Elegant Report - TTU

Texas Tech University

Certification Report



Office of Student Services

Certification Office

Contact Person: College of Education Dr. Pam Tipton P.O. Box 41071 University Certification Officer Lubbock, TX 79409-1071 pam.tipton@ttu.edu 742-1998 ext. 451


Table of Contents

Part I: Certification Data 4

Table 1: Certificates by Type 4

Table 2: Certificates by Type and Level 4

Table 3: Standard Certificates by Level and Degree 5

Table 4: Certificates by Gender, Ethnicity, and Degree 5

Table 5: Certificates by Gender and Ethnicity Five Year Data 6

Table 6: Certificate Type and Level Five Year Data 6

Table 7: Supplemental Certificates 7

Table 8: Professional Certificates 7

Table 9: Certification Candidates by College 7

Table 10: Certificates by Teaching or Professional Field 8

Part II: Program Completer Data 9

Table 11: Completers by Gender, Ethnicity and Degree 9

Table 12: Program Completers by Teaching or Professional Field 10

Part III: Certification Test Data 12

Table 13: Candidates Taking Certification Tests by Gender and Ethnicity 12

Table 14: Certification Tests Passed by Gender and Ethnicity 12

Table 15a: Certification Test Initial Pass Rates 13

Table 15b: Certification Test Initial Pass Rates 13

Table 15c: Initial Pass Rate by Certification Field 13

Table 16a: Certification Tests Final Pass Rates 16

Table 16b: Certification Test Final Pass Rates by Year 16

Table 16c: Final Pass Rate by Certification Field 16

Table 17: Certification Tests Final Pass Rates 19

Table 18: Elementary Generalist Exam Data by Domain 20

Table 19a: Elementary PPR Summary Data by Domain 23

Table 19b: Middle Level PPR Summary Data by Domain 25

Table 19c: Secondary/All Level PPR Summary Data by Domain 26

Table 20: Content Area Domain Scores 28

Table 21: ePortfolio Dispositions 29

Table 22a: ePortfolio Data Secondary 30

Table 22b: ePortfolio Data Middle 30

Table 22c: ePortfolio Data Elementary 31

Table 23: Student Teaching Evaluation Summary 32

Part IV: NCATE Data 34

NCATE Table 2: Initial Programs and their Review Status 34

NCATE Table 3: Advanced Programs and their Review Status 36

NCATE Table 4: Pass Rates on Content Tests by Certificate ITP 37

NCATE Table 5: Pass Rates on Content Tests by Certificate Other Personnel 38

NCATE Table 6: Transition Point Assessments 39

NCATE Table 9: Candidate and EC-12 Student Demographics 43

Part V: Admission and Active Data 44

Table 24: Candidates Admitted to Educator Preparation Programs 44

Table 25: Candidates in Educator Preparation Programs 46

Part VI: Other State Reports 48

Table 26: Legislative Budget Board Performance Measure 48

Table 27: 2006-2007 Title II Report 49

Part VII: Historical Overview 52

Part VIII: Glossary of Terms 53


Part I: Certification Data

The following charts reflect information about Texas Tech students who were certified through the State Board for Education Certification (SBEC) during the period 9/1/06 through 8/31/07. Data from previous years were carried forward from earlier certification reports. All data, unless otherwise specified, are from SBEC.

Table 1: Certificates by Type 1

|Type |2003-2004 |2004-2005 |2005-2006 |2006-2007 |2007-2008 |

|Professional |58 |60 |63 |69 |62 |

|Probationary Initial/Supplemental |61 |51 |43 |23 |68 |

|Probationary Extension |1 |5 |3 |5 |4 |

|Professional Probationary | |2 |2 |0 |6 |

|Total |664 |657 |752 |722 |736 |

1 Some candidates received multiple certificates during one year. Individuals receiving

more than one certificate are included in each category.

Table 2: Certificates by Type and Level


|Certificate Type |Standard |Probationary |Probationary |

|Certificate Level 1 | | |Extension |

|All Level, EC-12** |142 |11 |1 |

|EC-4 |255 |6 | |

|Middle (4-8) |56 |7 |1 |

|Secondary |145 |28 |2 |

|Supplemental* |28 |17 | |

|Professional |62 |6 | |

|Special Education* |30 |23 | |

|Vocational* |42 |2 | |

|Total |760 |74 |4 |

1 Some data are in multiple categories (i.e., Vocational is included in

Secondary; Special Education is included in All Level; EC-4/ESL is

included in both Elementary and Supplemental; EC-4/Special education is

included in both the EC-4 and the EC-12 categories

Table 3: Standard Certificates by Level and Degree


|Certificate Level |Bachelor |Post Baccalaureate |Total |

|All Level 1 |109 |33 |142 |

|EC-4 1 |187 |68 |255 |

|Middle (4-8) |43 |13 |56 |

|Secondary |98 |47 |145 |

|Additional 2 |13 |67 |80 |

|Total |450 |228 |678 |

1 UndergraduateEC-4 and EC-12 Special Education are included in both the EC-4

and All Level categories,

2 EC-4/ESL and EC-4/Bilingual are included in both EC-4 and Additional categories.

Table 4: Certificates by Gender, Ethnicity, and Degree


| |Female |Male |Total |

|African American |6 |2 |9 |

|Asian |7 |0 |7 |

|Hispanic |68 |20 |88 |

|Native American |1 |1 |2 |

|Other/unknown |13 |3 |16 |

|White |419 |118 |537 |

| | | | |

|Bachelor |331 |95 |426 |

|Post Baccalaureate |121 |36 |157 |

|Additional 1 |54 |12 |66 |

| | | | |

|Total 2 |514 |144 |658 |

1 Professional, supplemental, etc. are also included in bachelor and

post-baccalaureate data

2 Some individuals received multiple certificates

Table 5: Certificates by Gender and Ethnicity 1

Five Year Data

|  |2003-2004 |2004-2005 |2005-2006 |2006-2007 |2007-2008 |

|Female | | | | | |

|     African American | 11 |4 |10 |10 |6 |

|     Hispanic |44 |41 |70 |48 |68 |

|     White |406 |442 |459 |466 |419 |

|     Other |13 |10 |22 |15 |20 |

|Total |  474 | 497 | 561 | 539 |514  |

|  |  |  |  |  |  |

|Male |  | | | | |

|     African American |9 |4 |2 |10 |2 |

|     Hispanic |24 |9 |23 |20 |20 |

|     White |129 |96 |111 |120 |118 |

|     Other |3 |5 |8 |5 |3 |

|Total | 165 |114  | 144 | 155 |144  |

1 Note, 2006-07 and previous data were not disaggregated to include Native American

and Asian. To be consistent, Table 5 places these ethnic groups into “other.”

Table 6: Certificate Type and Level

Five Year Data

|Type and Level |2003-2004 |2004-2005 |2005-2006 |2006-2007 |2007-2008 |

| All Level |11 |7 |10 | |11 |

| EC-4 |9 |4 |5 | | |

| |+ 1 (old plan) | | | |6 |

| Middle |2 |2 |5 | |7 |

| Secondary |38 |41 |26 |23 |28 |

| Administration |-- |2 |2 |0 |6 |

| Supplemental | | | | |17 |

|Sub Total |61 |56 |48 |23 |74 |

| | | | | | |

|Standard | | | | | |

| EC-4* |222** |226 |229 |281 |255 |

| Middle |53 |66 |65 |74 |56 |

| Secondary |193 |166 |177 |132 |145 |

| All Level* |66 |83 |138 |148 |142 |

| Vocational* |41* |37* |37* |25* |42* |

| Special Ed.* |15* |25* |60* |24* |30* |

| Endorsements & |6 |10 |32 |7 |28 |

|Supplementals | | | | | |

| Professional |58 |61 |63 |69 |62 |

|Sub Total |544 |551 |641 |625 |688 |

|Total |643 |668 |752 |717 |762 |

*Included in other certificate levels (i.e., Vocational is included in Secondary; Special Education is included in All Level)

** Includes19 from old EC-6 plan

Table 7: Supplemental Certificates


|Certificate |Total |

|Bilingual Education |7 |

|English as a Second Language |6 |

|Generic Special Education |5 |

|Visually Impaired |10 |

Table 8: Professional Certificates

| |2003-2004 |2004-2005 |2005-2006 |2006-2007 |2007-2008 |

|Educational Diagnostician |8 |11 |13 |15 |16 |

|Master Reading Teacher |0 |1 |4 |1* |2 |

|Master Technology Teacher |-- |1 |0 |1 |1 |

|Principal |28 |28 |21 |30 |25 |

|Reading Specialist |1 |1 |2 |2 |2 |

|Superintendent |10 |6 |12 |11 |6 |

|Total |57 |59 |63 |69 |60 |

* Received both Master Reading Teacher and Reading Specialist

Table 9: Certification Candidates by College

| |2003-2004 |2004-2005 |2005-2006 |2006-2007 |2007-2008 |

|Arts & Sciences |72 |63 |76 |89 |88 |

|Agriculture & Natural Resources |22 |19 |29 |18 |26 |

|Human Sciences |153 |156 |122 |144 |166 |

|Graduate |278 |261 |296 |299 |235 |

|Mass Communications |* |* |* |1 |1 |

|Visual and Performing Arts |42 |39 |35 |38 |65 |

|Total |638 |611 |637 |695 |658 |

*Pre-College of Mass Communication

Table 10: Certificates by Teaching or Professional Field

|Certificate Description |Number Certified in Field |

|Agriculture Production / Agricultural Sciences and Production |25 |

|Art (All level or Secondary) |18 |

|Bilingual Generalist EC-4 (Spanish) | |

|Bilingual Supplemental |7 |

|Chemistry | |

|Computer Science (Secondary) | |

|Dance (8-12) |2 |

|Deaf and Hard of Hearing (EC-12) |4 |

|Educational Diagnostician |16 |

|English/Language Arts/Reading (8-12) |27 |

|English as a Second Language Supplemental |7 |

|English Language Arts and Reading (4-8)* |8 |

|English Language Arts and Reading/Social Studies (4-8) |22 |

|Family and Consumer Science |13 |

|FACS – Hospitality, Nutrition, and Food Sciences |2 |

|FACS - Human Development and Family Studies (8-12) |1 |

|French (Secondary) | |

|Generalist EC-4 |258 |

|German (Secondary) | |

|Health Education (All Level or Secondary) |2 |

|History (8-12) |29 |

|Journalism (8-12) |2 |

|Latin (Secondary) | |

|Life Sciences (8-12) |5 |

|Master Reading Teacher | |

|Master Technology Teacher |1 |

|Mathematics (4-8)* |2 |

|Mathematics (8-12) |16 |

|Mathematics/Physics (8-12) |1 |

|Mathematics/Science (4-8) |18 |

|Music (All level) |47 |

|Physical Education (EC-12) |45 |

|Physical Science (8-12) | |

|Principal |23 |

|Professional Reading Specialist |2 |

|School Counselor |8 |

|Science (4-8)* |3 |

|Science Composite (8-12) |8 |

|Social Studies (4-8)* |4 |

|Social Studies (8-12) |3 |

|Spanish (Secondary) |5 |

|Special Education |22 |

|Special Education Endorsement | |

|Speech Communications (Secondary) |5 |

|Superintendent |6 |

|Technology Applications |2 |

|Theatre Arts (Secondary) |6 |

|Visually Impaired |8 |

|Total (some candidates certified in multiple fields) |647 |


Part II: Program Completer Data

Program “completers” are persons who, during the academic year, finished meeting all requirements of a certification program excluding the tests (may or may not have passed some or all the tests). The following data reflects program completers during 2007-2008, whether or not the candidates completed the certification requirements by passing the exams and applying for a teaching certificate.

