6.3.6 |Explain how Earth/sun relationships*, ocean currents, and winds influence climate differences on Earth. |

|6.3.7 |Locate and map the climate regions of Europe and the Western Hemisphere. Describe the characteristics of each and explain how they differ. |

|6.3.8 |Identify major biomes* and explain ways in which the natural environment of places in Europe and the Americas relates to their climate, which is influenced by Earth/sun relationships. |

|6.3.9 |Identify patterns of population distribution and growth in Europe and the Americas and explain changes in these patterns, which have occurred over time. |

|6.3.10 |Compare and contrast cultural patterns — such as language, religion, and ethnicity — in various parts of Europe; the Caribbean; and North, South, and Central America. |

|6.3.11 |Research the reasons for the locations of the major manufacturing and agricultural regions of Europe and the Americas, using a variety of information resources*. |

|6.3.12 |Analyze the distribution of natural resources in Europe and the Western Hemisphere. |

|6.3.13 |Analyze and give examples of the consequences of human impact on the physical environment and evaluate ways in which technology influences human capacity to modify the physical environment. |

|6.3.14 |Give examples of how both natural and technological hazards have impacted the physical environment and human populations in specific areas of Europe and the Americas. |

|6.3.15 |Give examples of how land and water forms, climate, and natural vegetation have influenced historical trends and developments in Europe and the Western Hemisphere. |

|6.3.16 |Identify environmental issues that affect Europe and the Americas. Examine contrasting perspectives on these problems and explain how human-induced changes in the physical environment in one |

| |place cause changes in another place. |

| |Example: Acid rain, air and water pollution, deforestation. |

|Standard 4 – Economics |

|Students will examine the influence of physical and cultural factors upon the economic systems of countries in Europe and the Americas. |

|6.4.1 |Give examples of how trade related to key developments in the history of Europe and the Americas. |

| |Example: The growth of trading towns and cities in medieval Europe led to money economies. Competition to expand world trade led to European voyages of trade and exploration. |

|6.4.2 |Analyze how countries of Europe and the Americas have benefited from trade in different historical periods. |

| |Example: Increased production and consumption, lower prices |

|6.4.3 |Explain why international trade requires a system for exchanging currency between nations and provide examples of currencies from Europe and the Americas. |

|6.4.4 |Define types of trade barriers*. |

|6.4.5 |Describe how different economic systems* (traditional*, command*, market*, mixed*) in Europe and the Americas answer the basic economic questions on what to produce, how to produce, and for whom|

| |to produce. |

|6.4.6 |Explain how financial institutions (banks, credit unions, stocks-and-bonds markets) channel funds from savers to borrowers and investors. |

|6.4.7 |Compare the standard of living of various countries of Europe and the Americas today using Gross Domestic Product* (GDP) per capita as an indicator. |

|6.4.8 |Analyze current economic issues in the countries of Europe or the Americas using a variety of information resources*. |

| |Example: Use information search methods and the Internet to examine changes in energy prices and consumption. |

|6.4.9 |Identify economic connections between the local community and the countries of Europe or the Americas and identify job skills needed to be successful in the workplace. |

|6.4.10 |Identify situations in which the actions of consumers and producers in Europe or the Americas help or harm other individuals who are not directly involved in the consumption or production of a |

| |product. |

|6.4.11 |Give reasons why saving and investing are important to the economies of the United States and other countries and compare and contrast individual saving and investing options. |

| |Example: Savings accounts, certificates of deposit, and stocks. |

|Standard 5 – Individuals, Society, and Culture |

|Students will examine the role of individuals and groups in societies of Europe and the Americas, identify connections among cultures, and trace the influence of cultures of the past on present societies. |

|They will also analyze patterns of change, including the impact of scientific and technological innovations, and examine the role of artistic expression in selected cultures of Europe and the Americas. |

|6.5.1 |Explain the term socialization*, and compare the way people learn the rules and their roles in the groups to which they belong in different cultures and times. |

| |Example: Compare the different types of schooling that people have received in different times and places, such as in ancient Greece and Rome, in medieval Europe, and early America. Compare |

| |schools in specific countries in Europe with those in the United States in the present. |

|6.5.2 |Distinguish between material* and nonmaterial* aspects of culture. |

|6.5.3 |Explain that cultures change in three ways: cultural diffusion*, invention*, and innovation*. |

|6.5.4 |Give examples of how religious beliefs and philosophical ideas have spread from one culture to another among societies of Europe and the Americas. |

| |Example: The spread of Christianity from Europe to the Americas during the colonial period and the exchange of ideas about democratic government between Europe and the Americas in the past and |

| |the present are examples of the diffusion of ideas. |

|6.5.5 |Identify examples of inventions and technological innovations that have brought about cultural change in Europe and the Americas and examine their impact. |

| |Example: Innovations in communications, such as computer technology, help to spread information and ideas very rapidly. One result may be an increase in the rate of cultural change. |

|6.5.6 |Define the terms anthropology* and archeology* and explain how these fields contribute to our understanding of societies in the present and the past. |

|6.5.7 |Examine art, music, literature, and architecture in Europe and the Americas; explain their relationship to the societies that created them; and give examples of how artistic ideas have spread |

| |from one culture to another. |

|6.5.8 |Use a variety of resources, including newspapers, magazines, Web sites, and databases, to collect and analyze data on cultural factors in countries of Europe and the Americas. Use charts, |

| |graphs, and other data to compare and hypothesize the relation of these factors to a nation’s development. |

|6.5.9 |Examine artifacts*, including documents*, from other cultures to determine their use and significance. |

| |Example: A seashell is a natural object, but a seashell that has been made into a necklace is an artifact. |

Power Indicators are always subject to revision and improvement. They are not to be considered static or established for ever. Updated Fall 2006

Social Studies

Essential Vocabulary Terms

Grade 6

|Term |Description |Related Indicator |

|Anthropology |the study of human beings; there are four major fields of anthropology: cultural anthropology, forensic anthropology, linguistics, |6.5.6 |

| |and archeology | |

|Archeology |a branch of anthropology which studies past cultures through the things that remain, such as buildings, tools, or pottery |6.5.6 |

|Artifact |any object made or modified for use by human beings document: a two-dimensional artifact, such as a letter, chart, map, photograph, |6.5.9 |

| |painting, or drawing | |

|Biomes |major ecological communities, such as rainforest, desert, grassland |6.3.8 |

|Command Economy |an economy in which resources are allocated by the government or other central authority |6.4.5 |

|Cultural Characteristics |human features, such as population characteristics, communication and transportation networks, religion and customs, and how people |6.3.5 |

| |make a living or build homes and other structures | |

|Cultural Diffusion |the spread of ideas from one culture to another |6.5.3 |

|Documents |an original or official item relied on as the basis, proof, or support of something such as a paper, photograph or recording |6.5.9 |

|Earth/Sun Relationships |the rotation and tilt of Earth on its axis and the revolution of Earth around the sun influence climate variation on Earth; Indiana |6.3.6 |

| |has major seasonal differences in climate relating to changes in the position of the sun and the amount of sunlight received | |

|Economic Systems |ways that people allocate economic resources, goods, and services |6.4.5 |

|Global Positioning Systems (GPS) |a system of satellites and ground stations used to locate precise points on the surface of Earth |6.3.2 |

|Geographic Information Systems (GIS) |information technology systems used to store, analyze, manipulate, and display a wide range of geographic information |6.3.2 |

|Gross Domestic Product (GDP) |the value of all final goods and services produced in a country in a year |6.4.7 |

|Information Resources |print media, such as books, magazines, and newspapers; electronic media, such as radio, television, Web sites, and databases; and |6.1.21 |

| |community resources, such as individuals and organizations |6.2.9 |

| | |6.3.11 |

| | |6.4.8 |

|Innovation |an improvement in a culture’s technology |6.5.3 |

|Invention |a new idea about how something can be made or done |6.5.3 |

|Physical Characteristics |natural features, such as land and water forms, climate, natural vegetation, and native wildlife |6.3.4 |

|Trade Barriers |things that hinder trade, such as tariffs, quotas, or embargos |6.4.4 |

|Market Economy |an economy in which resources are allocated by individuals |6.4.5 |

|Material Culture |the things that a society makes or uses, such as clothing, shelter, food, tools, and other things needed for both survival and |6.5.2 |

| |enjoyment | |

|Mixed Economy |an economy in which resources are allocated by some combination of traditional, command, or market systems |6.4.5 |

|Mesoamerica |the area of Mexico and Central America where early civilizations were located |6.1.13 |

|Nation-State |a political entity that claims the right to rule over a defined territory and jurisdiction over everyone within it |6.2.3 |

|Nonmaterial Culture |behavior, such as customs, traditions, beliefs, values, interactions among people, and ways of going about daily activities |6.5.2 |

|Socialization |the process through which people learn the rules of society |6.5.1 |

|Traditional Economy |an economy in which resources are allocated based on custom and tradition |6.4.5 |


|Standard 1: Students will examine the key historic movements, events, and figures that contributed to the development of the modern European and American nations from early civilizations to early modern times. |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|Historical Knowledge |

|6.1.1 Describe the development of ancient Aegean |Events: |Instruction: |Pages 248-251; 255 |

|civilizations, and the Greek city-based republics, |Persian Wars |Overhead transparency maps | |

|including the cultural achievements of Athens. |Pelopenesian Wars |Graph analysis |W – p 61 |

| |Athenian Assembly |Graphing |T - #1 |

| |Colonization | |E – 110-113 |

| |Slavery |Assessment: |Q – 56-57 |

| | |Timeline | |

| |People: |Maps | |

| |Pericles | |Pages 260-263 |

| |Socrates | | |

| |Plato | |W – 65 |

| |Herodotus | |E - 118-121 |

| | | |Q – 60-61 |

| |Groups: | | |

| |Athenians | | |

| |Spartans | | |

| |Phoenicians | | |


|Standard 1: Students will examine the key historic movements, events, and figures that contributed to the development of the modern European and American nations from early civilizations to early modern times. |

|(continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|6.1.2 Trace the major developments and achievements of |Events: |Instruction: |Pages 288-292 |

|the Roman Republic and the rise and expansion of the |Founding of Rome |Direct instruction | |

|Roman Empire. |Republic |Read aloud |W – p 71 |

| |Pax Romana |Cooperative group work |T - #23 |

| |Byzantine |Student research |E – pp 134-137 |

| | | |Q – pp 68-69 |

| |People: |Assessment: | |

| |Julius Caesar |Timeline | |

| |Augustus Caesar |Cartoons | |

| |Constantine | | |

| |Patricians | | |

| |Plebeians | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |


|Standard 1: Students will examine the key historic movements, events, and figures that contributed to the development of the modern European and American nations from early civilizations to early modern times. |

|(continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|6.1.3 Describe the migration of Jews and the spread of |People: |Instruction: |Pages 295-296 |

|Christianity and the Roman Catholic Church in Western |( Constantine |Direct instruction | |

|Europe during the Roman Empire. | |Overhead maps |W – p 72 |

| | |Chart |T - #1 |

| | | |E – pp 138-141 |

| | |Assessment: |Q – pp 70-71 |

| | |Maps | |

| | |Journal | |

| | |Reports | |

| | |Timelines | |

| | | | |


|Standard 1: Students will examine the key historic movements, events, and figures that contributed to the development of the modern European and American nations from early civilizations to early modern times. |

|(continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|6.1.4 Analyze the reasons for the decline and fall of the|Events: |Instruction: |Pages 298-304 |

|Roman Empire. |Julius Caesar’s return |Compare/contrast with Native Americans, Nazi | |

| |Division of social classes |Germany, USSR |W – p 73 |

| | |Create a chart |T - #20 |

| | |Drawing |E – pp 142-145 |

| | |Direct instruction |Q – pp 72-72 |

| | | | |

| | |Assessment: | |

| | |Artistic product | |

| | |Play | |

| | |Graphic organizer | |

| | |Debate | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |


|Standard 1: Students will examine the key historic movements, events, and figures that contributed to the development of the modern European and American nations from early civilizations to early modern times. |

|(continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|6.1.5 Explain the continuation and contributions of the |Events: |Instruction: |Pages 300 – 302 |

|eastern Roman Empire, referred to as the Byzantine |Conversion of Constantine |Direct instruction | |

|Empire, after the fall of Rome, including its influence | |Small group work |T - #20 |

|on the spread of Christianity in Russia and Eastern |People: |Read aloud | |

|Europe. |( Constantine | | |

| | |Assessment: |Pages 324-328 |

| | |Tests | |

| | |Art product |W – 78 |

| | |Report |T - #9 |

| | | |E – 146-149 |

| | | |Q – 74-75 |

| | | | |

| | | |W – 79 |

| | | |T - #9 |

| | | |E – 150-153 |

| | | |Q – 76-77 |

| | | | |


|Standard 1: Students will examine the key historic movements, events, and figures that contributed to the development of the modern European and American nations from early civilizations to early modern times. |

|(continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|6.1.6 Describe medieval society, and explain the |Events: |Instruction: |Pages 401-402 |

|political, social, and economic organization provided by |Fall of Roman Empire |Create a chart | |

|the feudal system. |Development of towns |Compare/contrast |W – 100 |

| |Development of guilds |KWLQ |T - #1 |

| | |Graphic organizer |E – 198-201 |

| |Groups: |Picture reading |Q – 100-101 |

| |Serfs |Minilesson | |

| |Clergy |Schematic drawing | |

| |Lords and Vassals | | |

| | |Assessment: | |

| | |Test | |

| | |Artistic product | |

| | |Role play/simulation | |

| | |Journals | |

| | |Socratic seminar | |

| | |Report | |


|Standard 1: Students will examine the key historic movements, events, and figures that contributed to the development of the modern European and American nations from early civilizations to early modern times. |

|(continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|6.1.7 Analyze the diverse points of view and interests of|Events: |Instruction: |Pages 407-408 |

|those involved in the Crusades and give examples of the |( The expansion of trade routes |Direct instruction | |

|changes brought about by the Crusades. |( Increased contact between European and non-European|Outlines | |

| |peoples |Graphic organizer | |

| |( Changes in technology |Cooperative group work | |

| |( Centralization of political and military power. |Note taking | |

| | | | |

| | |Assessment: | |

| | |Test | |

| | |Graphic organizer | |

| | |Reports | |

| | |Notes | |

| | | | |


|Standard 1: Students will examine the key historic movements, events, and figures that contributed to the development of the modern European and American nations from early civilizations to early modern times. |

