Chapter 11

11 - Health, Stress, and Coping

1. Define the terms health psychology and behavioral medicine.

2. List twelve behavioral risk factors that can adversely affect one's health.

3. Describe the disease-prone personality.

4. Briefly describe the relationship between health-promoting behaviors and longevity.

5. Explain how health psychologists work to lessen behavioral risks to health. Describe the impact of refusal-skills training and community health programs on illness prevention.

6. Define the term wellness by listing five characteristics of wellness.

7. Explain the similarity between your body's stress reaction and emotion.

8. List five aspects of stress that make it more intense and damaging.

9. Describe burnout. List and describe the three aspects of the problem. Describe three things that can be done to help reduce it.

10. Give an example of how primary and secondary appraisal are used in coping with a threatening situation.

11. Explain how the perception of control of a stressor influences the amount of threat felt.

12. Differentiate problem-focused coping from emotion-focused coping and explain how they may help or hinder each other.

13. Briefly discuss the effects of traumatic stress on individuals.

14. List and describe the two different kinds of frustration.

15. List four factors that increase frustration.

16. List and describe five common reactions to frustration.

17. Explain how scapegoating is a special form of displaced aggression.

18. Define stereotyped response and explain how it differs from persistence.

19. Discuss how people can avoid needless frustration.

20. Describe and give an example of each of the following four types of conflict:

a. approach-approach

b. avoidance-avoidance

c. approach-avoidance (include the terms ambivalence and partial approach)

d. double approach-avoidance (include the term vacillation).

21. List and describe four ways of handling conflict more effectively.

22. Define the term defense mechanism and discuss the positive and negative aspects of using them.

23. Describe the following defense mechanisms and give an example of each:

a. denial d. regression g. compensation

b. repression e. projection h. sublimation

c. reaction formation f. rationalization

24. Describe the development of learned helplessness and relate this concept to attribution and depression. Explain how helplessness may be “unlearned.”

25. Describe the problems that typically contribute to depression among college students.

26. List the five conditions of depression and describe how it can be combated.

27. Discuss the relationship between life changes and long-term health. Describe the SRRS.

28. Explain how hassles are related to immediate health.

29. Distinguish between psychosomatic disorders and hypochondria.

30. List the causes of psychosomatic disorders and name several of the most common types of psychosomatic problems.

31. Discuss biofeedback in terms of the process involved, its possible applications, and the contradictory evidence as to its value in aiding relaxation.

32. Differentiate between Type A and Type B personalities. Be aware of the twelve strategies for reducing hostility and be able to apply them.

33. Describe what a hardy personality is and list the three ways such people view the world.

34. Explain the concept of the general adaptation syndrome. List and describe its three stages.

35. Explain how stress affects the immune system and list some ways to boost the immune system.

36. List the three types of responses that are triggered by stress.

37. Discuss the stress management techniques that can be used to diminish or break the cycle of stress responses. Include a discussion of the effective ways to avoid frustration.

38. Define STDs. Briefly describe the behavioral risk factors associated with STDs.


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