Procurement of Ammunition, Army - 2034

A. PURPOSE: This section establishes definitions, policy, criteria, and methods of conflict resolution to be used in managing the procurement appropriations in the DA budget and in execution.


1. The term "procurement" is intended to include activities related to the procurement, production, and modification of Army equipment assets.

2. The procurement appropriations are normally available for obligation for 3 years (for example, 1 October 2011 to 30 September 2013).


1. The procurement appropriations are reported by using an 8-digit AMS code:










2. The procurement appropriations are also reported and managed by Budget Line Item Number (BLIN) and Management Decision Package (MDEP). A list of MDEPs is contained in this manual. The AMS code listing following this section contains a crosswalk of AMS codes to the Standard Study Number (SSN).

3. See AR 37-1 for execution and outlay reporting. Obligations are also reported through the HQDA Budget Execution and Reporting System (BEARS). BEARS instructions are issued separately from this manual.


1. The cost coverage of the procurement appropriations will be determined by the guidance set forth here.

2. Instructions for budget submissions and P-Forms are contained in the DOD Budget Guidance Manual (DOD 7110-1-M), and budget call messages and letters.

E. SPECIFIC CRITERIA: The procurement appropriations have specific rules and items that can be procured with each appropriation, as follows:

Procurement of Ammunition, Army (PAA);

a. Procurement, production, modification, demilitarization, (conventional ammunition to include tactical missiles and components), engineering, and acceptance testing during production period of major ammunition end items required for operational use, general service use, addition to inventory upon delivery to the Army and when not an appropriate RDTE cost.

b. Explosive ordinance disposal tools and equipment when inclusion in other appropriations is inappropriate.

c. The Armament Retooling and Manufacturing Support Initiative.

d. The PAA appropriation is the proper and only fund source for the purchase of any ammunition (Class V items) regardless of cost.  This includes the purchase of non-standard, non-centrally managed ammunition with a unit cost of less than $5.0M.

F. GENERAL CRITERIA: The procurement appropriations operate under similar rules. The following section shows rules common to the procurement appropriations. These appropriations provide for:

1. Procurement modification kits for items procured under this appropriation or a predecessor procurement appropriation, including installation. Installation of modification kit is now annualized. This rule applies retroactively to all unexpired procurement appropriations.

2. Cutaway models, primary trainers, and related items which are required in conjunction with training for new equipment or major modification of existing equipment procured under this appropriation.

3. Update during production of manuals, illustrations, and other equipment publications (see AR 310-3) to match engineering changes. Excludes initial preparation which is RDTE funded. Includes initial preparation for commercial items for which no RDTE effort was undertaken, and for non developmental items with minor RDTE funding.

4. Jigs, dies, tooling, fixtures, gauges, inspection equipment, as well as TMDE peculiar to current production of an end item or component procured under these appropriations.

5. Production engineering in support of current production of equipment procured under these appropriations from commercial source or at an Army installation. Includes non developmental engineering in support of production needed both in advance of and in conjunction with quantity procurement to aid manufacture of type classified/adopted end items and their components and parts. Such engineering may be performed before obligating funds on the actual manufacturing contract.

6. Materials used in current production of an end item procured under this appropriation when produced in government owned facilities.

7. Engineer, Furnished & Installed (EF&I) equipment as a complete contractual effort.

8. Establishment, augmentation, improvement, and layaway of production capability for items procured under these appropriations. To determine which procurement appropriation AMS codes apply, the following guidance applies:

a. Establishment, rehabilitation or replacement (excluding normal maintenance), modernization, conversion, and expansion of Government owned industrial facilities in Government owned or in some exceptional instance, privately owned plants to support current production and production testing will be funded with Production Base Support AMS codes from the appropriation which includes the end item supported. In critical areas, expands the rehabilitation, transportation, site preparation and installation of equipment. At Government owned contractor operated (GOCO) facilities includes modification of existing facilities, construction of new facilities, acquisition of land, buildings and utility systems.

b. Excludes functions which are solely in support of research and development or production of items for testing.

c. Initial production facilities or special tooling, special test equipment required to establish production capability for single end item will be funded from the end item AMS code.

d. Facilities which operated under revolving funds, such as the Defense Business Operations Fund, will be funded with capital investment accounts included in the fund.

e. Necessary rehabilitation and layaway of industrial facilities upon release from current production will be funded in Production Base Support AMS codes when those facilities are required for mobilization or future production. Costs include preservation of plants and equipment for long term idleness; rehabilitation when required for future production; disposal of integral equipment not required to support the production base; and transportation of equipment to a storage site.

f. Costs associated with plant clearance or equipment disposal when no mobilization or future production requirement has been documented will be charged to the end item AMS code of the active or most recent production program. Includes funds for disposal, plant clearance and restoration as required.

g. Excludes layaway of facilities for future RDTE use.

9. Engineering for product improvement to investment end items or major components of investment end items which are in production, if this does not result in increasing the then current performance envelope.

10. Transportation charges when such charges are an integral part of the contact costs of end items of equipment procured by these appropriations.

11. Value engineering for the purpose of reducing procurement costs/life cycle costs of major items, equipment, spares and repair parts, support equipment and facilities, major components, subassemblies, or piece parts being procured or scheduled for procurement by analyzing their function, and identifying changes which will achieve the essential functions as lowest life cycle costs consistent with the required (present) performance, reliability, maintainability, interchangeability, product quality, and safety.

12. New Equipment Training (NET), to include initial transfer of knowledge from the materiel developer to trainers, users and support personnel during production phase of new and improved equipment.

13. First Destination Transportation (FDT) - relates to the cost of moving materiel from the manufacturer to the first point of acceptance receipt or storage point by the Government. This represents a portion of a total system cost. FDT includes transportation costs for shipments which may be interrupted for test or modification before acceptance. When materiel is temporarily stored in a depot or other location pending completion of acceptance testing, the application of modifications, assembly, etc., for user readiness and receipt, it represents an interruption in the FDT movement and not an acceptance into the Army supply system. Subsequent transportation from the depot to the first acceptance point is integral to the major end item acquisition cost and is financed by the procurement appropriation which financed acquisition of the item.

14. Total Package Fielding (TPF) - relates to the first time an item or set of items is issued to the field. This represents a portion of a total system cost.

15. Interim Contractor Support (ICS) - relates to logistics or maintenance support provided by a contractor on an interim basis until the organic capability is provided to the user. This represents a portion of a total system cost.

16. Contractor Field Services Representative (CFSR) - relates to initial materiel fielding of new equipment; and, is limited to period not to exceed 12 months after initial fielding.