|(continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|6.1.8 Explain the effects of the Black Death, or bubonic | |Instruction: |Pages 410-411 |

|plague, along with economic, environmental, and social | |Direct instruction | |

|factors that led to the decline of medieval monarchies. | |Guiding questions |W – 101 |

| | |Note taking |T - #20 |

| | |Group reading |E – 202-205 |

| | |Read aloud |Q – 102-103 |

| | | | |

| | |Assessment: | |

| | |Test | |

| | |Notes | |

| | |Debate | |

| | |Report | |


|Standard 1: Students will examine the key historic movements, events, and figures that contributed to the development of the modern European and American nations from early civilizations to early modern times. |

|(continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|6.1.9 Examine the importance of Asian trade routes and |Events: |Instruction: |Pages 430, 439-440 |

|trace the rise of cultural centers and trading cities, |Marco Polo’s journeys |Direct instruction | |

|such as Florence and Venice. |Voyage of Columbus |Read aloud | |

| | |Group reading | |

| | | | |

| | |Assessment: | |

| | |Test | |

| | |Graphic organizer | |

| | | | |

| | | | |


|Standard 1: Students will examine the key historic movements, events, and figures that contributed to the development of the modern European and American nations from early civilizations to early modern times. |

|(continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|6.1.10 Recognize the diverse perspectives, ideas, |Ideas: |Instruction: |Pages 431-435, 437, and 443 |

|interests, and personalities that brought about the |The importance of the individual |Graphic organizer | |

|Renaissance in Europe. |Scientific inquiry based on observation and |Compare/contrast |W – 109 |

| |experimentation |KWLQ |T - #5 |

| |Interest in Greek and Roman thought |Cooperative groups |E – 214-217 |

| |New approaches in the fine arts and literature |Compare/contrast |Q – 108-109 |

| | | | |

| |Personalities: |Assessment: | |

| |Leonardo da Vinci |Role plays | |

| |Michelangelo |Debates | |

| |Nicholas Copernicus |Socratic seminars | |

| |William Shakespeare |End reflections | |

| |Galileo Galilei |Group reports | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |


|Standard 1: Students will examine the key historic movements, events, and figures that contributed to the development of the modern European and American nations from early civilizations to early modern times. |

|(continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|6.1.11 Analyze the interconnections of people, places, | |Instruction: |Pages 431, 434-435, 439 |

|and events in the economic, scientific, and cultural | |Direct instruction | |

|exchanges that led to the European Renaissance and | |Read aloud |W – 107 |

|voyages of discovery. | |Reading – group/individual |T – 6 |

| | |Graphic organizer |E – 206-209 |

| | | |Q – 104-105 |

| | |Assessment: | |

| | |Test | |

| | |Graphic organizer | |

| | |Socratic seminar | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |


|Standard 1: Students will examine the key historic movements, events, and figures that contributed to the development of the modern European and American nations from early civilizations to early modern times. |

|(continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|6.1.12 Describe the development of Spain during and after| |Instruction: |Pages 440-442 |

|the defeat of the Muslims and the completion of the | |Direct instruction | |

|“re-conquest” in 1492. | |Read aloud |W - 108 |

| | | |T - #6 |

| | |Assessment: |E – 210-214 |

| | |Test |Q – 106-107 |

| | |Report | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |


|Standard 1: Students will examine the key historic movements, events, and figures that contributed to the development of the modern European and American nations from early civilizations to early modern times. |

|(continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|6.1.13 Describe the development of Mesoamerican* |Agricultural: |Instruction: |Pages 168-179 |

|civilizations, such as the Mayas, Toltecs, and Aztecs in |Slash and burn, popcorn, chocolate |Cooperative group work | |

|Mexico and the Incas in South America, prior to contact | |Student research |W – 41 |

|with Europeans. |Scientific: |Compare/contrast |T - #13 |

| |Calendar |Small group work |E – pp 74-77 |

| |Medicine |Picture reading |Q – pp 38-39 |

| | | | |

| |Artistic achievements: |Assessment: |Pages 196-200 |

| |Murals |Group report | |

| |Weaving |Compare/contrast |W – p. 48 |

| |Pottery |Artistic products |T - #1 |

| |Architecture | |E – pp 90-93 |

| | | |Q – pp 46-47 |

| |People: | | |

| |( Diego Rivera | | |

|* Mesoamerica: the area of Mexico and Central America | | | |

|where early civilizations were located | | | |


|Standard 1: Students will examine the key historic movements, events, and figures that contributed to the development of the modern European and American nations from early civilizations to early modern times. |

|(continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|6.1.14 Examine the causes and outcomes of the defeat of |Events: |Instruction: |Pages 180-181, 201 |

|the Aztec and Incan empires by the Spanish. |Disease |Direct instruction | |

| |Weaponry |Read aloud |W – p 42 |

| |Conversion to Catholicism |Guiding questions | |

| |Gold |Note taking | |

| | | | |

| |People: |Assessment: | |

| |Pizarro |Socratic seminar | |

| |Cortez |Test | |

| | |Journal reflection | |

| |Groups: |Dramatization | |

| |Aztec | | |

| |Maya | | |

| |Inca | | |

| | | | |


|Standard 1: Students will examine the key historic movements, events, and figures that contributed to the development of the modern European and American nations from early civilizations to early modern times. |

|(continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|6.1.15 Compare Spanish colonies in Mexico and South | |Instruction: |Pages 446-477 |

|America with French and British colonies in Canada. | |Compare/contrast | |

| | |Create chart |W – 109 |

| | |Direct instruction |T - #5 |

| | |Read aloud |E – 214-217 |

| | | |Q – 108-109 |

| | |Assessment: | |

| | |Debate |Pages 502 |

| | |Socratic seminar | |

| | |Reports |W – 124 |

| | |Journals |T - #11 |

| | | |E – 242-245 |

| | | |Q – 122-123 |

| | | | |

| | | | |


|Standard 1: Students will examine the key historic movements, events, and figures that contributed to the development of the modern European and American nations from early civilizations to early modern times. |

|(continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|Chronological Thinking, Comprehension, Analysis, and Interpretation |

|6.1.16 Develop and compare timelines that identify major | |Instruction: |Pages 24 – 25 |

|people, events, and developments in the history of | |Timelines | |

|individual civilizations and/or countries that comprise | |Graphic organizers |W – p 5 |

|Europe and the Americas. | |Outlining | |

| | | |Pages – 154-157 |

| | |Assessment: |Poster 5 |

| | |Notes | |

| | |Outline |Pages 422-425 |

| | |Timeline |Poster 11 |

| | | | |

| | | |Pages 512-515 |

| | | |Poster 13 |

| | | | |

| | | |Pages 524-526 |

| | | | |

| | | |W – p 130 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |Pages 568-572 |

| | | | |

| | | |W – p 142 |

| | | |T - #19 |

| | | |E – pp 270-273 |

| | | |Q – pp 156-157 |


|Standard 1: Students will examine the key historic movements, events, and figures that contributed to the development of the modern European and American nations from early civilizations to early modern times. |

|(continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|6.1.17 Use the terms “decade,” “century,” and |Events: |Instruction: |Pages 24 - 25 |

|“millennium,” and compare alternative ways that |“Middle Ages” |Direct instruction | |

|historical periods and eras are designated by identifying|“Renaissance” | |W – p 5 |

|the organizing principles upon which each is based. |“Hundred Years War” |Assessment: | |

| |“Age of Discovery” |Tests | |

| | | |Pages 401-405 |

| | | | |

| | | |W – 100 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |Pages 431-437, 655 |


|Standard 1: Students will examine the key historic movements, events, and figures that contributed to the development of the modern European and American nations from early civilizations to early modern times. |

|(continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|6.1.18 Recognize historical perspectives in fiction and |Read accounts of the travels of Marco Polo, |Instruction: |Pages 232-233, 308-309, 416-417 |

|non-fiction stories by identifying the historical context|considering perspectives on the geography of the |Read aloud | |

|in which events unfolded and by avoiding evaluation of |world during his time. |Reading group/individual | |

|the past solely in terms of present-day norms. | | | |

| | |Assessment: | |

| | |Socratic seminar | |

| | |Reflection | |

| | |Debate | |

| | |Role plays | |

| | |Journals | |

| | | | |

| | | | |


|Standard 1: Students will examine the key historic movements, events, and figures that contributed to the development of the modern European and American nations from early civilizations to early modern times. |

|(continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|6.1.19 Analyze cause and effect relationships, keeping in|Events: |Instruction: |Pages 24-25 |

|mind multiple causation, including the importance of |Voyages of Columbus |Direct instruction |W – p 5 |

|individuals, ideas, human interests, beliefs, and chance |Renaissance |Graphic organizer | |

|in history. | | |Page 86 |

| | |Assessment: | |

| | |Test |Pages 156-157 |

| | |Graphic organizer |Poster #6 |

| | | | |

| | | |Pages 516-517 |

| | | | |

| | | |Pages 532 |

| | | |W – 131 |

| | | | |

| | | |Page 587 |

| | | | |

| | | |Page 663 |

| | | | |

| | | |Page 588-589 |


|Standard 1: Students will examine the key historic movements, events, and figures that contributed to the development of the modern European and American nations from early civilizations to early modern times. |

|(continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|6.1.20 Differentiate between factual and fictional |Events: |Instruction: |Pages 64-65 |

|historical accounts; explain the meaning of historical |( Journals and logs from explorers, conquistadors, |Compare/contrast | |

|passages by identifying who was involved, what happened, |etc. |Direct instruction |Pages 232-233 |

|where it happened, what events led to these developments,| |Cooperative group work | |

|and what consequences or outcomes followed. | | |Pages 280-281 |

| | |Assessment: |W – p 69 |

| | |Group report | |

| | |Socratic seminar |Pages 308-309, 376, 416-417, 461, 584 |

| | |Written reports | |

| | | | |

| | | | |


|Standard 1: Students will examine the key historic movements, events, and figures that contributed to the development of the modern European and American nations from early civilizations to early modern times. |

|(continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|Research Capabilities |

|6.1.21 Form research questions, and use a variety of |Collect data and develop maps, graphs, or |Instruction: |Pages 16, 22 |

|information Resource**s* to obtain, evaluate, and present|spreadsheets showing the impact of the Black Death on|Interviews | |

|historical data on the people, places, events, and |the population of Europe. |Direct instruction |Pages 144-145 |

|developments in the history of Europe and the Americas. | |Overhead maps |W – p. 34 |

| | |Use of electronic database | |

| | |Internet search |Pages 280-281 |

| | |Graph analysis | |

| | |Group research |Pages 365-365 |

| | | |W – 89 |

|* information Resource**s: print media, including books, | |Assessment: | |

|magazines, and newspapers; electronic media, such as | |Written report |Page 386 |

|radio, television, web sites, and databases; and | |Oral report |W – 95 |

|community Resource**s, such as individuals and | |Notes | |

|organizations | |Graphic organizer |Pages 472-473 |

| | |Essay |W – 116 |

| | |Socratic seminar | |

| | | | |


|Standard 2: Students will compare and contrast forms of government in different historical periods with contemporary political structures of Europe and the Americas and examine the rights and responsibilities of|

|individuals in different political systems. |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|Foundations of Government |

|6.2.1 Compare the characteristics of different types of |Events: |Instruction: |Pages 252, 283-284, 289-290 |

|government developed by ancient European civilizations, |Roman Republic |Direct instruction | |

|such as the Greek democracies, the Roman Republic, and |Athenian Assembly |Graphic organizers | |

|the Roman Empire, and compare these to governments today.| |Outlining | |

| |People: | | |

| |Julius Caesar |Assessment: | |

| |Pericles |Test | |

| | |Graphic organizer | |

| |Groups: |Outline | |

| |Plebeians | | |

| |Assembly | | |

| |Senate | | |

| |Tribunes | | |

| |Council | | |


|Standard 2: Students will compare and contrast forms of government in different historical periods with contemporary political structures of Europe and the Americas and examine the rights and responsibilities of|

|individuals in different political systems. (continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|6.2.2 Examine key ideas of the Magna Carta (1215), the |Events: |Instruction: |Pages 396-398 |

|Petition of Right (1628), and the English Bill of Rights |Magna Carta |Read aloud |W – p 99 |

|(1689) as documents to place limits on the English | |Reading group/individual |T - #10 |

|monarchy. |People: | |E – pp 95, 194-197 |

| |King James |Assessment: |Q – pp 98-99 |

| | |Test | |

| | |Drawing/cartoon | |

| | | |Pages 472-472 |

| | | |W – p 116 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |


|Standard 2: Students will compare and contrast forms of government in different historical periods with contemporary political structures of Europe and the Americas and examine the rights and responsibilities of|

|individuals in different political systems. (continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|6.2.3 Define the term nation-state*, and describe the | |Instruction: |Pages 425, 430-431, 442- 443, 472-473 |

|rise of nation-states headed by monarchs in Europe from | |Direct instruction | |

|1500 to 1700. | | |Poster 12 |

| | |Assessment: |W – p 116 |

| | |Test | |

| | |Timeline | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|*nation-state: a political entity that claims the right | | | |

|to rule over a defined territory and jurisdiction over | | | |

|everyone within it | | | |


|Standard 2: Students will compare and contrast forms of government in different historical periods with contemporary political structures of Europe and the Americas and examine the rights and responsibilities of|

|individuals in different political systems. (continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|Functions of Government |

|6.2.4 Identify major forms of government in Europe and |Compare the constitutional government of the United |Instruction: |Pages 472-473, 621 |

|the Americas, and compare them with that of the United |States with that of Canada or the United Kingdom |Direct instruction | |

|States. | |Compare/contrast | |

| |Compare constitutional democracies with |Graphic organizer | |

| |non-democracies, such as the Soviet Union in the past| | |

| |and Cuba in the present. |Assessment: | |

| | |Compare/contrast | |

| | |Essay | |

| | |Graphic organizer | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |


|Standard 2: Students will compare and contrast forms of government in different historical periods with contemporary political structures of Europe and the Americas and examine the rights and responsibilities of|

|individuals in different political systems. (continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|6.2.5 Describe the governmental institution of the | |Instruction: |Page 632 |

|European Union (EU) and its relationship to the sovereign| |Direct instruction | |

