Copyright 2005 By Jason Major

(Journals from the “Communion with God” course by Mark Virkler)


This book is a compilation of my journaling as God took me through the Communion with God course. As you go through the course, be inspired to hear God’s voice for yourself as you read these examples.


I first learned how to hear God’s voice back in the year 2000. I was still living with my parents when I woke up one morning and heard a soft, still, yet audible voice simply say, "Quiet." I was convinced it was the LORD. Around the same time, I read an article on “How to Hear God’s Voice” by Mark Virkler in the Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship "Spread the Fire” magazine. I found the "Dialogue with God" book in my church library and began to read it. I was amazed by what I found. In the weeks that followed, I began to hear God's voice. The following year I saved up enough money to take the “Communion with God” course by Mark Virkler. On sunny days I began to go to the waterfront park and sit and watch the sunset and ask God to speak to me. Sometimes, after these encounters, I would feel refreshed and renewed. These were my favorite times with the LORD. I loved journaling, just watching the sunset, feeling His love flowing into me. It was wonderful. I began to know the Father’s wonderful love for me.

The following are my journals while taking the “Communion with God” course. Learning to hear His voice has changed my life. This is my journey of where I’ve come from since learning to hear the awesome voice of God. I will never be the same again. As you learn to hear God for yourself, may your life be changed as well.




* LORD, what do you want to say to me as I meditate on 2 Corinthians chapters 1 & 2?

“It is God who knows all things and all things are revealed to you by His Spirit. My desire for you is to be filled with My wisdom, that you may be My messenger. In the old days, the town crier would read the words that were given to him by another. This is a picture of what I am calling you to be. I desire for you to be My messenger, that I may speak My words to you and that you may speak them to the people.”

“God did not choose you because of your abilities. I am beyond your capabilities. In your weakness, I am glorified. You are no longer dependent on your abilities anymore, for it is My ability flowing through you that will give you wisdom.”

“My desire is for you to come to the secret place to be with Me where I will show you the mysteries and secrets that I long to show you. I want you to be filled with My wisdom and empty yourself of your wisdom. My knowledge is greater than yours and My wisdom is greater than yours.”

“Have you not heard that the first shall be last and the last shall be first? I am destroying your self-will. You always are doing things in your own self-effort and God wants you to be completely dependent on Him. This dependence includes a complete trust in His abilities and in His desire to have an intimate relationship with you. It means that you are not limited to your own shortcomings anymore. It means that you look at a God who is unlimited in His abilities and what He will do for you.”

“I want to break self-effort out of you. You cannot save anyone!!! It is only as My power works through you that any person can come to know Me. You are My vessel, My messenger; you cannot do the work of the cross.”

“I want you to develop a deep, intimate relationship with My Holy Spirit, that you may learn to recognize His voice when He is speaking to you. I want to speak to you the deep things of God.”

“It is My desire that you realize that I am not limited by your limitedness. This does not make you “bad”; rather I come with My power and My strength. You do not have to be wise, for I give you the wisdom. My power and wisdom are not earned; rather they are gifts I give you that you receive by faith. It is as you come to Me by faith that I am able to show you the deep things of God.”

“I am the one who makes you pure and holy. It is My holiness that washes you and makes you clean. It is not by self-effort. I want to take the focus off of yourself and put it back where it belongs: on Christ Jesus.”

“Your hope is to be fixed on Christ Jesus, not on yourself, your friends or circumstances. When Peter fixed his eyes on Jesus, he could walk on water. When he took his eyes off of Jesus, he began to sink. I desire for you to fix your eyes on Me and believe that I want a relationship with you.”

“The world sees you as nothing, but I see you as lovable, valuable, and important. Therefore, you are not valuable, lovable and important by what you can do, but rather you are loved because you are My son. If you are loved by Me just the way you are, and are lovable, important and valuable, then there is no reason to do works.”

“I CAN USE YOU JUST THE WAY YOU ARE. It’s not about your abilities, it’s about you becoming more and more intimate with me. It’s about you knowing Me, as you come to know Me more your faith will increase that you are hearing My voice and you will begin to recognize My voice when I calling you. See, I train you to first hear My voice before I call you to do My work.”

“You have believed the LIE that salvation was all about you, but it is NOT! It doesn’t matter about your weaknesses. I look past them, I transform you into the man that I desire for you to be.”

“I use you the way that you are so that you may be put in a position of honor before me, for I honor My son, and give him honor. I love you as My son, and I desire intimacy with you. I desire to teach you the secrets of My heart. It’s about coming close to Me. God’s calling on your life is about His love for you, His confidence in you. I believe in you, I see you as the man you will be.”

“Lower down your walls; trust God to work through you. I want to break your pride and get rid of your self-will, that you may be obedient only to My voice. You cannot possibly begin to imagine all the good things I have in store for you.”

“You are not alone. The Holy Spirit is your companion, your friend, your teacher, and wants to become personal to you, that you may rely on His power within you rather than trusting in your own strength.”

“Peace be with you, My son. I want to show you the relationship that can exist between you and the Holy Spirit. Your value as a person to Me is not based on your works, nor is the salvation of those whom you love is based on your self-effort. I want you to come to Me, for I am the power that works inside of you.”

“I have made you acceptable to Me, not by your own self-effort but by the love I had for you when I sent My Son Jesus to die for you.”


“Peace be to you, for I love you. Come to Me and trust in Me. I desire to give you the mind of Christ, that you may know what the Father thinks of you at all times. It is My desire to give you the wisdom of Christ, for the Holy Spirit knows all things, even the deep things of God.”

“The Holy Spirit is a Person who desires to have relationship with you, an intimate relationship, as two friends who are close, inseparable. As an intimate friend, I desire to share with you the secret things that the Father has planned for you, for He loves you just the way you are. Your acceptance is not based on your performance. You don’t have to do more to be loved, accepted and cherished by God. I am not interested in you feeling like you have to do more to be loved.”

“It is all about Me, that is what I am trying to show you. It is all about My wisdom being imparted to you so that you may pray for the lost. It is all about My power flowing through you to heal the sick. Can you heal the sick? Can you raise the dead with your words? Can you heal the brokenhearted in your own wisdom and understanding? Is it you who can cast out demons? No, it is the Spirit of God, working inside of you, working through you to perform the wonders and miracles of God.”

“This is the type of intimate relationship the Father wants you to have with the Holy Spirit. It is the relationship where I reveal to you what is on the Father’s Heart to say to you. The Holy Spirit came down to be your Comforter, your friend, your companion. It is the relationship with the Holy Spirit that reveals to you the secret wisdom of God.”

“Prayer is spirit-to-Spirit communication. I communicate to you the desires which are on the heart of God. The Father accepts you the way you are. He is not looking for you to perform in order to experience His love. Rather it is His love that causes you to perform. You have got it backwards! He wants you to love Him because He first loved you. He doesn’t want you to love Him to BE loved by Him. There is nothing that you can do to be loved any more or any less by the Father then you are right now.”

“It is I who infuse you with power to perform the tasks in which I have called you to do. Did Moses part the Red Sea? Did Moses send the plagues onto the land of Egypt? What power does Moses have to send manna out of the sky? Do you have the power to send fire from Heaven? No! Rather, it is I who give you the words to speak to give out the commands that I wish to carry out. It is I who give you a part to play, just as the leader of the army commands His soldiers to fight, so do I! I put on your heart what I am going to do and command you to speak it out, that by faith you believe that which I am going to do!”

“I am your righteousness, your holiness, your wisdom, your strength, without Me there is nothing! It is I who abides in you, I am with you always! The focus is on Jesus and what He accomplished on the cross, not on yourself and your sin. Take your eyes off of yourself, for I am not limited by your limitations. I am unlimited. There are no limitations when you look at Me and what I can do!”

“I desire to reveal to you what the Father thinks about you, for all His thoughts are good towards you, for He loves you very much. Always look to Jesus to be your strength. Look to the Holy Spirit for the wisdom which you seek. If you seek Me, you will find Me. Be not afraid, have faith, for I am there with you, to speak to you and reveal to you the Father’s pleasure in you.”

“I love you, look not at yourself but at Jesus from this day forward. Look not at what others think of you, for you are somebody in God’s plan, in His kingdom. Your worth as a person to Me is not based on performance. I look at your heart and give you the abilities you need to perform the task. It is My desire to put you in a position of honor, not because of the great things you have done but because of My great love for you.”


Exercise: Write a love letter and let Him respond. As you share your heart and love with Jesus you may hear a flow of spontaneous thoughts and impressions coming back to you. God may be telling you of His love for you. If so, begin to write out of the spontaneous flow and allow this to become a two-way love letter.

Dear Jesus,

You are my best friend and companion throughout all my life. You are the only one who truly understands me. I love it when You reveal Your presence to me and show me the fullness of Your love. I desire to be with You and to show others Your love as well. Jesus, You are too wonderful to me. I thank You for changing my heart and for all the ways You have blessed me this year.

“I love you, too, and I desire to be your best friend. My desire is to just be with you and do things with you. I want you to be My friend that you may know Me as a friend. I don’t want to just teach you things or counsel you; My desire is to show you My love for you. Just as Jesus and John had a close, intimate friendship, I desire for you to come to me in that same kind of closeness. The world has lost the true view of manhood and I want to be your role model, your example. I want to be the “Big Brother” to you that you always wanted, someone you can look up to. I love listening to you, sharing with you, talking with you, just being with you is My desire. I also want to make Myself real to you. I want My presence to become real to you and for My joy to fill your heart.”

“In John 2, I went to a wedding and partied. This is the type of individual I am calling you to be. I want you to party with Me. I want you to celebrate and dance and worship the Father with Me. This type of celebration means not being in the field, as the elder brother was in the story of the prodigal son but being in the Father’s House. I want to take you into the Father’s House where the Holy Spirit will pour His wine into you. The world is so thirsty for the joy of the LORD, only they have not seen nor understood it.”

“This type of intimacy requires faith, and resting in who you are as the Father’s Son. It means receiving a new identity, one that believes in the promises of God and celebrates. It’s like an army celebrating the victory of the upcoming battle. It’s like a man celebrating his engagement to his love. Remember, the word of the LORD is stronger than that of anyone, including your future spouse. What God promises, He will do! I want you to be a MAN, to be taught by Me how to be a warrior, in the natural and the spiritual. I desire to teach you how to be in relationship with other men, for I want you to shine My Person through you. This means becoming a man of courage.”

“I also want you to realize that there is more to Me then you think. I am a humorous Son, for My Father created humor. I am creative, for the Spirit, which is creative, is in Me. I want to be a friend that you can talk to about your problems, your trials, your fears, and your sins and be open and honest to without fear of condemnation. I want you to know Me as a brother who loves you and is looking out for you, that you may be this kind of brother. I want to restore childlikeness in you and allow you be a child again. I want you to put away your childish fears that you may be a man. I want you to be able to stand tall and not look down at yourself but know that you are My Father’s son. I also want you to realize that as much as the Father loves Me, He loves you. You are close to His very heart. You are close to My heart.”

“I died for you so that you wouldn’t have to take the punishment for your sins. You don’t have to punish yourself anymore. I died for you. Come close to Me, I want to be a loving, caring friend. I want to fill that void of loneliness in your life. I want to become real to you, so that you may see Me when you sleep, that you may see Me when you are walking.”

“What kinds of things do best friends do? They talk to each other, revealing to each other their most intimate secrets. They hang out with each other, doing fun things together. I am there to share the joy with you; I want to be there with you. I look out for you. I am constantly protecting you, and I am the brother who wants to teach you all things. I am both feminine and masculine, and I desire for you to walk in wholeness of character. The world needs godly men and I am calling you to be a godly man.”

“I ask you, will you be My disciple? Will you give up everything to be with Me? I transformed fishermen and tax collectors into anointed servants who preached the gospel. Yes, I can use you too. Come, be My disciple, be close to Me. I love you. I long for you to learn from Me and spend time with Me and listen to My Words. I also long for you to rest in My presence and just love you and fill you with the power of the Holy Spirit. I want to pray for you and minister to you and fill you with My presence and My anointing.”

“I am with you, I want you to know that it is My desire that you and I become one, just as David and Jonathan did in the Old Testament. You can lower down your walls when you are around Me, for I am not making fun of you. I am constantly encouraging you, exhorting you, cheering you on. I want you to walk in confidence and a belief in yourself. I want to heal you of all the wounds of rejection from men in the past, those who persecuted you, hurt you, made fun of you, laughed at you, so that you may minister to MEN, and be an example to the younger men. You must become a MAN before you can become a father. You must become a man before you can have a wife, for a man is leader over his family and shares responsibilities. A man is an initiator in the relationship. I am healing you of all your past hurts so that you can walk in Sonship. I love you, and I will show you how to speak into people’s lives and walk in the power of My Spirit.”

“I am calling you to HOLINESS and PURITY, sexual purity, included. For as I teach you how to be a man; I will also teach you who I am as the bridegroom. Your teacher for your courtship is the Perfect Husband, the Perfect Bridegroom, and you are to be perfect, just as our Heavenly Father is perfect in all His ways.”

“Walk in humility, don’t walk in pride. I want you to be an example to the young men around you; I want you to be someone they can look to for help. I want you to be accepting, not judgmental, not afraid, but courageous, walking in the strength and power of the Holy Spirit. Being My disciple is not following a rulebook, it’s a LIFESTYLE, and it’s relationship with Me. Follow Me, and I will make you a fisher of men. Then, when you cast your net, you shall pull in a bountiful harvest. I want to teach you to fish; I want to be with you. I love you. As I become more real to you, I will speak through you, and you will walk in the same authority I did when I was on this earth. I will be with you, always....”

“Come and I will show you My kingdom....”

DIALOGUE WITH GOD: Chapter 2: p. 22)

“Express your love to Jesus. In some way tell or write of your love for Him and your gratitude of all the blessings He has given you. Thank Him for all the things that He has revealed to you and for His beautiful creation. Just love Him for all He means to you. When you are finished, wait for His reply. Write down any thoughts that come into your mind. He may want to say He loves you too. He may tell you how precious you are to Him. He may give you guidance or peace about an area of concern. Whatever He wants to say, give Him the chance to say it. He’s been waiting for you. Won’t you respond?”

My love to Jesus:

Dear Heavenly Father:

Thank you so much that Your heart is to be intimate with me. My heart longs to KNOW the depths of Your love and to know You as My Father, My companion and My friend.

I come to you just the way I am; yet Your unconditional love is so much greater then I could ever have imagined. I look around at the world You have created and marvel at your beauty. The trees, the river, the sky-nature itself testify of Your greatness. You are truly perfect in all Your ways. My mind is so limited when it comes to expressing My love for you.

