30 Days on Minimum Wage video worksheet.docx

Name: ____________________________________________________“30 Days on Minimum Wage”: Viewing GuideBackground Facts: 14.8 percent or 46.7 million Americans live in poverty. The federal minimum wage in the United States is $7.25 per hour and was raised in 2009. Someone working full time at minimum wage earns about $15,080 (before taxes). The poverty line for a family of 4 living in the US, as of 2016, is $24,300 a year. Remember that all amounts do not include TAXES that are taken out of a paycheck. The government takes approximately 15% in federal taxes and 7-9% in state taxes. (not all states have a state income tax). This means roughly 24% of one’s income is taxes, and one takes home about .76 of each dollar.Directions: Short answer questions as you watch the episode. If you are absent, this episode is on my website at . 1. Morgan is dragging his fiancé, Alex along on their experiment. What is her normal job? ___________________2. What are the three rules they must live by for 30 Days?a.b.c.3. They decide to move to ____________________________. They find an apartment for $ ___________ per month. The deposit is $_________________5. Their goal is to make at least $________ by the end of the month. Morgan goes to a temp agency a job. He makes $_______ / hour there.6. Alex gets a job at a ___________________________________ doing: _________________________________ ?7. Riding the bus costs $____________ each way, so Alex decides to walk both ways to her job.8. What year was the minimum wage law established? ________________ Minimum wage during filming in 2005 was $5.15. That wage had not been raised since the year _________? STOP AND THINK AFTER THE VIDEO: 9. Based on class discussion, what is the minimum wage today? ___________________ Do you think a full time job at minimum wage is enough to live on assuming you earn it making a full 40 hour work week? __________________10. Why would most businesses be against raising the minimum wage? 11. In what ways might you avoid this type of financial situation as you plan to become an adult? 12. Families who make less than $25,000 are more than twice as likely to divorce. Why do you think this is true? 13. If Morgan and Alex were to organize a labor union in their job, think of things THEY would need/want to improve. List at least 3 union demands they might ask for: ................

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