|governments of particular members of the EU. | |Read aloud | |

| | | | |

| | |Assessment: | |

| | |Test | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |


|Standard 2: Students will compare and contrast forms of government in different historical periods with contemporary political structures of Europe and the Americas and examine the rights and responsibilities of|

|individuals in different political systems. (continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|Roles of Citizens |

|6.2.6 Define citizenship and roles of citizens in |Examine the roles of citizens in voting and |Instruction: |Pages 601, 613, 643, 661 |

|selected nation-states of Europe and the Americas, and |participating in political parties and voluntary |Cooperative group work | |

|make comparisons to the United States of America. |organizations of civil society. |Internet research |H – 4-5 |

| | |Reading–group/individual | |

| | | |Pages 639-641 |

| | |Assessment: | |

| | |Drama |W – 158 |

| | |Report oral/written | |

| | | |Pages 648-649 |

| | | | |

| | | |W – 159 |

| | | |T - #23 |

| | | |E – 302-305 |

| | | |Q – 152-153 |


|Standard 2: Students will compare and contrast forms of government in different historical periods with contemporary political structures of Europe and the Americas and examine the rights and responsibilities of|

|individuals in different political systems. (continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|International Relations |

|6.2.7 Identify the functions of governmental |Examine the functions of the Organization of American|Instruction: |Pages 560, 570, 637, 639 |

|international organizations in the world today. |States (OAS), the World Court, North Atlantic Treaty |Direct instruction | |

| |Organization (NATO), and the United Nations |Internet search | |

| | |Reading–group/individual | |

| | | | |

| | |Assessment: | |

| | |Test | |

| | |Debate | |

| | |Essay | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |


|Standard 2: Students will compare and contrast forms of government in different historical periods with contemporary political structures of Europe and the Americas and examine the rights and responsibilities of|

|individuals in different political systems. (continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|6.2.8 Analyze the impact of the concept of democracy on |Explain the development of European democracies and |Instruction: |Pages 621-623 |

|nations of Europe and the Americas. |political change toward democracy in South America. |Direct instruction |W – 152 |

| | |Read aloud |T - #23 |

| | |Cooperative group work |E – 290-293 |

| | | |Q – 146-147 |

| | |Assessment: | |

| | |Timeline | |

| | |Test | |

| | |Oral reports | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |


|Standard 2: Students will compare and contrast forms of government in different historical periods with contemporary political structures of Europe and the Americas and examine the rights and responsibilities of|

|individuals in different political systems. (continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|6.2.9 Use data gathered from a variety of information | |Instruction: |Page 458 |

|Resource**s* to compare different forms of government in | |Direct instruction | |

|Europe and the Americas. | |Read – group/individual |Pages 472-473 |

| | | |W - 116 |

| | |Assessment: | |

| | |Test | |

| | |Compare/contrast | |

| | |Socratic seminar | |

|* information Resource**s: print media, including books, | | | |

|magazines, and newspapers; electronic media, such as | | | |

|radio, television, web sites, and databases; and | | | |

|community Resource**s, such as individuals and | | | |

|organizations | | | |


|Standard 3: Students will identify the characteristics of climate regions in Europe and the Americas and describe major physical features, countries, and cities of Europe and the Western Hemisphere. |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|The World in Spatial Terms |

|6.3.1 Explain the components of most maps (title, scale, |Show all types of maps and explain (title, scale, |Instruction: |Pages H10-H13, H15 |

|legend, grid, and projection). Compare different map |legend, grid, and projection). |Schematic drawings | |

|types (topographic, thematic, etc.) and different map | |Graph analysis |Pages 82-83 |

|projections, and explain the appropriate use for each. |Compare different types of maps (topographic, |KWLQ | |

| |thematic, etc.). |Direct instruction |W – p 19 |

| | |Drawing | |

| |Explain different uses of each map. |Independent work |Pages 166-167 |

| | |Practice |W – p 40 |

| | | | |

| | |Assessment: |Pages 258-259 |

| | |Matching | |

| | |Graph |Pages 658-659 |

| | |Artistic production |W - 163 |


|Standard 3: Students will identify the characteristics of climate regions in Europe and the Americas and describe major physical features, countries, and cities of Europe and the Western Hemisphere. (continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|6.3.2 Use latitude and longitude to locate places on |Discuss: |Instruction: |Pages H-9, 194-195 |

|earth and describe the uses of locational technology, |GPS* and GIS* along with their uses. |Compare/contrast | |

|such as Global Positioning Systems (GPS)* and Geographic |Discuss how they work. |KWLQ |W – p 47 |

|Information Systems (GIS)*. |Use several examples of both, locating different |Demonstration | |

| |places around the globe. |Review | |

| | |Discovery learning | |

| | |Overview of assignment | |

| | | | |

| | |Assessment: | |

| | |Concept/topic map Investigation | |

|* Global Positioning Systems (GPS): a system of | |Discussion | |

|satellites and ground stations used to locate precise | |Learning logs | |

|points on the surface of the earth | | | |

|* Geographic Information Systems (GIS): information | | | |

|technology systems used to store, analyze, manipulate, | | | |

|and display a wide range of geographic information | | | |


|Standard 3: Students will identify the characteristics of climate regions in Europe and the Americas and describe major physical features, countries, and cities of Europe and the Western Hemisphere. (continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|Places and Regions |

|6.3.3 Identify the names and locations of countries and |Countries: |Instruction: |Pages 429, 431, 447, 455, 460, 485, 519, 541, |

|major cities in Europe and the Western Hemisphere. |Asia, Antarctica, Europe |Independent work |629, 632 |

|Identify the states of Mexico and the provinces of | |Practice | |

|Canada. |Cities in Europe: |Student research |R4-R5, R16 |

| |Rome, Stockholm, Athens, Madrid | | |

| | |Assessment: |Page 596 |

| |Cities in Western Hemisphere: |Paper and pencil test |W - 147 |

| |Chicago, San Francisco, |Concept topic map | |

| |Boston, New York, Chili, | | |

| |Seattle, Mexico City, Bolivia, | | |

| |Uruguay, Fairbanks | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |States of Mexico: | | |

| |Tobasco | | |

| |Baja | | |

| | | | |

| |Provinces of Canada: | | |

| |Quebec | | |

| |Alberta | | |

| |Ontario | | |

| |British Columbia | | |


|Standard 3: Students will identify the characteristics of climate regions in Europe and the Americas and describe major physical features, countries, and cities of Europe and the Western Hemisphere. (continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|6.3.4 Describe major physical characteristics* of regions|Europe: |Instruction: |Pages 186-188 |

|in Europe and the Americas. |Natural features: Scandinavian Peninsula, Northern |Small group work | |

| |Europe Plains |Drawing |W – p 45 |

| |Water forms: Gulf of Bothnia, Baltic Sea |Independent work |T - #13 |

| |Natural vegetation: Northern European Plains, Rocky |Picture reading | |

| |Mountain areas |Schematic drawings |Pages 208-210 |

| | |Story mapping | |

| |Americas: |Student research |W – p 51 |

| |Natural features: Andes Mountains, Rocky Mountains, | |T - #13 |

| |Appalachian Mountains, interior plains |Assessment: | |

| |Water forms: Mississippi River, Great Lakes, Amazon |Graphs |Pages 393-395 |

| |River |Matching | |

| |Natural vegetation: Vegetation in the plains, |Group cooperative learning |W – 98 |

| |vegetation in South American jungles |Topic maps |T - #20 |

| |Native wildlife: Eagles, wolves, bears | |E – 190-193 |

| | | |Q – 96-97 |

| | | | |

|* physical characteristics: natural features, such as | | | |

|land forms, water forms, climate, natural vegetation, and| | | |

|native wildlife | | | |


|Standard 3: Students will identify the characteristics of climate regions in Europe and the Americas and describe major physical features, countries, and cities of Europe and the Western Hemisphere. (continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|6.3.5 Describe major cultural characteristics* of regions|Europe: |Instruction: |Pages 189, 211, 297, 475 |

|in Europe and the Western Hemisphere. |Characteristics |Compare and contrast | |

| |Customs |KWLQ |Pages 634-638 |

| |Religion |Rubric development |W – 157 |

| |Homes/structures |Access to electric data base | |

| | |Direct instruction | |

| | |Review |Pages 655-658 |

| |Western Hemisphere: |Independent work |W – 162 |

| |Characteristics | |T - #23 |

| |Customs |Assessment: |E – 306-309 |

| |Religion |Paper and pencil test |Q – 154-155 |

| |Homes/structures |Multiple choice | |

| | |T/F | |

|* cultural characteristics: human features, such as | |Matching | |

|population characteristics, communication and | |Essay report | |

|transportation networks, religion and customs, how people| | | |

|make a living or build homes and other structures | | | |


|Standard 3: Students will identify the characteristics of climate regions in Europe and the Americas and describe major physical features, countries, and cities of Europe and the Western Hemisphere. (continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|Physical Systems |

|6.3.6 Explain how earth/sun relationships*, ocean |Earth/sun: |Instruction: |Page 23 |

|currents, and winds influence climate differences on the |The rotation and tilt of earth on its axis |Guiding question |W – p 4 |

|earth. |Example: Australia vs. U.S. Australia has spring when|Rubric | |

| |the U.S. has fall. |Demonstration |Pages 394-395 |

| | |Modeling |W – 98 |

| |Ocean currents: |Discovery learning |T - #20 |

| |Changing of tides with seasonal changes |Overview of assignment |E – 190-193 |

| | |Schematic drawing |Q – 96-97 |

| | | | |

| | |Assignment: | |

| | |Investigation |Page 659 |

| | |Learning log |W - 163 |

| |Wind vs. climate: |Short answer | |

| |Factors affecting climate | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|*Earth/sun relationships: the rotation and tilt of the | | | |

|earth on its axis and the rotation of the earth around | | | |

|the sun | | | |


|Standard 3: Students will identify the characteristics of climate regions in Europe and the Americas and describe major physical features, countries, and cities of Europe and the Western Hemisphere. (continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|6.3.7 Locate and map the climate regions of Europe and |Climates: |Instruction: |Pages 163-164, 186-187 |

|the Western Hemisphere. Describe the characteristics of |Arid (influences) |Brainstorm | |

|each, and explain how they differ. |Semiarid (influences) |Guiding questions |Pages 186-189 |

| | |Rubric |W – p 45 |

| |Features: |Access to electronic database |T - #13 |

| |Vegetation |Direct instruction |E – pp 82-85 |

| |Population |Re-teach |Q – pp 42-43 |

| |Physical regions |Schematic drawings | |

| | | |Pages 208-210 |

| | |Assessments: |W – p 51 |

| | |Matching |T - #13 |

| | |Papers |E – pp 94-97 |

| | |Discussion |Q – pp 48, 49 |

| | |Graph/analysis | |

| | | |Page 371, 394-395 |


|Standard 3: Students will identify the characteristics of climate regions in Europe and the Americas and describe major physical features, countries, and cities of Europe and the Western Hemisphere. (continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|6.3.8 Identify major biomes*, and explain ways in which |Africa/Savana |Instruction: |Pages 186-188 |

|the natural environment of places in Europe and the |Rainforest |Brainstorming |W – p 45 |

|Americas relates to their climate, which is influenced by|Deserts |Guiding questions | |

|earth/sun relationships. |Grasslands |KWLQ |Pages 208-211 |

| |Earth/Sun relationship |Video analysis |W – p 51 |

| | |Direct instruction | |

| | |Compare/contrast |Pages 228-229, 371, 393 |

| | |Guided learning | |

| | | | |

| | |Assessment: | |

| | |Paper/pencil test | |

| | |Matching | |

| | |Essay | |

| | |Short answer | |

|* biomes: major ecological communities, such as | |Critical thinking | |

|rainforest, desert, grassland | |Discussions | |


|Standard 3: Students will identify the characteristics of climate regions in Europe and the Americas and describe major physical features, countries, and cities of Europe and the Western Hemisphere. (continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|Human Systems |

|6.3.9 Identify patterns of population distribution and |Growth in Europe |Instruction: |Pages 634, 654-658 |

|growth in Europe and the Americas, and explain changes in|Changes in patterns occurred over time: |Compare/contrast | |

|these patterns, which have occurred over time. |Migration |Direct instruction |Pages 654-658 |

| |Spread of Christianity |Review |W – 162 |

| | |Re-teach |T - #23 |

| |Growth in Americas |Read aloud |E – 306-309 |

| |Changes in patterns occurred over time: | |Q – 154-155 |

| |Industrial Revolution |Assessment: | |

| |Roads, rivers, railways |Pencil/paper | |

| | |T/F | |

| | |Matching | |

| | |Multiple choice | |

| | |Graphic organizer | |

| | |Papers | |

| | |Discussions | |


|Standard 3: Students will identify the characteristics of climate regions in Europe and the Americas and describe major physical features, countries, and cities of Europe and the Western Hemisphere. (continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|6.3.10 Compare and contrast cultural patterns, such as |Most South Americans are descended from Native |Instruction: |Pages 170-171 |

|language, religion, and ethnicity, in various parts of |Americans, Africans, or Europeans colonized mainly by|KWLQ | |

|Europe, the Caribbean, and North, South, and Central |Spain. Most are Spanish and Catholic. |Guiding question |Pages 186-188 |

|America. | |Rubric |W – p 45 |

| |Religion |Direct instruction |T - #13 |

| | |Read aloud | |

| |Language |Re-teach |Pages 436-437 |

| | | | |

| |Arts and Literature |Assessment: | |

| | |Multiple choice | |

| |Ethnicity |Short answer | |

| | |Matching | |

| | |Group work | |

| | |Critical thinking | |

| | | | |


|Standard 3: Students will identify the characteristics of climate regions in Europe and the Americas and describe major physical features, countries, and cities of Europe and the Western Hemisphere. (continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|6.3.11 Research the reasons for the locations of the |Track mad cow disease from start to current times. |Instruction: |Pages 162-163 |

|major manufacturing and agricultural regions of Europe |How does this affect the economy? |Brainstorming | |

|and the Americas, using a variety of information | |Create a time chart |Pages 186-188 |

|Resource**s*. |What affects and fears were concurred? |Guiding questions | |

| | |Problem-solving approach |W – p 45 |

| |Use Internet articles, magazines, newspaper articles,|Cooperative group work |T - #13 |