Could we just spend this time together, just to spend communion with each other? Oh Father, I thank you for all that you are and I ask you to speak your heart to me, Jesus, in Your name, amen.

“My Son, I love you. It is My desire to express My feelings to you. You have a heavenly Father who wants to hold you, touch you, and love you with tenderness and gentleness. I am an affectionate Father who longs to hold His children close to His chest; just as Jesus did with John the beloved. The image is of coming close in an intimate relationship with each other.”

“I enjoy just being with you. I have created this day for you, My Son. Before all creation was made, I desired to be with you. I come to you, overjoyed just to be with you. I delight in you and I rejoice over you with singing, for you are My treasured possession. There is nothing in this world that can take you away from My love. There is nothing that you have to do to experience My love. I am not just a teacher or counselor- I am a Father who is pursuing a relationship with you. I want to hold you with My arms of love.”

“I want to give you many gifts. As a Father blesses His son with gifts that he doesn’t deserve, so don’t I desire to give you gifts as well? I prepare a table before you, a feast for you to enjoy. I crown you and hold you in a position of honor. I lift your head to look up at Me and see My eyes. Look into My eyes, and you will see eyes of love. Eyes that are like pools; living rivers. It is this kind of love that I want you to have and receive that you may show this same kind of love to those whom you come into contact with every day in your life.”

“I am calling you to walk with Me and simply let Me guide you; where you are going, what you are doing. So many good things await you that you cannot possibly believe everything, even if I told it to you.”

“Your past is forgiven you, washed by the blood of My Son; there is no need to walk in condemnation, for you walk not in the flesh, but in the Spirit. I look at you and call you My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. If I am well pleased in you then realize that you should be pleased with yourself. My Son, I am not calling you to live under the law of death, guilt and condemnation. I am calling you to walk in My righteousness, My holiness, and My power. Realize that I am constantly drawing you closer to Me. Even when you fail, I use your failures to bring you even more closely to Me.”

“Show grace and mercy to YOURSELF so that you when you meet those who have fallen deeply into sin, you may be able to show them the way to the grace and mercy and love and compassion that I am offering them. It is My love that changes the world, not you. You are simply My messenger. I give you the words to speak, just as a king sends out a messenger to declare His decrees, so I send you into the WORLD, to be My witness to testify of My unfailing love for this world.”

“The life of works is over; you need not go back to the law of death. Please spend time with me! Do not be afraid of My rejection, nor be afraid of My anger. Does not a father allow His son to do the things he enjoys and yet still he enjoys being with him? A real relationship is two-ways, not one-ways. I have not called you slavery, to do the things I command with no thought or regard for you. No, a son has desires and he goes to the Father with those desires and asks Him “Dad, do you want to do THIS today?” Because of the love of the Father, the Father will spend time with His son doing the thing he loves doing. You don’t have to rush, you can simply be with Me, rest with Me. Oh, My Son, I am calling you to love.”



“Choose a question...ask Jesus to open the eyes and ears of your heart so that you can receive what He wants to share with you. Then picture Jesus in a comfortable setting.....enjoy being alone with Him...tune to spontaneity, fix your gaze upon Him and write what begins to flow within you.”

Jesus, how can I know you more?

“Do you remember how I walked with Adam in the garden in the cool of the day? This what I am taking you back to you. All your striving and performance is for nothing if it is to be loved. It is also for nothing if you expect that it will earn the answers to your prayers.”

“Without LOVE, you are nothing more than a clanging symbol. Without love, all of your “works” will come to nothing. You can’t love the world if you don’t know the love that I have for them. God desires for you LOVE Him and to LOVE others AND yourself. This is the greatest commandment. I love you.”

“I see the lies you’ve believed, but that doesn’t mean that you are ‘bad’ or ‘stupid.’ Only My love can transform you and restore you to a healthy self-esteem, a healthy image of yourself.”

“There is a tremendous difference between hearing the words the Holy Spirit gives you and KNOWING them in your heart. I want to transfer this knowledge from your head to your heart. If a father was only a teacher but showed no love to his son, only TAUGHT his son “he is loved” and “he is good” - without that LOVE from the Father, he would be incomplete.”

“You don’t find this love by doing more works or in others, but just by BEING with Me. I am more interested in being with you than I am in pointing out your faults. Look at a father with his young baby-what is the image of a perfect father? If that child is learning how to walk, does the father repeatedly only point out his bad faults or does the father show him what he is doing right and encourages him in those things. Am I not the Great Encourager?”

“I am not like those you have met. I am the PERFECT FRIEND. As well-the third kind of relationship you have yet to discover. I am a brother who doesn’t cut you down and make you feel inferior. No, the brother I am is the one who throws a party just for you. Look, watch and see, and I will tell you of the brother I am to you.”

“I am JESUS, your perfect, loving brother. As you come to Me, I will show you how I have prepared a feast, a banquet in your honor! I have not done this because it is Christmas, or your birthday, or because of any special thing you have done. I have done it simply out of My unconditional love for you! I have prepared for you a table with a feast for you to enjoy! This is a time for Me and you to enjoy communion together, to enjoy fellowship.”

“Brother, look at My eyes. You will never find rejection in them. I am your brother, now and forever, and I LOVE YOU with all of My heart. As your brother we will do things together and we will go in the name of Our Father, Our LORD. Did not I send My disciples out two by two? And so it is I who am with you always, even to the end of the age and throughout all your trials and tribulations.”

“Brother, I want to ENCOURAGE you to trust Me and trust My Father that He has a future and a hope for Our family. It is not His desire of any to perish!”

“Brother, you are special to Me. I delight in your company; you mean so much to Me. I love just being with you, and I don’t care if you’re good at sports or not. I’m not going to make FUN of you when you don’t “hit the ball right.” I accept you the way you are, I will never disown you.”

“It’s okay, I will not make fun of you for crying either, and instead COMPLEMENT you on your desire to become a godly man for those around you. I’m PROUD to call you My brother for I see your desire to follow Father will all your heart. I’m proud of you that you want Me to lead you by example so that you may be a wonderful bridegroom to your bride, just as I am to mine. I’m proud of you that you want to do what is good and noble and right.”

“All your life you’ve looked for a friend and found no one who would talk to you without finding some fault with you. I am that friend who will always be there for you. It’s GOOD to cry, for Daddy wants to heal you of all the hurts inside from all those boys who used to reject you and make fun of you and laugh and call you names. I will show them MERCY and those who ridiculed you will call you BROTHER and FRIEND.”

“I want to stand in confidence as My brother that together ANYTHING is possible. Yes! ANYTHING! I want to have an intimate relationship with you like I had with John the Beloved, where he was resting on My chest. It is this closeness, this intimacy that I desire for you.”

“I also want to encourage you to join me in the celebration of all that Our Father has done! I want to give you the cup of joy to you and fill your life so overwhelming with joy that others will want to drink of it as well. They will look at you as you walk thru life with awe and will come to Jesus as a result of seeing your daily testimony. I want to take away your fears and replace them with FAITH in a Father who loves you!”

“Oh, my brother, I want to walk with you, talk with you, and be with you. I died for your sins and now I live! I live in your heart. I’m only a heartbeat away! I love you and I will show Father’s Kingdom and all that He has to you. He has made you a joint-heir with Me; did you know that? Did you know that in Father’s eyes-He loves both of us just the SAME? Me with My perfections and you with your imperfections. We are both loved EQUALLY-for His love was NEVER about your righteousness.”

“Without that love, you are nothing. I want to place in you that desire to always KNOW more of His love in your heart. I want you to know Me, brother! I am looking at you with joy in My eyes! If I am your example, then FOLLOW me! Learn who I am! Know Me, and seek Me, I will reveal Myself to you.”

“One day, we will be together in Heaven, you and I, and we will share eternity together. The Friendship begins NOW, not then. And I want you to be secure in your friendship with Me. I will ALWAYS be with you, ALWAYS. Together, this world will be changed. My love for you will be revealed to you greater and greater each day. I love you...BROTHER.”

DIALOGUE WITH GOD Chapter 3 : The Spoken Word Page 36

Using vision, see Jesus with you in some comfortable scene (possibly from the gospels) Write down, “LORD, what do you want to speak concerning the things I am learning?” Then focus the eyes of your heart on the vision of you and Jesus together, and tune to spontaneity. In simple faith begin writing down the thoughts that begin flowing within your mind.

“LORD, what do you want to speak concerning the things I am learning?”

“I want to teach you how to KNOW the Word. My Words are life, the very bread of life. Bread needs moisture for it to stay fresh, and that moisture, that water is My Holy Spirit. My desire is for you to learn how to come into communion with Me, how to eat and drink in the Spirit. Just as one needs to know how to eat and drink in the natural, you must eat and drink in the Spirit as well.”

“It is only as My Spirit quenches your thirst and My Word satisfies your hunger for righteousness that you will be satisfied. My desire is for you to dine with Me, to eat with Me in communion.”

“It is My desire to show you many things from My Word. I desire for you to become strong in the Word. I want the Word to become alive to you, to realize that The Word is living, active. I want to write the Word on your heart, that you may speak forth My Word.”

“I want you to know what I say to you and how to have a foundation in what My bible says to you. The Bible is the foundation for all your spiritual encounters. The bible is where you are able to discern truth from error. As you build a strong foundation on the Word of God, you are able to recall the Word of God from memory and use it as a weapon to fight against the enemy.”

“The Bible commands you to take the Sword of the Spirit to fight the enemy. Out of My Words come life and I want you to learn the living word of God and how it applies to you. I want you to not just read the bible, but also BELIEVE the Bible, and allow faith to build up inside of you, to know whom your God is. I want you to meditate on the Words of My bible, that they may no longer be written on your mind but instead written in your heart.”


Communion with God: Chapter four: Becoming Still (page 56)

“Ask the Lord to show you the means you have used to still yourself. Ask Him what methods He wants you to cultivate.”

Father, what about stillness? What do you want to say to me?

“Becoming still is a scary thing for you. When a baby is held by its Mother, he knows that he is safe, secure in his mother’s hands. When the Father holds the baby, the baby has that sense of security, safety in the Father’s arms. If this is not there, then the baby begins to feel as it must do things to get attention, creating a lifetime stronghold that needs to be broken.”

“So it is with you as I take you deeper into relationship with Me. Stillness means that you have to stop doing and trust someone else to come to you. If you are used to people only coming when you do something, then the stronghold of thought in you is that you must do something to be loved. God wants to break that stronghold.”

“You are also afraid of intimacy, and afraid that you will be seen as you really are. Because of your heart’s self-hatred, it has prevented you from becoming still and knowing who you really are in Christ.”

“Stillness means that you cease striving, you let go, and you let things be as they are. It means that you accept circumstances the way they are, that you accept yourself the way you are and let God come to you and speak to you.”

“You do not have to do things to attract my attention. You can simply be still and have faith that I will come. I will pick you up and hold you. I will indeed show My love to you.”

“My desire is for you to know My acceptance, to destroy the stronghold of the fear of rejection, that you would not feel as though you had to do something to be loved, but that you would rest in the knowledge that you are loved and that My love is a free gift, not something that you have to earn.”

“Stillness involves a waiting, a trusting on your Father. It means waiting, trusting Him to come and minister to you. How many times have you not waited, and simply said to yourself, ‘I must do something.’ God wants to break away that fear; that false assumption that Father isn’t going to show. It’s bitterroot expectancy in your heart that I will not come unless you do something. It’s also a bitter root against yourself, for you say in your heart, ‘I’m not good enough for God’s love.’”

“I desire for you to come into knowledge of the truth of My love. I desire for you to see the value of being still before Me and learning how to soak in My presence.”

“I desire to turn you around 180 degrees, that you would allow Me to do the work of cleansing and righteousness inside of you. You are accepted by Me even before you come to Me in repentance.”

“You need not be afraid. You can come before Me and be still. It’s okay to sometimes do nothing. Indeed, there is a rest for you that comes from being still. The bible says, ‘Be still, cease striving, relax, let go, know that I am God.’ I want you to KNOW Me.”

“I want to take away all the religious striving that you do so that you may come to Me in faith and see Me as the one who works in you. The experiences you can have with Me become deeper and more personal and real when you become still.”

“Journaling is about relationship with Me, not just writing down nice thoughts. Indeed, it is Me, speaking to you! I want to teach you how to quiet your own emotions and feelings so that you may hear My thoughts from deep within.”

“I want to heal you from fear of rejection, so that when you ask the Lord for directions, you will not immediately assume the answer being no, nor will you make the answer yes. I want there to be no log jams in our relationship.”

“I love you. Those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength. Waiting and stillness is not about writing out good thoughts, it’s about coming into the spiritual relationship with the Father.”

“It’s about entering into the Holy of Holies, which Jesus purchased for you. It’s about the tabernacle experience, coming into the place where Jesus is and the presence of God is. This is My desire for you.”

“Stillness allows you to come to the place of intimacy with Me. This is why you have struggled with this course. Stillness is about depending on Me to come to you, it’s about trust and faith in the Father. I want to restore that sense of love and trust so that you may see Me as a loving Father who wants to be with you.”

“I want to be with you in this moment for I AM. I love you. Do not be afraid to get too close to Me. Do not be afraid to wait for Me to come. You not yet begun to experience the fullness of My undying love for you. Wait for Me, let Me come to you, and I will be your source for strength, for wisdom, for answers.....for love.”

Communion with God: Chapter 5: Dreams & Visions (Page 80)

LORD, how important is it to use the eyes of My heart? How have I been using them? How would you have Me use them?

“I desire for you to present before Me the eyes of your heart for Me to fill. I want to heal the eyes of your heart of all the things you’ve seen in the past: all the sin, all the pain, all the hurt and rejection.”

“I want to heal your vision that you will be able to see and look, and in seeing and looking, you will see that I was there with you in those painful moments. Because you have buried your past you do not want to see what has happened before; you are afraid of looking into my ‘mirror’ and seeing the reflection of yourself in that mirror. Who are you My Son? Who do you see yourself as? I want you to look into the mirror and see the perfect reflection of the LORD Jesus Christ looking back at you.”

“I clothe you with the robes of righteousness. I desire to take away your sackcloth and ashes and give you new clothes to wear. I desire for you to ‘put on the LORD Jesus Christ.’ To ‘wear’ Him and to display His glory.”

“You are a treasure in a clay pot. I desire to put you in a new outer shell, one that is adorned with My beauty. Look into the mirror you will see yourself as I see you. With the eyes of your heart I desire to show you My kingdom, My love. In vision and dream will I make My love come clear to you.”

“In vision you will see yourself as I see you, strong, fearless, a mighty warrior. You will carry the Sword of Truth; put on the Helmet of Salvation, which will protect you from the attacks of the enemy. Carry the Shield of Faith; the LORD is with you, mighty man of velour!”