Table 11: Completers by Gender, Ethnicity and Degree 1


|Ethnicity and Degree |Female |Male |Total |

|African American |6 |2 |8 |

|Asian |7 | |7 |

|Hispanic |67 |23 |90 |

|Native American |1 |1 |2 |

|Other |17 |5 |22 |

|White |440 |122 |562 |

| | | | |

|Bachelors |332 |107 |439 |

|Post Bac |138 |33 |171 |

|Additional (Professional, Supplemental, |68 |13 |81 |

|etc.) | | | |

| | | | |

|Total |538 |153 |691 |

1These data represent the total number of persons

completing programs of certification.

Table 12: Program Completers by Teaching or Professional Field

|Certificate Description |2005-06 |2006-07 |2007-08 |

| |Total (U, PB) |Total (U, PB) |Total (U, PB) |

|Agriculture Production |30 (29, 1) |27 (26, 1) |23 (18, 5) |

|Art (All level) |15 (13, 2) |12 (10, 2) |19 (17, 2) |

|Bilingual Generalist EC-4 (Spanish) |4 (3, 1) |4 (4, 0) |0 |

|Bilingual Supplemental |4 (0, 4) |1 (1, 0) |8 (8,0) |

|Chemistry |0 |1 (1,0) |0 |

|Computer Science (Secondary) |0 |0 |0 |

|Dance (Secondary) |1 (1, 0) |3 (1, 2) |0 |

|Deaf and Hard of Hearing | |18 (0, 18) |13 (0, 13) |

|Educational Diagnostician |13 (0, 13) |13 (0, 13) |20 (0, 20) |

|English (Secondary) |33 (13 , 20) |32 (23, 9) |20 (0, 20) |

|English as a Second Language |6 (3, 3) |10 (9, 1) |9 ( 8, 1) |

|English Language Arts & Reading (Middle) |7 (2, 5) |39(34, 5)* |34 (26, 8)* |

|English Language Arts & Reading/Social Studies(Middle) |26 (23, 3) |30 (30, 0) |24 (20, 4) |

|Family and Consumer Science – Composite |8 (4, 4) | 9 (6, 3) |15 (9, 6) |

|Family and Consumer Science – Hosp, Nut/ Food Science | | |3 (3, 0) |

|Family and Consumer Science - HDFS | | |1 (0, 1) |

|French (Secondary) |2 (0, 2) |1 (1, 0) |0 |

|Generalist EC-4 |227 (139, 88) |272 ( 177, 95) |253 (182, 71) |

|German (Secondary) |1 (0, 1) |1 (0, 1) |0 |

|Health Education (All Level) |3 (0, 3) |6 (2, 4) |1 (1, 0 |

|History (Secondary) |26 (15, 11) |36 (21, 15) |37 (26, 11) |

|Journalism (Secondary) |4 (1, 3) |1 (1, 0) |3 (2, 1) |

|Latin (Secondary) |1 (0, 1) |0 |0 |

|Life Sciences (Secondary) |6 (0, 6) |5 (0, 5) |3 (0, 3) |

|Master Reading Teacher |4 (0, 4) |0 |1 (0, 1) |

|Master Technology Teacher |0 |1 (0, 1) |1 (0, 1) |

|Mathematics (Middle) |16 (13, 3) |36 (33, 3)* |26 (20, 5)* |

|Mathematics (Secondary) |23 (9, 14) |12 (3, 9) |18 (12, 6) |

|Mathematics/Science (Middle) |9 (7, 2) |27 (25, 2) |22 (19, 3) |

|Music (All level or Secondary) |23 (21, 2) |28 (27, 1) |44 (42, 2) |

|Physical Education (All level or Secondary) |49 (27 , 22) |67 (43, 24) |51 (40, 11) |

|Physical Science (Secondary) |0 |0 |0 |

|Principal |21 (0, 21) |28 (0, 28) |24 (0, 24) |

|Reading Specialist |2 (0, 2) |1 (0, 1) |1 (0, 1) |

|School Counselor |11 (0, 11) |8 (0, 8) |4 (0, 4) |

|Science (Middle) |5 (4, 1) |30 (27, 3)* |26 (22, 4) |

|Science Composite (Secondary) |8 (6, 2) |4 (2, 2) |12 (8, 4) |

|Social Studies (Middle) |3 (2, 1) |37 (35, 2)* |27 (22, 5)* |

|Social Studies Composite (Secondary) |11 (2, 9) |5 (1, 4) |3 (2, 1) |

|Spanish (Secondary) |16 (8, 8) |4 (1, 3) |7 (5, 2) |

|Special Education |26 (18, 8) |26 (18 , 8) |21 (15, 6) |

|Speech Communications (Secondary) |3 (1, 2) |5 (2, 3) |4 (1, 3) |

|Superintendent |12 (0, 12) |10 (0, 10) |4 (0, 4) |

|Technology Applications |3 (0, 3) |6 (0, 6) |2 (0, 2) |

|Theatre Arts (Secondary) |1 (1, 0) |4 (3, 1) |8 (4, 4) |

|Visually Impaired |16 (0, 16) |5 (0, 5) |17 (0, 17) |

|Total 2 |649 (340, 309)* |710( 417, 293)* |733 (477, 256)* |

1 The program completer data includes undergraduate count (U), PostBac count (PB),

and Total number of completers in each field

2 Some students finished the program with multiple certification areas; i.e. a student may seek a standard certificate in two fields.


Part III: Certification Test Data

Information provided includes the number of Texas Tech students who passed the state-required tests for certification during the period 9/1/07 through 12/31/08. The Accountability System for Educator Preparation Programs (ASEP) uses initial pass rates (tests taken through December following the academic year of completion) and final pass rates (tests taken through December of the second year following the academic year of completion) to determine program approval. The source for pass rates information is the State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC).

|Note: Effective Spring 2007, if the pass rate (initial 70% or final 80%) of the candidates within a certification field (of at least 10 |

|completers) is low performing for three consecutive years, the entity may no longer admit persons for preparation in that field (TAC Rule |

|229.4)   |

Table 13: Candidates Taking Certification Tests by Gender and Ethnicity

|Ethnicity and Gender |9/1/03-8/31/04 |9/1/04-8/31/05 |9/1/05 – |9/1/06 – |9/1/07 – |

| | | |8/31/06 |8/31/07 |8/31/08 |

|Hispanic |55 |124 |122 |120 |139 |

|Other/Not Specified |20 |37 |53 |31 |27 |

|White |393 |652 |664 |725 |674 |

| | | | | | |

|Female |365 |639 |641 |701 |649 |

|Male |105 |193 |220 |205 |210 |

|Total |473 |832 |861 |906 |859 |

Table 14: Certification Tests Passed by Gender and Ethnicity 1

|Ethnicity and Gender |9/1/03-8/31/04 |9/1/04-8/31/05 |9/1/05 – 8/31/06 |9/1/06 – 8/31/07 |9/1/07 – 8/31/08 |

|Hispanic |144 |145 |143 |161 |237 |

|Other/Not Specified |48 |56 |66 |47 |45 |

|White |864 |983 |1047 |1159 |1131 |

| | | | | | |

|Female |826 |987 |1003 |1134 |1137 |

|Male |258 |210 |279 |263 |297 |

|Total |1084 |1197 |1282 |1397 |1434 |

1 Duplicated headcounts in Table 14; a candidate (identified in Table 13) may take and pass multiple tests(i.e., both the academic content and the pedagogy exams identified in Table 14.

|Table 15a: Certification Test Initial Pass Rates |

|2008 (9/2007 – 12/2008) |

|Period |All |Female |

|2007-2008 |97% |675 |

|2006-2007 |96% |679 |

|2005-2006 |96% |621 |

|2004-2005 |93% |610 |

|2003-2004 |97% |473 |

|2002-2003 |95% |397 |

|2001-2002 |92% |586 |

|2000-2001 |90% |453 |

|1999-2000 |91% |500 |

| |

|Table 15c: Initial Pass Rate by Certification Field 1 |

|Certification Field |2005 |2006 |2007 |2008 |

| |Completers |Completers |Completers |Completers |

|All-Level Art (ExCET) |100% (13) |100% (12) |100% (10) |100% (3) |

|All-Level Music (ExCET) |92.9% (28) |100% (6) |50% (2) |100% (1) |

|All-Level Physical Education (ExCET) |90% (30) |100% (2) | |100% (1) |

|Art EC-12 (TExES) | | | |93.3% (15) |

|Bilingual Education Spanish Supplemental (4-8) | |0% (1) |100% (1) | |

|Bilingual Education Spanish Supplemental (EC-4) (includes TOPT) 2|100% (1) |100% (5) |100% (5) |100% (8) |

|Chemistry 8-12 | | |100% (1) | |

|Dance (8-12) | |100% (1) |100% (3) |100% (3) |

|Deaf and Hard of Hearing (EC-12) | |100% (12) |100% (7) |100% (10) |

|ESL Generalist (EC-4) |33.3% (3) | |100% (1) | |

|ESL Supplemental |100% (5) |100% (5) |80% (5) |66.7% (3) |

|Educational Diagnostician (ExCET) |100% (3) | |100% (2) |100% (3) |

|Educational Diagnostician (EC-12) |100% (11) |92.3% (13) |100% (12) |100% (16) |

|Eng. Lang. Arts and Reading/Social Studies (4-8) |100% (27) |96% (25) |93.3% (30) |95.8% (24) |

|English Language Arts and Reading (4-8) |100% (4) |100% (6) |100% (8) |95.8% (24) |

|English Language Arts and Reading (8-12) |97% (33) |100% (30) |96.3% (27) |93.3% (30) |

|Family and consumer Sciences 6-12 | | |100% (1) | |

|Generalist (EC-4) |96.9% (229) |98.6% (221) |98.9% (274) |99.2% (252) |

|Health All-Level (EC-12) | |50% (2) |100% (5) |100% (1) |

|History (TExES 8-12) |83.3% (24) |88.5% (26) |87.1% (31) |80.6% (36) |

|Journalism (8-12) | |100% (2) |100% (1) |100% (3) |

|Life Science (8-12) |100% (3) |100% (6) |100% (5) |100% (3) |

|Master Reading Teacher |100% (1) | | | |

|Master Technology Teacher |100% (2) | | |100% (1) |

|Mathematics (4-8) |95.2% (21) |100% (13) |100% (8) |100% (5) |

|Mathematics (8-12) |95.5% (22) |87.5% (24) |100% (10) |100% (17) |

|Mathematics/Science (4-8) | |88.9% (9) |91.7% (24) |86.4% (22) |

|Music All Level (TExES) |100% (2) |93.8% (16) |100% (25) |100% (44) |

|Total Pedagogy Tests 3 |93.7% (539) |95.1% (531) |96% (606) |96.9% (588) |

| Pedagogy and Professional Responsibility 4-8 |100% (44) |98.3% (59) |98.7% (78) |98.4% (63) |