17. Program/Project Managers (belonging to Program Executive Officers or AMC) salaries, benefits, TDY, and office automation, administration, and supplies during production phase. These will be applied to the primary hardware procurement BLIN or, if there is no such BLIN, to the modification BLIN by reimbursing OMA or RDTE reimbursable or carrier accounts as appropriate. Procurement accounts do not have authorized manpower spaces, which precludes direct charging of salaries and benefits to Procurement lines. Do not apply to advance procurement, spares, or training devices (procured in the systems BLIN rather than as a training system or simulator BLIN in OPA). Includes a reasonable amount of collocated, (where feasible) dedicated functional support from a materiel command.

G. EXCLUSIONS: The following costs cannot be funded in the Procurement appropriations:

1. Second destination transportation, defined in AR 37-7.

2. Product improvement costs financed by other appropriations, such as aircraft engine component improvement (RDTE), effort on items not in production (OMA), redesign costs (RDTE), or efforts that increase the performance envelope (RDTE).

3. Rebuild.

4. Manufacturing technology, which is funded by RDT&E.

5. Program Executive Officers salaries, benefits, TDY, and office automation, administration and supplies. These are normally OMA funded and subject to Army Management Headquarters (AMHA) limitations.

6. Research, development, test and evaluation activities such as:

a. Procurement of materiel required to support research and development projects and tasks for testing to prove performance of military characteristics. The exception is that major weapons systems used in a test which will be returned to the inventory after the test may be procured with procurement appropriation funds.

B. For evaluation to establish or determine suitability.

c. For any engineering effort, fabrication, and/or testing required to eliminate or verify the elimination of major deficiencies determined prior to type classification as adopted type.

d. Program/Project Managers (belonging to Program Executive Officers or AMC) salaries, benefits, TDY and office automation, administration and supplies during the development phase. These are normally RDTE funded.

7. AMC Program/Project Managers salaries, benefits, TDY, and office automation, administration, and supplies during the sustainment phase. These are normally OMA funded.

H. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Disagreements as to what is properly chargeable to the procurement appropriations will be resolved at the lowest organizational level possible using a common sense approach after a review of all relevant sources of guidance, to include this chapter and Appendix A to this manual, the DOD Budget Guidance Manual, budget call messages, and congressional language.



BA 01 Ammunition

BSA30 Small/Medium Cal Ammunition

BSA 33 Mortar Ammunition

BSA 35 Tank Ammunition

BSA 37 Artillery Ammunition

BSA 40 Artillery Fuses

BSA 43 Mines

BSA 44 Networked Munitions

BSA 45 Rockets

BSA 47 Other Ammunition

BSA 50 Miscellaneous

BA 02 Ammunition Production Base Support

BSA 10 Production Base Support


Expenditure Reporting:

Expenditure reporting for the APA appropriations is at the 4 position AMS level for disbursements and the 4-position AMS level for reimbursements.

Resource Reporting:

AMSCO - Army Management Structure Code

BLI - Budget Line Item

PRCP/EFD (Prior to FY 2012, PRCP/EFD field contains SSN only)

BGFY - Beginning Fiscal Year

TMFY - Terminating Fiscal Year

M - Report monthly

A - Report annually on year-end certified reports

|Reporting Indicators: | | |

| | | |

|M - Monthly | | |

| | | |

| 37-100-XX |CSCFA-218 | |

|Code |TR Code | |

| | | |

|1 |1* |Program and funds available |

|2 |1* |Commitments, obligations, recoveries of prior year obligations, and disbursements |

| | |identified as direct or reimbursable by EOR. |

|2 |26 |Obligations reported by FCA |

|4 |44/45 |Obligations and recoveries identified by MDEP (Direct program only - reporting of |

| | |reimbursable program is no longer required) (Report for unexpired appropriations only) |

|8 |C* |Status of Reimbursements (CSCAA-112) |

| | | |

|A - Annually | | |

|Code |TR Code | |

| | | |

|6 |ZB |Unobligated Balance |

|7 |ZE |Unliquidated Obligations |


The following is a list of all additions, deletions, and modifications made to this chapter since the last publication. Minor typographical changes may have been made which are not included in this list.

FY 2012 Updates:

|Additions |Deletion/Term |Change Title Or |Reporting Indicators |Change # |

| | |Definition | | |

|FY 2012 AMS: | | | | |

|41300132.001 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41300612.002 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41301450.004 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41301722.005 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41302650.007 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41302870.008 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41302938.009 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41303222.010 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41330050.012 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41333584.013 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41336780.014 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41351120.015 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41370530.017 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41373102.019 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41376600.020 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41378750.021 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41401506.022 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41430442.023 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41449680.025 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41452348.027 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41453246.028 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41472790.029 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41474582.030 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41476038.031 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41478278.032 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41479846.033 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41500684.034 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41501430.035 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41502430.036 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41502624.037 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41504370.038 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41504758.039 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41509615.040 | | | |Basic Manual |

|42100572.041 | | | |Basic Manual |

|42102922.042 | | | |Basic Manual |

|42104096.043 | | | |Basic Manual |

|42104099.044 | | | |Basic Manual |

|42104150.045 | | | |Basic Manual |

FY 2011 Updates:

|Additions |Deletion/Term |Change Title Or |Reporting Indicators |Change # |

| | |Definition | | |

|FY 2011 AMS: | | | | |

|41300132.001 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41300612.002 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41301450.003 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41301722.004 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41302382.005 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41302650.006 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41302938.007 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41303222.008 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41330050.009 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41333584.010 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41336780.011 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41351120.012 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41357372.013 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41370530.014 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41370630.015 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41373102.016 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41376600.017 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41378750.018 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41401506.019 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41430442.020 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41438600.021 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41449680.022 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41449691.023 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41452348.024 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41453246.025 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41472790.026 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41474582.027 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41476038.028 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41478278.029 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41500684.030 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41501430.031 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41502430.032 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41502624.033 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41504370.034 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41504758.035 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41509615.036 | | | |Basic Manual |

|42100572.037 | | | |Basic Manual |

|42102922.038 | | | |Basic Manual |

|42104096.039 | | | |Basic Manual |

|42104099.040 | | | |Basic Manual |

|42104150.041 | | | |Basic Manual |

|41509903.600 | | | |Basic Manual |

| | | |


|40000000 | | |2005 |OPEN | | |PROCUREMENT AMMUNITION, ARMY |-- |-- |

| | | | | | | | | | |

|41300132 |001 |E00700 |2005 |2005 |01 |30 |CARTRIDGE, 5.56MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41300132 |001 |E00700 |2006 |2006 |01 |30 |CARTRIDGE, 5.56MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41300132 |001 |E00700 |2007 |2007 |01 |30 |CARTRIDGE, 5.56MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41300132 |001 |E00700 |2008 |2008 |01 |30 |CARTRIDGE, 5.56MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41300132 |001 |E00700 |2009 |2009 |01 |30 |CTG, 5.56MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41300132 |001 |E00700 |2010 |2010 |01 |30 |CTG, 5.56MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41300132 |001 |E00700 |2011 |2011 |01 |30 |Ctg, 5.56mm, All Types |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41300132 |001 |0132E00700 |2012 |2012 |01 |30 |CTG, 5.56MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

