Content and Key Objectives

|Content and Key Objectives |Concepts/Themes |Classroom Activities |Assessments |Suggested Resources |

|Philosophical Foundations and Comparative Perspectives |Civics - 5.1 |Discussion/Debate: |Project: |Texts: |

|What are the purposes and principles of government, | |Create a classroom government |Collaborative: Creating a set of |Government in America |

|politics and the law? | | |classroom rules | |

|a. Reasons for governments | | | |Civics Today: Citizenship, Economics, & You |

|b. Origins of government | |Vocabulary: |Quiz: | |

|1) Hammurabi | |Defining key terms (i.e. Legitimacy)|Vocabulary -Terms |Primary Sources: |

|2) Classical Civilization | | | |Hammurabi’s Code of Law: |

|3) Enlightenment | |Reading Comprehension: |Exam: |

|4) British ideas on Gov’t | |Excerpts from Locke’s Two Treatises |Chapter 1 (text) |i.htm |

|(i.e. Magna Carta) | |of Government, and Rousseau’s The | | |

|American Democracy | |Social Contract | |Magna Carta: |

|(i.e. Declaration of | | | |

|Independence) | | | |html |

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| | | | |English Bill of Rights: |

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| | | | |Dec. of Ind.: |

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Greene CSD – Social Studies Curriculum

Grade Level: 12 Unit Title: P.I.G. - Purposes and Principles of Government

Greene CSD – Social Studies Curriculum

Grade Level: 12 Unit Title: P.I.G. - Citizenship

|Content and Key Objectives |Concepts/Themes |Classroom Activities |Assessments |Suggested Resources |

|Citizenship in Comparative Perspective |5.3 |Discussion: |Exam: |Government in America |

|What are the roles and rights of citizenship? | |What does citizenship mean? |Chapter 2 | |

|a. 14th Amendment | | | |Civics Today: Citizenship, Economics, & You |

|Citizenship by birth | | |Quiz: | |

|Dual citizenship | | |Vocabulary |U.S. Constitution |

|How does someone become a citizen of the United States? | | | | |

|a. Naturalization | | |Written Paper: |Library of Congress: |

|b. Collective naturalization | |Test: |History of immigration | |

|c. Losing citizenship | |Citizenship Test | | |

|d. Rules for aliens | | |Citizenship Test: |

| | |ine/citizenship/default.asp?cp1+1 | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

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| | |Research: | | |

| | |History of immigration laws | | |

Greene CSD – Social Studies Curriculum

Grade Level: 12 Unit Title: P.I.G. – Citizenship, Participation & Electoral Process

|Content and Key Objectives |Concepts/Themes |Classroom Activities |Assessments |Suggested Resources |

|Citizenship, Participation and the Electoral Process |5.3 | |Exam: |Internet Resources: |

|Does your vote count? | | |Chapter 3 |Online 3rd Party Discritpions: |

|a. Electoral College | | | | |

|How does the political party system enable choice and | |Map Skills: |Quiz: | |

|opportunity for participation? | |State’s Electoral Votes |Vocab | |

|a. History of political parties | | | | |

|b. Political Spectrum | |Graphic Organizer: | | |

|c. | |Voter Behavior |Project: | |

|How do you prepare yourself to vote? | |Election Process |3rd Party Debate |Government in America |

|a. Voter Registration | | | | |

|b. Voting at the Polls | |Activity: |Paper: |History of 3rd Parties in America |

|Why would someone seek public office? | |Create your own Third Party |What do YOU want from a political | |

|a. participatory democracy | | |party | |

|How do campaigns and elections enable choice and | | | | |

|opportunities for participation? | | | | |

|a. media effects | | | | |

|campaign finance | | | | |

|special interest groups | | | | |

|How do you become a more effective media consumer? | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

Grade Level: 12 Unit Title: P.I.G. – Legal Obligations

|Content and Key Objectives |Concepts/Themes |Classroom Activities |Assessments |Suggested Resources |

|Legal Obligations |5.1 |Deciding your political Party- |Exam: |Text: |

|Why are males ages 18 to 26 expected to register with | |Registering to Vote |Chapter 4 |Local citizens involved in Law enforcement |

|Selective Service? | | | | |

|What are the civic implications of taxation? | | |Quiz: |Civics Today: Citizenship, Economics, & You |

|How should you respond to a call for jury duty? | |Discussion- Classroom visit from |Vocabulary | |

|What is the importance of the jury in a democratic | |the local judge to discuss what | |Voter registration forms |

|system? | |happens during jury duty |Written observations from the class | |

| | | |trip to the court house |Example of a selective service form |

| | |Class Trip- Visiting the local | | |

| | |court house | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Classroom Activity: | | |

| | |Mock trial on past court cases | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Debate: | | |

| | |On the need for selective service in| | |

| | |the U.S. | | |

Greene CSD – Social Studies Curriculum

Greene CSD – Social Studies Curriculum

|Content and Key Objectives |Concepts/Themes |Classroom Activities |Assessments |Suggested Resources |

|Public Policy and Political Participation |5.3 |Group Project: |Exam: |Text: |

|How do you find and evaluate information on public | |Creating public policy in the |Chapter 5 |Civics Today: Citizenship, Economics, & You |

|issues of interest? | |classroom by deciding what issues | | |

|What government(s) should respond to a particular public| |the gov’t should help fund |Quiz: | |

|policy issue? | | |Vocabulary | |

|How does the public policy process work? | |Group Project: | | |

|How does the public policy process reflect the purposes,| |Polling future voters on what issues|Essay: | |

|values, and principles of American democracy? | |matter to them |What changes could be made in the | |

|How do citizens become more involved in working on a | | |government or regular people to help | |

|public uses or for a political organization? | | |society | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

Grade Level: 12 Unit Title: P.I.G. – Public Policy and Political Participation

Greene CSD – Social Studies Curriculum

Grade Level: 12 Unit Title: P.I.G. – Legal Rights and Responsibilities

|Content and Key Objectives |Concepts/Themes |Classroom Activities |Assessments |Suggested Resources |

|Legal Rights and Responsibilities |5.1 |Group Activity: |Exam: |Texts: |

|What are the legal rights and responsibilities of the | |Researching laws in different parts |Chapter 5 |Government in America |

|individual in civic life, the workplace, and school? | |in the world | | |

|How do your legal rights and responsibilities change as | | |Map Skills Test |Civics Today: Citizenship, Economics, & You |

|you move about in the international arena? | |Research: | | |

| | |What are the different types of |Quiz: |World Maps Today |

| | |government in the world today |Vocabulary | |

| | | | | |

| | |Map Skills: |Essay: | |

| | |Identifying important countries |Describe a selected government in the | |

| | |around the world |world today and compare it to the U.S. |travelguide |

| | | |government | |

| | | | | |

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Greene CSD – Social Studies Curriculum

Grade Level: 12 Unit Title: P.I.G. – Selecting a Culminating Question

|Content and Key Objectives |Concepts/Themes |Classroom Activities |Assessments |Suggested Resources |

|Selecting a Culminating Question |5.1 |Research: |Essay: |Texts: |

|What type of public issue can be selected for a | |Public issues that effect the United|Culminating project describing the |Government in America |

|culminating project? | |States today |selected issue and their solution | |

| | | | |Civics Today: Citizenship, Economics, & You |

| | |Activity: | | |

| | |Current Events in the news today | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

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| | | | |Issues in America Today |


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