| Pedagogy and Professional Responsibility 8-12 |84.7% (111) |89.9% (158) |92.4% (132) |95.3% (150) |

| Pedagogy and Professional Responsibility EC-12 |89.8% (59) |94.6% (92) |95.1% (123) |94.5% 127) |

| Pedagogy and Professional Responsibility EC-4 |95.2% (146) |97.8% (223) |99.3% (276) |98.8% (248) |

|Physical Education TExES (EC-12) |100% (5) |100% (44) |98.4% (64) |97.7% (44) |

|Principal |96% (25) |95% (20) |92.9% (28) |100% (23) |

|Reading Specialist |100% (1) |100% (2) | |100% (2) |

|School Counselor |100% (13) |100% (9) |100% (7) |100% (4) |

|Science (4-8) |100% (3) |100% (3) |66.7% (3) |75% (4) |

|Science (8-12) |71.4% (7) |87.5% (8) |100% (4) |87.5% (8) |

|Secondary French (ExCET) (includes TOPT) |100% (2) |100% (4) |0% (2) | |

|Secondary German (ExCET) |100% (1) | |100% (1) | |

|Secondary Spanish (ExCET including TOPT) |82.2% (17) |84.4% (32) |100% (9) |70.6% (17) |

| Spanish Oral Proficiency |63.6% (11) |69.2% (13) |100% (9) |57.1% (7) |

| Spanish (Secondary) ExCET | | | |80% (10) |

|Secondary Speech Communications (ExCET) |66.7% (6) |100% (3) |100% (1) | |

|Social Studies (TExES 4-8) |84.6% (13) |100% (3) |80% (5) |100% (4) |

|Social Studies (TExES 8-12) |95.7% (7) |90% (10) |100% (4) |83.3% (6) |

|Special Education Certificate (TExES EC-12) |92% (25) |100% (25) |100% (26) |94.7% (19) |

|Special Education Supplemental (TExES) |100% (1) | |100% (2) | |

|Superintendent |100% (5) |91.7% (12) |90% (10) |100% (3) |

|Technology Applications (EC-12) | |100% (2) |100% (5) |100% (2) |

|Visually Handicapped (ExCET) |100% (18) |95.7% (23) | |100% (1) |

|Visually Impaired (includes Braille) (TExES) | |100% (2) |100% (5) |100% (17) |

| 1 Initial pass rates of completers, percentage passed (number) |

|2 The Texas Oral Proficiency Test (TOPT) is one of the required exams for the Spanish and French certification field. |

|3 The PPR exam is one of the required exams for every initial certification field. |

| |

| |

|Table 16a: Certification Tests Final Pass Rates |

|9/06-12/08 |

|Period |All |Female |

|2007-2008 |98% |690 |

|2006-2007 |97% |621 |

|2005-2006 |95% |620 |

|2004-2005 |97% |519 |

|2003-2004 |96% |399 |

|2002-2003 |95% |589 |

|2001-2002 |93% |465 |

|2000-2001 |95% |505 |

Table 16c: Final Pass Rate by Certification Field 1

|Certification Field |2004 |2005 |2006 |2007 |

| |Completers |Completers |Completers |Completers |

|All-level Art (ExCET) |90.9% (11) |100% (13) |100% (9) |100% (10) |

|Music All Level (ExCET) |100% (20) |92.9% (28) |100% (2) |50%(2) |

|Art EC-12 (TExES) | | | | |

|Bilingual Education Spanish Supplemental (4-8) (includes TOPT) 2 | |100% (2) |0% (1) |100% (1) |

|Bilingual Education Spanish Supplemental (EC-4) | |100% (1) |50% (2) |100% (5) |

|Bilingual Generalist Spanish (EC-4) |75% (4) |69.2% (13) |100% (1) | |

|Braille (TExES) | | |100% (1) |100% (2) |

|Braille (ExCET) | | |100% (9) |100% (2) |

|Chemistry | | | |100% (1) |

|Dance (ExCET) | |100% (1) |100% (1) | |

|Dance 8-12 | | |100% (1) |100% (3) |

|Deaf and Hard of Hearing (TExES) | | |100% (2) |100% (10) |

|Educational Diagnostician (ExCET) |100% (3) |100% (3) |100% (1) |100% (3) |

|Educational Diagnostician (EC-12) |87.5% (8) |100% (11) |100% (9) |100% (12) |

|ESL Generalist certificate (EC-4) |100% (1) |66.7% (3) | |100% (1) |

|ESL Supplemental |66.7% (3) |100% (5) |100% (4) |80% (5) |

|Eng. Lang. Arts and Reading/Social Studies (4-8) |100% (11) |100% (27) |95.7% (23) |93.3% (30) |

|English Language Arts and Reading (4-8) |100% (9) |100% (4) |100% (4) |100% (8) |

|English Language Arts and Reading (8-12) |100% (27) |97% (33) |100% (25) |100% (30) |

|Family and Consumer Sciences - Composite | | | |100% (1) |

|French (Secondary) | |100% (2) |100% (1) |0% (1) |

|French Oral Proficiency | | |100% (2) |0% (1) |

|Generalist (EC-4) |99% (200) |98.3%(229) |98.1% (206) |99.3% 275) |

|German (Secondary) |100% (1) |100% (1) |100% (1) |100% (1) |

|Health Education (TExES) | | |50% (2) |100% (5) |

|History (TExES 8-12) |86.7% (15) |84% (25) |66.7% (24) |96.8% (31) |

|Journalism (TExES) | | |100% (2) |100% (1) |

|Latin (ExCET) |100% (1) | |100% (1) | |

|Life Science (8-12) |100% (6) |100% (3) |83.3% (6) |100% (5) |

|Master Reading Teacher |100% (2) |100% (1) | | |

|Master Technology Teacher (EC-12) | |100% (2) | | |

|Mathematics (4-8) |96.2% (26) |95.2% (21) |92.3% (13) |100% (8) |

|Mathematics (8-12) |80% (10) |95.5% (22) |81.8% (22) |90.9% (11) |

|Mathematics/Science (4-8) |0% (1) | |75% (8) |95.8%(24) |

|Music 8-12 (ExCET) |100% (6) |100% (1) | | |

|Music All Level (TExES) |100% (1) |100% (2) |86.7% (15) |100% (25) |

|Total Pedagogy 3 | | | |97.9% (614) |

| Pedagogy and Professional Responsibility 4-8 |81.2% (16) |100% (64) |100% (50) |97.5% (79) |

| Pedagogy and Professional Responsibility 8-12 |88.6% (44) |92.3% (156) |83.2% (143) |95.6% (135) |

| Pedagogy and Professional Responsibility EC-12 |82.4% (17) |94% (83) |86.1% (79) |96.7% (122) |

| Pedagogy and Professional Responsibility EC-4 |89.7% (68) |95.8% (239) |97.2% (211) |99.3% (614) |

|Physical Science (8-12) | | | | |

|Physical Education All Level (ExCET) |100% (24) |90.3% (31) | | |

|Physical Education TExES (EC-12) | |100% (5) |97.5% (40) |98.5% (65) |

|Principal |100% (29) |100% (24) |81.8% (22) |92.6% (27) |

|Reading Specialist | |100% (1) |100% (1) |100% (1) |

|School Counselor |100% (4) |100% (13) |100% (8) |100% (8) |

|Science (4-8) |100% (2) |100% (3) |50% (2) |66.7% (3) |

|Science (8-12) |85.7% (7) |71.4% (7) |83.3% (6) |100% (4) |

|Social Studies (TExES 4-8) |100% (4) |84.6% (13) |100% (3) |80% (4) |

|Social Studies (TExES 8-12) |100% (6) |85.7% (7) |100% (7) |100% (4) |

|Spanish (ExCET) |84.2% (19) |100% (17) |87.5% (16) |100% (5) |

|Spanish Oral Proficiency |50% (6) |69.2% (13) |80% (20) |100% (5) |

|Special Education (TExES EC-12) |100% (10) |92% (25) |95.5% (22) |100% (26) |

|Special Education Supplemental (TExES) |100% (1) |100% (1) | |100% (2) |

|Speech Communications (ExCET) |100% (1) |100% (6) |100% (1) | |

|Speech (TExES) | | |100% (1) |100% (4) |

|Superintendent |85.7% (7) |100% (5) |91.7% (12) |90% (10) |

|Technology Applications (EC-12) | | |100% (2) |100% (5) |

|Theatre Arts 8-12 (ExCET) |100% (1) |100% (2) |100% (1) | |

|Theatre EC-12 (TExES) | | | |100% (4) |

|Visually Handicapped |100% (10) |100% (18) |90% (10) | |

|Visually Impaired (TExES) | | | |100% (3) |

| 1 Final pass rates of completers, percentage passed (number) |

|2 The Texas Oral Proficiency Test (TOPT) is one of the required exams for the Spanish and French certification field. |

|3 The PPR exam is one of the required exams for every initial certification field. |

|   |

| |

Table 17: Certification Tests Final Pass Rates

| |Completion Year 2004 |Completion Year 2005 |Completion Year 2006 |Completion Year 2007 |Completion Year |

| | | | | |2008 |

|Female |97% (318) |98% (385) |97% (491) |98%(496) |98% (538) |

|Male |92% (80) |94% (133) |90% (123) |92%(125) |95% (151) |

|African American |76% (9) |91% (6) |88% (9) |100%(11) |100%(21) |

|Hispanic |86% (34) |96% (60) |89% (56) |93%(78) |92% (76) |

|Other |100% (16) |95% (21) |92% (26) |73%(9) |96% (13) |

|White |98% (342) |98% (434) |97% (529) |98%(523) |98% (580) |

Table 18: Elementary Generalist Exam Data by Domain

|TExES 101: EC-4 Generalist |

| |Domain 1: English Language Arts and Reading |

| |Domain 2: Mathematics |

| |Domain 3: Social studies |

| |Domain 4: Science |

| |Domain 5: Fine arts, health, and physical education |

|BY YEAR | | | | | | |

|2002-2003 |254.94 |254.62 |259.89 |252.38 |248.30 |256.07 |

|2003-2004 |252.92 |253.01 |256.31 |242.47 |246.01 |261.70 |

|2004-2005 |256.68 |256.82 |261.66 |247.74 |250.29 |262.63 |

|2005-2006 |258.54 |260.97 |260.44 |248.47 |251.29 |262.84 |

|2006-2007 |259.64 |260.02 |263.01 |250.75 |255.31 |263.12 |

|2007-2008 |256.96 |257.31 |260.84 |249.03 |250.77 |261.73 |


|BY SPECIALIZATION 2002-2008 | | | | | | |

|Summary | | | | | | |

|Summary Data | Overall | Domain 1 | Domain 2 | Domain 3 | Domain 4 | Domain 5 |

| | |ELAR |Math |Social Studies |Science |Fine Arts |

| | | | | | |Hlth,PE |

|EC-4/Bilingual |241.04 |252.72 |241.44 |212.72 |232.04 |237.96 |

|EC-4/Early Childhood |257.04 |257.40 |260.68 |249.29 |250.99 |261.74 |

|EC-4/ESL | |253.24 |254.33 |257.71 |243.19 |249.33 |


|BY | | | | | | |

|CLASSIFICATION | | | | | | |

|Summary Data |Overall |Domain 1 |Domain 2 |Domain 3 |Domain 4 |Domain 5 |

|PostBac | |254.83 |255.04 |256.09 |249.02 |247.95 |


Table 19a: Elementary PPR Summary Data by Domain

| |

|TExES 100, 110 130, 160:  Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities |

|Domain 1:  Designing instruction and assessment to promote student learning |

|Domain 2:  Creating a positive, productive classroom environment |

|Domain 3:  Implementing effective, responsive instruction and assessment |

|Domain 4:  Fulfilling professional roles and responsibilities |

|BY SPECIALIZATION | | | | | | |

|Summary Data | |Overall |Domain 1 |Domain 2 |Domain 3 |Domain 4 |

|EC-4/Bilingual | |243.81 |245.62 |252.59 |235.24 |248.35 |

|EC-4/Early Childhood |258.10 |262.91 |264.65 |250.33 |257.50 |

|EC-4/ESL | | |245.16 |252.38 |250.19 |237.62 |247.73 |

|EC-4/Special Education |258.57 |261.60 |266.05 |248.16 |263.11 |

|EC-6 old | | |247.00 |249.50 |248.00 |235.36 |259.71 |


| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|BY CLASSIFICATION | | | | | | |

|Summary Data | |Overall |Domain 1 |Domain 2 |Domain 3 |Domain 4 |

|PostBac | | |255.46 |258.55 |261.11 |249.00 |256.44 |

|Undergraduate | |258.92 |264.46 |266.09 |250.52 |257.72 |

| | | | | | | | |


Table 19b: Middle Level PPR Summary Data by Domain

|PPR 4-8 | |Domain 1 |Domain 2 |Domain 3 |Domain 4 |

|Year (N) |Total |Planning Inst/Assmt |Clsm Mngmt |Delv Inst/Assmt |Prf Roles |

|2002-2003 (64) |259.52 |267.13 |260.13 |249.88 |261.08 |

|2003-2004 (74) |254.23 |257.19 |252.32 |248.42 |258.80 |

|2004-2005 (86) |261.57 |262.13 |264.26 |258.66 |262.79 |

|2005-2006 (63) |263.30 |266.76 |259.56 |261.03 |263.11 |

|2006-2007 (88) |263.08 |268.42 |263.18 |258.66 |262.08 |

|2007-2008 (62) |262.92 |262.53 |259.87 |263.65 |262.92 |


Table 19c: Secondary/All Level PPR Summary Data by Domain

|PPR 8-12 | |Domain 1 |Domain 2 |Domain 3 |Domain 4 |

|Year (N) |Total |Planning Inst/Assmt |Clsm Mngmt |Delv Inst/Assmt |Prf Roles |

|2005-2006 |248.47 |247.14 |250.34 |247.02 |250.81 |

|2006-2007 |249.07 |247.91 |250.92 |249.97 |249.87 |

|2007-2008 |255.16 |254.80 |256.48 |254.94 |253.28 |


Secondary-All Level PPR Results by Program Level

|PostBac Program | |Total Average |Domain 1 |Domain 2 |

|PB Secondary PPR | | | | |

|113: English Language Arts and |Domain 2: Reading Comprehension, Written Language, | |251.93 |251.67 |

|Reading/Social Studies 4-8 |Study and Inquiry | |(N=43) |253.63 |

| |Domain 4: Social Studies Foundations, Skills, and | | |(27) |

| |Instruction | | | |

|114: Mathematics/Science 4-8 |Domain 6: Mathematical Learning, Instruction, and |N=0 |250.55 |238.91 |

| |Assessment | |(N=51) |240.96 |

| |Domain 11: Science Learning, Instruction, and | | |(46) |

| |Assessment | | | |

|115:  Mathematics 4-8 |Domain 6: Mathematical Learning, Instruction, and |230.44 (N=15) |258.75 |240.83 |

| |Assessment | |(12) |(6) |

|116: Science 4-8 |Domain 5:  Science Learning, Instruction, and |264 (N=3) |236.25 |247 |

| |Assessment | |(N=4) |(8) |

|117: English Language Arts and |Domain 2: Reading Comprehension, Written Language, |246.15 (N=10) |265.78 |262.44 |

|Reading 4-8 |Study and Inquiry | |(N=9) |(9) |

|118: Social Studies 4-8 |Domain 2:  Social Studies Foundations, Skills, and |249.75 (N=23) |253.43 |259.33 |

| |Instruction | |(N=7) |(3) |

|131: English Language Arts and |Domain 1: Integrated Language Arts, Diverse Learners,|249.33 (N=5) |243.29 |256.23 |

|Reading 8-12 |and the Study of English | |(N=34) |(39) |

|132: Social Studies 8-12 |Domain 6:  Social Studies Foundations, Skills, |236.4 (N=23) |236.09 |253.57 |

| |Research, and Instruction | |(N=11) |(7) |

|133: History 8-12 |Domain 3: Foundations, Skills, Research, and |264.77 (N=7) |236.57 |234.53 |

| |Instruction | |(N=58) |(76) |

|135: Math 8-12 |Domain 6: Mathematical Learning, Instruction, and |N=0 |227.96 |229.58 |

| |Assessment | |(N=25) |(31) |

|136:  Science 8-12 |Domain 10: Science Learning, Instruction, and |258.67 (N=4) |222.65 |231.05 |

| |Assessment | |(N=17) |(21) |

|138: Life Science 8-12 |Domain 6: Science Learning, Instruction, and |N=0 |233.80 |249.8 |

| |Assessment | |(N=10) |(5) |

|149: Technology Applications |Domain 3: Video Technology and Multimedia (integrates|N=0 |251.29 |257.6 |

| |pedagogy) | | | |

| |Domain 4: Webmastering (integrates pedagogy) | |251.43 |256.47 |

| | | |(N=7) |(15) |

|154: ESL Supplemental |Domain 2:  ESL Instruction and Assessment |N=0 |261.25 |257.6 |

| | | |(N=16) |(15) |

|155: Speech 8-12 |Domain 3: Speech Education |266.56 (N=12) |259.14 |268.2 |

| | | |(N=7) |(5) |

|156: Journalism 8-12 |Domain 4: Journalism in the School Community |N=0 |243.20 |223.0 |

| | | |(N=5) |(5) |

|157: Health Education EC-12 |Domain 5:  The School Health Education Program |252.9 (N=17) |263.33 |255.0 |

| | | |(N=3) |(2) |

|158:  Physical Education |Domain 3: The Physical Education Program |N=0 |252.96 |251.33 |

| | | |(N=71) |(51) |

|172 Agriculture Education |Domain 1: Foundation of Agricultural Education |N=0 |268.80 |267.8 |

| | | |(N=4) |(25) |

|177: Music EC-12 |Domain 5:  Music Education |N=0 |249.71 |246.17 |

| | | |(N=48) |(46) |

|178: Art EC-12 |Domain 4: Art Instruction and Assessment |N=0 | |268.67 |

| | | | |(18) |

|179: Dance 8-12 |Domain 4:  Dance Education |83.4 (pass score: ) |268.67 |257.0 |

| | |N=13 |(N=3) |(5) |

|180: Theatre EC-12 |Domain 5: Theatre Education |66.4 (N=6) |264.13 |254.0 |

| | | |(N=21) |(19) |

|181: Deaf and Hard of Hearing EC-12 |Domain 4:  Understanding the Professional Environment|N=0 |253.49 |267.73 |

| | | |(N=10) |(15) |

|182: Visually Impaired EC-12 |Domain 4: Professional Knowledge |N=0 |270 |261.92 |

| | | |(N=9) |(13) |

|ExCET 005: Art |Domain 5: Art Instruction and Assessment | |76.23 | |

| | | |(N=13) | |

|ExCET 047: Spanish 6-12 |Domain 5:   Language and Culture | |82.0 |74.75 |

| | | |(N=13) |(12) |

|ExCET 048: French 6-12 |Domain 5:   Language and Culture | |67.00 | |

| | | |(N=2) | |

|ExCET 049: German |Domain 5: Language and Culture | |65.60 | |

| | | |(N=2) | |

|ExCET 050: Latin 6-12 |Domain 4:  Culture and Language Education | |N=0 | |

Table 21: ePortfolio Dispositions

|Disposition |Fall 2005 |Spring 2006|Fall |

|Competency | | |2006 |

| |N=38 |N=68 |N=49 |

|2 Domain 1: Plan Instruction and assessment to promote student learning |3.98 |3.85 |3.82 |

|3 Domain 2: Create a positive, safe and productive classroom environment |3.82 |3.98 |3.82 |

|4 Domain 3: Implement effective and responsive instruction and assessment |3.95 |3.85 |3.81 |

|5 Domain 4: Fulfill professional roles and responsibilities |3.93 |3.92 |3.84 |

|6 Competency 2: Instructional planning considers student diversity |3.68 |3.81 |3.80 |

|6 Competency 5: Classroom climate fostering learning, equity and excellence |3.86 |3.98 |3.83 |

|6 Competency 10: Monitors performance and provides quality feedback for all students |3.64 |3.84 |3.78 |

|7 Domain 1 Assignment 3 Effective use of technology to plan, organize and deliver instruction |4.0 |3.84 |3.92 |

