Myers Briggs QuestionsWhat was the purpose of this task?The purpose of this task was to establish which of 16 personality types I was considered using the Myers Briggs “16 personalities” test. By highlighting which personality type I am considered it allows me to read into things that I may have not known before as an example whether I am considered an introvert or extrovert and what being one of these means I am more likely to do. A second important purpose of this task was to see how you see yourself in comparison to how others see you/ your personality type.What is the theory behind this?The theory is that I would discover something new about myself that I may have not known or to confirm that what I feel about myself is accurate to the personality type. The theory is also to help me to identify a long term life/career goal and to think deeper into whether or not my desired path matches my personality type. This is achieved by understanding which of the 4 principal psychological functions my brain experiences most dominantly the 4 types are sensation, intuition, feeling and thinking. Discuss how you answered the questions. Did you answer objectively or honestly?I would like to feel that I answered the questions as honestly as I could however some questions were very hard to judge which may have had an impact on the final result. What I mean is as the questions where based on 3 strengths of agree/ disagree it’s hard to identify which intensity I agreed to. As an example one question was something along the lines of when walking through the woods how often do you lose yourself in thought? Which as someone who doesn’t often visit woods is hard to answer with a maximum agree or disagree answer.What were the key characteristics?The key characteristics were being charming and sensitive to others, being imaginative, passionate and curious as well as being artistic. However there were a few weaknesses including being fiercely independent, unpredictable, easily stressed, overly competitive and fluctuating self-esteem.How accurately do the results reflect on you?I feel that the results 50/50 reflect about me like I agree with the competitive side and other aspects but I feel like maybe some aspects don’t reflect well such as being artistic I don’t consider or believe I am artistic.Did you learn anything about yourself from this?I don’t think I learnt anything that I didn’t consider about myself or have been told before, I guess If I had to pick something its more about my personality’s parenthood stage as I have no kids but I learnt about how my type find it hard to let go of their kids and that they like to be told they are good parents. Do you agree with the test?So personally I only semi agree with the test I feel that maybe some people share multiple personality traits or that maybe traits cross over with other personality so that maybe it says a lot of the same things for each personality type as a whole like for my type it says easily stressed but I feel that relates to more than just one personality type. Can you use this information to support your career choice?I think that if you use this information alone then yeah it does support my career choice because it says I am creative and artistic as well as independent. ................

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