| |and FDA web site. |Access to electronic database | |

| | |Multimedia instruction/presentations |Pages 394-395 |

| | | |W – 98 |

| | |Assessment: |T - #20 |

| | |Paper and pencil test |E – 190-193 |

| | |Essay |Q – 96-97 |

| | |End reflections | |

| | |Critical thinking |Pages 475-479 |

| | |Graph and analysis quiz |W – 198 |

|* information Resource**s: print media, including books, | | |T - #1 |

|magazines, and newspapers; electronic media, such as | | |E – 230-233 |

|radio, television, web sites, and databases; and | | |Q – 116-117 |

|community Resource**s, such as individuals and | | |T - #13 |

|organizations | | |E – 226-229 |

| | | |Q – 114-115 |


|Standard 3: Students will identify the characteristics of climate regions in Europe and the Americas and describe major physical features, countries, and cities of Europe and the Western Hemisphere. (continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|Environment and Society |

|6.3.12 Analyze the distribution of natural Resource**s in|Choose a natural Resource**: |Instruction: |Pages 665-666 |

|Europe and the Western Hemisphere. |Example: |Brainstorm | |

| |coffee from the Caribbean |Guiding questions |Page 659 |

| | |Access to electronic database |W - 163 |

| |Discuss: |Multimedia instruction | |

| |Climate/region of growth |Note taking | |

| |Physical features of country and why Resource** is |Overview of assignment | |

| |there |Use scientific method | |

| |Follow Resource** from harvest | | |

| |through distribution |Assessment: | |

| | |Graphic organizer | |

| | |Investigation | |

| | |Informal observation | |

| | |Journals | |


|Standard 3: Students will identify the characteristics of climate regions in Europe and the Americas and describe major physical features, countries, and cities of Europe and the Western Hemisphere. (continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|6.3.13 Analyze and give examples of the consequences of |Discuss the Hoover Dam and its effect on the area. |Instruction |Pages 660-663 |

|human impact on the physical environment, and evaluate | |Brainstorm |W – 164 |

|ways in which technology influences human capacity to |What was it like before the dam? |Direct instruction |T - #21 |

|modify the physical environment. | |Video analysis |E – 310-313 |

| |What happened after the dam was built? |Conferencing |Q – 156-157 |

| | |Guided learning | |

| |How did the dam effect the physical environment? |Schematic drawing |Pages 666-667 |

| | | |W – 165 |

| |Evaluate other ways technology influences human |Assessment: |T - #23 |

| |capacity to modify the physical environment. |Multiple choice |E – 314-317 |

| | |Short answer |Q – 158-159 |

| | |Essay | |

| | |Reports | |

| | |End reflection | |

| | | | |


|Standard 3: Students will identify the characteristics of climate regions in Europe and the Americas and describe major physical features, countries, and cities of Europe and the Western Hemisphere. (continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|6.3.14 Give examples of how both natural and |Discuss oil spills and the effects it has on the |Instruction: |Pages 665-667 |

|technological hazards have impacted the physical |population: species, climate, etc. |Guiding questions |W – 162 |

|environment and human populations in specific areas of | |Access to electronic database |T - #23 |

|Europe and the Americas. |Discuss the effects of anthrax. |Multimedia instruction |E – 314-317 |

| |What impact does it have on the world? How could it |Video analysis |Q – 158-159 |

| |change the world? Could it wipe out the human |Discovery learning | |

| |population? |Sequencing |Page 657 |

| | |Student research |W – 162 |

| | | | |

| | |Assessment |Pages 661-663 |

| | |Learning log |W – 164 |

| | |Discussion |T - #21 |

| | |Investigation |E – 310-313 |

| | |Reports |Q – 156-157 |


|Standard 3: Students will identify the characteristics of climate regions in Europe and the Americas and describe major physical features, countries, and cities of Europe and the Western Hemisphere. (continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|Uses of Geography |

|6.3.15 Give examples of how land and water forms, |Discuss : |Instruction: |Pages 246-248, 393-395 |

|climate, and natural vegetation have influenced |How land and water forms: |Guiding questions | |

|historical trends and developments in Europe and the |mountains, hills, plateaus, plains, etc. |Response to study questions |Pages 439-440 |

|Western Hemisphere. | |Video analysis |W – 108 |

| |Discuss: |Reading aloud |T - #6 |

| |How land and water effects climate: atmosphere, |Compare/contrast |E – 210-213 |

| |weather, earth’s surface, the ocean’s cooling and | |Q – 106-107 |

| |warming system |Assessment: | |

| | |Critical thinking |Page 445 |

| |Discuss: |Discussion | |

| |How land and water effects vegetation: arid climate,|Short answer | |

| |rainforest, semiarid climate |Concept, topic, maps | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |


|Standard 3: Students will identify the characteristics of climate regions in Europe and the Americas and describe major physical features, countries, and cities of Europe and the Western Hemisphere. (continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|6.3.16 Identify environmental issues that affect Europe |Acid rain |Instruction: |Pages 228-229, 394 |

|and the Americas. Examine contrasting perspectives on | |Brainstorming | |

|these problems, and explain how human-induced changes in |Air and water pollution |Response to study guide question |Pages 661-666 |

|the physical environment in one place cause changes in | |Group work |W – 164 |

|another place. |Deforestation |Minilessons |T - #21 |

| | |Classifications |E – 310-313 |

| | |Student research |Q – 156-157 |

| | | | |

| | |Assessment: | |

| | |Paper/pencil test | |

| | |T/F | |

| | |End reflection | |

| | |Critical thinking | |

| | | | |

| | | | |


|Standard 4: Students will examine the influence of physical and cultural factors upon the economic systems of countries in Europe and the Americas. |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|6.4.1 Give examples of how trade related to key |The growth of trading towns and cities in Medieval |Instruction: |Pages 391, 408-409, 431, 445, 611 |

|developments in the history of Europe and the Americas. |Europe led to money economies. |Direct instruction | |

| | |Cooperative group work |Pages 335-336 |

| |Competition to expand world trade led to European |Read–group/individual |W – 107 |

| |voyages of trade and exploration. | |T - #6 |

| | |Assessment: |E – 206-209 |

| | |Test |Q – 104-105 |

| | |Timeline | |

| | |Graphic organizer |Page 404 |

| | |Concept topic maps |W – 100 |

| | | | |

| | | |Page 449 |

| | | |W – 109 |

| | | | |

| | | |Pages 631-633 |

| | | |W – 156 |

| | | |T - #20 |

| | | |E – 294-297 |

| | | |Q – 148-149 |


|Standard 4: Students will examine the influence of physical and cultural factors upon the economic systems of countries in Europe and the Americas. (continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|6.4.2 Analyze how countries of Europe and the Americas |Increased production and consumption |Instruction: |Pages 58-59, 269 |

|have benefited from trade in different historical | |Direct instruction | |

|periods. |Lower prices |Read–group/individual |Pages 334-338 |

| | |Electronic database access |W – p 81 |

| | | |T - #20 |

| | |Assessment: |E – pp 158-161 |

| | |Test |Q – pp 80-81 |

| | |Timeline | |

| | |Artistic presentation |Pages 406-407 |

| | | | |

| | | |Pages 448-449 |

| | | |W – p 109 |

| | | | |

| | | |Pages 630-635 |

| | | |W – 156 |

| | | |T - #20 |

| | | |E – 294-297 |

| | | |Q – 148-149 |


|Standard 4: Students will examine the influence of physical and cultural factors upon the economic systems of countries in Europe and the Americas. (continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|6.4.3 Explain why international trade requires a system | |Instruction: |Pages 59, 339, 632 |

|for exchanging currency between nations, and provide | |Direct instruction | |

|examples of currencies from Europe and the Americas. | |Electronic database access |Related Content |

| | |Reading–group/individual |38,375 |

| | |Note taking | |

| | | | |

| | |Assessment: | |

| | |Test | |

| | |Graph data | |

| | |Note taking | |

| | | | |


|Standard 4: Students will examine the influence of physical and cultural factors upon the economic systems of countries in Europe and the Americas. (continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|6.4.4 Define types of trade barriers*. |Tariffs |Instruction: |Page 631 |

| | |Direct instruction | |

| | | | |

| | |Assessment: | |

| | |Test | |

| | |Graphic organizer | |

| | |Artistic products | |

| | |Dramatization | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|* trade barriers: things that hinder trade, such as | | | |

|tariffs, quotas, or embargoes | | | |


|Standard 4: Students will examine the influence of physical and cultural factors upon the economic systems of countries in Europe and the Americas. (continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|6.4.5 Describe how different economic systems* | |Instruction: |Pages 38, 89, 269, 351, 399, 411, 480, 494, 543, |

|(traditional*, command*, market*, mixed*) in Europe and | |Direct instruction |546, 611, 631-633 |

|the Americas answer the basic economic questions on what | |Read – group/individual | |

|to produce, how to produce, and for whom to produce. | | | |

| | |Assessment: | |

| | |Test | |

|* economic systems: ways that people allocate economic | |Artistic presentations | |

|Resource**s, goods, and services | |Dramatization | |

|* traditional economy: Resource**s allocated based on | | | |

|custom and tradition | | | |

|* command economy: Resource**s are allocated by the | | | |

|government or other central authority | | | |

|* market economy: Resource**s are allocated by | | | |

|individuals | | | |

|* mixed economy: Resource**s are allocated by some | | | |

|combination of traditional, command, or market systems | | | |


|Standard 4: Students will examine the influence of physical and cultural factors upon the economic systems of countries in Europe and the Americas. (continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|6.4.6 Explain how financial institutions (banks, credit | |Instruction: |Page 336 |

|unions, stocks-and-bonds markets) channel funds from | |Direct instruction | |

|savers to borrowers and investors. | |Read – group/individual |Page 543 |

| | |Electronic database access | |

| | | | |

| | |Assessment: | |

| | |Test | |

| | |Artistic presentations | |

| | |Dramatization | |

| | |Graphic organizer | |


|Standard 4: Students will examine the influence of physical and cultural factors upon the economic systems of countries in Europe and the Americas. (continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|6.4.7 Compare the standard of living of various countries| |Instruction: |Pages 631, 635 |

|of Europe and the Americas today using Gross Domestic | |Direct instruction | |

|Product* (GDP) per capita as an indicator. | |Read – group/individual | |

| | |Electronic database access | |

| | | | |

| | |Assessment: | |

|* Gross Domestic Product (GDP): the value of all final | |Test | |

|goods and services produced in a country in a year | |Artistic presentation | |

| | |Dramatization | |

| | |Graphic organizer | |


|Standard 4: Students will examine the influence of physical and cultural factors upon the economic systems of countries in Europe and the Americas. (continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|6.4.8 Analyze current economic issues in the countries of|Use information search methods and the Internet to |Instruction: |Pages 630-633, 635 |

|Europe or the Americas using a variety of information |examine changes in energy prices and consumption. |Direct instruction | |

|Resource**s*. | |Read–group/individual | |

| | |Electronic database access | |

| | |Compare/contrast | |

| | | | |

| | |Assessment: | |

| | |Test | |

| | |Artistic presentation | |

|* information Resource**s: print media, including books, | |Dramatization | |

|magazines, and newspapers; electronic media, such as | |Compare/contrast | |

|radio, television, web sites, and databases; and | | | |

|community Resource**s, such as individuals and | | | |

|organizations | | | |


|Standard 4: Students will examine the influence of physical and cultural factors upon the economic systems of countries in Europe and the Americas. (continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|6.4.9 Identify economic connections between the local |Look at labels, tags, and so on, for source of |Instruction: |Pages 630-631 |

|community and the countries of Europe or the Americas, |products |Direct instruction |W – 156 |

|and identify job skills needed to be successful in the | |Read – group/individual |T - #20 |

|workplace. | |Electronic database access |E – 294-297 |

| | |Compare/contrast |Q – 148-149 |

| | |Interview | |

| | | | |

| | |Assessment: | |

| | |Test | |

| | |Artistic presentation | |

| | |Dramatization | |

| | |Compare/contrast | |

| | |Interview notes | |

| | | | |


|Standard 4: Students will examine the influence of physical and cultural factors upon the economic systems of countries in Europe and the Americas. (continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|6.4.10 Identify situations in which the actions of | |Instruction: |Pages 5, 288-230 |

|consumers and producers in Europe or the Americas help or| |Direct instruction | |

|harm other individuals who are not directly involved in | |Read – group/individual |Pages 661-666 |

|the consumption or production of a product. | | |W – 164 |

| | |Assessment: |T - #20 |

| | |Test |E – 310-313 |

| | |Artistic presentation |Q – 156-157 |

| | | | |


|Standard 4: Students will examine the influence of physical and cultural factors upon the economic systems of countries in Europe and the Americas. (continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|6.4.11 Give reasons why saving and investment are |Savings accounts |Instruction: |Related Content |

|important to the economies of the United States and other| |Direct instruction |Pages 480, 543, 630-631 |

|countries, and compare and contrast individual saving and|Certificates of deposit |Read – group/individual | |

|investment options. | |Compare/contrast | |

| |Stocks |Note taking | |

| | | | |

| | |Assessment: | |

| | |Test | |

| | |Artistic presentation | |

| | |Dramatization | |

| | |Compare/contrast | |

| | |Notes | |

| | | | |


|Standard 5: Students will examine the role of individuals and groups in societies of Europe and the Americas, identify connections among cultures, and trace the influence of cultures of the past on present |

|societies. They will also analyze patterns of change, including the impact of scientific and technological innovations, and examine the role of artistic expression in selected cultures of Europe and the |

|Americas. |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|6.5.1 Explain the term socialization*, and compare the |Compare the different types of schooling that people |Instruction: |Page 125 |

|way people learn the rules and their roles in the groups |have received in different times and places, such as |Compare/contrast | |

|to which they belong in different cultures and times. |in Ancient Greece and Rome, in Medieval Europe, and |Direct instruction |Page 139 |

| |early America. |Picture reading |W – p 32 |

| | |Reading–group/individual | |

| |Compare schools in specific countries in Europe with | |Pages 169, 179, 283, 410-403 |

| |those in the United States from the present. |Assessment: | |

| | |Compare/contrast | |

| | |Graphic organizer | |

|* socialization: the process through which people learn | |Test | |

|the rules of society | | | |


|Standard 5: Students will examine the role of individuals and groups in societies of Europe and the Americas, identify connections among cultures, and trace the influence of cultures of the past on present |