Table 22c: ePortfolio Data

Learning Outcomes for Elementary Programs

|Outcome Measured |Fall 2005|Spring |Fall |Spring |

| | |2006 |2006 |2007 |

|Domain 1: Designing Instruction and Assessment to Promote Student Learning |3.57 |3.46 |3.38 |3.50 |

|2 (a) Uses diversity in the classroom and the community to enrich all students’ learning experiences |3.45 |3.36 |3.23 |3.38 |

|2 (b) Plans and adapts lessons to address students’ varied backgrounds, skills, interests, and learning |3.53 |3.30 |3.22 |3.41 |

|needs, including the needs of English language learners and students with disabilities | | | | |

|3 (a) Exhibits strong working knowledge of subject matter and central themes/concepts of the discipline |3.64 |3.56 |3.55 |3.60 |

|3 b) Plans instruction so that activities progress in a logical sequence and support instructional goals |3.63 |3.60 |3.49 |3.59 |

|(TEKS/TAKS) | | | | |

|4 Stimulates reflection, critical thinking and inquiry among students |3.50 |3.32 |3.28 |3.41 |

|Domain 2: Creating a Positive, Productive Classroom Environment |3.76 |3.58 |3.57 |3.68 |

|6(a) Organizes activities, applies procedures, and manages time in ways that promote student learning, |3.64 |3.40 |3.47 |3.55 |

|appropriate behavior, and ethical work habits in the classroom | | | | |

|6(b) Establishes and maintains positive rapport with students |3.85 |3.67 |3.65 |3.77 |

|Domain 3: Implementing Effective, Responsive Instruction and Assessment |3.59 |3.45 |3.37 |3.51 |

|7(b) Exhibits effective communication and interpersonal skills to enhance student understanding |3.69 |3.50 |3.40 |3.59 |

|8(a) Applies instructional strategies to successfully and actively engage students in the learning process |3.58 |3.40 |3.31 |3.48 |

|and to promote critical thinking and problem solving | | | | |

|8(b) Remediates or enriches as a result of ongoing assessment and reflection |3.53 |3.35 |3.28 |3.44 |

|9 Incorporates the effective use of technology to plan, organize, deliver, and evaluate instruction |3.50 |3.44 |3.38 |3.46 |

|10 Monitors student performance and achievement with appropriate and varied assessments |3.60 |3.46 |3.42 |3.53 |

|Domain 4: Fulfilling Professional Roles and Responsibilities |3.84 |3.70 |3.68 |3.78 |

|12(a) Exhibits standards of professional dress and demeanor |3.90 |3.71 |3.72 |3.82 |

|12(b) Engages in reflection/self-assessment to identify strengths and challenges, improve teaching |3.79 |3.57 |3.53 |3.69 |

|performance, and achieve professional goals | | | | |

|12(c) Models punctuality, reliability, and dependability |3.84 |3.68 |3.65 |3.77 |

|13(a) Complies with all school and university policies, operating procedures, and legal requirements |3.90 |3.76 |3.74 |3.84 |

|13(b) Models ethical behavior and professionalism on a daily basis with staff, students and colleagues |3.86 |3.87 |3.75 |3.83 |

Fall 2007

Results of Both Supervisors and Cooperating Teachers (4.0 scale)

| |Elem |Mid |Sec |All |

| |(219) |(13) |(141) |(373) |

|Domain 1: Designing Instruction and Assessment to Promote Student Learning |3.60 |3.24 |3.48 |3.54 |

|1Selects learner-centered and developmentally appropriate instructional content |3.68 |3.62 |3.55 |3.62 |

|2 (a) Uses diversity in the classroom and the community to enrich all students’ learning experiences |3.56 |2.92 |3.37 |3.46 |

|2 (b) Plans and adapts lessons to address students’ varied backgrounds, skills, interests, and learning |3.51 |2.92 |3.40 |3.45 |

|needs, including the needs of English language learners and students with disabilities | | | | |

|3 (a) Exhibits strong working knowledge of subject matter and central themes/concepts of the |3.64 |3.31 |3.61 |3.62 |

|discipline | | | | |

|3 b) Plans instruction so that activities progress in a logical sequence and support instructional |3.69 |3.48 |3.52 |3.62 |

|goals (TEKS/TAKS) | | | | |

|4 Stimulates reflection, critical thinking and inquiry among students |3.53 |3.23 |3.42 |3.48 |

|Domain 2: Creating a Positive, Productive Classroom Environment |3.72 |3.38 |3.61 |3.67 |

|5 Establishes a classroom environment of courtesy and respect that is safe, nurturing, inclusive, and |3.73 |3.54 |3.67 |3.70 |

|productive | | | | |

|6(a) Organizes activities, applies procedures, and manages time in ways that promote student learning, |3.59 |3.08 |3.49 |3.53 |

|appropriate behavior, and ethical work habits in the classroom | | | | |

|6(b) Establishes and maintains positive rapport with students |3.84 |3.54 |3.66 |3.76 |

|Domain 3: Implementing Effective, Responsive Instruction and Assessment |3.58 |3.37 |3.44 |3.52 |

|7(a) Demonstrates clear and accurate oral and written communication in the teaching and learning |3.64 |3.46 |3.54 |3.60 |

|processes and uses language that is appropriate to students’ ages, interests, and backgrounds | | | | |

|7(b) Exhibits effective communication and interpersonal skills to enhance student understanding |3.68 |3.38 |3.54 |3.62 |

|8(a) Applies instructional strategies to successfully and actively engage students in the learning |3.61 |3.23 |3.42 |3.52 |

|process and to promote critical thinking and problem solving | | | | |

|8(b) Remediates or enriches as a result of ongoing assessment and reflection |3.47 |3.38 |3.32 |3.41 |

|9 Incorporates the effective use of technology to plan, organize, deliver, and evaluate instruction |3.50 |3.31 |3.37 |3.44 |

|10 Monitors student performance and achievement with appropriate and varied assessments |3.61 |3.6 |3.48 |3.55 |

|Domain 4: Fulfilling Professional Roles and Responsibilities |3.84 |3.63 |3.68 |3.77 |

|11 Develops positive, productive relationships with students, parents, staff and other professionals |3.82 |3.54 |3.61 |3.73 |

|12(a) Exhibits standards of professional dress and demeanor |3.84 |3.69 |3.75 |3.80 |

|12(b) Engages in reflection/self-assessment to identify strengths and challenges, improve teaching |3.73 |3.46 |3.63 |3.69 |

|performance, and achieve professional goals | | | | |

|12(c) Models punctuality, reliability, and dependability |3.84 |3.69 |3.63 |3.75 |

|13(a) Complies with all school and university policies, operating procedures, and legal requirements |3.91 |3.69 |3.74 |3.84 |

|13(b) Models ethical behavior and professionalism on a daily basis with staff, students and colleagues |3.90 |3.69 |3.70 |3.82 |


Part IV: NCATE Data

The following several tables are among those required for the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE). They are numbered following the NCATE format.

NCATE Table 2: Initial Programs and their Review Status

|Program Name and Level |Award Level |No. of Candidates |Agency Reviewing |

| |(Bachelor’s or |Enrolled (or) Admitted|Programs 1 |

| |PostBac) |Fall 2008 | |

| | |Total (B, PB) | |

|Agricultural Science & Technology 6-12 |3 |100% |91.8% (159) |

|Art All-Level (ExCET) |10 |100% |80.4% (624) |

|Art EC-12 TExES |0 |-- |94.6% (241) |

|Bilingual Spanish Supplemental 4-8 |1 |100% |62.8% (277) |

|Bilingual Spanish Supplemental EC-4 |4 |100% |59.8% (2204) |

|Chemistry 8-12 |1 |100% |85.9% (170) |

|Dance 8-12 |3 |100% |80.4% (148 ) |

|Deaf and Hard of Hearing EC-12 |10 |100% |91.9% (99 ) |

|ESL Generalist EC-4 |1 |100% |91.4% (1295 ) |

|ESL Supplemental |5 |80% |90% (9171 ) |

|English Language Arts and Reading 4-8 |8 |100% |92% (1909 ) |

|English Language Arts and Reading 8-12 |29 |96.6% |81.9% (2480 ) |

|English Lang. Arts and Reading/Social Studies 4-8 |30 |93.3% |90.2% (594 ) |

|Family and Consumer Sciences Composite |1 |100% |Not available |

|French (secondary) |1 |0% |75.9% (137 ) |

|Generalist EC-4  |274 |98.9% |81.6% (15,888 ) |

|German (secondary) |1 |100% |77.8% (45 ) |

|Health Education EC-12 |5 |100% |93.3% (986 ) |

|History 8-12 |31 |87.1% |59.3% (950 ) |

| Journalism 8-12 |1 |100% |71.9% (178 ) |

|Latin |0 |-- |63.2% (19 ) |

|Life Science 8-12 |5 |100% |50.6% (907 ) |

|Mathematics 4-8 |8 |100% |64.3% (2062 ) |

|Mathematics 8-12 |11 |90.9% |50.8% (2022 ) |

|Mathematics/Physics 8-12 |0 |-- |80% (65 ) |

|Mathematics/Science 4-8 |24 |91.7% |75.8% (396 ) |

|Music All Level (ExCET expired) |2 |100% | |

|Music All Level (TExES) |25 |100% |78.3% (988 ) |

|Physical Education EC-12 |65 |98.5% |52.7% (2561 ) |

|Science 4-8 |3 |66.7% |58.6% (1466 ) |

|Science 8-12 |4 |100% |50.9% (1298 ) |

|Social Studies 4-8 |5 |80% |73.2% (1199 ) |

|Social Studies 8-12 |4 |100% |67.3% (2134 ) |

|Spanish (Secondary) |5 |100% |84.8% (1251 ) |

|Spanish Oral Proficiency |4 |100% |92% (4116 ) |

| Special Education EC-12 |26 |100% |76.9% (6148 ) |

|Speech Communications (TExES expired) |1 |100% | |

|Speech Communication EC-12 |4 |100% |97.4% (609 ) |

|Technology Applications EC-12 |5 |100% |76.5% (380 ) |

|Theatre EC-12 |4 |100% |84.5% (374 ) |

1 State Board for Educator Certification View Pass Rates Assessment System for Educator Preparation (ASEP) Report by Certificate

2 All examinations are TExES unless specified as earlier ExCET

NCATE Table 5: Pass Rates on Content Tests by Certificate

Other School Personnel 1

9/1/2006-12/31/2007 (ASEP 2007 Initial Data) 2

|Certification Description |Number of TTU Test |% Passing for TTU |Test Takers |

| |Takers | |State-Wide |

|Bilingual Supplemental 4-8 |1 |100% |62.8% (159) |

|Bilingual Supplemental EC-4 |4 |100% |59.8% (2204) |

|Educational Diagnostician (ExCET) |3 |100% | |

|Educational Diagnostician EC-12 |12 |100% |87.5% (9171) |

|ESL Supplemental |5 |80% |90% (9171) |

|Master Reading Teacher |0 |-- |72.9% (181) |

|Master Technology Teacher EC-12 |0 |-- |80% (30) |

|Principal |28 |100% |74.3% (3754) |

|Reading Specialist |1 |100% |99.5% (200) |

|School Counselor |8 |100% |93.6% (1119) |

|Special Education Supplemental |2 |100% |88.8% (507) |

|Superintendent |10 |90% |74.5% (380) |

1 State Board for Educator Certification View Pass Rates

Assessment System for Educator Preparation (ASEP) Report by Certificate

2 All examinations are TExES unless specified as earlier ExCET

NCATE Table 6: Transition Point Assessments 1

| |

|Bilingual Education EC-6 |GPA Overall (2.7) & in content |GPA overall (2.7), content|Successful completion of |Successful completion of Capstone |Candidate end-of-program|

|Elementary Education EC-6 |fields (2.7) Evidence of basic |fields (2.7), and in |student teaching assessed |Course |survey, Follow-up |