| | | | | | | | | | |

|41300612 |002 |E02000 |2005 |2005 |01 |30 |CARTRIDGE, 7.62MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41300612 |002 |E02000 |2006 |2006 |01 |30 |CARTRIDGE, 7.62MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41300612 |002 |E02000 |2007 |2007 |01 |30 |CARTRIDGE, 7.62MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41300612 |002 |E02000 |2008 |2008 |01 |30 |CARTRIDGE, 7.62MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41300612 |002 |E02000 |2009 |2009 |01 |30 |CTG, 7.62MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41300612 |002 |E02000 |2010 |2010 |01 |30 |CTG, 7.62MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41300612 |002 |E02000 |2011 |2011 |01 |30 |Ctg, 7.62mm, All Types |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41300612 |002 |0612E02000 |2012 |2012 |01 |30 |CTG, 7.62MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

| | | | | | | | | | |

|41301450 |003 |EA3000 |2005 |2005 |01 |30 |CARTRIDGE, 9MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41301450 |003 |EA3000 |2006 |2006 |01 |30 |CARTRIDGE, 9MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41301450 |003 |EA3000 |2007 |2007 |01 |30 |CARTRIDGE, 9MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41301450 |003 |EA3000 |2008 |2008 |01 |30 |CARTRIDGE, HANDGUN, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41301450 |003 |EA3000 |2009 |2009 |01 |30 |CTG, HANDGUN, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41301450 |003 |EA3000 |2010 |2010 |01 |30 |CTG, HANDGUN, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41301450 |003 |EA3000 |2011 |2011 |01 |30 |Ctg, Handgun, All Types |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41301450 |004 |1450EA3000 |2012 |2012 |01 |30 |CTG, HANDGUN, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

| | | | | | | | | | |

|41301722 |004 |E08000 |2005 |2005 |01 |30 |CARTRIDGE, .50 CAL ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41301722 |004 |E08000 |2006 |2006 |01 |30 |CARTRIDGE, .50 CAL ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41301722 |004 |E08000 |2007 |2007 |01 |30 |CARTRIDGE, .50 CAL ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41301722 |004 |E08000 |2008 |2008 |01 |30 |CARTRIDGE, .50 CAL, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41301722 |004 |E08000 |2009 |2009 |01 |30 |CTG, .50 CAL, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41301722 |004 |E08000 |2010 |2010 |01 |30 |CTG, .50 CAL, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41301722 |004 |E08000 |2011 |2011 |01 |30 |Ctg, .50 Cal, All Types |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41301722 |005 |1722E08000 |2012 |2012 |01 |30 |CTG, .50 CAL, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

| | | | | | | | | | |

|41302382 |042 |E08900 |2006 |2006 |01 |30 |CARTRIDGE, 20MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41302382 |005 |E08900 |2007 |2007 |01 |30 |CARTRIDGE, 20MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41302382 |005 |E08900 |2009 |2009 |01 |30 |CARTRIDGE, 20MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41302382 |005 |E08900 |2011 |2011 |01 |30 |Ctg, 20mm, All Types |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

| | | | | | | | | | |

|41302650 |005 |E08200 |2005 |2005 |01 |30 |CARTRIDGE, 25MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41302650 |005 |E08200 |2006 |2006 |01 |30 |CARTRIDGE, 25MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41302650 |006 |E08200 |2007 |2007 |01 |30 |CARTRIDGE, 25MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41302650 |006 |E08200 |2008 |2008 |01 |30 |CARTRIDGE, 25MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41302650 |006 |E08200 |2009 |2009 |01 |30 |CTG, 25MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41302650 |005 |E08200 |2010 |2010 |01 |30 |CTG, 25MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41302650 |006 |E08200 |2011 |2011 |01 |30 |Ctg, 25mm, All Types |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41302650 |007 |2650E08200 |2012 |2012 |01 |30 |CTG, 25MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

| | | | | | | | | | |

|41302870 |008 |2870EA9200 |2012 |2012 |01 |30 |OBJECTIVE FAMILY OF WEAPONS AMMUNITION, ALL T |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

| | | | | | | | | | |

|41302938 |006 |ER8120 |2005 |2005 |01 |30 |CARTRIDGE, 30MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41302938 |006 |ER8120 |2006 |2006 |01 |30 |CARTRIDGE, 30MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41302938 |007 |ER8120 |2007 |2007 |01 |30 |CARTRIDGE, 30MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41302938 |007 |ER8120 |2008 |2008 |01 |30 |CARTRIDGE, 30MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41302938 |007 |ER8120 |2009 |2009 |01 |30 |CTG, 30MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41302938 |006 |ER8120 |2010 |2010 |01 |30 |CTG, 30MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41302938 |007 |ER8120 |2011 |2011 |01 |30 |Ctg, 30mm, All Types |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41302938 |009 |2938ER8120 |2012 |2012 |01 |30 |CTG, 30MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

| | | | | | | | | | |

|41303222 |007 |ER8001 |2005 |2005 |01 |30 |CARTRIDGE, 40MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41303222 |007 |ER8001 |2006 |2006 |01 |30 |CARTRIDGE, 40MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41303222 |008 |ER8001 |2007 |2007 |01 |30 |CARTRIDGE, 40MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41303222 |008 |ER8001 |2008 |2008 |01 |30 |CARTRIDGE, 40MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41303222 |008 |ER8001 |2009 |2009 |01 |30 |CTG, 40MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41303222 |007 |ER8001 |2010 |2010 |01 |30 |CTG, 40MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41303222 |008 |ER8001 |2011 |2011 |01 |30 |Ctg, 40mm, All Types |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41303222 |010 |3222ER8001 |2012 |2012 |01 |30 |CTG, 40MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

| | | | | | | | | | |

|41330050 |008 |E89600 |2005 |2005 |01 |33 |60MM MORTAR, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41330050 |008 |E89600 |2006 |2006 |01 |33 |60MM MORTAR, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41330050 |009 |E89600 |2007 |2007 |01 |33 |60MM MORTAR, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41330050 |009 |E89600 |2008 |2008 |01 |33 |60MM MORTAR, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41330050 |009 |E89600 |2009 |2009 |01 |33 |60MM MORTAR, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41330050 |008 |E89600 |2010 |2010 |01 |33 |60MM MORTAR, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41330050 |009 |E89600 |2011 |2011 |01 |33 |60mm Mortar, All Types |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41330050 |012 |0050E89600 |2012 |2012 |01 |33 |60MM MORTAR, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