|societies. They will also analyze patterns of change, including the impact of scientific and technological innovations, and examine the role of artistic expression in selected cultures of Europe and the |

|Americas. (continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|6.5.2 Distinguish between the material* and non-material*| |Instruction: |Pages 17, 23, 52, 89, 137, 169, 179, 262 |

|aspects of culture. | |Direct instruction | |

| | |Photos/pictures |Pages 282-284 |

| | |Graphic organizers |W – p 70 |

| | | |T - #1 |

| | |Assessment: |E – pp 130-133 |

| | |Test |Q – pp 66-67 |

| | |Graphic organizers | |

| | | | |

|* material culture: the things that a society makes or | | | |

|uses, such as clothing, shelter, food, tools, and other | | | |

|things needed for both survival and enjoyment | | | |

|* non-material culture: behavior, such as customs, | | | |

|traditions, beliefs, values, interactions among people, | | | |

|and ways of going about daily activities | | | |


|Standard 5: Students will examine the role of individuals and groups in societies of Europe and the Americas, identify connections among cultures, and trace the influence of cultures of the past on present |

|societies. They will also analyze patterns of change, including the impact of scientific and technological innovations, and examine the role of artistic expression in selected cultures of Europe and the |

|Americas. (continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|6.5.3 Explain that cultures change in three ways: through| |Instruction: |Page 169 |

|cultural diffusion*, invention*, and innovation*. | |Direct instruction | |

| | |Photos/pictures |Pages 266-271 |

| | |Read–group/individual |W – p 65 |

| | |Read aloud |T - #20 |

| | | |E – pp 122-125 |

| | |Assessment: |Q – pp 62-63 |

| | |Test | |

| | |Socratic seminar |Pages 335-336 |

| | |Story |W – 81 |

| | |Poem |T - #20 |

| | |Dramatization |E – 158-161 |

|* cultural diffusion: the spread of ideas from one | | |Q – 80-81 |

|culture to another | | | |

|* invention: a new idea about how something can be made | | |Page 441 |

|or done | | | |

|* innovation: an improvement in a culture’s technology | | | |


|Standard 5: Students will examine the role of individuals and groups in societies of Europe and the Americas, identify connections among cultures, and trace the influence of cultures of the past on present |

|societies. They will also analyze patterns of change, including the impact of scientific and technological innovations, and examine the role of artistic expression in selected cultures of Europe and the |

|Americas. (continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|6.5.4 Give examples of how religious beliefs and |The spread of Christianity from Europe to the |Instruction: |Pages 295-297, 302 |

|philosophical ideas have spread from one culture to |Americas during the colonial period and the exchange |Direct instruction |W – p 72 |

|another among societies of Europe and the Americas. |of ideas about democratic government between Europe |Reading–group/individual |T - #1 |

| |and the Americas in the past and the present are | |E – pp 138-141 |

| |examples of the diffusion of ideas. |Assessment: |Q – pp 70-71 |

| | |Test | |

| | | |Pages 320-332 |

| | | | |

| | | |Page 408 |


|Standard 5: Students will examine the role of individuals and groups in societies of Europe and the Americas, identify connections among cultures, and trace the influence of cultures of the past on present |

|societies. They will also analyze patterns of change, including the impact of scientific and technological innovations, and examine the role of artistic expression in selected cultures of Europe and the |

|Americas. (continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|6.5.5 Identify examples of inventions and technological |Innovations in communications, such as computer |Instruction: |Pages 434-435, 475-477, 479-481 |

|innovations that have brought about cultural change in |technology, help to spread information and ideas very|Direct instruction |W – 118 |

|Europe and the Americas, and examine their impact. |rapidly. |Picture reading |T - #1 |

| | |Read aloud |E – 230-233 |

| |One result may be an increase in the rate of cultural|Reading–group/individual |Q – 116-117 |

| |change. |Cooperative groups | |

| | | | |

| | |Assessment: | |

| | |Test | |

| | |Notes | |

| | |Group reports | |

| | |Graphic organizer | |


|Standard 5: Students will examine the role of individuals and groups in societies of Europe and the Americas, identify connections among cultures, and trace the influence of cultures of the past on present |

|societies. They will also analyze patterns of change, including the impact of scientific and technological innovations, and examine the role of artistic expression in selected cultures of Europe and the |

|Americas. (continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|6.5.6 Define the terms anthropology* and the related | |Instruction: |Pages 10-17 |

|field of archeology*, and explain how these fields | |Direct instruction |W -= p 3 |

|contribute to our understanding of societies in the | | |T - #10 |

|present and the past. | |Assessment: |E – pp 2-5 |

| | |Test |Q – pp 2-3 |

| | | | |

| | | |Pages 280-281 |

|* anthropology: the study of human beings; there are four| | | |

|major fields of anthropology: cultural anthropology, | | | |

|forensic anthropology, linguistics, and archeology | | | |

|* archeology: a branch of anthropology, which studies | | | |

|past cultures through the things that remain, such as | | | |

|buildings, tools, or pottery | | | |


|Standard 5: Students will examine the role of individuals and groups in societies of Europe and the Americas, identify connections among cultures, and trace the influence of cultures of the past on present |

|societies. They will also analyze patterns of change, including the impact of scientific and technological innovations, and examine the role of artistic expression in selected cultures of Europe and the |

|Americas. (continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|6.5.7 Examine art, music, literature, and architecture in|Murals – Aztec to Mexico to urban Hispanic |Instruction: |Pages 13, 26-29 |

|Europe and the Americas; explain their relationship to |neighborhoods |Audiovisual |W – p 6 |

|the societies that created them, and give examples of how| |Pictures |T - #1 |

|artistic ideas have spread from one culture to another. |People: |Direct instruction |E – pp 10-13 |

| |Diego Rivera |Read aloud |Q – pp 6-7 |

| | | | |

| | |Assessment: |Pages 432-433 |

| | |Artistic presentations |W – 107 |

| | |Reports oral/written |T - #6 |

| | |Dramatization |E – 206-209 |

| | |Multimedia reports |Q – 104-105 |


|Standard 5: Students will examine the role of individuals and groups in societies of Europe and the Americas, identify connections among cultures, and trace the influence of cultures of the past on present |

|societies. They will also analyze patterns of change, including the impact of scientific and technological innovations, and examine the role of artistic expression in selected cultures of Europe and the |

|Americas. (continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|6.5.8 Use a variety of Resource**s including newspapers, |Population |Instruction: |Pages 634-635 |

|magazines, web sites, and databases, to collect and | |Read aloud |W – 157 |

|analyze data on cultural factors in countries of Europe |Religion |Graphic organizers | |

|and the Americas. Use charts, graphs, and other data to | |Graph analysis |Page 343 |

|compare and hypothesize the relation of these factors to |Language |Socratic Seminar |W – 83 |

|a nation’s development. | | | |

| | |Assessment: |Page 562 |

| | |Written reflection |W – 139 |

| | |Graphic organizer | |

| | |Compare/contrast |Page 655 |

| | |Socratic seminar | |


|Standard 5: Students will examine the role of individuals and groups in societies of Europe and the Americas, identify connections among cultures, and trace the influence of cultures of the past on present |

|societies. They will also analyze patterns of change, including the impact of scientific and technological innovations, and examine the role of artistic expression in selected cultures of Europe and the |

|Americas. (continued) |

|Indicator |Example |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource** |

|6.5.9 Examine artifacts*, including documents*, from |A seashell is a natural object, but a seashell that |Instruction: |Pages 28, 43-43, 59, 172, 191, 215 |

|other cultures to determine their use and significance. |has been made into a necklace is an artifact. |Direct instruction | |

| | |Read aloud |Pages 226-227 |

| | |Pictures/graphs/artifact examination |W – p 56 |

| | |Cooperative groups | |

| | | |Pages 280-281 |

| | |Assessment: |W – p 69 |

| | |Test | |

| | |Artistic presentations |Pages 288-293 |

| | | |W – p 71 |

| | | |T - #23 |

| | | |E – pp 134-137 |

|* artifact: any object made or modified for use by human | | |Q – pp 68-69 |

|beings | | | |

|* document: a two-dimensional artifact, such as a letter,| | | |

|chart, map, photograph, painting, or drawing | | | |


|Unit 1: Classic Western European Civilization: Greece and Rome |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource* |

|History |6.1.1 Describe the development of ancient Aegean |Instruction: |Chapter 9, Lessons 1-4 |

| |civilization, and the Greek city-based republics, |Overhead Transparency Maps | |

| |including the cultural achievements of Athens. |Graph Analysis | |

| | |Graphing | |

| |6.1.2. Trace the major developments and achievements |Direct Instruction | |

| |of the Roman Republic and the rise and expansion of |Read Aloud | |

| |the Roman Empire. |Cooperative Group Work |Chapter 10, Lessons 1-3 |

| | |Student Research | |

| |6.1.3 Describe the migration of Jews and the spread |Charts | |

| |of Christianity and the Roman Catholic Church in |Compare/Contrast | |

| |Western Europe during the Roman Empire. |KWLQ | |

| | |Schematic Drawing | |

| |6.1.4 Analyze the reasons for the decline and fall of|Picture Reading |Chapter 10, Lessons 4 & 5 |

| |the Roman Empire. |Outlines | |

| | |Note Taking | |

| |6.1.5 Explain the continuation and contributions of |Socratic Seminar | |

| |the eastern Roman Empire, referred to as the |Reading Group/Individual | |

| |Byzantine Empire, after the fall of Rome, including |Interviews | |

| |its influence on the spread of Christianity in Russia|Internet Search |Chapter 20, Lessons 3-5 |

| |and Eastern Europe. | | |

| | |Assessment: | |

| | |Timeline | |

| | |Maps |Chapter 10, Lesson 5 |

| | |Cartoons |Chapter 11, Lessons 1 & 2 |

| | |Journal |Chapter 14, Lessons 1-4 |

| | |Reports | |

| | |Graphic Organizer | |

| | |Debate | |

| | |Tests | |

|Unit 1: Classic Western European Civilization: Greece and Rome (continued) |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource* |

|History (continued) |6.1.17 Use the terms "decade," "century," and |Assessment (con’t.) |Chapter 9, Lessons 1-4 |

| |"millennium," and compare alternative ways that |Art Product | |

| |historical periods and eras are designated by |Role Play/Simulation |Chapter 10, Lessons 1-5 |

| |identifying the organizing principles upon which each |Socratic Seminar | |

| |is based. |Notes |Chapter 11, Lessons 1 & 2 |

| | |Group Reports | |

| | |End Reflections |Chapter 14, Lessons 1-4 |

| | |Essay | |

| | |Written Reports | |

| | |Oral Reports | |

|Unit 1: Classic Western European: Greece and Rome (continued) |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource* |

|Government |6.2.1 Compare the characteristics of different types of| |Chapter 9, Lesson 2 |

| |government developed by ancient European civilizations,| | |

| |such as the Greek democracies, the Roman Republic, and | |Chapter 10, Lesson 2 |

| |the Roman Empire, and compare these to governments | | |

| |today. | | |

|Unit 2: Western European: Greece and Rome |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource* |

|Culture |6.5.1 Explain the term socialization*, and compare the |Instruction: |Text pp 284 |

| |way people learn the rules and their roles in the |Compare/Contrast | |

| |groups to which they belong in different cultures and |Direct Instruction | |

| |times. |Picture Reading | |

| | |Reading Group/Individual | |

| |6.5.2 Distinguish between the material* and |Graphic Organizers | |

| |non-material* aspects of culture. |Audio Visual |Test pp 130-133, 282-285 |

| | |Read Aloud | |

| | |Cooperative Groups | |

| | |Socratic Seminar | |

| | | | |

| | |Assessment | |

| | |Compare/Contrast | |

| |* socialization: the process through which people learn|Test | |

| |the rules of society. |Graphic Organizers | |

| |* material culture: the things that a society makes or |Test | |

| |uses, such as clothing, shelter, food, tools, and other|Graphic Organizer | |

| |things needed for both survival and enjoyment. |Reports Oral/Written | |

| |* non-material culture: behavior, such as customs, |Dramatization | |

| |traditions, beliefs, values, interactions among people,|Artistic Presentations | |

| |and ways of going about daily activities. |Socratic Seminar | |

|Unit 2: Western European: Greece and Rome (continued) |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource* |

|Culture (continued) |6.5.3 Explain that cultures change in three ways: | |Chapter 4, Lesson 4 |

| |through cultural diffusion*, invention*, and | | |

| |innovation*. | |Chapter 5, Lesson 4 |

| | | | |

| |6.5.4 Give examples of how religious beliefs and | | |

| |philosophical ideas have spread from one culture to | |Chapter 4, Lesson 4 |

| |another among societies of Europe and the Americas. | | |

| | | |Chapter 5, Lesson 2 |

| | | | |

| |* cultural diffusion: the spread of ideas from one | | |

| |culture to another | | |

| |* invention: a new idea about how something can be made| | |

| |or done | | |

| |* innovation: an improvement in a culture's technology | | |

|Unit 2: Western European: Greece and Rome (continued) |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource* |

|Culture (continued) |6.5.6 Define the terms anthropology* and the related | |Chapter 1, Lesson 1 |

| |field of archeology*, and explain how these fields | | |

| |contribute to our understanding of societies in the | | |

| |present and the past. | | |

| | | | |

| |6.5.7 Examine art, music, literature, and architecture | | |

| |in Europe and the Americas; explain their relationship | | |

| |to the societies that created them, and give exampes of| |Chapter 1, Lesson 3 |

| |how artistic ideas have spread from one culture to | | |

| |another. | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |* anthropology: the study of human beings; there are | | |

| |four major fields of anthropology: cultural | | |

| |anthropology, forensic anthropology, linguistics, and | | |

| |aracheology | | |

| |* archeology: a branch of anthropology, which studies | | |

| |past cultures through the things that remain, such as | | |

| |buildings, tools, or pottery | | |

|Unit 2: Western European: Greece and Rome (continued) |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource* |

|Culture (continued) |6.5.9 Examine artifacts*, including documents*, from | |Test pp 28, 42, 43, 59, 172, 191, 215, 226, |

| |other cultures to determine their use and significance.| |227, 280, 281, 288-293 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |* artifact: any object made or modified for use by | | |

| |human beings | | |

| |* document: a two-dimensional artifact, such as a | | |

| |letter, chart, map, photograph, painting, or drawing | | |

|Unit 3: European Middle Ages |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource* |