“With the eyes of your heart you can enter into a deeper relationship that I have for you. You can see Me there with you, loving you; see Me as a real loving Person rather than as a ‘thing.’ I am a Person who loves you, who cleanses you from all unrighteousness.”

“I want to heal the memories of the past. They haunt you; they torture you inside. Come out from the place of hiding, the place of fear and loneliness; be not afraid to confront your past. Without Me coming to heal the memories of your past, healing cannot fully come. You cannot fully develop your heavenly vision if you are avoiding “seeing” unpleasant memories. God shows you theses memories so that you may come fully into wholeness, restoration, and oneness with God. “

“You are the dwelling place of God. In your dwelling place there are many rooms. The enemy hides in the dark, deep places of your heart. These are the rooms you have kept locked up; for if you enter them, there you will see the hurt, the pain, the sin of the past. These are the rooms that the Holy Spirit wants to come into but He cannot! Not without your permission! You must give Me the key so that I may go into these rooms and cleanse them.”

DIALOGUE WITH GOD: Seeing in the Spirit (Page 80)

What do you want to say to me concerning the use of the eyes of my heart? How have I used them? How would you like me to use them? What are your thoughts concerning dream and vision?

“My son, open the eyes of your heart for Me to fill. I will fill it with My love for you, My Son. Dreams and visions will show you a visual representation of My wondrous love for you.”

“I want to wash you with waves of mercy. Come along the beach with Me, walk with Me, talk with Me, see My smile, My arm around you, see how My delight is in you. As a Father walks with His son, so do I walk with you? I am smiling at you as I walk with you, for I enjoy your company, your love.”

“You don’t have to do anything but be with Me. You don’t have to worry about time or striving. Vision and dream deepens that relationship between us for it takes you deeper into the realm of the Spirit. It's tuning your heart to that which God wants you to see.”

“Seeing in the spirit is so important. It’s looking at Me and seeing the love I have for you. Seeing Me smiling at you, being with you, it’s another way of making Myself real to you.”

“When you look for Me in prayer, I want to take you to that place of intimacy where we are simply together, not doing anything, just enjoying being one with each other. Expect dreams in the night, visions in the day that show you the love of God.”

“Vision brings life, healing. Where there is no vision, the people perish. I want to give you visions of hope, love, life and peace. I want to give you visions that you will give you hope for the future and all that I have planned for you. I have so many good things for you that you would not believe them, even if I told them to you! I have great plans, great plans for You. Vision and dreams restore hope.”

“Vision can be used to heal old wounds, to bring healing to old memories and painful experiences from the past, that you may see that I was with you in those times of pain and grief.”

“Vision can be used to see the truths of the Kingdom of God, to see My palace, My royal place, which is in you, My son. I want to show you with the eyes of your heart the kingdom of God and all its glory. I also want to show you the kingdom dynamics in intercession. Do not be afraid, I want to show you the battle that is in the spirit against the enemy, that you may see yourself as a warrior in prayer.”

“I want to deepen My relationship with you. I want to make Myself real with My presence, My voice becoming real to you. I want you to see Me and the smile that is on My face, how pleased, how overjoyed I am to be with you! My hands are outstretched towards you, JUST THE WAY YOU ARE; you don’t have to change to be loved by me. Rather, let My love change you.”

“I want to hold you tight, close to My chest, singing over you and loving you and healing you with words of comfort and love. I use the eyes of your heart to deepen your revelation of the Father’s love for you. I want to be closer to you, do not be afraid to come closer!”


*LORD, how do you view females? Would You cleanse my eyes from using the eyes of my heart from the ungodly way I’ve looked at the opposite sex?


"I am the Great Artist. I am the Painter of the skies. I add colour to all of nature. Indeed I formed and designed woman to be beautiful-she is indeed a work of art. Oh, can you picture Me sitting there, painting a picture of her?”

“I do not look at her as a sinful man would look upon a prostitute. I do not look upon her nakedness, her sin. I look upon her as clothed with the radiance and beauty the Father has lavished upon her. I see the white robe of innocence that Jesus has given her, purchased for her by His own blood. I see the gold that is placed upon her by the Father. Her head is crowned-indeed-it is crowned with glory and beauty. The angels themselves carry the train of her gown.”

“She is altogether beautiful, altogether lovely. She is like a lovely rose-she is the Bride of the Great Bridegroom-covered with the same innocence, purity and virtue of Jesus. It is not that she possesses these qualities of herself-they are given her by the bridegroom.”

“When compared to all the other works and wonders the Father has created in the heavens above, in the sea below, in the stars above-the Heavenly creatures themselves cannot compare to her beauty.”

“She is to be revered, respected, the way the Great Princess of Creation should be. How can eyes see the way the Great Bridegroom does? How can they see that she is a precious stone, she cannot be coveted nor can she be bought. No woman on earth is a gem to be sold. She is of great value, importance. The Father has called her His daughter, to be daughters of the King.”

“You have seen the female form with eyes of the flesh. Now I want you to see a woman with eyes of the heart-eyes that look upon the body, soul, spirit to see the complete vision that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit see. See with new eyes."


* Lord, what would You like to say to me today?

“I am here with you. I am here in the garden. I am here by the river. I am here in the stillness of this moment, in the secret, quiet place. I am here. I am your Daddy. I have come to meet and speak with you. I am here to show you My love; My arms are wide open. My Son, I want you to know the real Me. I am calling you to a deeper place of intimacy; it is a place of intimacy that goes beyond common head knowledge; it is a place of My love filling your heart.”

“Live life out of the TRUTH, fear is found in lies, faith is found in truth. I love you. You don’t have to earn My presence. My love for you has never changed; it has always been the same. God is taking your old life and making it something new. You will never be the same again.”

“You have a new identity in My Son, a new identity, you are a mighty man of velour. You look at your self, but look at yourself the way I see you! I see you clothed with the robes of righteousness, I see you cleansed by the blood! I see you as My child, My Son!”

“Does not a bridegroom love to spend time showing love to His bride? My Son, I want to remove your shame. I want to trade your sorrows for joy! Have you seen yourself beyond the altar? I want to take you into the holy of holies; the way has been made for you by Jesus!”

“I want you living out of TRUTH! Truth is what I desire for you! I want you to be able to run into My arms and call Me Daddy; I want you to see Me as loving you before you repented. The story of the Prodigal Son shows this. The Father honored His Son because He had come home.”

“You only have to do one thing to please Me-BREATHE. I love you the way you are, I am calling you to become like Me. My joy, My love, are gifts that you don’t have to earn. No longer believe that you need live life in regret over the past. I have removed your transgressions as far as the east is from the west. I want you to take time just to love Me and let Me love you in return!”

“I sing over you; I rejoice over you! I love just being with you! My delight is in My chosen One, I have chosen you and ordained you! Before you were born, I knew you, I loved you! Please, spend time with Me. let Me love you! Let Me fill your life with living water! I offer you the cup of joy! Will you take it?”

“There is more to Me than finding out what sins you have committed in the past. I am a loving Person, One who wants to share time with you! I hear your prayers. I hear your cries! Draw near to Me and I will draw near to you! There is more! More!”

“I have good things awaiting you! I desire to place you in a position of high honor and authority! I desire for you to be a history maker! Dream big, for nothing is impossible for Me! Walk as a warrior and a prince, a man of joy, a man of honor! You are of royal blood! You are the son of nobility, the highest nobility! I love you just as much as I love Jesus.”

“Will you believe Me? Will you come to Me and know Me? I love you; know that you are a child of love! The enemy doesn’t have to have power over you. The enemy comes as the Accuser, the Liar, and the Deceiver. Lift up your shield of faith, My warrior Son! See Me as One who stands guard over you. My angels are always watching over you! The God of peace has crushed Satan underneath your feet; you are victorious in Christ!”

“My son, live in worship and praise, return to your first love, relationship with Me! See yourself as My son, My beloved One! I am always with you. Drink, My son, from the well of living water that I give you! I love you, My son. Come and you will walk in My love!”


COMMUNION WITH GOD-Chapter 6 (Page 100)

* Jesus, what do you want to say about our friendship?

"I love you and long to be your best friend. I am the friend that longs to be with you, to spend time with you. I want you to see that fellowship is indeed an important part of your life. I sat and ate with My disciples and had communion with them. I shared the Father's love with them and I desire to share the Father's love with you too.”

“I am not merely a teacher, I am your friend, your close companion. I am with you always; I will never leave you nor forsake you. You don't always have to be doing things with Me.”

“My Father says that 'unless you become like a child, you cannot enter the kingdom of God.' If He commands you to be childlike, then why wouldn't you think that I myself am childlike too? I totally trust the Father and live in the love of the Father and I want you to as well. Being childlike also means knowing the value of fellowship, of having a good time, of having fun!”

“Did I not go to a wedding? Why would I go to a wedding if I did not see value in enjoying oneself? Can you really see Father God up there in Heaven telling His children to stop playing and start doing? You can only be childlike when you stop performing and let Him do it.”

“There is tremendous value in relationship. I want to sit and have communion with you. I want you to eat the bread of life, which is the word of God, and drink from the Spirit. Friends spend time together, just being together, not just doing things together. Would you spend all your time with your best friend making a list of your sins and faults and naming them off one by one? No! So why do you this with Me?”

“Let Me speak to you the words of the Father, just listen at My feet, just as Mary and Martha did. Friendship with Me is not about works, it's about coming to the knowledge of My unconditional love for you. No matter how much you've screwed up in the past or done things to hurt My Father, I forgave you and I still loved you. I still want to embrace you. I am the friend that is smiling at you with approval. We are both sons of the Father-loved equally by the Father. I don't look down on you, I don't reject you. Why do you reject yourself?”

“Friends are there for each other, they don't give up on one another. They remain with each other through both good times and bad times. I am the friend that sticks closer than a brother. Friendship is two-way. You have only told me your faults. I want you to tell me your hopes, dreams, desires. Let Me tell you all the good things Father wants to say to you. You're My friend, now and forever."


LORD, how do I fit together the testimony of Your Word and the testimony of life? How exactly do I discover truth?

“My son, it is not enough for you to know the Word of God with your mind. I want you to know the Word of God in your heart, your life. I want My words to abide in you. I want My words to become a living reality within you. My Word lives inside of you, for the Word is God.”

“My words will always speak to you, always build you up, always draw you closer to Me. Whatever you have experienced, My Word is there for you to show you My way, My will.”

“I want you to live out of Jesus, to have Jesus living out of you. Life’s experiences are a confirmation of what the Word is telling you. All comes to pass that the Father has spoken. Do not look at circumstances. The words God has prophesied are fulfilled because I have declared it, not because the circumstances are favorable. All that I have promised is fulfilled. My words are not without void.”

“You look at circumstances, instead look at Me. You search the Scriptures because you think in them you have life, but fail to come to Me to receive this life! The Scriptures always point to faith in Me! The Word of God grounds you so that you faith is in Me and what I can do and will do!”

“You think small, I think large. You look at the circumstances of those around you but I see the whole picture. You see only seconds, brief glimpses of people’s lives but I know their frame, their thoughts, their past. I know the whole story and know when they are ready to receive Me.”

“Look at Me, lean not on your own understanding. I have big plans for the future. I speak the words then they are done. It is not the other way around. Don’t look at life then determine what will happen. Look at Me!”

“It is not enough to have simple knowledge of My words. You need Me to interpret the Word that I am giving you. The Word of God is there to build faith in your life, it points the way to Me!”

“I love you son, I desire for your faith in Me to be strong! Stop looking at what you can accomplish, for it is not about you! It is not about what you can see with your earthly eyes. Look with My eyes, see all that I am accomplishing.”

“I love you, son, you need not be afraid. I am always with you in your life, always speaking to you. Let My words abide in you. Let My words be the bread of life which you eat.”


* Enter a gospel story with Jesus. Jesus what do you want to say to me?

"When Jesus died on the cross, a sword cut the veil of the temple in two. The blood has been spilled, poured out as an offering to Me; a sacrifice for your sins. The blood of Jesus is now sprinkled over you. You can stand blameless before Me as you seek to live your life in Christ. Salvation is by faith, not by works. I am clothing you with the robes of righteousness, that by faith you will be able to come before Me to know My unconditional love for you.”

“When you repent of your sins, you will find joy in the forgiveness that I give you, for repentance is about regaining that fellowship with Me. It is only as you gaze upon Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith, that you will find freedom. I love you with an everlasting love and it is My desire to lavish My love on you. I delight in you with all of my heart. I want to free you from shame. I want to place you in a position of honour and authority-the authority that is found in Me.”

“In your own strength, you are weak. Yes! Recognize this! Do not see yourself as the world sees you. You see yourself as useless because you are weak. Do not. Instead, declare your dependence on Him, who is strong. I AM the Almighty, the Powerful, the Strong One. I am the warrior who fights for you. You need me. Stop striving in your own independence, it will only bring you misery. The end of the law is death. The beginning of love is life and life more abundantly.”

“Do you know the height, width, depth, length of My undeniable love for you? How I long to be with you. My arms are wide open, I am smiling at you. I am not ashamed to be called your Father. My love for you is grand. I am a big God. You serve a big God who is capable of big things.”

“Come to Me in faith. Without faith, it is impossible to please Me. The Christian life isn't hard, it's impossible. That's why you need Me to be your everything. You need Me. My Son is your Righteousness. Discover who you are in Christ. You have arrived at a crossroads. You can continue or stop! Stop the insanity! Drop off your baggage, your old, filthy things. Receive new things. You have a choice. You need not be afraid. I love you.”

“Will I not give you righteousness? Will I not lead you into all truth? What is the truth? Do you know? Or are you wallowing so deeply in the lies of the enemy that you don't know? Can you find light in the dark? Or is the darkness exposed by the light? I am the light and I want to bring light into your life. I want to bring you into life so that you may walk in Me.”

“You can come to Me in confidence, knowing that I will forgive you and I am faithful to cleanse you from all unrighteousness and bring you closer to Me. Smile, for I am smiling at you. You are My son, in whom I am well-pleased..”

“Was Jesus loved by His Father because of His efforts? Did not all the disciples abandon Him? Did that make Jesus a failure? When Jesus was talking to His disciples and many deserted him saying ‘this teaching is difficult to understand’ did that make Jesus a failure? No! It is the same with you. You look at your life and see it as a failure because you blame yourself for what is wrong with the world. The idea that ‘if only I was good enough they would be saved’ attitude is a lie. Stop it! You will never be good enough. Never!”

“You will never be 'good enough' to be married. Never. The righteousness God wants to give you is faith in His righteousness to cover you. Look to the cross, allow the blood of Jesus to cleanse you. Repent, renounce the ways of the past. Renounce the lies. You do not have to walk in guilt, condemnation, fear, worry, anxiety, depression anymore. These things are not from God.”