| | | | | | | | | | |

|41333584 |009 |E76000 |2005 |2005 |01 |33 |81MM MORTAR, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41333584 |009 |E76000 |2006 |2006 |01 |33 |81MM MORTAR, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41333584 |010 |E76000 |2007 |2007 |01 |33 |81MM MORTAR, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41333584 |010 |E76000 |2008 |2008 |01 |33 |81MM MORTAR, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41333584 |010 |E76000 |2009 |2009 |01 |33 |81MM MORTAR, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41333584 |009 |E76000 |2010 |2010 |01 |33 |81MM MORTAR, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41333584 |010 |E76000 |2011 |2011 |01 |33 |81mm Mortar, All Types |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41333584 |013 |3584E76000 |2012 |2012 |01 |33 |81MM MORTAR, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

| | | | | | | | | | |

|41336780 |010 |E25500 |2005 |2005 |01 |33 |CARTRIDGE, MORTAR, 120MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41336780 |010 |E25500 |2006 |2006 |01 |33 |CARTRIDGE, MORTAR, 120MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41336780 |011 |E25500 |2007 |2007 |01 |33 |CARTRIDGE, MORTAR, 120MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41336780 |011 |E25500 |2008 |2008 |01 |33 |CARTRIDGE, MORTAR, 120MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41336780 |011 |E25500 |2009 |2009 |01 |33 |CTG, MORTAR, 120MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41336780 |010 |E25500 |2010 |2010 |01 |33 |CTG, MORTAR, 120MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41336780 |011 |E25500 |2011 |2011 |01 |33 |120MM Mortar, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41336780 |014 |6780E25500 |2012 |2012 |01 |33 |120MM MORTAR, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

| | | | | | | | | | |

|41351120 |011 |E22203 |2005 |2005 |01 |35 |CARTRIDGE, TANK 105MM: ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41351120 |011 |E22203 |2006 |2006 |01 |35 |CARTRIDGE, TANK 105MM: ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41351120 |012 |E22203 |2007 |2007 |01 |35 |CARTRIDGE, TANK 105MM: ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41351120 |012 |E22203 |2008 |2008 |01 |35 |CARTRIDGE, TANK 105MM: ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41351120 |012 |E22203 |2009 |2009 |01 |35 |CTG TANK 105MM: ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41351120 |011 |E22203 |2010 |2010 |01 |35 |CTG TANK 105MM: ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41351120 |012 |E22203 |2011 |2011 |01 |35 |Ctg Tank 105mm: All Types |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41351120 |015 |1120E22203 |2012 |2012 |01 |35 |CARTRIDGES, TANK, 105MM AND 120MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

| | | | | | | | | | |

|41357372 |012 |E89700 |2005 |2005 |01 |35 |120MM TANK TRAINING, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41357372 |012 |E89700 |2006 |2006 |01 |35 |120MM TANK TRAINING, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41357372 |013 |E89700 |2007 |2007 |01 |35 |120MM TANK TRAINING, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41357372 |013 |E89700 |2008 |2008 |01 |35 |CARTRIDGE, TANK, 120MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41357372 |013 |E89700 |2009 |2009 |01 |35 |CTG, TANK, 120MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41357372 |012 |E89700 |2010 |2010 |01 |35 |CTG, TANK, 120MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41357372 |013 |E89700 |2011 |2011 |01 |35 |Ctg, Tank, 120mm, All Types |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

| | | | | | | | | | |

|41357390 |013 |E78012 |2005 |2005 |01 |35 |CARTRIDGE, TANK, 120MM TACTICAL, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41357390 |013 |E78012 |2006 |2006 |01 |35 |CARTRIDGE, TANK, 120MM TACTICAL, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41357390 |014 |E78012 |2007 |2007 |01 |35 |CARTRIDGE, TANK, 120MM TACTICAL, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

| | | | | | | | | | |

|41370530 |014 |E15101 |2006 |2006 |01 |37 |CARTRIDGE, ARTILLERY, 75MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41370530 |015 |E15101 |2007 |2007 |01 |37 |CARTRIDGE, ARTILLERY, 75MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41370530 |014 |E15101 |2008 |2008 |01 |37 |CARTRIDGE, ARTILLERY, 75MM BLANK, M337A1 |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41370530 |014 |E15101 |2009 |2009 |01 |37 |CTG, ARTY, 75MM: ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41370530 |013 |E15101 |2010 |2010 |01 |37 |CTG, ARTY, 75MM: ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41370530 |014 |E15101 |2011 |2011 |01 |37 |Ctg, Arty, 75mm: All Types |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41370530 |017 |0530E15101 |2012 |2012 |01 |37 |ARTILLERY CARTRIDGES, 75MM AND 105MM, ALL TYP |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

| | | | | | | | | | |

|41370630 |015 |E21101 |2005 |2005 |01 |37 |CARTRIDGE, ARTILLERY, 105MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41370630 |015 |E21101 |2006 |2006 |01 |37 |CARTRIDGE, ARTILLERY, 105MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41370630 |016 |E21101 |2007 |2007 |01 |37 |CARTRIDGE, ARTILLERY, 105MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41370630 |015 |E21101 |2008 |2008 |01 |37 |CARTRIDGE, ARTILLERY, 105MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41370630 |015 |E21101 |2009 |2009 |01 |37 |CARTRIDGE, ARTILLERY, 105MM: ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41370630 |014 |E21101 |2010 |2010 |01 |37 |CTG, ARTY, 105MM: ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41370630 |015 |E21101 |2011 |2011 |01 |37 |Ctg, Arty, 105mm: All Types |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

| | | | | | | | | | |

|41373102 |016 |E89500 |2005 |2005 |01 |37 |CARTRIDGE, ARTILLERY, 155MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41373102 |016 |E89500 |2006 |2006 |01 |37 |CARTRIDGE, ARTILLERY, 155MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41373102 |017 |E89500 |2007 |2007 |01 |37 |CARTRIDGE, ARTILLERY, 155MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41373102 |016 |E89500 |2008 |2008 |01 |37 |CARTRIDGE, ARTILLERY, 155MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41373102 |016 |E89500 |2009 |2009 |01 |37 |CTG, ARTY, 155MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41373102 |015 |E89500 |2010 |2010 |01 |37 |CTG, ARTY, 155MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41373102 |016 |E89500 |2011 |2011 |01 |37 |Ctg, Arty, 155mm, All Types |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41373102 |019 |3102E89500 |2012 |2012 |01 |37 |ARTILLERY PROJECTILE, 155MM, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