|History |6.1.7 Analyze the diverse points of view and interests |Instruction: |Chapter 14, Lesson 4 |

| |of those involved in the Crusades and give examples of |KWLQ | |

| |the changes brought about by the Crusades. |Overhead Transparency Maps | |

| | |Graph Analysis | |

| |6.1.8 Explain the effects of the Black Death, or |Graphing | |

| |bubonic plague, along with economic, environmental, and|Direct Instruction | |

| |social factors that led to the decline of medieval |Outlines |Chapter 14, Lesson 4 |

| |monarchies. |Graphic Organizer | |

| | |Schematic Drawing | |

| |6.1.11 Analyze the inter-connections of people, places,|Cooperative Group Work | |

| |and events in the economic, scientific, and cultural |Picture Reading | |

| |exchanges that led to the European Renaissance and |Note Taking | |

| |voyages of discovery. |Socratic Seminar | |

| | |Guiding Questions |Chapter 15, Lessons 1 & 2 |

| |6.1.12 Describe the development of Spain during and |Group Reading | |

| |after the defeat of the Muslims and the completion of |Read Aloud | |

| |the "re-conquest" in 1492. |Timelines | |

| | |Compare/Contrast | |

| | |Internet Search | |

| | |Group Research | |

| | |Re-teach |Chapter 11, Lessons 3 & 4 |

| | |Review | |

| | | | |

| | |Assessment: | |

| | |Test | |

| | |Graphic Organizer | |

| | |Reports (Written & Oral) | |

| | |Notes | |

| | |Timeline | |

| | |Socratic Seminar | |

|Unit 3: European Middle Ages (continued) |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource* |

|History (continued) |6.1.16 Develop and compare timelines that identify |Assessment (con’t.) |Pp 24-25, 239, 241, 315, 317, 423, 425 |

| |major people, events, and developments in the history |Essay | |

| |of individual civilizations and/or countries that |Discussions | |

| |comprise Europe and the Americas. |Artistic Product | |

| | |Role Play/Simulation | |

| |6.1.17 Use the terms "decade," "century," and |Concept Topic Maps |Pp 24-25, 401-405, 431-437 |

| |"millennium," and compare alternative ways that | | |

| |historical periods and eras are designated by | | |

| |identifying the organizing principles upon which each | | |

| |is based. | | |

| | | | |

| |6.1.19 Analyze cause and effect relationships, keeping | | |

| |in mind multiple causation, including the importance of| |Pp 64-65, 232-233, 280, 308-309, 416-417, 461 |

| |individuals, ideas, human interests, beliefs, and | | |

| |chance in history. | | |

| | | | |

| |6.1.20 Differentiate between factual and fictional | | |

| |historical accounts; explain the meaning of historical | | |

| |passages by identifying who was involved, what | | |

| |happened, where it happened, what events led to these | | |

| |developments, and what consequences or outcomes | | |

| |followed. | | |

|Unit 3: European Middle Ages (continued) |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource* |

|History (continued) |6.1.21 Form research questions, and use a variety of | |Pp 144-145, 280-281, 364-365, 386-387 |

| |information Resource*s* to obtain, evaluate, and | | |

| |present historical data on the peple, places, events, | | |

| |and developments in the history of Europe and the | | |

| |Americas. | | |

| | | | |

| |6.3.9 Identify patterns of population distribution and | | |

| |growth in Europe and the Americas, and explain changes | |Pp 634, 654-658 |

| |in these patterns, which have occurred over time. | | |

| | | | |

| |6.5.4 Give examples of how religious beliefs and | | |

| |philosophical ideas have spread from one culture to | | |

| |another among societies of Europe and the Americas. | | |

| | | |Pp 295-297, 302, 328, 331-332, 408 |

| | | | |

| |*information Resource*s: print media, including books, | | |

| |magazines, and newspapers; electronic media, such as | | |

| |radio, television, web sites, and databases; and | | |

| |community Resource*s, such as individuals and | | |

| |organizations. | | |

|Unit 3: European Middle Ages (continued) |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource* |

|Government |6.1.6 Describe medieval society, and explain the | |Chapter 14, Lesson 3 |

| |political, social, and economic organization provided | | |

| |by the feudal system. | | |

| | | | |

| |6.1.10 Recognize the diverse perspectives, ideas, | | |

| |interests, and personalities that brought about the | |Chapter 15, Lessons 1 & 2 |

| |Renaissance in Europe. | | |

| | | | |

| |6.1.11 Analyze the inter-connections of people, places,| | |

| |and events in the economic, scientific, and cultural | | |

| |exchanges that led to the European Renaissance and | |Chapter 15, Lesson 1 |

| |voyages of discovery. | | |

| | | | |

| |6.2.2 Examine key ideas of the Magna Carta (1215), the | | |

| |Petition of Right (1628), and the English Bill of | | |

| |Rights (1689) as documents to place limits on the | | |

| |English monarchy. | | |

| | | |Chapter 16, Lesson 2 |

|Unit 3: European Middle Ages (continued) |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource* |

|Government (continued) |6.2.3 Define the term nation-state*, and describe the | |Chapter 15, Lesson 1 |

| |rise of nation-states headed by monarchs in Europe from| | |

| |1500 to 1700. | |Chapter 16, Lesson 2 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |* nation-state: a political entity that claims the | | |

| |right to rule over a defined territory and jurisdiction| | |

| |over everyone within it | | |

|Unit 3: European Middle Ages (continued) |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource* |

|Economy |6.1.6 Describe medieval society, and explain the | |Chapter 14, Lesson 3 |

| |political, social, and economic organization provided | | |

| |by the feudal system. | | |

| | | | |

| |6.1.7 Analyze the diverse points of view and interests | | |

| |of those involved in the Crusades and give examples of | |Chapter 14, Lesson 4 |

| |the changes brought about by the Crusades. | | |

| | | | |

| |6.1.9 Examine the importance of Asian trade routes and | | |

| |trace the rise of cultural centers and trading cities, | | |

| |such as Florence and Venice. | | |

| | | |Chapter 15, Lesson 2 |

| |6.1.11 Analyze the inter-connections of people, places,| | |

| |and events in the economic, scientific, and cultural | | |

| |exchanges that led to the European Renaissance and | | |

| |voyages of discovery. | | |

| | | |Chapter 15, Lesson 1 |

|Unit 3: European Middle Ages (continued) |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource* |

|Economy (continued) |6.4.1 Give examples of how trade related to key | |Pp 335-336, 391, 403, 408-409, 431, 445, |

| |developments in the history of Europe and the Americas.| |448-449, 494, 631-633 |

| | | | |

| |6.4.2 Analyze how countries of Europe and the Americas | |Pp 58-59, 335-336, 391, 403, 408-409, 448-449,|

| |have benefited from trade in different historical | |494, 631-633 |

| |periods. | | |

|Unit 3: European Middle Ages (continued) |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource* |

|Arts |6.1.10 Recognize the diverse perspectives, ideas, | |Chapter 15, Lessons 1 & 2 |

| |interests, and personalities that brought about the | | |

| |Renaissance in Europe. | | |

| | | | |

| |6.1.11 Analyze the inter-connections of people, places,| | |

| |and events in the economic, scientific, and cultural | |Chapter 15, Lessons 1 & 2 |

| |exchanges that led to the European Renaissance and | | |

| |voyages of discovery. | | |

| | | | |

| |6.1.18 Recognize historical perspectives in fiction and| | |

| |non-fiction stories by identifying the historical | | |

| |context in which events unfolded and by avoiding | | |

| |evaluation of the past solely ion terms of present-day | |Chapter 8, Unit 3 Review |

| |norms. | |Chapter 10, Unit 4, Review |

| | | |Chapter 14, Unit 5 Review |

| |6.5.7 Examine art, music, literature, and architecture | | |

| |in Europe and the Americas; explain their relationship | | |

| |to the societies that created them, and give examples | |Pp 13, 28-29, 432-433 |

| |of how artistic ideas have spread from one culture to | | |

| |another. | | |

|Unit 4: Modern Europe |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource* |

|Government |6.2.4 Identify major forms of government in Europe and |Instruction: |Chapter 16, Lessons 2 & 3 |

| |the Americas, and compare them with that of the United |Direct Instruction | |

| |States. |Compare/Contrast | |

| | |Graphic Organizer | |

| |6.2.5 Describe the governmental institution of the |Read Aloud | |

| |European Union (EU) and its relationship to the |Cooperative Group Work |P 632 |

| |sovereign governments of particular members of the EU. |Internet Research | |

| | |Reading Group/Individual | |

| |6.2.6 Define citizenship and roles of citizens in |Socratic Seminar | |

| |selected nation-states of Europe and the Americas, and |Graphic Analysis | |

| |make comparisons to the United States of America. |Student Research | |

| | |Small Group Work |Chapter 22, Lessons 2 & 3 |

| | |Drawing | |

| | |Schematic Drawing | |

| | |Story Mapping | |

| | |Picture Reading | |

| | |KWLQ | |

| | |Rubric Development | |

| | |Review | |

| | |Access to Electronic Data Base | |

| | |Brainstorming | |

| | |Guided Questions | |

| | | | |

| | |Assessment: | |

| | |Compare/Contrast | |

| | |Essay | |

| | |Graphic Organizer | |

|Unit 4: Modern Europe (continued) |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource* |

|Government (continued) |6.2.7 Identify the functions of governmental |Assessment (con’t.) |Pp 560, 570, 637, 639 |

| |international organizations in the world today. |Test | |

| | |Drama | |

| | |Report (Oral/Written) | |

| |6.2.8 Analyze the impact of the concept of democracy on |Debate | |

| |nations of Europe and the Americas. |Timeline |Chapter 21, Lesson 3 |

| | |Socratic Seminar | |

| |6.2.9 Use data gathered from a variety of information |Graph Analysis | |

| |Resource*s* to compare different forms of government in |Written Reflection | |

| |Europe and the Americas. |Topic Maps |Chapter 16, Lesson 2 |

| | |Reflection | |

| | |Journals | |

| |* information Resource*s: print media, including books, |Learning Log | |

| |magazines, and newspapers; electronic media, such as |Note Taking | |

| |radio, television, web sites, and databases; and | | |

| |community Resource*s, such as individuals and | | |

| |organizations | | |

|Unit 4: Modern Europe (continued) |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource* |

|Government (continued) |6.5.8 Use a variety of Resource*s including newspapers,| |Chapter 22, Lesson 1 |

| |magazines, web sites, and data bases, to collect and | | |

| |analyze data on cultural factors in countries of Europe| |Pp 561, 652, 655 |

| |and the Americas. Use charts, graphs, and other data | | |

| |to compare and hypothesize the relation of these | | |

| |factors to a nation's development. | | |

|Unit 4: Modern Europe (continued) |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource* |

|Geography |6.3.3 Identify the names and locations of countries and| |Pp 429, 431, 447, 455, 460, 485, 519, 541, |

| |major cities in Europe and the Western Hemisphere. | |569, 629, 632 |

| |Identify the states of Mexico and the provinces of | | |

| |Canada. | | |

| | | | |

| |6.3.4 Describe major physical characteristics* of | | |

| |regions in Europe and the Americas. | | |

| | | |Chapter 7, Lesson 1 |

| |6.3.5 Describe major cultural characteristics* of | |Chapter 8, Lesson 1 |

| |regions in Europe and the Western Hemisphere. | |Chapter 14, Lesson 1 |

| | | | |

| |6.3.7 Locate and map the climate regions of Europe and | |Chapter 22, Lessons 1 & 2 |

| |the Western Hemisphere. Describe the characteristics | |Chapter 23, Lesson 1 |

| |of each, and explain how they differ. | | |

| | | | |

| |* physical characteristics: natural features, such as | |Chapter 6, Lesson 1 |

| |land forms, water forms, climate, natural vegetation, | |Chapter 7, Lesson 1 |

| |and native wildlife | |Chapter 8, Lesson 1 |

| |* cultural characteristics: human features, such as | |Chapter 14, Lesson 1 |

| |population characteristics, communication and | | |

| |transportation networks, religion and customs, how | | |

| |people make a living or build homes and other | | |

| |structures | | |

|Unit 4: Modern Europe (continued) |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource* |

|Geography (continued) |6.3.10 Compare and contrast cultural patterns, such as | |Chapter 6, Lesson 2 |

| |language, religion, and ethnicity, in various parts of | |Chapter 7, Lesson 2 |

| |Europe, the Caribbean, and North, South, and Central | |Chapter 8, Lesson 3 |

| |America. | |Pp 637, 639 |

| | | | |

| |6.3.11 Research the reasons for the locations of the | | |

| |major manufacturing and agricultural regions of Europe | |Chapter 14, Lesson 1 |

| |and the Americas, using a variety of information | |Chapter 16, Lesson 3 |

| |Resource*s*. | | |

| | | | |

| |6.3.12 Analyze the distribution of natural Resource*s | | |

| |in Europe and the Western Hemisphere. | | |

| | | |Pp 659, 665, 666 |

| |6.3.13 Analyze and give examples of the consequences of| | |

| |human impact on the physical environment, and evaluate | | |

| |ways in which technology influences human capacity to | | |

| |modify the physical environment. | |Chapter 23, Lessons 2 & 3 |

| | | | |

| |* information Resource*s: print media, including books,| | |

| |magazines, and newspapers; electronic media, such as | | |

| |radio, television, web sites, and databases; and | | |

| |community Resource*s, such as individuals and | | |

| |organizations. | | |

|Unit 4: Modern Europe (continued) |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource* |

|Geography (continued) |6.3.14 Give examples of how both natural and | |Chapter 23, Lessons 2 & 3 |

| |technological hazards have impacted the physical | | |

| |environment and human populations in specific areas of | | |

| |Europe and the Americas. | | |

| | | | |

| |6.3.16 Identify environmental issues that affect Europe| | |

| |and the Americas. Examine contrasting perspectives on | | |

| |these problems, and explain how human-induced changes | |Chapter 23, Lessons 2 & 3 |

| |in the physical environment in one place cause changes | |Pp 228-229, 394 |

| |in another place. | | |

|Unit 4: Modern Europe (continued) |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource* |

|Economy |6.4.3 Explain why international trade requires a system| |Pp 59, 399, 632 |