“ I am not looking to hurt you, I am looking to lift you up. You are My son, whom I love with all My heart. You are special and unique in My eyes. I know your innermost thoughts, fears, desires. I know you yet I loved you before time began. I chose you-before time began-to be My child, My son, My spokesman.”

“You are now a new creation in Christ. Let the old things pass away. Let them die. Do not be afraid to let Me come in and just love you. Let Me love you to death-death of all the fleshy nature and appetites of the carnal nature. Without love, you are nothing. You need My love so that you can walk in it and give it away. You are a treasure in a jar of clay. I am molding you into what I desire for you to be."


* LORD, am I an accuser or comforter?

“You already know the answer to that one. In the past, you’ve defended yourself whenever someone brought up your faults by bringing up the faults of others. God doesn’t do this. Jesus did not revile back when He was reviled. He did not judge anyone. The accuser stance attacks a person’s character.”

“Often your worst enemy is yourself. Instead of showing yourself grace, you often punish yourself or beat yourself up with self-condemnation, rather than admitting your sins and moving on towards holiness.”

“I want to be your comforter. Will you allow Me to be your comforter? My words exhort, encourage, uplift you. They are words that are meant to build character within you rather than tear you down. Cutting people down is an example of spiritual pride. It is saying that ‘I am better than you.’ What you sow in life, you will also reap. If you sow into the comforting words of the Holy Spirit, than you will reap them in return. I desire for your heart to be filled with love-with grace, mercy and truth towards yourself and others.”

“As you show grace and mercy towards yourself, you will be able to show love to others. Stop being your judge, jury and executioner. Stop pointing the finger at yourself. Jesus said to the woman caught in adultery ‘Is there no one here to condemn you? Neither do I condemn you, go in peace.’ So why do you condemn yourself? How is this being like Jesus? Take the comforter stance; you are not ‘bad’, you are My son.”

“I want your heart to be filled with the words of love that I have for you and for others. The world is looking for someone to speak words of life into them. Your tongue has the power to bless or to curse. Let no unwholesome word come out of your mouth but only let words that exhort, encourage and build people up.”

“Stop trying to prove that you are right. Stop trying to put yourself up on a pedestal. Who are you, that people should think of as superior? Don’t let your low self-esteem be an excuse for pride in your heart. Let God cleanse away at that pride and the low self-esteem in your heart. Rid yourself of the idol of self-hatred. It is an abomination to Me, I will not have it! You only have one God, a God of love, compassion, mercy and grace.”

“Let your words be like salt of the earth. Stop looking to others to puff you up, instead lift up others! Let My Holy Spirit fill your heart with words of love so that the world may know the true unconditional love of God. My words are life, not death. You can only serve one master-who will you serve? Let your words speak of the acceptance and affirmation of God.”

“Let Me judge their deeds. Why should you seek to bring anyone down? Is it not My will that even the worst offender against you come to know My love? My salvation? Did I not choose Saul, who murdered My early disciples to become My spokesman?”

“The words of the Comforter are life-giving. Know these words. Focus on Jesus, not yourself. Let go of the bitterness in your heart towards yourself and others and let My forgiveness flow in. Recognize that the voice of the Holy Spirit is comforting, bringing you life and reconcilation. The voice of the Accuser tears you down, bringing condemnation into your heart. Repent for the accusations you’ve made towards others and seek for ways to build others up in love, with the words you speak and the actions of your heart.”

“Let your character be that of Christ. If you don’t know Christ, how can you reflect His character? I want you to know the value of knowing the words of love that I speak. The value of sowing and reaping. As you sow a good seed, a good word into a person’s life, My Holy Spirit waters the seed so that there may produce a harvest in that person’s life.”

“Will you stand before My throne and accuse yourself? It is time for the sinful nature of the flesh to die, to accept Jesus’ death and resurrection on the cross. Let Him live inside of you. The accuser of the brethren speaks forth lies, the Holy Spirit speaks forth truth. You can lie in condemnation or divine grace. Grace is a free gift that cannot be earned.”

“Hearing, do you hear? Do you understand? You must accept the work of the cross and the free gift. You have been turning away this free gift, as you have many others, because of your false assumption that ‘I’m not good enough.’ You are loved by the Father, is that not enough? The enemy steals your joy. God offers the joy of being forgiven, of coming into greater freedom with Him. You can celebrate your mistakes and laugh at them”

“You take yourself too seriously. Do you know the story of the preacher who, how he was in bed and thinking that he saw a demon, he started praying in tongues until sunrise, trying to cast the demon out? When the sun rose, he saw that it was nothing to be afraid of; it was just clothing being blown by an air vent. He could have saved himself all that work if he had just turned on the light. That is like you. You are trying and striving to get rid of all the lies in your heart and against the self-accusation of your heart, yet all you have to do is turn on the light.”

“I AM the light. The Word is a lamp unto your feet. Who will you serve? The God of Comfort or the Accuser of the Brethren? Repent for your accusations, seek to love yourself. Sin does not mean ‘you’re bad.’ Let Me wash you clean from sin. Jesus was put on the cross. He took your punishment for you. Stop punishing yourself. You’re My son. Seek to become like the Comforter, the Edifier, the Encourager, and the Exhortor. Study the Word so that the Word may become living within you, so you may speak forth the word of love of life into people’s lives.”



* Daddy, what do you want to say to Me as watch the sunset?

“This is what My heart longs for. My heart longs for communion with you. My heart longs just to hold you, just to speak with you, just to tell you that I love you. It is the in the intimacy with Me that you live, breathe and exist.”

“Do you the truth? You are somebody special to Me. I know your frame, your make. I know every detail about you. I count every hair on your head; they are all numbered by Me. I collect all your tears, I have seen every tear, every joy. I am always with you. I see you as someone very handsome, very bright and intelligent. I want to fill you with My wisdom. I want you to see your true identity in Christ.”

“I love just being romantic. Jesus and the Bride are romantic together. They spend time with each other, loving each other. I want the love that I pour into you to be a reflection of His love for the Bride. Indeed, I love you just as much as I love Jesus!”

“I am not ashamed to call you My child, My chosen one. Do I look down on you? No. It is time for you to know how I love to honour you, to build you up, exhort you, edify you. I love building up your confidence in Me.”

“See Me as the Daddy you can trust with the desires of your heart. You long for silver but I will give you gold. It is My desire to pour out My blessing and love to those who obey Me and hear My voice. Come closer to Me, listen to My voice, listen to the words of love that I speak to you. As you come closer to Me, the things of this world will grow strangely dim. Do not be afraid, surrender all. You are My heart’s desire and My desire is to lavish My love on you!”

“I delight over you, indeed, I rejoice over you with singing. Do you see yourself the way I see you? A mighty warrior, a man of joy? Let the seeds of love, joy, peace and faith be planted in you, My son. I desire for you to be fruitful. To show love to those who need love. I want to father you. I am affectionate towards you, I love just holding you in My arms. All eternity is about being wrapped up in the Father’s love.”

“You have a hope in the resurrection. Your hope is not in things of this world, it is in Me! So you must get to know Me in order to know how loving, how kind, how gentle, how giving I am to you.”

“I want to crush the enemy’s head underneath your feet. The God of peace crushes Satan underneath your feet. You are to be the head, not the tail. You are to be honoured, not humilated. I honour you, is that not enough? Come to Me and know the depth of the Father’s love for you. I want to fill the voids in your life with My love! Walk in My love and give it away!”

*COMMUNION WITH GOD Textbook Chapter Nine (Page 132)

* LORD, what do you want to say to Me as the sun sets by the river?

“Walk by faith. When you listen to Me and walk by faith, you will produce much fruit. Oh, how I long for you to come to Me! I long to fill your cup full of joy! I love you, very much! I want to take away all the shame of your youth and replace it with My honour. I have forgiven you, will you forgive yourself? I have shown grace and mercy to you. I want to show you My compassion.”

“Come, come to Me and drink! Wine or milk-choose whichever you like! I want to give you both! The milk of My Word which will help your spirit grow strong and the wine of My Holy Spirit which will overflow you with joy! It is My desire that you come to My house of prayer with joy, for I love you so much. You are special to Me! You don’t have to do anything to win the victory over the enemy. I have already gone before you and defeated him. I want to fill you with My Spirit. Come, drink deeply of My love for you.”

“Yes, I am running towards you. I knock at your door, will you let Me in? I wait for you with a smile, for I delight in our visits together. I hug you and hold you, I love just being with you. I want you to be sarenated in the wine of My presence. When you tenderize steak, you can use wine to make it sweet and tender. I want the joy that is in your life to make you sweet and tender. I want you to celebrate.”

“Yes, do not be afraid to dance before Me, to sing to Me your love! Let it come out of My love for you! You don’t have to do anything to get My attention. Just smile, say I love you. I am here with you. By faith we have a relationship. The blood covers your sins so that we may having an ongoing relationship. This is the intimacy, the intimacy I longed for in the garden. It is My love that changes you.”

“Move yourself from law to love. Relationship isn’t ‘do this, don’t do that’ it’s more! So much more!”

“I want you to st ep into My river of love for you. It’s free. Picture yourself at the beach. There is a gate at the beach. It says ‘no trespassing.’ I have the key. It’s the key to the river of the King. Enter in, come to the water. You can drink from this river, for the water is fresh and good for the spirit. Let My waves of mercy and grace wash over you. Allow yourself to lay on the beach, letting the SON radiate over you. Allow yourself to run with your Daddy into the deep, deep waters. It is a river that you cannot cross. It is My love for you. It is deep in the river that I desire to take you, totally immersed in the Holy Spirit. Come to the deep. Come to the place where your feet are no longer touching the ground. Allow the currents of My river to guide you. There is much love, joy and peace that I long to give to you. Remember that you always are welcome to come back to this place, to the special places which I show you in the spirit, to be still, to be with Me. I love you, son, I am well-pleased with you.”


* LORD, is there a word you want to speak into my heart that will set me free in some area of my life? If so, I am open to hear from you.

“My son, learn to wait before the LORD. Do not rush. Slow down. Be still, cease striving, let go, relax and know that I am God. Come and I will show you the secrets of the spirit.”

“The dragon breathes on his horsemen, their names are LIES and FEARS, they are clothed in long, black robes, their words bring DEATH. They ride on black horses, foul beasts with the stench of brimstone.”

“Look off in the distance. The army of the LORD goes before you to do battle with the enemy. You have a spiritual enemy that tries to destroy your soul. The enemy cannot move where it is light. Where the fire of God comes in, light radiates in those dark places and FIRE burns up those spirits. For the enemy cannot stand in the place of holiness. The enemy cannot stand in the place of truth. The truth is your God is the Father who loves you.”

“I want to move you past the unmet needs of the soul into the place of your spirit. Spirit-to-spirit communication. Abiding in Me. I want to take you to the secret place that is found in Me. I want you to get to the place of waiting for Me, allowing Me to fill you with My peace, hope and love. I want to move you from an attitude of doing to an attitude of being. It’s like Mary and Martha. Martha was doing things for God but she was missing being with the Master. You are the same. There is only one thing necessary, and that is to listen at His feet. Do I not desire to move you from legalism to love? From rules to relationship? Performance to being with Me?”

COMMUNION WITH GOD: CH. 10 (second entry)

* LORD, is there a word you want to speak that will bring healing to my heart?

“My son, I love you. The Father loves you. Do you love yourself? Be still, cease striving, know that I am God. Your life has been controlled by the strongmen of FEAR and LIES. They have blindfolded you, chained you, spit in your face. They have put a gag on you and tied your hands together so that you are in pain. They have tied your feet together so that you cannot go where God wants to take you. Look! Off in the distance! He is here! The Saviour, riding on a white horse, overlaid with gold. The sword of truth is in His hands. He fights for you. Yes, I fight for you. “

“Everything you perceive of yourself controls who you are. It controls your spirit, your motivations, your thoughts. I want to break its power over you with My love and My truth. The Father loves you very much. You do not have to be afraid of coming before Me and having to do something. This is a lie! I want you to learn to be still, wait and have faith that I will come. The blood of Jesus will cover you from all unrighteousness and you will be free. I have created you as a masterpiece in My image to have an identity in Christ. Abide in Me and let My words abide in you.”

“You have believed lies about Me and about yourself. You also have fears which prevent you from coming too close to Me. Oh My son, let My light and truth come to you now! Know this: you never need to be afraid when coming into My presence, for My perfect love casts out all fear. I have not given you a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind.”

“I am the way, the truth and the life, abide in Me. You have a new identity in Christ that I want you to have. Currently, you have a messed up version of what this means. God has created you to be masculine and feminine. Healing for your masculinity is found in being the son of the Father. Healing for your feminity is found in being the bride of Christ. I want you to be courageous, strong, fearless, bold, walking in power and authority and strength of character and faith-these are masculine qualities. I also want you to know peace, quietness, resting, intimacy-feminine qualities. Yet there is so much more that I have to share with you.”

“I want to break walls of self-pity and self-condemnation off of you. I want to build grace and mercy into your life. Show forgiveness to yourself. I also want you to come to the place of self-acceptance. I also want you to not be afraid to talk to Me about the areas of your life that hurt. Come to Me, find healing. I love you very much. You are special to Me. “

“I see the words that have been spoken to you that hurt you deeply inside. Bury the pain no longer, for the shame will only keep you trapped. You need not be ashamed before Me. Forgive those who offended you, let Me speak the words of life to redeem you. You have been redeemed. You have been bought back with a price. You do not have to strive. I love you very much.”

“Let yourself enter into the throne room. Come, come to the Great Physician’s room. Here you will find healing for your heart. Do not be afraid to bring the past before Me, for I will redeem your past as you do so. I love you just as much in the past as I do now. My love for you is unconditional. Shouldn’t your love for yourself be unconditional as well?”

“There is indeed grace for the deeds of the past. You don’t have to carry the burden with you anymore. I want to spend time with you, just the way you are. You don’t have to perform for Me. I have not created you to live with an attitude of inferiority. It hurts! What you have thought of yourself has hurt.”

“ It is time for you to come to Me and declare war on fear and lies. Find your freedom in Christ. You are not inferior, God does not create junk. Rather, you are the son of the Everlasting Father, you are a prince and an heir to the throne, you are somebody special. Father doesn’t look down on you because you are weak, even though you look down on yourself. For in your weakness I am made strong, so that My glory can be seen in your weaknesses. I love you. I want to free you.”

“Walk in the light, as I am in the light. I want to cast down strongholds, every thought that exalts itself above Me. Know who you really are in Christ. Know your identity. Recognize the lies! Renounce them, so that you can come to Me and walk in the way, the truth and the life.”