| | | | | | | | | | |

|41376600 |017 |E80100 |2005 |2005 |01 |37 |PROJ 155MM EXTENDED RANGE XM982 |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41376600 |017 |E80100 |2006 |2006 |01 |37 |PROJ 155MM EXTENDED RANGE XM982 |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41376600 |018 |E80100 |2007 |2007 |01 |37 |PROJ 155MM EXTENDED RANGE XM982 |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41376600 |017 |E80100 |2008 |2008 |01 |37 |PROJ 155MM EXTENDED RANGE XM982 |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41376600 |017 |E80100 |2009 |2009 |01 |37 |PROJ 155MM EXTENDED RANGE XM982 |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41376600 |016 |E80100 |2010 |2010 |01 |37 |PROJ 155MM EXTENDED RANGE XM982 |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41376600 |017 |E80100 |2011 |2011 |01 |37 |Proj 155mm Extended Range Xm982 |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41376600 |020 |6600E80100 |2012 |2012 |01 |37 |PROJ 155MM EXTENDED RANGE XM982 |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

| | | | | | | | | | |

|41378750 |018 |E27501 |2005 |2005 |01 |37 |MODULAR ARTILLERY CHARGE SYSTEM (MACS), ALL |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

| | | | | | | |TYPES | | |

|41378750 |018 |E27501 |2006 |2006 |01 |37 |MODULAR ARTILLERY CHARGE SYSTEM (MACS), ALL |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

| | | | | | | |TYPES | | |

|41378750 |019 |E27501 |2007 |2007 |01 |37 |MODULAR ARTILLERY CHARGE SYSTEM (MACS), ALL |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

| | | | | | | |TYPES | | |

|41378750 |018 |E27501 |2008 |2008 |01 |37 |MODULAR ARTILLERY CHARGE SYSTEM (MACS), ALL |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

| | | | | | | |TYPES | | |

|41378750 |018 |E27501 |2009 |2009 |01 |37 |MODULAR ARTILLERY CHARGE SYSTEM (MACS), ALL T |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41378750 |017 |E27501 |2010 |2010 |01 |37 |MODULAR ARTILLERY CHARGE SYSTEM (MACS), ALL T |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41378750 |018 |E27501 |2011 |2011 |01 |37 |Modular Artillery Charge System (MACS), All T |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41378750 |021 |8750E27501 |2012 |2012 |01 |37 |ARTILLERY PROPELLANTS, FUZES AND PRIMERS, ALL |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

| | | | | | | | | | |

|41401506 |019 |ER8000 |2005 |2005 |01 |40 |ARTILLERY FUSES, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41401506 |019 |ER8000 |2006 |2006 |01 |40 |ARTILLERY FUSES, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41401506 |020 |ER8000 |2007 |2007 |01 |40 |ARTILLERY FUSES, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41401506 |019 |ER8000 |2008 |2008 |01 |40 |ARTILLERY FUZES, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41401506 |019 |ER8000 |2009 |2009 |01 |40 |ARTILLERY FUZES, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41401506 |018 |ER8000 |2010 |2010 |01 |40 |ARTILLERY FUZES, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41401506 |019 |ER8000 |2011 |2011 |01 |40 |Artillery Fuzes, All Types |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41401506 |022 |1506ER8000 |2012 |2012 |01 |40 |ARTILLERY FUZES, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

| | | | | | | | | | |

|41430442 |020 |EA0800 |2005 |2005 |01 |43 |MINE, TRAINING, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41430442 |020 |EA0800 |2006 |2006 |01 |43 |MINE, TRAINING, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41430442 |021 |EA0800 |2007 |2007 |01 |43 |MINE, TRAINING, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41430442 |020 |EA0800 |2008 |2008 |01 |43 |MINES, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41430442 |020 |EA0800 |2009 |2009 |01 |43 |MINES, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41430442 |019 |EA0800 |2010 |2010 |01 |43 |MINES, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41430442 |020 |EA0800 |2011 |2011 |01 |43 |Mines, All Types |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41430442 |023 |0442EA0800 |2012 |2012 |01 |43 |MINES & CLEARING CHARGES, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

| | | | | | | | | | |

|41436822 |021 |E43799 |2005 |2005 |01 |43 |MINES (CONVENTIONAL), ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41436822 |021 |E43799 |2006 |2006 |01 |43 |MINES (CONVENTIONAL), ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41436822 |022 |E43799 |2007 |2007 |01 |43 |MINES (CONVENTIONAL), ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

| | | | | | | | | | |

|41438600 |023 |E75100 |2005 |2005 |01 |43 |MINE, CLEARING CHARGE, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41438600 |022 |E75100 |2006 |2006 |01 |43 |MINE, CLEARING CHARGE, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41438600 |023 |E75100 |2007 |2007 |01 |43 |MINE, CLEARING CHARGE, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41438600 |021 |E75100 |2008 |2008 |01 |43 |MINE, CLEARING CHARGE, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41438600 |021 |E75100 |2009 |2009 |01 |43 |MINE, CLEARING CHARGE, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41438600 |020 |E75100 |2010 |2010 |01 |43 |MINE, CLEARING CHARGE, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41438600 |021 |E75100 |2011 |2011 |01 |43 |Mine, Clearing Charge, All Types |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

| | | | | | | | | | |

|41439680 |024 |E95900 |2005 |2005 |01 |43 |ANTIPERSONNEL LANDMINE ALTERNATIVES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41439680 |023 |E95900 |2006 |2006 |01 |43 |ANTIPERSONNEL LANDMINE ALTERNATIVES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41439680 |024 |E95900 |2007 |2007 |01 |43 |ANTIPERSONNEL LANDMINE ALTERNATIVES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41439680 |022 |E95900 |2008 |2008 |01 |43 |ANTIPERSONNEL LANDMINE ALTERNATIVES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41439680 |022 |E95900 |2009 |2009 |01 |43 |ANTIPERSONNEL LANDMINE ALTERNATIVES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41439680 |021 |E95900 |2010 |2010 |01 |43 |ANTIPERSONNEL LANDMINE ALTERNATIVES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41439691 |022 |E96900 |2010 |2010 |01 |43 |INTELLIGENT MUNITIONS SYSTEM (IMS), ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

| | | | | | | | | | |

|41449680 |022 |E95900 |2011 |2011 |01 |44 |Spider Network Munitions, All Types |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41449680 |025 |9680E95900 |2012 |2012 |01 |44 |SPIDER NETWORK MUNITIONS, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

| | | | | | | | | | |

|41449691 |023 |E96900 |2011 |2011 |01 |44 |Scorpion, Intelligent Munitions System , All |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

| | | | | | | | | | |

|41452348 |025 |EA4000 |2005 |2005 |01 |45 |SHOULDER FIRED ROCKETS, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41452348 |024 |EA4000 |2006 |2006 |01 |45 |SHOULDER FIRED ROCKETS, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41452348 |025 |EA4000 |2007 |2007 |01 |45 |SHOULDER FIRED ROCKETS, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41452348 |023 |EA4000 |2008 |2008 |01 |45 |SHOULDER FIRED ROCKETS, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41452348 |023 |EA4000 |2009 |2009 |01 |45 |SHOULDER LAUNCHED MUNITIONS, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41452348 |023 |EA4000 |2010 |2010 |01 |45 |SHOULDER LAUNCHED MUNITIONS, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41452348 |024 |EA4000 |2011 |2011 |01 |45 |Shoulder Launched Munitions, All Types |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41452348 |027 |2348EA4000 |2012 |2012 |01 |45 |SHOULDER LAUNCHED MUNITIONS, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