|English as a Second Language EC-6 |skills (Texas Higher Education |education courses (2.7) |against competencies by: |Successful creation of a professional|surveys of graduates |

|Math/Science EC-6 |Assessment, Accuplacer, SAT, or |Successful completion of |informal daily |portfolio |and employers, |

|Special Education EC-12 |ACT scores) |specified education |observations, use of |Successful completion of required |Focus groups with local |

| |Completion of general education |coursework (including |clinical observation, |coursework, including the achievement|employers & graduates |

| |core curriculum |field experiences) |midterm, and final |of student learning outcomes | |

| | | |assessment forms |Passing the appropriate TExES | |

| | | | |(licensure) exams | |

|English/Lang. Arts/Soc. Studies 4-8 |GPA Overall (2.5) & in content |GPA overall (2.5), content|Successful completion of |Successful completion of Capstone |Candidate end-of-program|

|Math/Science 4-8 |fields (2.5) Evidence of basic |fields(2.5), and in |student teaching assessed |Course, |survey Follow-up surveys|

|Multidisciplinary Science |skills (Texas Higher Education |education courses (2.5) |against competencies by: |Successful creation of a professional|of Graduates & employers|

|Secondary Education 8-12 |Assessment, Accuplacer, SAT, or |Successful completion of |informal daily |portfolio, |Focus groups with local |

| |ACT scores) |specified education |observations, use of |Successful completion of required |employers & graduates |

| |Completion of general education |coursework (including |clinical observation, |coursework, including the achievement| |

| |core curriculum |field experiences) |midterm and final |of student learning outcomes, | |

| | | |assessment forms |Passing the appropriate TExES | |

| | | | |(licensure) exams | |

|Advanced Teaching Programs: Master’s Degree |

|Master Reading Teacher |Hold a valid Texas Teaching |Teaching experience |Two years of teaching |Successful completion of the required|Candidate end-of-program|

| |Certificate | |experience |program of study, |survey, Follow-up |

| |2 years of teaching experience in | | |Passing the appropriate TExES |surveys of graduates and|

| |TEA accredited schools | | |(licensure) exam |employers |

|Master Technology Teacher |Accepted into the EDIT master’s |Teaching experience |Two years of teaching |Success completion of the required |Candidate end-of-program|

| |program and have teaching | |experience |program of study, |survey, Follow-up |

| |experience | | |Passing the appropriate TExES |surveys of grads. & |

| | | | |(licensure) exam |employers |

|Reading Specialist |Hold a master’s degree |Teaching experience |Two years of teaching |Success completion of the required |Candidate end-of-program|

| |Hold a valid Texas Teaching | |experience |program of study, |survey, Follow-up |

| |Certificate | | |Passing the appropriate TExES |surveys of graduates & |

| |2 years of teaching experience in | | |(licensure) exam |employers |

| |TEA accredited schools | | | | |

|Advanced Programs for Other School Professionals |

|Counselor Certification |Graduate School application |Successfully completed all|Satisfactory completion of |Pass both the TExES and master’s |Candidate end of program|

| |documents: application form, fee, |coursework |a professional portfolio, |comprehensive exams |survey, |

| |official transcripts, and | |Satisfactory |Minimum of two years teaching |Alumni and employer |

| |residence questionnaire COE | |recommendations from the |experience for certification |survey/focus groups |

| |documents (specific to program): | |university and site-based | | |

| |usually application cover sheet, | |supervisors based on | | |

| |recommendation form or reference | |assessment form | | |

| |letters, resume´, letter of | | | | |

| |application; writing samples, GRE | | | | |

| |scores, teaching experience | | | | |

|Educational Diagnostician |Graduate School application |Initial Practicum: Taking |Exit exam based on CEC |Pass the TExES exam, |Exit survey at end of |

| |documents: application form, fee, |or have taken EDSP 5301 |competencies |Two years teaching experience, |program, focus groups |

| |official transcripts, and |Final Internship: | |Analysis of student learning outcomes|with alumni and |

| |residence questionnaire COE |Completed all coursework | |(see separate student learning |employers |

| |documents (specific to program): |except EDSP 5094 | |outcomes matrix) | |

| |usually application cover sheet, | | | | |

| |recommendation form, letter of | | | | |

| |application; writing samples, GRE | | | | |

| |scores | | | | |

|Principal Certification |Graduate School application |Successfully completed all|Successfully completed a |Pass the principal TExES examination |Candidate end of program|

| |documents: application form, fee, |coursework |professional portfolio |Master’s Comprehensive Examination, |survey, |

| |official transcripts, and | |Satisfactory |Analysis of student learning outcomes|Alumni survey/focus |

| |residence questionnaire, | |recommendations from the |(see separate student learning |groups |

| |COE documents: application cover | |university and site-based |outcomes matrix), | |

| |sheet, recommendation form or | |supervisors based on |Minimum of two years teaching | |

| |reference letters, resume, letter | |assessment form |experience for certification | |

| |of application; writing samples, | | | | |

| |GRE scores | | | | |

|Special Education Certification |Graduate School application |Successfully completed all|Successfully completed a |Master’s Comprehensive Exam |Candidate end of program|

|Deaf and Hard of Hearing |documents: application form, |coursework |professional portfolio, |Analysis of student learning outcomes|survey, |

|Deafblindness |official transcripts, and | |Satisfactory |(see separate student learning |Alumni survey/focus |

|Orientation Mobility |residence questionnaire, COE | |recommendations from the |outcomes matrix) |group |

|Teacher of Students with Visual |documents: application cover | |university and site-based | | |

|Impairments |sheet, recommendation form or | |supervisors based on | | |

| |reference letters, resume´, letter| |assessment form | | |

| |of application; writing samples, | | | | |

| |GRE scores | | | | |

|Superintendent Certification |Graduate School application |Successfully completed all|Assessment of leadership |Pass the superintendent TExES |Candidate end of program|

| |documents: application form, fee, |coursework |dispositions |examination, |survey (being |

| |official transcripts, and |Self assessment of |Satisfactory |Analysis of student learning outcomes|developed), |

| |residence questionnaire |leadership dispositions |recommendations from the |(see separate student learning |Informal but regular |

| |COE documents: application cover | |university and site |outcomes matrix) |program faculty |

| |sheet, reference letters, resume´,| |supervisors | |discussion about success|

| |letter of application; writing | | | |of past year candidates,|

| |samples, Texas principal | | | |Alumni survey/focus |

| |certification (with associated | | | |group |

| |teaching experience) | | | | |

1 Transition point assessment criteria established by faculty guided by state requirements and professional association guidelines

NCATE Table 9: Candidate and EC-12 Student Demographics

Fall 2008 1

|Ethnicity |TTU Candidates in |TTU Candidates| |EC-12 Students |EC-12 Students| | |N |

| |Initial Teacher |in Advanced |All Students |Education |State of Texas| | | |

| |Preparation |Preparation |at TTU |Region 17 2 |2 | | | |

| |Programs |Programs | | | | | | |

|Asian , Native Hawaiian or Other |11 |0.94% |1 |0.55% |841 |2.96% |1.0% |4.0% |

|Pacific Islander | | | | | | | | |

|Black or African American |39 |3.32% |6 |3.31% |1165 |4.10% |7.0% |13.3% |

|Hispanic or Latino |169 |14.40% |28 |15.47% |3668 |12.91% |42.7% |35.8% |

|White |925 |78.79% |137 |75.69% |20882. |73.47% |49.1% |45.5% |

|Two or more races |NA 3 |NA |NA |NA |NA |NA |NA |NA |

|Race/ethnicity unknown |23 |1.96% |8 |4.42% |1666 |5.86% |0.0% |1.0% |

|Total |1174 |100.01% |181 |99.99% |28422 |100% |100.1% |100% |

| | | | | | | | | |

|Female |936 |79.73% |155 |85.64% |12700 |44.68% |NA |NA |

|Male |238 |20.27% |26 |14.36% |15675 |55.15% |NA |NA |

|Total |1174 |100% |181 |100% |28422 |99.83% |NA |NA |

1 Candidate data from Certification Office Index File, TTU data from IRIM Data Warehouse,

EC-12 data from the state’s Academic Excellence Indicator System

2 Graduating seniors only in EC-12 settings (Class of 2007)

3 NA: Data Not Available


Part V: Admission and Active Data

Table 24: Candidates Admitted to Educator Preparation Programs

by Teaching or Professional Field 1

|Certificate Description |Admitted |Admitted |Admitted |

| |2005-06 |2006-07 |2007-08 |

| |Total (U, PB) 2 |Total (U, PB) |Total (U, PB) |

|Agriculture Production |29 (28 , 1 ) |28 (25, 3) |25 (22, 3) |

|Art (All level or Secondary) | 16 (14 , 2 ) |17 (13, 4) |16 (15, 1) |

|Bilingual Generalist EC-4 (Spanish) |24 (22 , 2 ) |10 (9, 1) | |

|Bilingual Supplemental (Spanish) |5 (0 , 5) |5 (3, 2) |15 (14, 1) |

|Chemistry | | |4 (2, 2) |

|Computer Science (Secondary) |0 |0 |1 (0, 1) |

|Dance (Secondary) |1 ( 0 , 1 ) |5 (3, 2) |1 (1, 0) |

|Educational Diagnostician |8 (0 , 8 ) |20 (0, 20) |25 (0, 25) |

|English (Secondary) |65 (37 , 28 ) |41 (30, 11) |51 (29, 22) |

|English as a Second Language |18 (16 , 2 ) |40 (38, 2) |116 (88, 28) |

|English Language Arts and Reading (Middle)** |16 (11 , 5 ) |17 (14, 3) |2 (2, 0) |

|English Language Arts and Reading/Social Studies (Middle) |39 (34 , 5 ) |15 (14, 1) |55 (53, 2) |

|Family and Consumer Science --Composite |11 (9 , 2 ) |15 (10, 5) |20 (9, 11) |

|Family and Consumer Science – Hosp/Nutrition/Food Science |1 (1 , 0 ) |3 (3, 0) |7 (7, 0) |

|Family and Consumer Science – Hum Dev & FS | | |1 (0, 1) |

|French (Secondary) |3 (1 , 2 ) |0 |0 |

|Generalist EC-4 |361 (201 , 160 ) |345 (240, 105) |450(325, 124) |

|German | |1 (0, 1) |0 |

|Health Education (Secondary) |2 (1 , 1 ) |5 (1, 4) |2 (0, 2) |

|History (Secondary) |61 (36 , 25 ) |53 (35, 18) |40 (27, 13) |

|Journalism (Secondary) |6 (3 , 3 ) |3 (1, 2) |2 (1, 1) |

|Latin (Secondary) |1 (0 , 1 ) |1 (1, 0) |0 |

|Life Sciences (Secondary) |13 (3 , 10 ) |9 (0, 9) |10 (0, 10) |

|Master Reading Teacher |7 (0 , 7 ) |6 (0, 6) |0 |

|Master Technology Teacher |0 |1 (0, 1) |1 |

|Mathematics (Middle)** |53 (48 , 5 ) |21 (15, 6) |16 (11, 5) |

|Mathematics (Secondary) |25 (13 , 12 ) |25 (15, 10) |29 (20, 9) |

|Mathematics/Physics 8-12 | |1 (0, 1) |1 (1, 0) |

|Mathematics/Science (Middle) ** |42 (39 , 3 ) |17 (13, 4) | |

|Music (All level or Secondary) |34 (33 , 1 ) |35 (33, 2) |52 (43, 8) |

|Physical Education (All level or Secondary) |93 (65 , 28 ) |69 (58, 11) |51 (43, 8) |