“Do not be afraid to wait on the LORD, for in waiting you will find rest for your soul, you will find new strength. I want to meet you and heal the unmet needs of the heart so that we can become one. I desire for you to abide in Me, to make yourself at home in My presence. Just as I long to live in you, I want you to live in Me. Just as the Father and Jesus are one, so are We one. I love you, very much, come, the promise of My rest awaits you.”

Dialogue with God-Ch. Six: Journaling (Page 92)

* Here I am in the park with you. Is there anything you would like to say to Me?

“It is not enough for you to simply hear My words. My desire is to lavish My love on you. My desire is for you to be filled with My Spirit. Do not be drunk with wine, be drunk in the Spirit. I am calling you to celebrate. Yes, celebrate, shout, sing for joy for all the good the Father has done in your life. The Bible speaks of singing praises to the Father, of singing of thanksgiving and offering of praise to the Father.”

“Holiness, righteousness, love, joy-these are His gifts to you. Your gifts to Him are love, obedience, praise, thanksgiving. This is how you love the Father-by obeying Him, by delighting in Him, by spending time with Him. You become like Me as you spend time with Me. You become like Me as you get to know Me. How can you become like someone you don’t know?”

“You can either live by law or grace. Choose grace. Choose love. Choose faith. Faith, hope, love-I want you to live in these things. Abide in Me. I want My presence to become real to you so that you may sense My love for you.”

“It’s time to come out of the valley, out of the desert into the place I have promised for you. This is the time of engagement. Be excited, be joyful, for one day you will be with Me, with the Father. On that day we will be together forever. Be excited, for everything the Father has told you is coming to pass. If your earthly father came to you and promised you something would you not leap for joy and jump in delight because you know his word is as good as gold? How greater is the Word of Our Father, who is in Heaven, who is king over all the earth?”

“Do you not understand? You can never be good enough, accept the gift of salvation, the gifts of love, relationship that I offer you. I desire to be with you in the garden. As a loving friend, I love to laugh with you. I love singing praises to the Father. I also love to celebrate the goodness of God. Why is there not a reason to celebrate? Do not friends want to have fun with each other? Am I calling you to law? No!”

“If you are My disciple, then recognize the value of love. Even I went to weddings and danced. I want you to drink deeply of My love for you. Just like John the Beloved, I want you to be close to Me, near Me, understanding the value of intimacy with Me. I am holding you close to My heart. Can you hear My heart beating? It beats with love for you. Love is stronger than any force on earth, for I am love. I desire to fill you with My love.”

“I am the perfect friend, the companion who looks at you with approving eyes. I have called you to be My disciple. The only requirement is you follow Me. Did not Paul say he did not come with eloquent words? Was not Matthew an outcast, someone despised by other people? He was looked down upon by the people of Israel, he was considered ‘not good enough’ to be My disciple. He was a sinner, he had done many bad things. Did I not call him to be My disciple, indeed, My apostle? If I did not reject him, why would I reject you? No, I won’t. Allow Me to build your confidence that I have indeed chosen you. Did not Peter have a desire to be the best disciple he could be? Yet in his own strength he failed. He wept but I forgave him and showed compassion on him and restored him to a position of power and authority. Consider the deeds of Saul, how I forgave him and showed compassion on him and he became Paul, writer of My Word and a great apostle.”

“You are not inferior, I have created you to be disciple. Your strength is in Me, your hope is in Me. I consider you to a close, special friend of mine. I want you to be childlike, I want to build your self-esteem, your confidence in My love for you that in Me you are a somebody. I did not choose Peter to be a great disciple because of his works, nor did I choose Saul. It is not your works that qualifies you for a position in My kingdom.”

“You are not worthless, you are somebody now. It is not your ministry, nor how many people you have got saved, or a girlfriend, nor anything but My love for you that makes you a somebody. Jesus was approved before His ministry began. So it is with you.”

“Did not the Pharisees say that they were amazed that I spoke with authority without having been taught? I spoke the words of the Father. So it is with you. I love you very much and I want to uplift you. It is time to renounce the chains of performance and find life and freedom in the power of Christ. The power is in the Holy Spirit, not in you.”

“Always know you are loved, you don’t have to do anything to be loved. Allow My Word, My love to transform you. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind, renouncing the lies and believing the truth that sets you free, knowing your identity which is in Christ Jesus your LORD. I love you, always, draw close to Me and I will draw close to you.”


* LORD, help me to become still before you as I wait for you to speak to me in the park. How do you want to change the way I have relationship with you?

“It is time for the scales to be removed from your eyes. Like Saul of Tarsus you have done many religious works to be close to God but you have not come to God. Now, let the scales be gone. See yourself as I do. You have a choice, to live life to its fullest or keep on dying to self. I prefer for you to become very much alive. I desire for you to be the young, funny, smart, handsome man that I see you to be.”

“Believe, your righteousness is in Christ. It is a free gift. It’s time to let the old things die and receive new things. I want to make you into a new wineskin, to hold new wine. I want My joy to be a part of your life, My love, My unconditional love. Where there is love, there also is rest. I want you to rest in the tree of life.”

“Know Me as a loving Daddy, a faithful friend. I would rather have you focus on Jesus and who you are in Christ than your past sins or shortcomings or weaknesses. I long to be close to you but I want you to come to Me like a child who says ‘Daddy, up!’ That’s all. Jump into My arms. Let’s be together. It is safe in My arms. There is protection in My arms, there is love, joy and peace. Your Daddy is calling out to you. Draw near to Me and I will draw near to you.”

“I love just blessing you. Sometimes I wait because of My timing. I know what time is best for you. I know when you’re ready for the things that I want to give you. You see this as ‘delays’ but I see it as part of My plan from the beginning. The truth is, I have delayed none of My promises that I have made for you. I am not punishing you, I am preparing you. In one view, you are ‘not good enough.’ In another, you are looking to Christ to accomplish your dreams. Your dreams are not accomplished by your efforts but by Mine. Your part is to yield to Me and to obey Me.”

“You are holy by faith, so that you can stand blameless before Me, seeing Me as a loving Daddy. You don’t have to be afraid to come close to Me, for I will not reject you. Too many times you felt rejected by your peers because you didn’t fit their criteria. You weren’t ‘cool enough’ or ‘good enough’.”

“I am not that kind of friend. I accept you the way you are. I love you the way you are. The lie is that if you perform, you will be accepted. Nothing could be further from the truth. I want to go deep within your spirit so that you will be free from all fear of rejection because perfect love casts out fear. It is love that will draw you close to Me, love, for I desire for you to abide in Me. Out of My love I sent My Son to die for your sins. I am always reaching out to you with love.”

“The prodigal father’s arms were outstretched before his son and he kissed him and honoured him. The son didn’t do anything to deserve it. I want to hold you tight, I want to take you to the place of honour that is with Me. Do not be afraid, for I love you. I want you to live out of the truth you are loved; not trying to be loved.”


* LORD, what do you want to say to Me about journaling?

“My son, there is so much more to being with Me than you can possibly dare to hope, think or imagine. Journaling is like receiving love letters from your Father in Heaven. It’s Me expressing My love for you. Journaling is like e-mailing or chatting with your Father on the internet. You speak what is on your mind and heart and I speak to you what is on My heart.”

“What is on My heart is people. I have a love for the lost that I am placing inside of you. To Me each and every one of them is an individual which I know by name. I want you to know My unconditional love for people-whether they are saved or not.”

“In your journals, I desire to speak to you of other things than just about you. I desire to give you direction, guidance, plans. I love you very much and I want to be your friend. I want to tell you of the world around you, of things that I am doing or things I did in the days of the Bible. Knowing Me produces faith, as you believe that what I did for others, I also will do for you.”

“Journaling is a way in which I can speak to you for long periods of time. It is My way of teaching you how to hear from Me. Then when you are out walking, you will recognize My voice speaking to you.”

“You have seen many evangelists say that they felt God was telling a certain message or a certain person was to be healed and set free. The prophetic word of God also works in this way. They will know in their spirit that I am giving them a word to speak. That knowing comes from having an intimate relationship with Me.”

“The more you know Me, the more you will recognize My voice and My ways. The focus of your life should be Jesus, not yourself. Walk in His righteousness, not in your own strength. I love you very much and I desire for you to come closer to Me. There is much that we can talk about.”

“I want you learn how to apply the principles of Communion with God in your daily life. As you fix your eyes on an image of Jesus, you will hear My words speaking to you. When you fix your eyes on your sins and your weaknesses, the enemy will come and condemn you.”

“When you journal, I want you to learn how to still yourself and quiet your own thoughts, will and emotions. Surrender your desires, your fears. In this way, you will be able to walk in peace and confidence when I speak to you ‘yes’ or ‘no.’”

“I love you very much. I long for your life to be filled with dreams and visions. I long for you to see Me as the Father who loves you. You are special to Me. By means of dreams and visions do I long to reveal My love to you. In stories and parables will I make My love to you clear, as well as to others.”

“I want you to recognize that you need to take every thought captive in obedience to Christ. Fill your mind with God’s thoughts about you. Meditate on My Word both day and night, not on yourself. Think and meditate on My love, My goodness.”

“Journaling means so much to Me, Jason. In your journals, I want to express My love to you in ways you’ll understand. You do not have to rush into journaling. It is not something you are to do. It is about being with Me, listening to Me speak to you. Communion with God is about relationship. It is about discovering your Father’s love for you. Journaling prepares you for your future, and it produces faith, hope and love. I love you, come closer to Me.”


* LORD, show me some times where I have incubated your thoughts, or Satan’s thoughts. Am I spending the amount of time praying in the Spirit as you would want me to?

“I want to place on your head the helmet of salvation. It is the cross that protects your mind from attacks of the enemy. You hear from Me frequently but the enemy also tries to come in and bring you down. You must know your identity in Christ. Know that I am the warrior and Father who is protecting you. You cannot defend yourself. That is okay. I will fight for you, for the battle is the LORD’s! Let Me fight for you.”

“I want to make you strong in My Word. I want you to eat My Word and drink in My Spirit until you become strong in Me. As the presence of God grows stronger in you, the demons will flee. It is an attitude of always believing that the Father is with you. Wherever you go, I am with you. The more you look to Me, the more closer I come to you. Demons cannot be where I am. They cannot hide in the dark places of your thought life when there is light. They cannot attack you if you come to Me, acknowledging your weaknesses and allowing Me to make strong fortresses of righteousness there.”

“Do not be afraid and come to Me and show Me the weak areas of your life. Remember, the mind is a battleground, it is where the war is fought. Show Me your weak areas and I will build up strongholds based on My love for you. When you walk in faith, love and obedience, you will chase away a thousand demons to flight. Be not afraid, be strong, noble, courageous. You are a warrior, My son, I am making you strong for the fight.”

“There is much joy when you are meditating on My thoughts, My plans, My love for you. Recognize that in your weakness you come to Me and seek My face. You find strength against the enemy in Me. Remember the stories of Israel. When they sought the LORD and cried to Him He went ahead of them and destroyed the enemy. It is the same with the spiritual forces that attack you.”

“You need not be afraid. Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real. Faith is Fantastic Adventures In Trusting Him. Do not believe the lies but fill your life with light. I will answer you when you call. It is not based on your performance for Me. You don’t have to plead for My protection. What Father leaves His son defenseless against the enemy?”

“Look to Jesus, fight! I love you, the battle is the LORD’s. You do not fight against flesh and blood but against powers and principalities and every high thing that exalts itself above the LORD. Why should you live in fear? You have not been given a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. My will is for your mind to be at peace so we can enjoy spending time together.”

“Let My soldiers defend the battlefield. You mind is to be like a guarded kingdom. Let My army stand at its gates. Let the gates be arrayed with My righteousness, My truth, that no lie may come in. Let the walls be built strong on the Rock that is Jesus Christ. Then in this kingdom you and I can be together in peace without having to battle the enemy. I will make your mouth into a double-edged sword and the swords of truth you speak to people will cut off the bonds that keep them in captivity. You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. Be still, you shall see the salvation of your God, your warrior and your King.”



* Using vision, picture yourself before each piece of furniture.


“My son, you must come to the brazen altar and My fire to purge all the impurities out of your life. You must accept the fact you cannot save yourself. Will you humble yourself before Me, declaring your dependence on Me? I want you to come with a repentant heart. Shame is not repentance.”

“When you come to God, realize it is against Me that you have sinned. My love for you has not changed, you need not be afraid. When the Holy Spirit reveals new impurities in your life, it is not the time to be scared and believe the lie that you are not good enough for the promises of God.”

“Your righteousness is in Christ Jesus. In Him, I call you a saint an a son. You never have to fear rejection. I want to destroy the stronghold of shame and build within you a sense of honour. I want your old self to die so that the new man may arise!”

“Yes, My son, it gives Me great delight when you choose My will over the will of the flesh. Do not wait, do not give sin a chance to grow in your spirit. Allow the Holy Spirit to go deep into your heart and take it out by its root. Then I will burn it with fire, cleansing fire that will consume you. Do not fear this purging process, for I am refining you into gold.”

“You focus on your sin, I prefer you to focus on the new identity that I want you to become. I want you to stop beating yourself up for the past. I sent My Son to die to take your punishment for you. You are forgiven. Forgive yourself, move on with your life.”

“When you clean your house and people visit, do they remember how dirty the house was before? So the past cannot be altered or undone but it is forgiven. Know the depths of My love, My forgiveness, mercy and grace and you shall be able to show others forgiveness.”

“When you forgive yourself, you are letting Me love you. The old identity-hating yourself needs to die. It stinks, it is a stench in My nostrils. You don’t deserve to be beaten, you are worthy of love because of Jesus and the cross. Nail your old life, your old thinking patterns to the cross. Live life in faith not fear.”


“I ask you to be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Whatever is good, noble, loving and godly, holy-dwell on these things. Let My words wash your eyes so that you may clearly see how great the love of God is for you. Let it be a lamp unto your feet, let it light the path of fellowship with Me. Oh My son, that you would come into love, for perfect love casts out fear. I have not given you a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind. Let the words of Jesus fill your life with light.”


“I want there to be no hypocrisy in you. Love your enemies. Love those who hurt you. Let no bitter root grow within you. Again, don’t just cut off the top of the weed, go deep inside and pull it out by the root. Bring your hurt and rejection to Me and you will find healing. Don’t cling to the hurt. It has become your identity.”

“You must move past the hurts others caused you in the past. You must move into the place of true forgiveness. If you ask Me for love to love them, I will give it to you. Then no one will find fault with you towards others. Recognize that it is not your place to be a judge to others or to condemn others for that is the Accuser’s stance. Rather, let the words of grace and truth come out of your mouth. Abide in Me, and I will give you words to speak. I will tell you when and what to say. My words bring reconcilation, your words bring destruction.”