| | | | | | | | | | |

|41453246 |026 |E37300 |2005 |2005 |01 |45 |ROCKET HYDRA 70, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41453246 |025 |E37300 |2006 |2006 |01 |45 |ROCKET HYDRA 70, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41453246 |026 |E37300 |2007 |2007 |01 |45 |ROCKET HYDRA 70, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41453246 |024 |E37300 |2008 |2008 |01 |45 |ROCKET, HYDRA 70, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41453246 |024 |E37300 |2009 |2009 |01 |45 |ROCKET, HYDRA 70, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41453246 |024 |E37300 |2010 |2010 |01 |45 |ROCKET, HYDRA 70, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41453246 |025 |E37300 |2011 |2011 |01 |45 |Rocket, Hydra 70, All Types |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41453246 |028 |3246E37300 |2012 |2012 |01 |45 |ROCKET, HYDRA 70, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

| | | | | | | | | | |

|41472790 |027 |E55400 |2005 |2005 |01 |47 |DEMOLITION MUNITIONS, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41472790 |026 |E55400 |2006 |2006 |01 |47 |DEMOLITION MUNITIONS, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41472790 |027 |E55400 |2007 |2007 |01 |47 |DEMOLITION MUNITIONS, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41472790 |025 |E55400 |2008 |2008 |01 |47 |DEMOLITION MUNITIONS, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41472790 |025 |E55400 |2009 |2009 |01 |47 |DEMOLITION MUNITIONS, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41472790 |025 |E55400 |2010 |2010 |01 |47 |DEMOLITION MUNITIONS, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41472790 |026 |E55400 |2011 |2011 |01 |47 |Demolition Munitions, All Types |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41472790 |029 |2790E55400 |2012 |2012 |01 |47 |DEMOLITION MUNITIONS, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

| | | | | | | | | | |

|41474582 |028 |E34000 |2005 |2005 |01 |47 |GRENADES, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41474582 |027 |E34000 |2006 |2006 |01 |47 |GRENADES, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41474582 |028 |E34000 |2007 |2007 |01 |47 |GRENADES, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41474582 |026 |E34000 |2008 |2008 |01 |47 |GRENADES, ALL TYPES | | |

|41474582 |026 |E34000 |2009 |2009 |01 |47 |GRENADES, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41474582 |026 |E34000 |2010 |2010 |01 |47 |GRENADES, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41474582 |027 |E34000 |2011 |2011 |01 |47 |Grenades, All Types |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41474582 |030 |4582E34000 |2012 |2012 |01 |47 |GRENADES, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

| | | | | | | | | | |

|41476038 |029 |E46900 |2005 |2005 |01 |47 |SIGNALS, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41476038 |028 |E46900 |2006 |2006 |01 |47 |SIGNALS, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41476038 |029 |E46900 |2007 |2007 |01 |47 |SIGNALS, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41476038 |027 |E46900 |2008 |2008 |01 |47 |SIGNALS, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41476038 |027 |E46900 |2009 |2009 |01 |47 |SIGNALS, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41476038 |027 |E46900 |2010 |2010 |01 |47 |SIGNALS, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41476038 |028 |E46900 |2011 |2011 |01 |47 |Signals, All Types |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41476038 |031 |6038E46900 |2012 |2012 |01 |47 |SIGNALS, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

| | | | | | | | | | |

|41478278 |030 |E51200 |2005 |2005 |01 |47 |SIMULATORS, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41478278 |029 |E51200 |2006 |2006 |01 |47 |SIMULATORS, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41478278 |030 |E51200 |2007 |2007 |01 |47 |SIMULATORS, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41478278 |028 |E51200 |2008 |2008 |01 |47 |SIMULATORS, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41478278 |029 |E51200 |2009 |2009 |01 |47 |SIMULATORS, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41478278 |028 |E51200 |2010 |2010 |01 |47 |SIMULATORS, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41478278 |029 |E51200 |2011 |2011 |01 |47 |Simulators, All Types |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41478278 |032 |8278E51200 |2012 |2012 |01 |47 |SIMULATORS, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

| | | | | | | | | | |

|41479846 |033 |9846EM4000 |2012 |2012 |01 |47 |ALL OTHER (AMMO) |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

| | | | | | | | | | |

|41500684 |031 |EB0016 |2005 |2005 |01 |50 |AMMO COMPONENTS, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41500684 |030 |EB0016 |2006 |2006 |01 |50 |AMMO COMPONENTS, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41500684 |031 |EB0016 |2007 |2007 |01 |50 |AMMO COMPONENTS, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41500684 |029 |EB0016 |2008 |2008 |01 |50 |AMMO COMPONENTS, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41500684 |034 |EB0016 |2009 |2009 |01 |50 |AMMO COMPONENTS, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41500684 |029 |EB0016 |2010 |2010 |01 |50 |AMMO COMPONENTS, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41500684 |030 |EB0016 |2011 |2011 |01 |50 |Ammo Components, All Types |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41500684 |034 |0684EB0016 |2012 |2012 |01 |50 |AMMO COMPONENTS, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

| | | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | | |

|41501430 |032 |E91901 |2005 |2005 |01 |50 |NON-LETHAL AMMO, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41501430 |031 |E91901 |2006 |2006 |01 |50 |NON-LETHAL AMMO, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41501430 |032 |E91901 |2007 |2007 |01 |50 |NON-LETHAL AMMO, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41501430 |030 |E91901 |2008 |2008 |01 |50 |NON-LETHAL AMMUNITION, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41501430 |035 |E91901 |2009 |2009 |01 |50 |NON-LETHAL AMMUNITION, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41501430 |030 |E91901 |2010 |2010 |01 |50 |NON-LETHAL AMMUNITION, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41501430 |031 |E91901 |2011 |2011 |01 |50 |Non-Lethal Ammunition, All Types |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41501430 |035 |1430E91901 |2012 |2012 |01 |50 |NON-LETHAL AMMUNITION, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

| | | | | | | | | | |

|41502430 |033 |EA0003 |2005 |2005 |01 |50 |CAD/PAD, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41502430 |032 |EA0003 |2006 |2006 |01 |50 |CAD/PAD, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41502430 |033 |EA0003 |2007 |2007 |01 |50 |CAD/PAD, ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41502430 |031 |EA0003 |2008 |2008 |01 |50 |CAD/PAD ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41502430 |036 |EA0003 |2009 |2009 |01 |50 |CAD/PAD ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41502430 |031 |EA0003 |2010 |2010 |01 |50 |CAD/PAD ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41502430 |032 |EA0003 |2011 |2011 |01 |50 |Cad/Pad All Types |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41502430 |036 |2430EA0003 |2012 |2012 |01 |50 |CAD/PAD ALL TYPES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