|Physical Science (Secondary) |2 (2 , 0 ) |0 |2 (0, 2) |

|Principal |34 (0 , 34 ) |25 (0, 25) |20 (0, 20) |

|Reading Specialist |3 (0 , 3 ) |0 |0 |

|School Counselor |4 (0 , 4 ) |9 (0, 9) |8 (0, 8) |

|Science (Middle) ** |47 (44 , 3 ) |21 (15, 6) |7 (6, 1) |

|Science Composite (Secondary) |16 (10 , 6 ) |12 (9, 3) |18 (15, 3) |

|Social Studies (Middle)** |45 (42 , 3 ) |17 (15, 2) |19 (14, 5) |

|Social Studies Composite (Secondary) |24 (14 , 10 ) |6 (3, 3) |14 (9, 5) |

|Spanish (Secondary) |11 (5 , 6 ) |14 (6, 8) |10 (7, 3) |

|Special Education |37 (17 , 20 ) |54 (36, 17) |68 (60, 8) |

|Speech Communications (Secondary) |8 ( 0 , 8 ) |3 (2, 1) |6 ( 3, 3) |

|Superintendent |6 ( 0 , 6 ) |6 (0,6) |8 (0, 8) |

|Technology Applications | |5 (0, 5) |5 (0, 5) |

|Theatre Arts |5 (1 , 4 ) |8 (3, 5) |9 (5, 4) |

|Visually Impaired |31 ( 0 , 31 ) |23 (0, 23) |67 (0, 67) |

| | | | |

|Subtotal Elementary Initial | | |450 (326, 124) |

|Subtotal Middle Level Initial | | |108 (95, 13) |

|Subtotal Secondary Initial | | |242 (153, 89) |

|Subtotal All Level Initial | | |149 (65, 84) |

|Subtotal Supplemental | | |131 (102, 29) |

|Subtotal Professional | | |62 |

|Total Certification Areas |987 (564 , 423 ) |882 (520 , 362) |1289 (848, 441) |

1 Duplicates are included; a candidate might have applied in multiple fields and then decided to pursue only one field upon acceptance or EC-4/Special Education are counted as elementary and all-level, for example.

2 T: Total, U: undergraduate, PB: post-baccalaureate

Table 25: Candidates in Educator Preparation Programs

by Teaching or Professional Field 1

|Certificate Description |Fall 2005 |Fall 2006 |Fall 2007 |Fall 2008 |

| |Total (U, PB)2 |Total (U, PB) |Total (U, PB) |Total (U, PB) |

|Agriculture Production |45 (43, 2) |34 (30 , 4) |35 (29, 6) |30 (27, 3) |

|Art (All level or Secondary) |25 (23, 2) |26 (24 , 2) |30 (23, 7) |21 (19, 2) |

|Bilingual Generalist EC-4 (Spanish) |20 (13, 7) |20 (17 , 3) |19 (15, 4) |12 (12, 0) |

|Bilingual Supplemental (Spanish) |10 (2, 8) |6 (1 , 5) |6 (2, 4) |3 (2, 1) |

|Computer Science (Secondary) |1 (0, 1) |0 |0 |1 (0, 1) |

|Dance (Secondary) |4 (3, 1) |4 (3, 1) |8 (5, 3) |4 (3, 1) |

|Deaf Education |1 (0, 1) |23 (0 , 23) |31 (0, 31) |23 (0, 23) |

|Educational Diagnostician |16 (0, 16) |24 (0 , 24) |35 (0, 35) |38 (0, 38) |

|English (Secondary) |81 (49, 32) |61 (46 , 15) |61 (38, 23) |63 (35, 28) |

|English as a Second Language |26 (11, 15) |50 (42, 8) |46 (42, 4) |119 (97, 22) |

|English Language Arts and Reading (Middle) |18 (9, 9) |21 (11 , 10) |18 (10, 8) |4 (3, 1) |

|English Language Arts /R/Soc St (Middle) |77 (65, 12) |67 ( 61 , 6) |60 (52, 8) |57 (54, 3) |

|Family and Consumer Science --Composite |19 (8, 11) |14 (8 , 6) |13 (13, 0) |20 (14, 6) |

|Family and Consumer Science – Hosp/Nutrition/Food Science |1 (1, 0) |3 (3 , 0) |4 (4, 0) |6 (6, 0) |

|French (Secondary) |5 (1, 4) |1 (1 , 0) |2 (1, 1) |1 ( 0, 1) |

|Generalist EC-4 |516 (337, 179) |556 (393,163) |502( 371,131) |520 (406, 114) |

|German (Secondary) |1 (0, 1) |1 (0, 1) |1 (0, 1) |0 |

|Health Education (all level) |13 (7, 6) |10 (2 , 8) |4 (2, 2) |2 (2, 0) |

|History (Secondary) |81 ( 46, 35) |73 (44 , 29) |66 (41 , 25) |46 ( 35, 11) |

|Journalism (Secondary) |8 (2, 6) |5 (3 , 2) |4 (1, 3) |2 (1, 1) |

|Latin (Secondary) |3 (1, 2) |0 |0 |0 |

|Life Sciences (Secondary) |15 (2, 13) |14 (1 , 13) |8 (0, 8) |8 (0, 8) |

|Master Reading Teacher |0 |7 (0 , 7) |4 (0, 4) |3 (0, 3) |

|Master Technology Teacher |0 |0 |2 (0, 2) |4 (0, 4) |

|Mathematics (Middle) |31 (27, 4) |19 (12 , 7) |13 (6, 7) |23 (19, 4) |

|Mathematics (Secondary) |54 (29, 25) |31 (12 , 19) |37 (22, 15) |30 (21, 9) |

|Mathematics/Physics (Secondary) | | |1 (0, 1) |1 (1, 0) |

|Mathematics/Science (Middle) |48 (43, 5) |66 (62 , 4) |49 ( 43, 6) |43 (43, 0) |

|Music (All level) |57 (53, 4) |71 (67 , 4) |88 (83, 5) |78 (71, 7) |

|Orientation and Mobility (national cert) |-- |15 (0 , 15) |17 (0, 17) |14 (0, 14) |

|Physical Education (All level or Secondary) |116 (78, 38) |103 (78 , 25) |81 (61, 20) |64 ( 57, 7) |

|Physical Science (Secondary) |3 (1, 2) |0 |1 (0, 1) |1 (0, 1) |

|Principal |38 (0, 38) |61 (0 , 61) |59 (0, 59) |43 (0, 43) |

|Reading Specialist |5 (0, 5) |4 (0 , 4) |2 (0, 2) |3 (0, 3) |

|School Counselor |24 (0, 24) |11 (0 , 11) |25 (0, 25) |23 (0, 23) |

|Science (Middle) |9 (6, 3) |7 (5 , 2) |6 (5,1) |8 (6, 2) |

|Science Composite (Secondary) |20 (15, 5) |13 (10 , 3) |20 (12, 8) |20 (17, 3) |

|Social Studies (Middle) |18 (14, 4) |17 (13 , 4) |14 (9, 5) |15 (14, 1) |

|Social Studies Composite (Secondary) |27 (12, 15) |15 (7 , 8) |16 (8, 8) |13 (10, 3) |

|Spanish (Secondary) |32 (13, 19) |15 (7 , 8) |18 (7, 11) |14 (9, 5) |

|Special Education |79 (42, 37) |64 (40 , 24) |55 (37, 18) |67 (61, 6) |

|Speech Communications (Secondary) |14 (5, 9) |12 (6 , 6) |7 (2, 5) |5 (4, 1) |

|Superintendent |11 (0, 11) |8 (0 , 8) |3 (0, 3) |7 (0, 7) |

|Technology Applications |15 (0, 15) |11 (0 , 11) |9 (0, 9) |5 (0, 5) |

|Theatre Arts |4 (2, 2) |11 (6 , 5) |11 (4, 7) |8 (6, 2) |

|Visually Impaired |84 (0, 84) |31 (0 , 31) |56 (0, 56) |60 (0, 60) |

| | | | | |

|Subtotal Elementary Initial |536 |576 |504 |532 |

| |(350, 186) |(410, 166) |(386, 118) |(418,114) |

|Subtotal Middle Level Initial |201 |197 |155 |150 |

| |(164, 37) |(164, 33) |(125, 30) |(139,11) |

|Subtotal Secondary Initial |473 |282 |301 |270 |

| |(282, 191) |(173, 109) |(182, 119) |(185, 85) |

|Subtotal All Level Initial |182 |350 |381 |328 |

| |(44, 138) |(217, 133) |(234, 147) |(216,112) |

|Subtotal Supplemental |36 (13,23) |56 (43, 13) |52 (44, 8) |122 (99, 23) |

|Subtotal Professional |94 |115 |95 |118 |

|Total Certification Areas |1566 |1454 |1417 |1520 |

| |(870, 696) |(895 , 559) |(839, 578) |(1057, 463) |

1 Note: Some candidates are active in more than one program

2 T: Total, U: undergraduate, PB: post-baccalaureate


Part VI: Other State Reports

Table 26: Legislative Budget Board (LBB) Performance Measure

Educator preparation programs at public colleges and universities are required to report certification rates of teacher education graduates to the Legislative Budget Board (LBB). The certification rate required by the LBB is based upon the percentage of an institution’s undergraduate teacher education program graduates who become certified to teach no later than the end of the fiscal year following the year of graduation from the program. This measure is used to provide an indicator of the effectiveness of an undergraduate teacher-education program’s production of certified educators.