“I desire unity in the body. Do not look down on others in the Body of Christ. Be their friend. Just like you, they are still learning to grow. Encourage them in My ways as I make myself more known to you. Also, do not be afraid of relationships. Place all of them in My hands. Walk out of the Father’s love and iniative, do not fear rejection. Rather, look to Me and I will fill you with My love to give to them.”


“I want to illuminate your mind with My words. I want you to fix your thoughts on My thoughts towards you and on the word of God. I want to cultivate your mind to becoming like Jesus. You have the mind of Christ. I want to breathe life into dark places of your life with light, so that you will clearly see the truth that your Daddy loves you very much. I want to move you from laws to love, rules to relationship, works to grace, romance and intimacy. Be willing to still yourself, use dreams and visions and come into a full assurance of faith. The lampstand represents My Spirit revealing to you those things in your soul which prevent you from having deeper spiritual encounter. Let Me meet the unmet needs and desires of your heart.”


“My son, I want to bring balance and stability to your emotional life. I want you to walk by faith, not fear, not being discouraged or disheartened but seeking My face and always letting your faith be rooted and grounded in My love. You don’t have to worship to try to impress Me or do ‘works’. Sing because I long to fill your heart with song, because I long to fill your heart with joy. Lift your eyes to Me, come closer to Me. Let the praises of your lips take your eyes off of yourself. Do not look down on yourself, look up unto Me.”


“You have direct access to the throne room of God because of Jesus. The veil has been torn. Wherever you are, you can use the tabernacle as a guide to take you into the presence of God. There is a big difference between being in My presence and ‘doing stuff’. When you’re in My presence, you can become filled with Me and empty of yourself.”

“I long for you to come into My presence and speak to Me face-to-face, as a man speaks to a friend. As a Father speaks to His son. This is the only true place of abiding in Me, being completely immersed by My presence, by My love. Enter in by faith and I will show you depths of My love that you never have known. I love you. You are special to Me.”


* Place yourself before each of the furniture asking the Lord to show you revelation.


“Come, My son. Do not be afraid. I have provided the sacrifice for you to come into My presence. It is My son-the Lamb. He alone can atone for the sins of the past. He alone can reconcile you to Me.”

“The tabernacle is much more than about sacrifice. Sacrifice is but the first step to true intimacy. When a son has dishonoured his father, he must first repent to the Father before intimacy can be resumed. When the bride has been hurting her bridegroom, she must first admit her fault. Then intimacy can come. When a brother has wronged a brother repentance must come.”

“The same it is with you, My son. Yes, I desire for you to become holy just as much as I am holy. This is only the first place I want you to go. Do not get your identity from your past. Forget the past, leave it alone, allow Me to take it from you and toss it in the sea of forgetfulness. Love thinks no evil, keeps no records of wrongs. Yes, My son, I long for you to walk in righteousness but you are already righteous by faith in Christ Jesus. When you clean your house, it is still considered dirty? No, it is the process of keeping your house clean that I desire for you. I love you, for you are special to Me. Come closer.”


“Allow Me to wash you clean you with My word. My word speaks life to you. Meditate on My word-not on the sins of your past. As you know My Word, abide in it. As you abide in My word, you shall ask whatever you wish of the Father- the word confirms you the words of the Holy Spirit. All the words of the Spirit must line up with the Word.”

“This why having a good foundation of the Word is so important. When you know the word, your life will be built on the Rock. The enemy will come at you and the waves of destruction will not erode your foundation. When your life is built on the Word, it will be like a tree which has not be shaken. It will not be moved.”

“Do not fear the enemy, nor his waves. The word is that which strengthens your shield. The word is meat to your body. It provides you with muscles so that you may have strength to overcome the evil one. It is also a sword that you can fight with. You will defend yourself against spiritual attacks and disbelief and stab the enemy in the heart and vanquish the foe and the Accuser. The enemy flees, when you submit to God and resist the devil. Know the Word. In it is the path to life.”


“I want you to not be afraid. My will is for your greater good. It is not to punish you. You need relationships but you haven’t sought them out. It’s been easier for you to have an attitude of independence rather than risk being rejected. I want to destroy this stronghold out of you. I want you to have relationships that build you up, not tear you down. When you’re married, your relationship with your wife should always be taking you higher and higher with Me. It is the same now. I want you to look to Me and lead your friends, neighbours, co-workers, family closer to Me. I want you to see yourself as valuable, loved, just as much as they are. I want to fill you with My love and presence so that you may walk in My love and give it to others. Do not look to others to fill your voids. I will fill your voids.”


“Always be full of the Holy Spirit. Just as the oil in the lampstand always kept the fire burning, so you too must allow Me to fill you with My presence and My oil so that you may burn with a passion for Me. The Scriptures speak of always coming to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Drink in My presence. Come into My presence and drink in the life-giving water that I offer you. If you will drink from My well, you will never get thirsty, you will never run dry. Your heart will always be filled.”

“Without water, bread becomes stale. Food loses taste. It is the same with My words. My Spirit is what brings the life-giving water into the daily bread which you eat. The Holy Spirit breathes life into your body. Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”

“Come, for the Holy Spirit illuminates the Holy Place. It illuminates your soul and you will see those things in your soul which have not yet been surrendered to Me. Still, I do not wish for you to walk out of your soul. The Bible does not say walk by the soul and you shall not carry out the desires of the flesh, it says walk by the Spirit of God and you shall not sin. Come to Me, that I shall grant you revelation and take you closer to Me.”


“Worship takes your eyes and focus off of yourself. In your worship, your emotions become balanced because you begin to see your God for who He is. Do you know Me? Do you know who I am? Know Me and who I am, that I am far above all your weaknesses. Live life with an attitude of gratitude. Allow your life to become one of worship. Worship is about the bride adoring the bridegroom. It is about the son who loves his Father.”

“Do you love Me, son? Do you serve Me or do you love Me? These are two different questions. You can serve without loving and you can love without serving. This is truth! You can spend you whole life serving Me and never knowing Me, never coming into the place of true intimacy with Me!”


“By faith, enter into the holiest place. Prayer is not flesh-to-Spirit, done in the strength of the mind nor is prayer soul-to-spirit trying to get your emotional needs met by God by ‘doing things.’ It is spirit-to-Spirit encounter. It is in this union that we are joined together. Then My love fills the vacuums of the soul and sin in the flesh is washed away by My presence.”

“You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. The branch can do nothing apart from the vine. As a husband and wife are united and consumated, I so want to consummate my intimate relationship with you. As a husband and wife completely surrender themselves entirely to each other-body, soul and spirit-I want you to submit yourself entirely to Me. Oh, that you might know Me as intimately as a husband knows his wife. Then I might drop within you that seed of love within you that will grow inside of you. You will become filled with My love for you. Be vulnerable before Me, be willing to be naked before Me. Do not understand with the natural what is supernatural.”

“Let Me take you to that place of unconditional love with Me. When you wait on Me, you will renew your strength. I want to take you into intimacy. This is My longing for you. To the place where you abide in Me and I abide in you. You must begin by coming to Me in faith. Oh My son, I love you. It is with a love that you cannot possibly fathom.”

“I am not waiting until you are perfect to lavish My love on you. Instead, I lavish My love on you in order to perfect you. The more you love Me, the more time you spend with Me, the more the things of this world will grow strangely dim. It is like a bride and a bridegroom. They simply stop doing the other things because they simply enjoy being together. I don’t want you to be with Me to see your desires fulfilled. It is not works, its by faith that you will believe Me for big things. You are so special to Me. Come, come, come. I long to reveal to you the fulness of the Father’s love for you, that you may call Me Daddy and friend.”


* LORD, what do you want to say to Me about the fine-tuning dial?

“My son, do not be afraid. I love you very much. Do not run away from Me. No, run to Me. I want your heart to be sprinkled clean from an evil conscience. You can come to Me and have confidence before Me. Many times you do not talk to Me about what happened in the past that hurts so much. You buried it because you fear what it meant about yourself. You feared rejection, you despised yourself for your past but you never allow yourself to bring it to the light to be exposed. I am able to wash you clean and apply My water over you. I will cleanse you from all evil. I will speak life into you. You need not be afraid, for I love you very much.”

“Let your heart be sincere before Me. Let there be no hypocrisy within you. Allow Me to examine your heart. The hypocrisy that is in there is that you long for others to know My love but will not allow yourself that same love. You must stop hating yourself. You must come to the throne of grace and find forgiveness. This is how freedom is found.”

“You cannot enter into relationship with Me without first laying down your life as a sacrifice to Me. If you fear rejection, every time a sin is exposed, you will run. No, let Me refine you, purge you, cleanse you. Let Me wash you with waves of mercy. Let Me wash you with My words.”

“I want you to come to Me in fullness of faith. The prodigal son came to his father and his father kissed him, hugged him and held him tight. He was delighted to see his son. He honoured him in front of everyone. Will you now be like that son and humble yourself, recognizing your need for such a father as this? It is My desire to lavish My love on you. Know Me, abide in the love that I offer you.”


* Using vision, present yourself before each of the tabernacle pieces.


“The altar represents the cross. This is where Jesus laid down His life for you. When He did this, He opened the way for you and I to have a relationship. The cross now stands between you and Me; you can now come boldly into the throne room of God.”

“You need not fear rejection. When you come before Me presenting your weaknesses before Me, I am not mad. I take delight when you come to Me. For it is My righteousness that needs to work through you. You can’t do it. You’re ashamed to admit your shortcomings and your downfalls to Me. Do not be. Know that everything you have done in the past will be forgiven. Repentance is about coming into freedom, not punishment. For I love mercy, I do justice. I am your exceedingly great reward. I reward you when you don’t deserve it, for such is My love for you.”

“You need not fear rejection, for I will forgive you of all your sins. I want you to present the sacrifice to Me. The sacrifice is JESUS. You may come boldly to Me in a sincere heart and fullness of faith that I will hear you. The sacrifices of your life comes out of the love you have. It is not about your value. Your value is not based on your past sins. It is based on My righteousness within you. I love you, very much. Be of good courage. Let Me burn away the dross in your life, do not be afraid to take the initiative. Burn it off and you will become like gold. Know that I love you just as much now as I will then. YOU ARE SPECIAL TO ME.”


“Come to Me. Don’t you see how My love is for you? Know the Word. It is not enough to simply receive wisdom and knowledge from Me. Know My Word. Memorize the Word, read the Word, study the Word. Eat of it, for this is your daily bread. In My Word is a revelation of My love for you. My words provide a model for you to follow. That model is Jesus.”

“Do not forget the words I have spoken to you. Remember them. Meditate on My words day and night. Stop looking at yourself. The command is to abide in Me. Let My words abide in you. Fill your heart with the truth about who you are in Christ. Look to the Word, for in it you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.”

“I love you very much. I want you to see Jesus living in you and working through you. I want you to meditate on My thoughts, My love, My truth. Allow My words to abide deep, deep within you. Because of your love for Me know My words so that you may obey them. Know My voice.”

“A good foundation of the Bible provides a solid rock on which you can stand. Then when you are without your Bible you will know what the Word says and those verses you have memorized will bring illumination to your mind so that you will have confidence that it is indeed the Father who is speaking to you. Faith is gained by the reading of the Word and by the believing of the Word faith grows.”

“The Word is food in which you eat, it provides good nourishment for the spirit and the soul. The Word is a sword, cutting and penetrating into you. The Word is a mirror, showing you the impurities that you have in your life. Remember, also, the Word is living, and is Me. In the beginning the Word was with God, for the Word became flesh. Jesus is the Word. Let My words become life to you. Do not believe lies. I love you, very much, YOU ARE SPECIAL TO ME.”


“Just as flour is grounded for making bread, I want to grind down your will. Not only that, I want to destroy the fear of rejection in you as well as self-rejection, or the lie that ‘I’m am always rejected.’ Fear and lies controls you, and I am destroying them, casting them down.”

“When you live in such fear, you neither have confidence when I say ‘yes’ or ‘no.’ If it is something you desire, you will fear ‘no’ and assume that it is because you are bad. Everything that I desire for you is good. Sometimes to say ‘yes’ would only hurt you. You do not hand something to a child until he is ready for it. I am a loving Father, I know what you can and cannot bear.”

“Trust Me. Lean on Me. Trust not in your own understanding. Look not with the eyes of the flesh but see with the eyes of the Spirit. I have a plan. Remember, I am in control. Nothing that is My desire will not fail to come to pass. Be not afraid, for it is not dependent on your own strength to see things accomplished.”

“Do not be afraid to give all of yourself to all of Me. I desire for you to be vulnerable before Me, to yield all that is in your life and give it to Me. When you open your hand and let go, I will take the stone that is in your hand and make it into a rock that no man can smash. This involves a total surrendering or your will, emotions, desires, self-image - everything that makes you who you are. You lay down your will so that you may abide in Christ. If you abide in Me and My words abide in you, you shall ask whatever you want from the Father and He will grant it to you.”

“Do not fear submission. Be humble. Be willing to give all. This is unconditional love towards Me. Jesus gave all of His life for you, now give all of your life to Him. I love you, never forget that YOU ARE SPECIAL TO ME.”


“My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are My ways your ways. Stop analyzing everything. Stop trying to figure everything out. Will you not live by faith? When you by faith you will let Me speak to you.”

“Do not be afraid to become still before Me, to wait for Me, to use vision and see Jesus as the Author and perfector of your faith. In simple childlike faith, listen to My voice and let Me speak revelation to your mind. I want to fill your life with My thoughts.”

“I want your lampstand to always be burning. Do not let this passion for Me ever burn out. Let it burn within you, let it grow strong. I want you to take every thought captive in obedience to Christ. I want your self-image to be a reflection of My image towards you.”

“Do not be afraid. Speak to Me of these weak areas in your life, I will come and speak to them. I want to speak words of life and healing to your soul. I want to take you into the hospital and perform the surgery on you so that you can be healed. I want you to be healed from the negative thought patterns that have been built up over the years. In this way you shall live in freedom. Come to Me, and you shall abide in faith, hope and love. I love you, ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT YOU ARE VERY SPECIAL TO ME.”


“Worship allows you to get your focus off of yourself and onto your God. As you praise Me, remember the wonderful works you have seen. What works have I done for others? Will I not do the same for you, My son in whom I am well-pleased?”

“Worship brings balance to your life. I want you to lift your eyes towards Me, the one who is eternal. The one who will always be. Life may fail you but I never fail you. I want to be your everything, your soul’s sufficiency. I want to fill your soul with My love for you. I don’t want there to be any unmet needs in your soul. YOU ARE VERY SPECIAL TO ME.”

