MBTI – Exploring Your Type - Charlotte's Internship ...

-914400-102870000Internship Module MBTI Reflection Worksheet2017/18 MBTI – Exploring Your Type ‘Google’ and research your MBTI type (e.g. ESTP) to get more insight! A good website is After researching your MBTI type, record several statements that you strongly agreed with or that “struck a chord” for you? According to the 16 Personalities test, I am the personality type “Protagonist Personality (ENFJ, -A/-T)”. Several statements that struck a chord for me in the profile description of this personality type include:“Protagonists take a genuine interest in other people, approaching them with warm sociability and a helpful earnestness that rarely goes unnoticed.” “Too Selfless – Protagonists can bury themselves in their hopeful promises, feeling others’ problems as their own and striving hard to meet their word.”“Protagonists are true team players, and they recognize that that means listening to other peoples’ opinions, even when they contradict their own.” Record 1 or 2 statements you are unsure about or thought were wrong? “Protagonists need to make sure they get to focus on people, not systems and spreadsheets, and they are unlikely to have the stomach for making the sort of decisions required in corporate governance positions”Reflection Reflection Exercise – Ask someone who knows you very well to read an overview of your type and ask them the following questions in regard to the overview. Do they agree with your type? If so, How? I asked my two best friends to read over the introduction to my personality type and tell me their thoughts. They both said that they completely agree that the profile matches myself. In particular, they explained they felt I am a good leader when it comes to responsibility, and that I am tolerant and definitely believe in others. They also felt that the excerpt “People with the ENFJ personality type take genuine pleasure in getting to know other people, and have no trouble talking with people of all types and modes of thought” was especially pertinent.Did they highlight anything to you that you may not have been aware of? They both agreed that the weaknesses “Too Selfless, Fluctuating Self-Esteem” and “Too Sensitive” applied to me as well, and I personally feel that “Too Sensitive” does not play a large part in my life, although I do appreciate the honesty, and it interests me that I may be defensive without realising.Strengths and Possible Weaknesses Record three strengths of your type you feel will be an asset in your internship? Tolerant – Protagonists are true team players, and they recognize that that means listening to other peoples’ opinions, even when they contradict their own. They admit they don’t have all the answers, and are often receptive to dissent, so long as it remains constructive.Reliable – The one thing that galls Protagonists the most is the idea of letting down a person or cause they believe in. If it’s possible, Protagonists can always be counted on to see it through.Natural Leaders – More than seeking authority themselves, Protagonists often end up in leadership roles at the request of others, cheered on by the many admirers of their strong personality and positive vision.Record three weaknesses that you feel may hinder your effectiveness whilst on your internship? Struggle to Make Tough Decisions – If caught between a rock and a hard place, Protagonists can be stricken with paralysis, imagining all the consequences of their actions, especially if those consequences are humanitarian.Fluctuating Self-Esteem – Protagonists define their self-esteem by whether they are able to live up to their ideals, and sometimes ask for criticism more out of insecurity than out of confidence, always wondering what they could do better. If they fail to meet a goal or to help someone they said they’d help, their self-confidence will undoubtedly plummet.Too Selfless – Protagonists can bury themselves in their hopeful promises, feeling others’ problems as their own and striving hard to meet their word. If they aren’t careful, they can spread themselves too thin, and be left unable to help anyone.Identify within each of the three weaknesses, what you can do to develop / tackle your area of challenge? If I to worry less and instead learn to adapt to the possible consequences of decisions, then I feel I will be able to be more decisive, in particular while working alone. Ensuring I understand all aspects of the plan will mean more confidence and understanding when it comes to making decisions. If working as part of a team, discussions with colleagues and taking their opinions into account would also be beneficial.I should utilise positive feedback, recognise my own strengths and success, it will give me more confidence in myself and my work. I should also set myself realistic goals to avoid letting myself down.I can appreciate that not every role in a project can be carried by one person, and I should have faith in other people’s abilities and hold them accountable as I would expect others to do to me.Note down some key attributes you would bring to a team. According to the personality profile, I am a good listener, which I strongly agree with. The test also empathises that I enjoy working and being around people and that I am a charismatic person, which I feel are excellent qualities as being part of a team.Reflecting on personality types for your Internship Placement Whilst on your internship placement note down any interesting observations you have in regard to personality types and working style in the workplace? I am of the opinion that many personality traits overlap in personality types, and that a large number of people can feel that one personality type in particular applies greatly to them. However, I do feel that it is clear when certain personality types suit differing positions of authority. In my case, I do feel that the personality type identified consistently matches my perspective of myself, and my close friends’ perception as well. ................

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