| |for exchanging currency between nations, and provide | | |

| |examples of currencies from Europe and the Americas. | | |

| | | | |

| |6.4.5 Describe how different economic systems* | | |

| |(traditional*, command*, market*, mixed*) in Europe and| | |

| |the Americas answer the basic economic questions on | | |

| |what to produce, how to produce, and for whom to | |Chapter 22, Lesson 1 |

| |produce. | |Pp 38, 89, 269, 351, 399, 411, 480, 494, 543, |

| | | |546, 611 |

| |* economic systems: ways that people allocate economic | | |

| |Resource*s, goods, and services | | |

| |* traditional economy: Resource*s allocated based on | | |

| |custom and tradition | | |

| |* command economy: Resource*s are allocated by the | | |

| |government or other central authority | | |

| |* market economy: Resource*s are allocated by | | |

| |individuals | | |

| |* mixed economy: Resource*s are allocated by some | | |

| |combination of traditional, command, or market systems | | |

|Unit 4: Modern Europe (continued) |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource* |

|Economy (continued) |6.4.6 Explain how financial institutions (banks, credit| |Pp 336, 543 |

| |unions, stock-and-bonds markets) channel funds from | | |

| |savers to borrowers and investors. | | |

| | | | |

| |6.4.7 Compare the standard of living of various | | |

| |countries of Europe and the Americas today using Gross | | |

| |Domestic Product* (GDP) per capita as an indicator. | |Pp 631, 635 |

| | | | |

| |6.4.11 Give reasons why saving and investment are | | |

| |important to the economies of the United States and | | |

| |other countries, and compare and contrast individual | | |

| |saving and investment options. | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |* Gross Domestic Product (GDP): the value of all final| | |

| |goods and services produced in a country in a year | | |

|Unit 4: Modern Europe (continued) |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource* |

|Economy (continued) |6.5.5 Identify examples of inventions and technological| |Chapter 15, Lesson 1 |

| |innovations that have brought about cultural change in | |Chapter 16, Lesson 3 & 4 |

| |Europe and the Americas, and examine their impact. | | |

| | | | |

| |6.5.8 Use a variety of Resource*s including newspapers,| | |

| |magazines, web sites, and databases, to collect and | | |

| |analyze data on cultural factors in countries of Europe| |Chapter 22, Lesson 1 |

| |and the Americas. Use charts, graphs, and other data to| |Pp 343, 562, 651, 655 |

| |compare and hypothesize the relation of these factors | | |

| |to a nation's development. | | |

|Unit 5: Classic Latin American Civilization: Aztec, Maya, Inca |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource* |

|History |6.1.13 Describe the development of Mesoamerican* |Instruction: |Chapter 6, Lesson 2 |

| |civilizations, such as the Mayas, Toltecs, and Aztecs |Cooperative Group Work |Chapter 7, Lesson 3 |

| |in Mexico and the Incas in South America, prior to |Student Research | |

| |contact with Europeans. |Compare/Contrast | |

| | |Small Group Work | |

| |6.1.14 Examine the causes and outcomes of the defeat of|Picture Reading/Photos | |

| |the Aztec and Incan empires by the Spanish. |Direct Instruction | |

| | |Read Aloud |Chapter 6, Lesson 3, Review |

| |6.1.15 Compare Spanish colonies in Mexico and South |Guiding Questions |P 201 |

| |America with French and British colonies in Canada. |Note Taking | |

| | |Socratic Seminar | |

| |6.1.16 Develop and compare timelines that identify |Create Chart |Chapter 15, lesson 3 |

| |major people, events, and developments in the history |Outlining |P 502 |

| |of individual civilizations and/or countries that |Timelines | |

| |comprise Europe and the Americas. |Reading Group/Individual | |

| | |Artifact Examination | |

| |* Mesoamerica: the area of Mexico and Central America | |Pp 24-25, 71, 73, 155, 157, 239, 241, 315, |

| |where early civilizations were located |Assessment: |317, 423, 425, 513, 515, 524-525, 571, 599, |

| | |Group Report |601 |

| | |Compare/Contrast | |

| | |Artistic Products | |

| | |Test | |

| | |Socratic Seminar | |

| | |Journal Reflection | |

|Unit 5: Classic Latin American Civilization: Aztec, Maya, Inca (continued) |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource* |

|Culture |6.5.1 Explain the term socialization*, and compare the |Assessment (con’t.) |Chapter 14, Lesson 3 |

| |way people learn the rules and their roles in the |Dramatization |Pp 125, 139, 169, 179, 283 |

| |groups to which they belong in different cultures and |Debate | |

| |times. |Journal | |

| | |Reports | |

| |6.5.2 Distinguish between the material* and |Notes | |

| |non-material* aspects of culture. |Outline |Chapter 10, Lesson 2 |

| | |Timeline |Pp 17, 23, 52, 89, 137, 169, 179, 262 |

| | |Story | |

| |* socialization: the process through which people learn|Poem | |

| |the rules of society |Artistic Presentations | |

| |* material culture: the things that a society makes or | | |

| |uses, such as clothing, shelter, food, tools, and other| | |

| |things needed for both survival and enjoyment | | |

| |* non-material culture: behavior, such as customs, | | |

| |traditions, beliefs, values, interactions among people,| | |

| |and ways of going about daily activities | | |

|Unit 5: Classic Latin American Civilization: Aztec, Maya, Inca (continued) |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource* |

|Culture (continued) |6.5.3 Explain that cultures change in three ways: | |Chapter 9, Lesson 4 |

| |through cultural diffusion*, invention*, and | |Chapter 11, Lesson 4 |

| |innovation*. | | |

| | | | |

| |6.5.6 Define the terms anthropology* and the related | | |

| |field of archeology*, and explain how these fields | |Pp 11, 13, 15, 17, 23, 79, 202, 280-281 |

| |contribute to our understanding of societies in the | | |

| |present and the past. | | |

| | | | |

| |* cultural diffusion: the spread of ideas from one | | |

| |culture to another | | |

| |* invention: a new idea about how something can be made| | |

| |or done | | |

| |* innovation: an improvement in a culture's technology | | |

| |* anthropology: the study of human beings; there are | | |

| |four major fields of anthropology: cultural | | |

| |anthropology, forensic anthropology, linguistics, and | | |

| |archeology | | |

| |* archeology: a branch of anthropology, which studies | | |

| |past cultures through the things that remain, such as | | |

| |buildings, tools, or pottery | | |

|Unit 5: Classic Latin American Civilization: Aztec, Maya, Inca (continued) |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource* |

|Culture (continued) |6.5.9 Examine artifacts*, including documents*, from | |Pp 13, 17, 23, 26, 28, 42, 43, 50, 59, 78, 93,|

| |other cultures to determine their use and significance.| |137, 141, 172, 191, 215, 226-227, 254, |

| | | |280-281, 290-291, 348 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |* artifact: any object made or modified for use by | | |

| |human beings | | |

| |* document: a two-dimensional artifact, such as a | | |

| |letter, chart, map, photograph, painting, | | |

| |or drawing | | |

|Unit 6: Modern Latin America |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource* |

|European Exploration |6.1.18 Recognize historical perspectives in fiction and|Instruction: |Pp 232-233, 308-309, 416-417 |

| |non-fiction stories by identifying the historical |Read Aloud | |

| |context in which events unfolded and by avoiding |Reading Group/Individual | |

| |evaluation of the past solely in terms of present-day |Socratic Seminar | |

| |norms. |Direct Instruction | |

| | |Graphic Organizer | |

| |6.1.19 Analyze cause and effect relationships, keeping |Cooperative Group Work | |

| |in mind multiple causation, including the importance of|Compare/Contrast |Pp 24-25, 86, 156-157, 516-517, 532, 587-589, |

| |individuals, ideas, human interests, beliefs, and |Interviews |663 |

| |chance in history. |Overhead Maps | |

| | |Electronic Database | |

| |6.1.20 Differentiate between factual and fictional |Internet Search | |

| |historical accounts; explain the meaning of historical |Graph Analysis | |

| |passages by identifying who was involved, what |Outlining | |

| |happened, where it happened, what events led to these |KWLQ |Pp 64-65, 232-233, 280-281, 308-309, 370, |

| |developments, and what consequences or outcomes |Schematic Drawings |416-417, 461, 584 |

| |followed. |Demonstration | |

| | |Video Analysis | |

| | |Discovery Learning | |

| | |Student Research | |

| | |Rubric | |

| | |Modeling | |

| | |Brainstorming | |

| | |Chart Making | |

| | | | |

|Unit 6: Modern Latin America (continued) |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource* |

|European Exploration (continued) |6.1.21 Form research questions, and use a variety of |Assessments |Pp 144-145, 280-281, 364-365, 386-387, 472-473|

| |information Resource*s* to obtain, evaluate, and |Role Plays | |

| |present historical data on the people, places, events, |Debate | |

| |and developments in the history of Europe and the |Test | |

| |Americas. |Graphic Organizer | |

| | |Written Reports | |

| | |Group Report | |

| | |Essay | |

| | |Graphic Organizer | |

| | |Notes | |

| |* information Resource*s: print media, including books,|Outline | |

| |magazines, and newspapers; electronic media, such as |Drama | |

| |radio, television, web sites, and databases; and |Timeline | |

| |community Resource*s, such as individuals and |Artistic Production | |

| |organizations |Learning Logs | |

| | |Concept Topic Map | |

| | |Graphs | |

| | |Chart | |

| | |Reflection | |

|Unit 6: Modern Latin America (continued) |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource* |

|Government |6.2.4 Identify major forms of government in Europe and | |Pp 472-473, 621 |

| |the Americas, and compare them with that of the United | | |

| |States. | | |

| | | | |

| |6.2.6 Define citizenship and roles of citizens in | | |

| |selected nation-states of Europe and the Americas, and | |Pp 601, 613, 639-641, 643, 648-649, 661 |

| |make comparisons to the United States of America. | | |

| | | | |

| |6.2.7 Identify the functions of governmental | | |

| |international organizations in the world today. | | |

| | | |Pp 560, 570, 637, 639 |

|Unit 6: Modern Latin America (continued) |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource* |

|Government (continued) |6.2.8 Analyze the impact of the concept of democracy on| |Chapter 21, Lesson 3 |

| |nations of Europe and the Americas. | | |

| | | | |

| |6.2.9 Use data gathered from a variety of information | | |

| |Resource*s* to compare different forms of government in| |Pp 458, 472-473 |

| |Europe and the Americas. | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |* information Resource*s: print media, including books,| | |

| |magazines, and newspapers; electronic media, such as | | |

| |radio, television, web sites, and databases; and | | |

| |community Resource*s, such as individuals and | | |

| |organizations | | |

|Unit 6: Modern Latin America (continued) |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource* |

|Geography |6.3.1 Explain the components of most maps (title, | |Pp 82-83, 166-167, 258-259, 658-659 |

| |scale, legend, grid, and projection). Compare | | |

| |different map types (topographic, thematic, etc.) and | | |

| |different map projections, and explain the appropriate | | |

| |use for each. | | |

| | | | |

| |6.3.2 Use latitude and longitude to locate places on | | |

| |earth and describe the uses of locational technology, | |Pp 194-195 |

| |such as Global Positioning Systems (GPS)* and | | |

| |Geographic Information Systems (GIS)*. | | |

| | | | |

| |6.3.3. Identify the names and locations of countries | | |

| |and major cities in Europe and the Western Hemisphere. | | |

| |Identify the states of Mexico and the provinces of | | |

| |Canada. | |Pp 429, 431, 447, 455, 460, 485, 519, 541, |

| | | |659, 629, 632 |

| |* Global Positioning Systems (GPS): a system of | | |

| |satellites and ground stations used to locate precise | | |

| |points on the surface of the earth | | |

| |* Geographic Information Systems (GIS): information | | |

| |technology systems used to store, analyze, manipulate, | | |

| |and display a wide range of geographic information | | |

|Unit 6: Modern Latin America (continued) |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource* |

|Geography (continued) |6.3.4 Describe major physical characteristics* of | |Chapter 14, Lesson 1 |

| |regions in Europe and the Americas. | |Pp 187-188, 209-210 |

| | | | |

| |6.3.5 Describe major cultural characteristics* of | | |

| |regions in Europe and the Western Hemisphere. | |Chapter 22, Lessons 1 & 2 |

| | | |Chapter 23, Lesson 1 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |* physical characteristics: natural features, such as | | |

| |land forms, water forms, climate, natural vegetation, | | |

| |and native wildlife | | |

| |* cultural characteristics: human features, such as | | |

| |population characteristics, communication and | | |

| |transportation networks, religion and customs, how | | |

| |people make a living or build homes and other | | |

| |structures | | |

|Unit 6: Modern Latin America (continued) |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource* |

|Ecology/Environment |6.3.6 Explain how earth/sun relationships*, ocean | |Pp 23, 394-395, 659 |

| |currents, and winds influence climate differences on | | |

| |the earth. | | |

| | | | |

| |6.3.7 Locate and map the climate regions of Europe and | | |

| |the Western Hemisphere. Describe the characteristics | |Pp 163-164, 186-187, 208, 210-211, 371, |

| |of each, and explain how they differ. | |394-295 |

| | | | |

| |6.3.8 Identify major biomes*, and explain ways in which| | |

| |the natural environment of places in Europe and the | | |

| |Americas relates to their climate, which is influenced | | |

| |by earth/sun relationships. | |Pp 186, 188, 208, 228, 371, 393 |

| | | | |

| |6.3.10 Compare and contrast cultural patterns, such as | | |

| |language, religion, and ethnicity, in various parts of | | |

| |Europe, the Caribbean, and North, South, and Central | | |

| |America | | |

| | | |Chapter 8, Lesson 3 |

| |* earth/sun relationships: the rotation and tilt of the| |Chapter 15, Lesson 1 |

| |earth on its axis and the rotation of the earth around | |Pp 637, 639 |

| |the sun | | |

| |* biomes: major ecological communities, such as | | |

| |rainforest, desert, grassland | | |

|Unit 6: Modern Latin America (continued) |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource* |

|Ecology/Environment (continued) |6.3.11 Research the reasons for the locations of the | |Chapter 16, Lesson 3 |

| |major manufacturing and agricultural regions of Europe | |Pp 163, 187, 394-395 |