“Come to Me, offer Me up the sacrifice of thanksgiving. See what I have promised. I have done it. I have sealed it with My promise and I will not reverse it. If your earthly father promised you such and you trust him, shall you trust Me? I love you, walk in My love, walk in My light. When you know you are loved by Me, then it is easy for you to love Me. I give you peace in the midst of uncertainty. As you wait for fulfillment of prophecy, I give you joy in the waiting. It is in Me that you will find satisfaction.”

“Worship is your love song to Me. It is the bride adoring the bridegroom. It is the bride kissing the bridegroom. Just as a bride loves her husband, this is the kind of love that we are to share. For worship is part of romance. It is the most beautiful love song of all. The soul that sings ‘Come to me, my Beloved, come to me.’ This is another dimension of worship. It is love. It is romance. It is the bride being held by her husband, it is the son in the arms of his Daddy.”

“Worship brings you into a sense of intimacy, of closeness with the one who loves you. It stills your thought life. Cast your cares and anxieties on Me, for I care about you. Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow shall take care of itself. Lift up your eyes to the one who is both Father and King. I love you very much, YOU ARE VERY SPECIAL TO ME, abide in My love for you.”


“The way has been opened to you to enter into the Holy of Holies. Be still, relax, cease striving, know that I am God. Enter by faith, by the blood that Jesus poured out from the cross.”

“There is indeed a place beyond repentance. There is indeed a place beyond the place of inner healing. It is this deep place, the secret place that I long for you to abide. It is the place where Moses saw Me face-to-face, as a man speaks to his friend. It is the place where you are consumed by My presence and the old life is shed off, much like a snake with its old skin, or a sheep with all its old hair cut off. It is the place of UNION, of abiding in. It is the place where not only My words become true, but they become living inside of you. Just as I filled the tabernacle with My glory, so do I long to fill you with My glory, My power and My love. I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH-YOU ARE VERY SPECIAL TO ME.”


* LORD, what do you want to say to Me about conquoring sin? How am I to come to the light?

“My son, My child, I love you. I long for intimacy with you. It is My free gift to you. I long for you to abide in Me. I am your righteousness. I am your peace. In My presence there is faith. Abide in faith, hope and love-the greatest of these is love. Where perfect love is, all fear is cast out.”

“Come closer to the light, allow Me to penetrate the darkness. My light will destroy the works of darkness in your life, do not be afraid of Me. Do not be ashamed to come to Me just the way you are. I long to fill your heart with love. Abide in My love, dwell in My presence. Lose yourself in My love. When you strip away at yourself, you will never find that place where you will feel accepted the way you are. Allow My light to expose to you the truth. I love you. I long for you to come closer to Me.”



* LORD, what would you like to say to Me concerning the principles of the Spirit?

“I want you to be My disciple. My sheep hear My voice and then obey it. It is of great importance to Me to learn My voice when you are learning to pray. Prayer is not head-to-Spirit level communication but Spirit-to-spirit communication. I want you to see yourself joined to one who is all-powerful.”

“I want to increase faith in your life that the words you speak will not come out of your own desires but out of My desires and My purposes. I want you to know My voice so that you may believe in all that I desire for you to do. I can and will work My gifts through you-the gift of healing and prophecy. I want to operate My gifts through you. You must lift your eyes off of yourself and onto Me.”

“Intercession is also a gift. When you are interceding for the lost, the battle must be done in the Holy Spirit. For it is not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit says the LORD that the battle is won. You cannot fight spiritual forces in the flesh. Rather, you approach the King who is all-powerful and the King will grant your requests and send angels out to do battle for the lost.”

“How I long for you to see that you in your own strength cannot save the lost. Their salvation is a gift. I am the one who has all authority. When you cast your net onto the other side, you shall reap a harvest. Follow Me, for I will make you a fisher of men. It only comes as you abide in Me.”

“If you allow My words to abide in you and you abide in Me you shall ask whatever you desire and it shall be granted unto you. Be complete in Me. Find your value and significance in Me. I will gift you with My love, My peace and My joy. Yes, your joy will overflow. The joy of the LORD is a fruit of the Spirit, it is to be ever-present with you.”

“My son, there is indeed much joy when you trust the Father and believe in your heart in His promises to come to pass. Look to Me, yield to Me, let go of every part of your life that I might fill you with My power, My presence and My glory.”


* LORD, what else would you like to tell Me about praying in the Spirit?

“My son, you are indeed My disciple and My friend. I want to share with you the secrets of My heart. Everything you do must come out that abiding place with Me. I am interested in having relationship with you, not works. When you have a relationship with Me, you come to know Me and what you may trust Me for.”

“Now can you do enough to save the lost? No, ask, and I will give it to you. Knock and the door shall be opened to you. Seek and you shall find. Just as a bridegroom loves giving treasures to His bride, so do I love to give you treasures that are close to your heart. You need only to believe.”

“I want you to come to the place where you become one with Me. I want to transform you with My words and My love. Replacing all the old ways for new ways of thinking. Live your life out of faith, allowing your life to live in the joy of the LORD. How can you pray believing others will receive joy yet you not receive My joy?”

“There are so many realities that I want to make you aware of. You are to be filled with My love. Out of My love for you will come faith. Yes, I desire to give you a new wineskin, so that I may fill you with new wine. The water that is stale and tasteless is to be removed. I want to give you living water. I want to boil out the impurities, to get rid of the stale water in your life.”

“Will you now live life on the risen side of the cross? All power is not in your efforts but in Me. I want to be the Master Planner of your life. I want to be the architect of your ministry. Then all you will need to do is follow My blueprints, My plans. I have greater plans for you than you could possibly imagine. I am far more than able to carry out My plans and purposes for your life.”

“When you pray, allow it to be led by the Spirit. Look to Me. Only I can bring fulfillment to the visions that I have placed in your life. Believe, I will do it for you.”

“I want you to be united in My love and My grace. I am walking joy, walking love. I want you to be My ambassador here on earth. I indeed want to fill your prayer life with power and authority, if you will ask for it. Ask, and you will receive. You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you. You receive the power when you abide in My presence.”

“I love you. I long for you to be in constant communion with Me. Come to the place of intimacy with Me, uniting yourself with My Spirit. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.”

“Walk as My son, clothed in My righteousness. Just as I answered the prayers of My Son, so will I answer your prayers. You can nothing of yourself, only what you see the Father doing. You can do nothing of your own initiative. You don’t have to be ashamed to admit this. Instead, rejoice, be glad, for when you look to Me you will see Me as the Almighty, the One who can do all things.”

JOURNALING EXAMPLE: Principles of the Spirit

* LORD, I’m excited to be here with you. Would you please speak to me about the truths of the principles of the Spirit?

“My son, I love you. Cease striving, relax, be still, let go and know that I am God. Oh My son, that you would come to Me in faith. That you would see yourself as you truly are. The veil has been torn apart. You no longer have to strive to come into My presence.”

“Do not be afraid, for I am smiling. I delight in your presence. How I long that all of your praying is in the Spirit. In your own flesh, it is impossible. That’s why I gave you My Holy Spirit. He helps you to pray as you should.”

“Oh My son, that you would see yourself the way that I see you. You are dust fused to glory. You are a treasure in a clay jar. You are not a worm. I’m not constantly looking down on you, as if you were not good enough for Me. It is time to stop seeking Me for My approval. Because of Christ, you have already been approved by Me. When you see yourself as a worm, you will always come to Me in fear of rejection.”

“I want you to come to Me in faith. I love you as much as I love My Son Jesus. Walk in that love. It is time to let your old ways of thinking die. It is time to be transformed by the renewing of your mind. I want to break self-effort off of you. Apart from Me, you can do nothing.”

“If you don’t have that sense of value, significance in My eyes then you will always see yourself as a nothing. You are not a nothing. You are a somebody. You have a name and I have called you before you were born. You are special to Me. I love you the way you are.”

“You feel ashamed because of your physical weakness. I say to you, do not be ashamed. Give me those feelings of shame, for I have called you to be the head, not the tail. I have called you to be the first, not the last.”

“Celebrate for Christ has already done all that you ask. I am your Father, I love you, I call you to walk a life of childlike faith in Me, to perform all you ask and hope for. Do I not long to see a harvest? I will do it for you. I take delight in honoring My children.”

“Fear not, you will no longer live in shame. The shame of your youth and the sorrows of your past shall be remembered no more. I am not holding your past against you. You are forgiven. You can come to Me with confidence that I will hear your prayers, because you are forgiven. Do you see yourself as forgiven? Forgive yourself, stop hanging onto the past before you.”

“Look to the Word. Did I hold Peter’s denial against him when I chose him to be the head of My church? Did I hold Saul’s murders against him when I called him to be My testimony to the nations? Will I not show mercy to you?”

“You don’t have to earn the presence of God. The disciples waited in Jerusalem to be endowed with power from on high. I want to fill you with this same power. It is My desire to bless you. I want you to have faith that all that I have promised you will receive. Do I delay My promises? Am I not faithful? So there is nothing you can do to earn the gifts that I give you. Celebrate, rejoice, for indeed, the gift of salvation, even the salvation of the lost, is a gift that I give to you. I love you so very much and I want you to walk in My love.”


* Father, what thoughts do you want to share about spirit-led prayer?

“My son, open the eyes of your heart. I want you to see Me beside you, with you. I want to see yourself abiding in Me. Oh how I long for you to have faith to believe in all that I want you to accomplish. Without faith, it is impossible to please God. Without faith, nothing can happen. Without hope, a dream, a vision, you fall into depression. Without love, you are nothing. Now abide in these three things-faith, hope and love but the greatest of these is love.”

“If you lack faith, simply ask of Me and I will give you the gift of faith. It is the same with My love. In Me, you can walk in faith but only in Me. When you ask believe and do not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.”

“I want you to learn My voice and learn when I am speaking and when you are only wishing. To do this, you must lay aside your fears, or they will control you. It is time to cast down the idol of fear in your life. You have worshipped fear more than you have worshiped me. You bow down to it, you give in to it. Repent! Know that I alone am God, I have not given you a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind. You must lay your fears down and your will to hear My voice. Then you must come in faith that by the blood of Jesus you will be accepted into the very throne room of God.”

“When you make your petition, do not be afraid. For I have placed desires on your heart that I long to see fulfilled. Believe in all that I say, all that I desire to do. I am indeed am a faithful Father, a loving Father who looks after you. I fight for you. I do not leave you to the wolves. Nor will I leave your friends or family to the wolves. I will take the wolves and rip apart their very jaws. The Lion of Judah will tear them apart. He will roar with all His strength and the knees of the enemy will shake in fear.”

“You are to have no reason to fear Me. Indeed, it is My desire to bless you. My ears are opened. I am listening to every one of your requests. Come to Me in faith. If you ask for help, I will help you. You don’t need to fear the enemy. “

“Abide in Me and you shall indeed find the authority in which I desire to give to you. Speak those words with authority. I want to sharpen your tongue into a double-edged sword. I want to anoint the words that you speak so that you find yourself changed, transformed. I want your words to carry power. It is only as you come to Me and abide in Me that you will have power when you pray. If you abide in Me and My words in you, you shall ask what you will and it will be granted unto you.”

“I want you to let all your self-will die that all your praying may be motivated by love, out of a pure heart. Abiding in Christ is the place of receiving prayer. The secret of the prayer of faith is that you live a life of faith in Me, that you wait on Me to receive My power. It is time to see yourself as a My son, a minister of reconcilation. See yourself as somebody I can use. If I can use anything, I can use you. Let faith arise, for I wait to take you to the great levels of faith that exist for you.”



* Lord, do I submit to authority? Do I respect and value authority in my life the way you would want me to?

“My son, it is very important for you to come into submission to Me and My Word. Many times you have remained in fear of the enemy because you haven’t submitted to Me. You need to submit all to Me. Do not fear, for I give you what is best for you. Give your fears to Me. You must submit to Me and take every thought captive in obedience to Christ.”

“You have been told to journal in faith than submit what you have wrote to your spiritual counselors. This I want you to do more. Step out in faith that you will hear from Me. This will encourage you so that you will learn to walk moment-by-moment hearing from Me. This is how ministry is done. Jesus only spoke what He saw the Father doing. It is the next level of walking in the Spirit that I long to take you to.”

“Remember, in the multitiude of counselors there is safety. I want you to begin sharing your journals with your counselors. Let them help you to grow in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. There is much I want to share with you about prophecy. It is also as you are connected with Me that you will be able to speak forth the will of the Father. I love you, son, believe I can and will use you.”


* LORD, do I have a proper attitude towards submission? Am I afraid of submission?

“My son, I want you to walk in the love of the Father. When you walk in the fullness of My love, submission comes very naturally. I want to take away from you all fear of submission. I want you to be free from the lies you’ve believed about coming under authority. You have been afraid of authority. You’re afraid of getting hurt. Do not be. Your value is not based on your performance. You are so afraid that someone is going to get mad at you or call you stupid.”

“Authority is not meant to look down on you. You have an improper view of what authority looks like. You think all authority looks down on you and that the sins of the past are never forgiven. You are forgiven, cleansed by the blood of the LORD Jesus Christ.”

“My son, do not be afraid of submission. Submit your journals to your counselors in faith you’ll be accepted. Oh My son, those in authority are to be spiritual parents to you. You need not fear them.”

“There is a celebration coming. Those in authority over you are there to edify and encourage you. They are to come alongside you so that you may find yourself coming closer to Me. You don’t have to be afraid of authority.”

“Do not be ashamed of the mistakes of the past. I am not holding them against you. I love you. If you believe lies and fears, then when you sin, you will try to hide or bury your sin. I want you to come to Me with a sincere heart, having your heart sprinkled clean from an evil conscience. Spiritual counselors will help you to come to Me. Walk in truth, My son, walk in truth.”


*LORD, how do I handle disagreements with authority?

“My son, I love you. It is time to see that My love for you does not change. Many times when you disagree with authority you take on an attitude of resentment. You don’t like the idea of being wrong. You tend to either get mad at the person or you tend to look down on yourself. Neither is good.”

“My son, when you disagree with authority, LISTEN, be still, hear what they have to say. Many times they are not rejecting you. You have had a wrong view towards authority, a lie you have believed. You believed if they disagreed with you then they were rejecting you as a person and it leaves you with feelings of anger, bitterness, guilt, depression and condemnation. It is time to forgive.”

“Those in authority are your protection. You don’t have to agree with everything they say. You are to submit. Honour your Mother and Father, that it will go well with you. Show grace and mercy to those over you in authority, such as your parents, who make mistakes. Do not judge them.”

“I love you, son. Know that I am not looking down on you when you fail. Nor do you have to look down on yourself. However, it is time to walk in truth. You can either live in fear of disagreement or recognize it as truth.”

