CIS 15 NOTES - City University of New York

Review of C

Before a C program is compiled, it is first edited by a preprocessor. Commands intended for the preprocessor are called directives.


This directive states that the information in is to be “included” into the program before it is compiled. contains information about C’s standard input/output library. C has a number of headers like . C has no built-in “read” and “write” commands, so we include . i/o is provided by the functions in the standard library. (scanf/printf).

Constants – values that don’t change during execution.

#define TRUE 1

#define FALSE 0

Selection, Iteration, Jump Statements

Selection statements – The if and switch statements allow a program to select a particular execution path from a set of alternatives

I. Selection Constructs

• if

• if/else

• nested if

• switch/case

if statement

In pseudocode (structured English) we might express a decision as:

If student’s grade is greater than or equal to 60

Print “Passed”

if (grade >= 60)


Syntax for if statement:

if ;

A boolean expression represents a condition that is either true or false. It is formed using operands (constants, variables) and operators (arithmetic operators, relational operators, logical operators).

|Arithmetic |

|+ - |

|* / % |

|arithmetic functions |

|Relational |

|< less than > greater than |

|== equal to |

|!= not equal to |

|= greater than or equal to |

|Logical |

||| or |

|&& and |

|! not |

Ex. if ((x > 0) && (a == b)) …

Operator Precedence

|Operator |Associativity |Type |

|( ) |L ( R |parenthesis |

| ++ – – + – ! |R ( L |unary operators |

|* ? % |L ( R |multiplicative |

|+ – |L ( R |additive |

|> |L ( R |insertion |

|< >= |L ( R |relational |

|= = != |L ( R |equality |

|&& |L ( R |and |

||| |L ( R |or |

|?: |R ( L |conditional |

|= += –= *= /= %= |R ( L |assignment |

if/else statement

In pseudocode:

If student’s grade is greater than or equal to 60

Print “Passed”


Print “Failed”

In C

if (grade >= 60)






syntax for if/else statement:

if [else ];

The C conditional operator - ?:

Same as the if/else structure but more compact. This is the only ternary operator in C. Example:

grade>=60? printf(“Passed”) : printf(“Failed”);

In this case, the conditional expression evaluates to “Passed” if the condition is true and to “Failed” if the condition is false.



This program converts a test score into

its equivalent letter grade. */


int main()


int score;

printf("Enter the test score: ");

scanf(“%d”, &score);

if (score > 100) printf("Error: score is out of range.\n") ;

else if (score >= 90) printf(“A\n”);

else if (score >= 80) printf(“B\n”);

else if (score >= 70) printf(“C\n”);

else if (score >= 60) printf(“D\n”);

else if (score >= 0) printf(“F\n”);

else printf("Error: score is out of range.");

return 0; //successful termination


Enter the test score: 75




This program converts a test score into

its equivalent letter grade, using a switch statement.*/


int main()


int score;

printf("Enter the test score: ");

scanf(“%d”, &score);

switch (score/10) {

case 10:

case 9: printf(“A\n”); break;

case 8: printf(“B\n”); break;

case 7: printf(“C\n”); break;

case 6: printf(“D\n”); break;

case 5:

case 4:

case 3:

case 2:

case 1:

case 0: printf(“F\n”); break;

default: printf(“Error: score is out of range.\n");


return 0; //successful termination


Enter the test score: 83


II. Iteration Constructs

Iteration Statements – The while, do, and for statements support iteration (looping)

In order to control iteration, we use one of three structured control statements.

• for

• while

• do/while

A Counting Program: We would like to write a program that will print the integers between 1 and 20.


// A Counting Program

// Using a FOR Loop


int main()


int count ;

for (count=1; count ................

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