| | | | | | | | | | |

|41502624 |034 |EA0055 |2005 |2005 |01 |50 |ITEMS LESS THAN $5.0M |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41502624 |033 |EA0055 |2006 |2006 |01 |50 |ITEMS LESS THAN $5.0M |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41502624 |034 |EA0055 |2007 |2007 |01 |50 |ITEMS LESS THAN $5.0M |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41502624 |032 |EA0055 |2008 |2008 |01 |50 |ITEMS LESS THAN $5 MILLION |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41502624 |037 |EA0055 |2009 |2009 |01 |50 |ITEMS LESS THAN $5 MILLION |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41502624 |032 |EA0055 |2010 |2010 |01 |50 |ITEMS LESS THAN $5 MILLION |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41502624 |033 |EA0055 |2011 |2011 |01 |50 |Items Less Than $5 Million |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41502624 |037 |2624EA0055 |2012 |2012 |01 |50 |ITEMS LESS THAN $5 MILLION |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

| | | | | | | | | | |

|41504370 |035 |EA0575 |2005 |2005 |01 |50 |AMMUNITION PECULIAR EQUIPMENT |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41504370 |034 |EA0575 |2006 |2006 |01 |50 |AMMUNITION PECULIAR EQUIPMENT |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41504370 |035 |EA0575 |2007 |2007 |01 |50 |AMMUNITION PECULIAR EQUIPMENT |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41504370 |033 |EA0575 |2008 |2008 |01 |50 |AMMUNITION PECULIAR EQUIPMENT |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41504370 |038 |EA0575 |2009 |2009 |01 |50 |AMMUNITION PECULIAR EQUIPMENT |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41504370 |033 |EA0575 |2010 |2010 |01 |50 |AMMUNITION PECULIAR EQUIPMENT |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41504370 |034 |EA0575 |2011 |2011 |01 |50 |Ammunition Peculiar Equipment |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41504370 |038 |4370EA0575 |2012 |2012 |01 |50 |AMMUNITION PECULIAR EQUIPMENT |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

| | | | | | | | | | |

|41504758 |036 |EA0550 |2005 |2005 |01 |50 |FIRST DESTINATION TRANSPORTATION (AMMO) |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41504758 |035 |EA0550 |2006 |2006 |01 |50 |FIRST DESTINATION TRANSPORTATION (AMMO) |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41504758 |036 |EA0550 |2007 |2007 |01 |50 |FIRST DESTINATION TRANSPORTATION (AMMO) |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41504758 |034 |EA0550 |2008 |2008 |01 |50 |FIRST DESTINATION TRANSPORTATION (AMMO) |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41504758 |039 |EA0550 |2009 |2009 |01 |50 |FIRST DESTINATION TRANSPORTATION (AMMO) |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41504758 |034 |EA0550 |2010 |2010 |01 |50 |FIRST DESTINATION TRANSPORTATION (AMMO) |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41504758 |035 |EA0550 |2011 |2011 |01 |50 |First Destination Transportation (AMMO) |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41504758 |039 |4758EA0550 |2012 |2012 |01 |50 |FIRST DESTINATION TRANSPORTATION (AMMO) |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

| | | | | | | | | | |

|41509615 |037 |EA8500 |2005 |2005 |01 |50 |CLOSEOUT LIABILITIES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41509615 |036 |EA8500 |2006 |2006 |01 |50 |CLOSEOUT LIABILITIES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41509615 |037 |EA8500 |2007 |2007 |01 |50 |CLOSEOUT LIABILITIES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41509615 |040 |EA8500 |2009 |2009 |01 |50 |CLOSEOUT LIABILITIES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41509615 |035 |EA8500 |2010 |2010 |01 |50 |CLOSEOUT LIABILITIES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41509615 |036 |EA8500 |2011 |2011 |01 |50 |Closeout Liabilities |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|41509615 |040 |9615EA8500 |2012 |2012 |01 |50 |CLOSEOUT LIABILITIES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

| | | | | | | | | | |

|41509888 |700 |EA9888 |2005 |2005 |01 |50 |JUDGEMENT FUND REIMBURSEMENT |1,2,4 |6,7 |

| | | | | | | | | | |

|4150990M |600 |EA0004 |L3FY |OPEN |01 |50 |CLOSED ACCOUNT ADJUSTMENTS –MERGED |1,2,4 |6,7 |

|41509987 |600 |EA0004 |L3FY |OPEN |01 |50 |CLOSED ACCOUNT ADJUSTMENTS – 1987 |1,2,4 |6,7 |

|41509988 |600 |EA0004 |L3FY |OPEN |01 |50 |CLOSED ACCOUNT ADJUSTMENTS – 1988 |1,2,4 |6,7 |

|41509989 |600 |EA0004 |L3FY |OPEN |01 |50 |CLOSED ACCOUNT ADJUSTMENTS – 1989 |1,2,4 |6,7 |

|41509990 |600 |EA0004 |L3FY |OPEN |01 |50 |CLOSED ACCOUNT ADJUSTMENTS – 1990 |1,2,4 |6,7 |

|41509991 |600 |EA0004 |L3FY |OPEN |01 |50 |CLOSED ACCOUNT ADJUSTMENTS – 1991 |1,2,4 |6,7 |

|41509992 |600 |EA0004 |L3FY |OPEN |01 |50 |CLOSED ACCOUNT ADJUSTMENTS – 1992 |1,2,4 |6,7 |

|41509993 |600 |EA0004 |L3FY |OPEN |01 |50 |CLOSED ACCOUNT ADJUSTMENTS – 1993 |1,2,4 |6,7 |

|41509994 |600 |EA0004 |L3FY |OPEN |01 |50 |CLOSED ACCOUNT ADJUSTMENTS – 1994 |1,2,4 |6,7 |

|41509995 |600 |EA0004 |L3FY |OPEN |01 |50 |CLOSED ACCOUNT ADJUSTMENTS – 1995 |1,2,4 |6,7 |

|41509996 |600 |EA0004 |L3FY |OPEN |01 |50 |CLOSED ACCOUNT ADJUSTMENTS – 1996 |1,2,4 |6,7 |

|41509997 |600 |EA0004 |L3FY |OPEN |01 |50 |CLOSED ACCOUNT ADJUSTMENTS – 1997 |1,2,4 |6,7 |

|41509998 |600 |EA0004 |L3FY |OPEN |01 |50 |CLOSED ACCOUNT ADJUSTMENTS – 1998 |1,2,4 |6,7 |

|41509999 |600 |EA0004 |L3FY |OPEN |01 |50 |CLOSED ACCOUNT ADJUSTMENTS – 1999 |1,2,4 |6,7 |

|41509900 |600 |EA0004 |L3FY |OPEN |01 |50 |CLOSED ACCOUNT ADJUSTMENTS – 2000 |1,2,4 |6,7 |

|41509901 |600 |EA0004 |L3FY |OPEN |01 |50 |CLOSED ACCOUNT ADJUSTMENTS – 2001 |1,2,4 |6,7 |

|41509902 |600 |EA0004 |L3FY |OPEN |01 |50 |CLOSED ACCOUNT ADJUSTMENTS - 2002 |1,2,4 |6,7 |

|41509903 |600 |EA0004 |L3FY |OPEN |01 |50 |Closed Account Adjustments - 2003 |1,2,4 |6,7 |