| |and the Americas, using a variety of information | | |

| |Resource*s*. | | |

| | | | |

| |6.3.12 Analyze the distribution of natural Resource*s | | |

| |in Europe and the Western Hemisphere. | |Pp 659, 665-666 |

| | | | |

| |6.3.13 Analyze and give examples of the consequences of| | |

| |human impact on the physical environment, and evaluate | | |

| |ways in which technology influences human capacity to | |Chapter 23, Lessons 2 & 3 |

| |modify the physical environment. | | |

| | | | |

| |6.3.14 Give examples of how both natural and | | |

| |technological hazards have impacted the physical | | |

| |environment and human populations in specific areas of | | |

| |Europe and the Americas. | | |

| | | | |

| |* information Resource*s: print media, including books,| |Chapter 23, Lessons 2 & 3 |

| |magazines, and newspapers; electronic media, such as | | |

| |radio, television, web sites, and databases; and | | |

| |community Resource*s, such as individuals and | | |

| |organizations | | |

|Unit 6: Modern Latin America (continued) |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource* |

|Ecology/Environment (continued) |6.3.15 Give examples of how land and water forms, | |Chapter 15, Lesson 2 |

| |climate, and natural vegetation have influenced | |Pp 248, 277, 439, 440, 445 |

| |historical trends and developments in Europe and the | | |

| |Western Hemisphere. | | |

| | | | |

| |6.3.16 Identify environmental issues that affect Europe| | |

| |and the Americas. Examine contrasting perspectives on | | |

| |these problems, and explain how human-induced changes | |Chapter 23, Lessons 2 & 3 |

| |in the physical environment in one place cause changes | |Pp 228-229, 394 |

| |in another place. | | |

|Unit 6: Modern Latin America (continued) |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource* |

|Economy |6.4.1 Give examples of how trade related to key | |Chapter 22, Lesson 1 |

| |developments in the history of Europe and the Americas.| |Pp 335-336, 391, 404, 408-409, 431, 445, 449 |

| | | | |

| |6.4.2 Analyze how countries of Europe and the Americas | |Chapter 22, Lesson 1 |

| |have benefited from trade in different historical | |Pp 48-49, 169, 269, 335-336, 391, 403, |

| |periods. | |408-409, 431, 445, 448-449 |

| | | | |

| |6.4.3 Explain why international trade requires a system| |Pp 59, 399, 632 |

| |for exchanging currency between nations, and provide | | |

| |examples of currencies from Europe and the Americas. | | |

| | | | |

| |6.4.4 Define types of trade barriers*. | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |* trade barriers: things that hinder trade, such as | |P 631 |

| |tariffs, quotas, or embargos | | |

|Unit 6: Modern Latin America (continued) |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource* |

|Economy (continued) |6.4.5 Describe how different economic systems* | |Chapter 22, Lesson 1 |

| |(traditional*, command*, market*, mixed*) in Europe and| |pp 38, 89, 269, 351, 399, 411, 480, 494, 543, |

| |the Americas answer the basic economic questions on | |546, 611 |

| |what to produce, how to produce, and for whom to | | |

| |produce. | | |

| | | | |

| |6.4.6 Explain how financial institutions (banks, credit| | |

| |unions, stock-and-bonds markets) channel funds from | | |

| |savers to borrowers and investors. | |pp 336, 543 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |* economic systems: ways that people allocate economic | | |

| |Resource*s, goods, and services | | |

| |* traditional economy: Resource*s allocated based on | | |

| |custom and tradition | | |

| |* command economy: Resource*s are allocated by the | | |

| |government or other central authority | | |

| |* market economy: Resource*s are allocated by | | |

| |individuals | | |

| |* mixed economy: Resource*s are allocated by some | | |

| |combination of traditional, command, or market systems | | |

|Unit 6: Modern Latin America (continued) |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource* |

|Economy (continued) |6.4.7 Compare the standard of living of various | |pp 631, 635 |

| |countries of Europe and the Americas today using Gross | | |

| |Domestic Product* (GDP) per capita as an indicator. | | |

| | | | |

| |6.4.8 Analyze current economic issues in the countries | | |

| |of Europe or the Americas using a variety of | | |

| |information Resource*s*. | |Chapter 22, Lesson 1 |

| | | | |

| |6.4.9 Identify economic connections between the local | | |

| |community and the countries of Europe or the Americas, | | |

| |and identify job skills needed to be successful in the | | |

| |workplace. | |Chapter 22, Lesson 1 |

| | | | |

| |* Gross Domestic Product (GDP): the value of all final| | |

| |goods and services produced in a country in a year | | |

| |* information Resource*s: print media, including books,| | |

| |magazines, and newspapers; electronic media, such as | | |

| |radio, television, web sites, and databases; and | | |

| |community Resource*s, such as individuals and | | |

| |organizations | | |

|Unit 6: Modern Latin America (continued) |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource* |

|Economy (continued) |6.4.10 Identify situations in which the actions of | |Chapter 23, Lesson 2 |

| |consumers and producers in Europe or the Americas help | |pp 228, 229, 630, 665, 666 |

| |or harm other individuals who are not directly involved| | |

| |in the consumption or production of a product. | | |

| | | | |

| |6.4.11 Give reasons why saving and investment are | | |

| |important to the economies of the United States and | | |

| |other countries, and compare and contrast individual | | |

| |saving and investment options. | |None |

| | | | |

| |6.5.5 Identify examples of inventions and technological| | |

| |innovations that have brought about cultural change in | | |

| |Europe and the Americas, and examine their impact. | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |Chapter 15, Lesson 1 |

| | | |Chapter 16, Lessons 3 & 4 |

|Unit 6: Modern Latin America (continued) |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource* |

|Arts |6.5.7 Examine art, music, literature, and architecture | |pp 13, 28-29, 432-433 |

| |in Europe and the Americas; explain their relationship | | |

| |to the societies that created them, and give examples | | |

| |of how artistic ideas have spread from one culture to | | |

| |another. | | |

| | | | |

| |6.5.8 Use a variety of Resource*s including newspapers,| | |

| |magazines, web sites, and databases, to collect and | | |

| |analyze data on cultural factors in countries of Europe| |pp 343, 562, 634-635, 651, 655 |

| |and the Americas. Use charts, graphs, and other data | | |

| |to compare and hypothesize the relation of these | | |

| |factors to a nation's development. | | |

|Unit 7: Canada |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource* |

|History |6.1.16 Develop and compare timelines that identify |Instruction: |pp 24-25, 154-157, 422-425, 512-515, 524-526, |

| |major people, events, and developments in the history |Timelines |568, 572 |

| |of individual civilizations and/or countries that |Graphic Organizers | |

| |comprise Europe and the Americas. |Outlining | |

| | |Interviews | |

| |6.1.21 Form research questions, and use a variety of |Direct Instruction | |

| |information Resource*s* to obtain, evaluate, and |Overhead Maps | |

| |present historical data on the people, places, events, |Use of Electronic Database |pp 144-145, 280-281, 364-365, 386-387, 472-473|

| |and developments in the history of Europe and the |Internet Search | |

| |Americas. |Graph Analysis | |

| | |Group Research | |

| | |Socratic Seminar | |

| | |Brainstorming | |

| |* information Resource*s: print media, including books,|KWLQ | |

| |magazines, and newspapers; electronic media, such as |Video Analysis | |

| |radio, television, web sites, and databases; and |Compare/Contrast | |

| |community Resource*s, such as individuals and |Guided Learning | |

| |organizations |Read Aloud | |

| | |Rubric Making | |

| | |Schematic Drawings | |

| | |Story Mapping | |

| | |Picture Reading | |

| | | | |

| | |Assessment: | |

| | |Notes | |

| | |Outline | |

| | |Timeline | |

|Unit 7: Canada (continued) |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource* |

|History (continued) |6.3.9 Identify patterns of population distribution and |Assessment (con’t.) |Chapter 23, Lesson 1 |

| |growth in Europe and the Americas, and explain changes |Reports (written/oral) |p 634 |

| |in these patterns, which have occurred over time. |Graphic Organizer | |

| | |Essay | |

| |6.3.10 Compare and contrast cultural patterns, such as |Socratic Seminar | |

| |language, religion, and ethnicity, in various parts of |Test | |

| |Europe, the Caribbean, and North, South, and Central |Discussions |Chapter 7, Lesson 2 |

| |America. |Rubric |Chapter 8, Lesson 3 |

| | |Drama |Chapter 15, Lesson 1 |

| | |Graph |pp 201, 211, 436-437, 637, 639 |

| | |Artistic Production | |

| | |Concept Topic Map | |

| | |Physical/Political Maps | |

|Unit 7: Canada (continued) |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource* |

|Government |6.2.4 Identify major forms of government in Europe and | |pp 472-473, 621 |

| |the Americas, and compare them with that of the United | | |

| |States. | | |

| | | | |

| |6.2.6 Define citizenship and roles of citizens in | | |

| |selected nation-states of Europe and the Americas, and | |Chapter 22, Lesson 2 |

| |make comparisons to the United States of America. | |pp 601, 613, 648-648, 661 |

| | | | |

| |6.2.8 Analyze the impact of the concept of democracy on| | |

| |nations of Europe and the Americas. | | |

| | | | |

| | | |Chapter 21, Lesson 3 |

| | | | |

|Unit 7: Canada (continued) |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource* |

|Government (continued) |6.2.9 Use data gathered from a variety of information | |pp 458, 472-473 |

| |Resource*s* to compare different forms of government in| | |

| |Europe and the Americas. | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |*information Resource*s: print media, including books,| | |

| |magazines, and newspapers; electronic media, such as | | |

| |radio, television, web sites, and databases; and | | |

| |community Resource*s, such as individuals and | | |

| |organizations | | |

|Unit 7: Canada (continued) |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource* |

|Geography |6.3.1 Explain the components of most maps (title, | |pp 82-83, 166-167, 258-259, 658-659 |

| |scale, legend, grid, and projection). Compare | | |

| |different map types (topographic, thematic, etc.) and | | |

| |different map projections, and explain the appropriate | | |

| |use for each. | | |

| | | | |

| |6.3.2 Use latitude and longitude to locate places on | | |

| |earth and describe the uses of locational technology, | |pp 194-195 |

| |such as Global Positioning Systems (GPS)* and | | |

| |Geographic Information Systems (GIS)*. | | |

| | | | |

| |6.3.3. Identify the names and locations of countries | | |

| |and major cities in Europe and the Western Hemisphere. | | |

| |Identify the states of Mexico and the provinces of | | |

| |Canada. | | |

| | | |pp 429, 431, 447, 455, 460, 485, 519, 541, |

| |* Global Positioning Systems (GPS): a system of | |569, 629, 632 |

| |satellites and ground stations used to locate previse | | |

| |points on the surface of the earth | | |

| |* Geographic Information Systems (GIS): information | | |

| |technology systems used to store, analyze, manipulate, | | |

| |and display a wide range of geographic information | | |

|Unit 7: Canada (continued) |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource* |

|Geography (continued) |6.3.4 Describe major physical characteristics* of | |Chapter 14, Lesson 1 |

| |regions in Europe and the Americas. | |pp 187-188, 209, 210 |

| | | | |

| |6.3.5 Describe major cultural characteristics* of | | |

| |regions in Europe and the Western Hemisphere. | |Chapter 23, Lesson 1 |

| | | |pp 189, 211, 297, 634-635, 639 |

| |6.3.15 Give examples of how land and water forms, | | |

| |climate, and natural vegetation have influenced | | |

| |historical trends and developments in Europe and the | |Chapter 14, Lesson 1 |

| |Western Hemisphere. | |pp 248, 277, 439-440, 445 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |* physical characteristics: natural features, such as | | |

| |land forms, water forms, climate, natural vegetation, | | |

| |and native wildlife | | |

| |* cultural characteristics: human features, such as | | |

| |population characteristics, communication and | | |

| |transportation networks, religion and customs, how | | |

| |people make a living or build homes and other | | |

| |structures. | | |

|Unit 7: Canada (continued) |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource* |

|Geography (continued) |6.3.16 Identify environmental issues that affect Europe| |Chapter 23, Lessons 2-3 |

| |and the Americas. Examine contrasting perspectives on | |pp 228-229, 394 |

| |these problems, and explain how human-induced changes | | |

| |in the physical environment in one place cause changes | | |

| |in another place. | | |

|Unit 7: Canada (continued) |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource* |

|Ecology/Environment |6.3.6 Explain how earth/sun relationships*, ocean | |pp 23, 394-395, 659 |

| |currents, and winds influence climate differences on | | |

| |the earth. | | |

| | | | |

| |6.3.7 Locate and map the climate regions of Europe and | | |

| |the Western Hemisphere. Describe the characteristics | |Chapter 7, Lesson 1 |

| |of each, and explain how they differ. | |Chapter 8, Lesson 1 |

| | | |Chapter 14, Lesson 1 |

| |6.3.8 Identify major biomes*, and explain ways in which| | |

| |the natural environment of places in Europe and the | | |

| |Americas relates to their climate, which is influenced | | |

| |by earth/sun relationships. | |pp 186, 188, 208, 228, 371, 393 |

| | | | |

| |* earth/sun relationships: the rotation and tilt of the| | |

| |earth on its axis and the rotation of the earth around | | |

| |the sun | | |

| |* biomes: major ecological communities, such as | | |

| |rainforest, desert, grassland | | |

|Unit 7: Canada (continued) |

|Topic |Indicator |Instruction/Assessment Reference |Resource* |

|Ecology/Environment (continued) |6.3.11 Research the reasons for the locations of the | |Chapter 16, Lesson 3 |

| |major manufacturing and agricultural regions of Europe | |pp 163, 187, 394-395 |

| |and the Americas, using a variety of information | | |

| |Resource*s*. | | |

| | | | |

| |6.3.13 Analyze and give examples of the consequences of| | |

| |human impact on the physical environment, and evaluate | |Chapter 23, Lessons 2-3 |

| |ways in which technology influences human capacity to | | |

| |modify the physical environment. | | |

| | | | |

| |6.3.14 Give examples of how both natural and | | |

| |technological hazards have impacted the physical | | |

| |environment and human populations in specific areas of | | |

| |Europe and the Americas. | | |

| | | |Chapter 23, Lessons 2-3 |

| | | | |

| |* information Resource*s: print media, including | | |

| |books, magazines, and newspapers; electronic media, | | |

| |such as radio, television, web sites, and databases; | | |

| |and community Resource*s, such as individuals and | | |

| |organizations | | |


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