| |2005 |2006 |2007 |2008 |

|Number of Graduates Certified At the |289 |314 |296 |369 |

|End of the Next Fiscal Year | | | | |

|LBB Certification Rate |86.5% |86.0% |87.3% |88.7% |

|Not certified, but recommended: |8 (2.4%) |11 (3%) |9 (2.7%) |9 (2.2%) |

|Not recommended, but tested |26 (8.4%) |24 (6.6%) |22 (6.5%) |28 (6.7%) |

|Not recommended or tested |9 (2.7%) |16 (4.4%) |12 (3.5%) |10 (2.4%) |

Table 27: 2006-2007 Title II Report

October 15, 2008

| |HEA - Title II | | | |

| |2006-2007 Academic Year | | | |

|Institution Name |Texas Tech University | | | |

|Institution Code |152501 | | | |

|State |Texas | | | |

|Number of Program Completers Submitted |616 | | | |

|Number of Program Completers found, |616 | | |

|matched, | | | |

|and used in passing rate Calculations1 | | | |

|  | | | |Statewide |

|Type of Assessment2 |Number |Number |Institutional |Number |Number |Statewide |

| |Taking |Passing |Pass Rate |Taking |Passing |Pass Rate |

| |Assessment3 |Assessment4 | |Assessment3 |Assessment4 | |

|Aggregate - Professional Knowledge | 607 | 587 |97% |12615 |12149 |96% |

|Aggregate - Academic Content Areas (Math, | 578 | 556 |96% |11539 |11017 |95% |

|English, Biology) | | | | | | |

|Aggregate - Other Content Areas | 7 | | | 150 | 144 |96% |

|(Career/Technical Education, Health | | | | | | |

|Educations, etc.) | | | | | | |

|Aggregate - Teaching Special Populations | 44 | 42 |95% | 3314 | 3103 |94% |

|(Special Education, ELS, etc.) | | | | | | |

|Aggregate - Performance Assessments |  |  |  |  |  |  |

|Summary Totals and Pass Rates5 | 616 | 582 |94% |12959 |12216 |94% |

| | | | | |  |  |

|1 The number of program completers found, matched and used in the passing rate calculation will not equal the sum of the column labeled "Number Taking |

|Assessment" since a completer can take more than one assessment. |

|2 The State of Texas did not require the assessments within an aggregate where data cells are blank. | | | |

|3 Number of completers who took one or more tests in a category and within their area of specialization. | | | |

|4 Number who passed all tests they took in a category and within their area of specialization. | | | |

|5 Summary Totals and Pass Rate: Number of completers who successfully completed one or more tests across all categories used by the state for licensure and |

|the total pass rate. |

| | | | | | | |

Table 28: ASEP Annual Performance Report

Applied/Accepted/Retained in Program

Applied to Program 2007-2008

Classification |Total |Female |Male |White |Hispanic |Black |Native

American |Asian/

Pacific Island |Other/

no answer | |Undergraduate |479 |345 |134 |388 |68 |9 |5 |6 |3 | |PostBac |273 |204 |69 |202 |37 |21 |2 |4 |7 | |Total |752 |549 |203 |590 |104 |30 |7 |10 |10 | |

Accepted to Program 2007-2008

Classification |Total |Female |Male |White |Hispanic |Black |Native

American |Asian/

Pacific Island |Other /

no answer | |Undergraduate |435 |314 |121 |353 |61 |7 |5 |6 |3 | |PostBac |265 |198 |67 |196 |37 |19 |2 |4 |7 | |Total |700 |502 |188 |549 |98 |26 |7 |10 |10 | |UG % of applied |90.8% |91.0% |90.3% |91.0% |89.7% |77.8% |100.0% |100.0% |100.0% | |PB % of applied |97.1% |97.1% |97.1% |97.0% |100.0% |90.5% |100.0% |100.0% |100.0% | |Total % of applied |93.1% |91.4% |92.6% |93.1% |94.2% |86.7% |100.0% |100.0% |100.0% | |

Started Program 2007-2008

Classificaion |Total |Female |Male |White |Hispanic |Black |Native

American |Astian/

Pacific Island |Other /

no answer | |Undergraduate |375 |274 |101 |303 |53 |6 |5 |5 |3 | |PostBac |212 |160 |52 |157 |32 |14 |1 |3 |5 | |Total |587 |434 |153 |460 |85 |20 |6 |8 |8 | |UG % of applied |78.3% |79.4% |75.4% |78.1% |77.9% |66.7% |100.0% |83.3% |100.0% | |UG % of accepted |86.2% |87.3% |83.5% |85.8% |86.9% |85.7% |100.0% |83.3% |100.0% | |PB % of applied |77.7% |78.4% |75.4% |77.7% |86.5% |66.7% |50.0% |75.0% |71.4% | |PB % of accepted |80.0% |80.8% |77.6% |80.1% |86.5% |73.7% |50.0% |75.0% |71.4% | |Total % of applied |78.1% |79.1% |75.4% |78.0% |81.7% |66.7% |85.7% |80.0% |80.0% | |Total % of accepted |83.9% |86.5% |81.4% |83.8% |86.7% |76.9% |85.7% |80.0% |80.0% | |

Retained in Program 2007-2008

Classification |Total |Female |Male |White |Hispanic |Black |Native

American |Asian/

Pacific Island |Other /

no answer | |Undergraduate |370 |272 |98 |298 |53 |6 |5 |5 |3 | |PostBac |195 |150 |45 |147 |26 |13 |1 |3 |5 | |Total |565 |422 |143 |445 |79 |19 |6 |8 |8 | |UG % of applied |77.2% |78.8% |73.1% |76.8% |77.9% |66.7% |100.0% |83.3% |100.0% | |UG % of accepted |85.1% |86.6% |81.0% |84.4% |86.9% |85.7% |100.0% |83.3% |100.0% | |UG % of started |98.7% |99.3% |97.0% |98.3% |100.0% |100.0% |100.0% |100.0% |100.0% | |PB % of applied |71.4% |73.5% |65.2% |72.8% |70.3% |61.9% |50.0% |75.0% |71.4% | |PB % of accepted |73.6% |75.8% |67.2% |75.0% |70.3% |68.4% |50.0% |75.0% |700.0% | |PB % of started |92.0% |93.8% |86.5% |93.6% |81.3% |92.9% |100.0% |100.0% |100.0% | |Total % of applied |75.1% |76.9% |70.4% |75.4% |76.0% |63.3% |85.7% |80.0% |80.0% | |Total % of accepted |80.7% |84.1% |76.1% |81.1% |80.6% |73.1% |85.7% |80.0% |80.0% | |Total % of started |96.3% |97.2% |93.5% |96.7% |92.9% |95.0% |100.0% |100.0% |100.0% | |


Part VII: Historical Overview

• Texas Technological College created by legislation

(Education coursework was housed in Liberal Arts) 1923

• Teacher education program initiated 1958

• NCATE accreditation received 1963

• College of Education formed 1967

• Education restructured as a college as Texas Tech becomes a university 1969

• GPA for program admission raised from 2.25 to 2.50 1980

• State basic skills examination required 1981

• State certification examination required 1985

• Alternative certification initiated

(Individuals allowed to be certified outside a university-based program.) 1986

• GPA for program admission raised from 2.50 To 2.70

for elementary and early childhood programs 1990

• House Bill 2185 in effect

(Allowed certified individuals to add endorsements, teaching fields,

specializations, or change levels without going through a university.) 1990

• Undergraduate enrollment management initiated 1992

• District Permits Authorized 1995

• Revised Rules Authorizing Candidates to take Examinations 2001 1

• Educator preparation standards changed by the state 1955






2002 2

2007 3

• Largest Number Recommended for Certification (1972-73) 1467

• Smallest Number Recommended for Certification (1987-88) 538

• Current Year Recommended for Certification (2007-08) 694

1 SBEC TAC 230.5c specifying that program “completers” must be authorized by their program to take the certification test(s). Rule into effect 9/1/01. Teacher preparation programs were then held accountable (through the ASEP report) for certification results of their program completers.

2 SBEC implemented standards-based certification programs in lieu of credit-hour based programs; TExES exams replaced ExCET exams (phased in over several years)

3 EC-4 program changed to EC-6


Part VIII: Glossary of Terms

Accreditation: Official recognition that an entity or institution meets required standards. Texas Tech University’s teacher preparation program is accredited by both the Texas State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) and the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE).

ASEP: Texas has a legislated Accountability System for Educator Preparation (ASEP) system that rates educator preparation programs as Accredited, Accredited-Preliminary, and Accredited-Under Review since 2002 under Texas Administrative Code 229.3. Initially the ASEP ratings were based on how program completers performed on the state certification exams in seven demographic groups (All students, Female, Male, African American, Hispanic, Other and White). The completers must have a minimum of 70% initial pass rate or an 80% final pass rate for each group. Beginning Spring 2007, the ASEP system began monitoring certification fields within an educator preparation system under Texas Administrative Code 229.4. If the pass rate (70% initial or 80% final) of the candidates within a certification field of at least 10 completers is low performing for three consecutive years, the entity may no longer admit candidates for preparation in that field.

Basic Skills: "the ability to read, write and speak in English, and to use mathematics at a level necessary to function at work and in society in general"  -- The Basic Skills Agency

Bilingual Education: The use of two or more languages for instruction. In the United States, students in most bilingual classes or programs are those who have not acquired full use of the English language, so they are taught academic content in their native language (usually Spanish) while continuing to learn English.

Candidate: a participant in an educator preparation program

Cohort: a group of candidates with the expectation of beginning and completing their program on the same timeline

Critical Shortage Areas: Certification fields that are difficult to fill including math, science, bilingual, special education, English as a Second Language, foreign languages and technology (as defined by TEA)

EPP: Educator Preparation Programs

English as a Second Language (ESL): Teaching English to non-English-speaking or limited-English-proficient (LEP) students to help them learn and succeed in Schools. ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) has generally the same meaning as ESL

Field-based experiences: experiences in which the primary activity of a candidate for certification is the performance of professional educator activities while interacting with pre-kindergarten-Grade 12 students and teachers and university faculty/staff members in a school-related setting. The professional activities include more than observation within a classroom. The interaction with students, teachers, and university personnel must be ongoing and relevant.

Intern: a candidate with a bachelor’s degree, formally accepted into an educator preparation program that is employed in a supervised educational experience leading to standard certification. At Texas Tech, the intern must have completed all courses except for Internship and Capstone and have passed the content area certification exam.

Pedagogy: The art and science of teaching; especially the conscious use of particular instructional methods.

Post baccalaureate (Post Bac): Individuals with a bachelor’s degree who are taking additional hours for teacher certification but not enrolled in a degree seeking program

Probationary Certificate: a type of credential, valid for one calendar year, issued to an individual who is enrolled in an educator preparation program, employed as an educator, and is serving in a supervised internship to satisfy the field experience requirements of the certificate. The holder of a Probationary Certificate must be employed by an accredited Texas public or private school in a position appropriate for the certificate sought.

Professional: A certification program that requires or leads to a master’s degree; e.g., superintendent, principal, school counselor, educational diagnostician, reading specialist

Standard Certificate: The official educator license issued by the Texas State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC); must be renewed every five years to remain valid. The Standard Certificate replaced the lifetime Provisional and Professional Certificates in 1999.

SCH: University semester credit hour; 1 semester hour = 15 clock hours

TEKS: Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills; the state curriculum in Texas

TExES: Texas Examination of Educator Standards. TAC 230.5(b) requires every person seeking educator certification in Texas to perform satisfactorily on comprehensive examinations. The purpose of these examinations is to ensure that each educator has the prerequisite content and professional knowledge necessary for an entry-level position in Texas public schools

THEA: Texas Higher Education Assessment, used to assess basic skills in math, reading and writing

TOPT: Texas Oral Proficiency Test, used to assess a candidate’s ability to speak Spanish or French.

Undergraduate: a student enrolled in a college or university seeking a baccalaureate degree


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