|41509904 |600 |EA0004 |L3FY |OPEN |01 |50 |Closed Account Adjustments - 2004 |1,2,4 |6,7 |






| | | | | | | |EXPIRATION. | | |

| | | | | | | | | | |

|42100572 |038 |EP1000 |2005 |2005 |02 |10 |PROVISION OF INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|42100572 |037 |EP1000 |2006 |2006 |02 |10 |PROVISION OF INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|42100572 |038 |EP1000 |2007 |2007 |02 |10 |PROVISION OF INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|42100572 |036 |EP1000 |2008 |2008 |02 |10 |PROVISION OF INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|42100572 |041 |EP1000 |2009 |2009 |02 |10 |PROVISION OF INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|42100572 |036 |EP1000 |2010 |2010 |02 |10 |PROVISION OF INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|42100572 |037 |EP1000 |2011 |2011 |02 |10 |Provision Of Industrial Facilities |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|42100572 |041 |0572EP1000 |2012 |2012 |02 |10 |PROVISION OF INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

| | | | | | | | | | |

|42102922 |039 |EP2000 |2005 |2005 |02 |10 |LAYAWAY OF INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|42102922 |038 |EP2000 |2006 |2006 |02 |10 |LAYAWAY OF INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|42102922 |039 |EP2000 |2007 |2007 |02 |10 |LAYAWAY OF INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|42102922 |037 |EP2000 |2008 |2008 |02 |10 |LAYAWAY OF INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|42102922 |042 |EP2000 |2009 |2009 |02 |10 |LAYAWAY OF INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|42102922 |037 |EP2000 |2010 |2010 |02 |10 |LAYAWAY OF INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|42102922 |038 |EP2000 |2011 |2011 |02 |10 |Layaway Of Industrial Facilities |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|42102922 |042 |2922EP2000 |2012 |2012 |02 |10 |LAYAWAY OF INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

| | | | | | | | | | |

|42104096 |040 |EP1500 |2005 |2005 |02 |10 |MAINTENANCE OF INACTIVE FACILITIES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|42104096 |039 |EP1500 |2006 |2006 |02 |10 |MAINTENANCE OF INACTIVE FACILITIES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|42104096 |040 |EP1500 |2007 |2007 |02 |10 |MAINTENANCE OF INACTIVE FACILITIES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|42104096 |038 |EP1500 |2008 |2008 |02 |10 |MAINTENANCE OF INACTIVE FACILITIES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|42104096 |043 |EP1500 |2009 |2009 |02 |10 |MAINTENANCE OF INACTIVE FACILITIES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|42104096 |038 |EP1500 |2010 |2010 |02 |10 |MAINTENANCE OF INACTIVE FACILITIES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|42104096 |039 |EP1500 |2011 |2011 |02 |10 |Maintenance Of Inactive Facilities |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|42104096 |043 |4096EP1500 |2012 |2012 |02 |10 |MAINTENANCE OF INACTIVE FACILITIES |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

| | | | | | | | | | |

|42104099 |040 |EP1700 |2006 |2006 |02 |10 |CONVENTIONAL MUNITIONS DEMILITARIZATION, ALL |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|42104099 |041 |EP1700 |2007 |2007 |02 |10 |CONVENTIONAL MUNITIONS DEMILITARIZATION, ALL |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|42104099 |039 |EP1700 |2008 |2008 |02 |10 |CONVENTIONAL MUNITIONS DEMILITARIZATION, ALL |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|42104099 |044 |EP1700 |2009 |2009 |02 |10 |CONVENTIONAL MUNITIONS DEMILITARIZATION, ALL |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|42104099 |039 |EP1700 |2010 |2010 |02 |10 |CONVENTIONAL MUNITIONS DEMILITARIZATION, ALL |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|42104099 |040 |EP1700 |2011 |2011 |02 |10 |Conventional Munitions Demilitarization, All |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|42104099 |044 |4099EP1700 |2012 |2012 |02 |10 |CONVENTIONAL MUNITIONS DEMILITARIZATION, ALL |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

| | | | | | | | | | |

|42104100 |041 |EP1800 |2005 |2005 |02 |10 |CONVENTIONAL MUNITIONS DEMILITARIZATION |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

| | | | | | | | | | |

|42104150 |042 |EP2500 |2005 |2005 |02 |10 |ARMS INITIATIVE |1,2,4,8 |6.7 |

|42104150 |041 |EP2500 |2006 |2006 |02 |10 |ARMS INITIATIVE |1,2,4,8 |6.7 |

|42104150 |042 |EP2500 |2007 |2007 |02 |10 |ARMS INITIATIVE |1,2,4,8 |6.7 |

|42104150 |040 |EP2500 |2008 |2008 |02 |10 |ARMS INITIATIVE |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|42104150 |045 |EP2500 |2009 |2009 |02 |10 |ARMS INITIATIVE |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|42104150 |040 |EP2500 |2010 |2010 |02 |10 |ARMS INITIATIVE |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|42104150 |041 |EP2500 |2011 |2011 |02 |10 |Arms Initiative |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

|42104150 |045 |4150EP2500 |2012 |2012 |02 |10 |ARMS INITIATIVE |1,2,4,8 |6,7 |

| | | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | | |


| | | | | | | | | | |

|49100000 |910 |004910 |2005 |OPEN | | |UNDISTRIBUTED REDUCTION (PBAS USE ONLY) |-- |-- |

| | | | | | | | | | |

|49990000 |999 |004999 |2005 |OPEN | | |REJECTED DATA PROGRESS PAYMENTS |2 |7 |

| | | | | | | | | | |

|4XX00000 | | |L8FY |L4FY | | |UNAPPLIED PROGRAM RESERVE |-- |-- |

|4XX20000 |798 |004798 |L8FY |L4FY | | |ARMY UNAPPLIED PROGRAM RESERVE |1 |6 |


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