“Light does not fear the testing. Fear will keep you in hiding and tell you such things as ‘they’ll never believe God spoke to you’ or ‘they just remember your past sins.’ Do not be afraid to submit to those in authority over you.”

“You strive for excellence. No, son. I want to build relationship with you. You don’t understand why you are not in ministry yet. I don’t want you believing the lie that I’ll love you if you are saving the lost and preaching. You long to be valued and accepted by those over you. Let Me exalt you. Let Me lift you higher. Those over you will know as you draw closer to Me. They will see it.”

“Be free to know the truth about yourself. Your thoughts, your feelings, your emotions are important to Me. Whether you are right or wrong, I give you freedom. I don’t look down on you if you don’t have everything figured out right. Neither should you look down on your spiritual counselors.”

“Yes, I love you very much. There are truths that I want you to know. When someone else over you disagrees with you, that doesn’t make you bad and that doesn’t mean they are rejecting you. God is the one who promotes you, not you. Get ready for promotion.”

“Be slow to anger, quick to forgive and be willing to listen to why those in authority disagree with you, whether it be in journaling, theology, your plans or ideas about life in general. You don’t have to prove you’re right. You cannot show anyone the truth by rationalism. It must come from the intuitive, spontaneous flow within you from the Holy Ghost. Only He can show you the Scriptures that need to be illuminated to show the truth behind what you are saying.”

“Yes, My son, know that the love of the Father is not against you. Every word I give you contrary to your desires or wishes is out of My love for you.”


Chapter 16 of “Communion with God” Page 172

*Dear Heavenly Father, I know I have harbored deep resentment towards myself. Would you help me to come to the place of forgiving myself, so that I will no longer believe the lie that I’m bad? Would you please forgive me of all my sins and cleanse me? Help me to forgive myself.

“My son, do you see Me as I really am? I have My arms outstretched towards you I am smiling at you. Indeed, I love you with an everlasting love. You are very special to Me. I want you to come to Me with full assurance of faith that I will forgive you and cleanse away your sins.”

“Your past does not define you. Your past is what you did, it is not who you are. Will you start walking now in truth? You are not bad, you are clothed now in My righteousness. You must come to the place of forgiving yourself and start walking by grace, mercy and love.”

“You long to be like the Bridegroom. You clean your house because you are expecting the bride to come, not because you look at the house and beat yourself up. Beating yourself up, self-condemnation, this is not My will. It does not lead you closer to Me. Instead, it makes you always look inwardly at yourself and at your failures instead of at Me and My righteousness.”

“Just as the Father did in the story of the Prodigal Son, I want to pour out My blessings on you, give you My gifts of grace, mercy, love, joy. I want to take you to the party where we will celebrate being together. There is celebration in reconciliation.”

“You need not walk in shame. When you confess your sin to Me, it loses its power over you. You do not need to bury your sins. It might hurt you to admit the sins of the past but recognize the forgiveness I am offering you. I want to cleanse you by My blood and make you holy. Do not wait until you fail or struggle. Instead come to Me and I will give you strength for your weaknesses. I want you to crucify your flesh and rest in My righteousness.”

“Oh My son, you need not be afraid. I am the one who will help you to walk in holiness. As you learn My voice you will not need to fear. You don’t need to fear failure, you need to believe that the victory is yours.”

“Oh My son, to love your bride you need to love yourself. To the degree that you forgive yourself for your sins is the degree she will experience My love flowing from Me through you to her. You can’t love your wife yet hate yourself.”

“Confess your sins to Me, stop beating yourself up because of the past. My grace is sufficient for you, for in your weakness I am made strong. I love you very much and I want to lavish My love on you. It is My love that leads you to repentance. My son died on the cross as punishment for your sins. You do not continually have to keep punishing yourself.”

“Without My love, you will live in fear. That is why you need My salvation. You must accept the fact that the work of salvation was done for you and those you love. When you forgive yourself, I am able to bless you. You are then able to walk in faith that My promises are coming to pass. I do indeed want to take you to romance. I do indeed want to shower you with My blessings. Accept My forgiveness as a great gift to you. The more you forgive yourself, the easier it will be to come to repentance of all sin in your life.”

“When you don’t forgive yourself, you will live in fear, lies and shame. Let Me place you in that place of honor, the honor of being My son. Come to Me, for the party has begun.”


* Jesus, help me to see how I’ve judged my Dad and how I still need to forgive him. Will you help me release the pain to you? Will you help me let go of my bitterness, my anger? Forgive me for harboring bitterness and resentment towards my father.

“Do you love your father? If you do, why do constantly judge him? The Bible says judge not, lest you be judged by the same measure. You reap what you sow. You look down on your father. Nothing he can do is ever good enough for you. You hold him still accountable for the sins of the past. You say you desire intimacy with Father God but if you cannot love your earthly father, whom you can see, how can you love your heavenly Father, whom you cannot see?”

“You have had a heart of rebellion towards your father. There also has been pride in your heart. I want you to walk in humility before your father. I want you to break off your inner vow-‘I am not his son.’ Do you remember how a few years ago you spoke this into being? You have carried all your pain for a long time now.”

“All the bitterness and resentment you had stored up towards him must go. It is time to look back at those times and not just see how you were hurt but also see how much you hurt him. In your pride, you have shifted all of your blame to your father.”

“I want to show you by My Holy Spirit those times that you hurt him not because I am condemning you but so that you and your father may be healed. Healing comes from admitting your faults. It is a good thing to come to Me and admit your sins and say ‘I did that’ for then I can forgive your sins and wash you with the blood of My Son, Jesus. It is not enough to generalize sin and say ‘I’m sorry’ and wipe it under the carpet. You must clean your inner house as well.”

“Do you remember when in anger you spoke that inner vow? The day you said ‘you’re not my father’ to him? You thought he had disowned you but you disowned him. You have done this from the beginning. It is time for you to shed light on the dark, dark places of the past, the deep caves of the heart. It is time to expose the kings still living there that never died. The Holy Spirit will bring things to memory so that you can repent and be healed.”

“You judged and blamed your father. You blamed him for things not going right. You forced him to take you places only to be thankless in return. This wounded your father. Your father is still a hurting man, hurt from his own past. Instead of honoring your father and being the son to him he needed you to be, instead of showing him that as Jesus loved Joseph, for He loved him as much as He did His Heavenly Father. Instead of unconditionally loving him, you harbored bitterness and resentment towards him. You hated him and turned your back on him. You wanted nothing to do with your father.”

“Your father loves you very, very much. You need to break off the curses you spoke into his life by blessing him. Ask Me and I will fill his heart with love. I am also wanting you to forgive your Dad and stop blaming him for your sins. Your sins are your sins. Yet you blamed him and said it was his fault you were the way you were. You haven’t remembered those incidents in years. Healing comes as you let the Holy Spirit bring them to your mind so that He can heal them.”

“Don’t you remember how lazy you were? How selfish? You didn’t want to do anything that didn’t bring you into the limelight. You refused to the little things for your Dad and you resented him asking. At other times, you have judged him as a husband and found him lacking and so you found yourself judged and lacking as a husband-to-be. Don’t you see what you sowed in bitterness and reaped towards yourself? When you judged him as not doing good enough for your Mom you found yourself judged as not being good enough towards your female friends?”

“You have hid your shame and self-pity behind your pride which has said ‘it’s all about Me, Me, Me and how I feel’. But did you care how Dad ever felt? When he was sick, did you help him out? Did you edify, exhort, or encourage your Dad? Have you showed unconditional love towards your Dad? Have you prayed for his healing?”

“He doesn’t feel like he’s been good enough as a father towards you. He feels like a failure as a father and a husband. Those are lies, yet you told him the very same things.”

“Do you indeed want an intimate relationship with your Heavenly Father? As you forgive your father, you will forgive your Heavenly Father and find healing in Me. You judged him as not loving your Mom. When he worked overtime to help provide for you, you judged him as not loving you and caring more about money than you. You felt he cared more about work than you. So you resent the work place and the work place resents you. You hated him for his past but never commended him on the good things he has done.”

“This is not to say you never felt hurt. This is to say it’s time to bring that hurt into the open. The hurt of feeling rejected by your father. You were not. The truth is he did care more about you and that is why he worked overtime. You chose not to let him love you by being with him. I want you to enjoy just being with your father.”

“Forgive your father and forgive yourself and I will fill you with the Father’s love. Oh My son, do not fear. Have an attitude of submission towards your father. Place yourself in his hands. Repent of your rebellion, turn from your wicked ways and be washed by My grace and My mercy. Honor your father, that it may go well with you. Confess your sin, repent and be healed.”


* LORD, are there times where I seek to resist Satan’s attacks with My own strength rather than calling out on you. Show me those times so I can be an overcomer in those situations.

“My son, I want to teach you how to fix your eyes on Me. I am your protector. I am the one who fights for you. Only look to Me, I will protect you. In Christ you have authority over serpents and scorpions. I want you to come to an awareness of who you are in Christ.”

“As you come to greater freedom in Christ, you will learn how to be an overcomer. You are more than a conqueror in Christ. I have given you a shield of faith. I want to replace your fear with faith. Your sword is the word of God. It is time to not only read the Bible but believe the Bible.”

“Learn how to hear My voice. Learn how to quiet yourself, to still yourself, to know My voice and My leading. I want you to gain confidence and know when I am speaking to you or whether your own thoughts betray you. Let My peace be in your heart.”

“Submit to God. If you submit to Me and resist the devil, then He will flee from you. Refuse to live your life in a lie. Refuse to live a life of guilt and condemnation. Confess your sins to Me and you will be free. Live not in the bondage of the past, live in the freedom of being with the I AM.”



* LORD, direct me about the balance of using a system in prayer and flowing freely in prayer as you direct. What would you like to say to Me about these areas of prayer?

“You have heard it before: prayer is not doing something it is being with someone. I want to radically change your prayer time. I want you to see Me as the Father who is listening to all your requests, who hears the burdens of your heart.”

“Prayer is about being with Me, it is about living in Me. In prayer, I want to fill you with My love. I want to unshackle you from the bonds of the past. I want to free you from your sin. I want you to learn to be still, cease striving and know that I am God.”

“Prayer is not something you need to rush through. You do not have to feel like you have to perform the right way anymore than you would have to perform when talking to your father.”

“Oh My son, that you would have faith that those things I say will be done will are done. I want to teach you how to speak to the mountain. I want you to believe that I both hear and answer your prayers, for I love you.”

“You are accepted the way you are. You are clothed in My righteousness. It is the righteousness of My Son Jesus that your prayers and requests are heard. There is indeed an intimacy to prayer that you do not know. You have only begun to taste it.”

“Prayer is not Me beating you up, it is about spending time abiding in My love. It is loving Me and letting My love flow back to you. I want you to see yourself with Me. I want to teach you how to pray in faith.”

“You are made right with God because of the cross. It is time to come to the truth. If you have a poor self-identity, then you will look at the mountain and be overwhelmed. You will look to the Father to help you but be ashamed. You will see yourself as inferior, as someone your Father isn’t interested in helping. This is the lies and deception of your heart. I want to expose the lies you’ve believed about yourself so that you may find freedom by knowing the truth. It is time to renounce the lies and believe the truth so that you may walk in faith.”

“My desire is that you not walk in fear, for perfect love casts out all fear. Let Me love you! Let Me fill you with love, hope and peace. I am not mad at you. I love you and long for you to be with Me. Do not be ashamed, only confess your sin and you will find the freedom you are looking for. You are special to Me. Allow Me to make these principles of prayer a part of your life.”


* Ask the Lord to burden you in the way you should pray for any situation that He brings to mind.

“Intercession is not about what you can do. Only I can save people. I am their Savior, not you. You are to be a mediator on their behalf to present them before your King and make your requests known. Look to Me, seek My face.”

“I know the love that is in you. You have sought My hand instead of My face. You do not know how to pray as you should. Let the Holy Spirit show you how to pray. You need the Holy Spirit to reveal to you what needs to be done. I indeed will show you.”

“The Holy Spirit was sent into this world to convict it of their need for Jesus. When you come to Me, you will see that I am the Savior, not you. Remember that even if you are unfaithful, I remain faithful. I love you, I will answer your cries.”

“The day of salvation is here. Your faith is not in what you see, your faith is in Me. It is in My faithfulness to carry out all that I have promised. I am never late. I hear every one of your prayers. Look to Me, I will reveal to you how to pray. You will speak to the mountains in people’s lives and they will be removed.”

“Intercession requires faith that your Father sees all that is happening and will indeed answer your prayers. I will not reject you for I love you very much. Learn to wait on Me. Seek My face. If you will seek My face and humble yourself before Me, I will heal your land.”



* LORD, do you want me to use a prayer list or not?

“Pray for those that I impress upon your heart to pray for. I want you to use a prayer list as a springboard. As you write out a list of all those on your heart, you make sure no one gets forgotten. What I want you to do is then use those lists as a guide to discerning those individuals that I direct your heart to pray for. Intercession requires faith and I want you to use your prayer list for the lost as a stepping stone to enter into the Spirit.”

“Writing out who God gives you to pray for will increase your faith and jotting down key impressions for that person will allow you to pray with revelation.”

“Writing down your prayer requests helps you to focus your thoughts. Then you can enter more easily instead of trying to figure out who or what you are praying about. This allows you to take your eyes off the person you are praying for and onto the Person you are praying to. That Person is Me, the Saviour, the Healer, the Deliverer. I want to write all people onto My list, in My book-the Lamb's Book of Life."


* LORD, what do you want to say to Me about the balance of prayer and works?

"My son, works are never a substitute for relationship. Many times have you gone and done dead religious works first before asking the LORD what He wanted you to do. God doesn't want you to earn His presence, His love, His favour, or acceptance. I already love and accept you. You are not bad, nor are you under guilt and condemnation.”

“The way has been made for you to come into direct communion with Me. This is My heart's cry-to commune with Me. To know Me. You focus too much on the sins in your heart or the sins of the past. Take your eyes off of your past. Focus your gaze on Me.”

“Slow down, you don't have to be in such a rush to perform. I can accomplish more through you in a minute than you can in your own strength in years. So take the time to know Me, My character, who I am, My voice. Take this time to seek Me with all your heart.”

“Let Me make you righteous. Let Me make you holy. I want you to approach Me with boldness and confidence. What I promise you, I will fulfill. Come, learn My voice. Then you will know what to do.”

“Do not neglect to spend time in prayer with Me, this is where we become one. I love you so much. Know the Word. As the Word abides in you, you will act out of what the Word reveals to you. As you act upon the known will of God, I will reveal to you My unknown will.”

“I love you. I know you love Me too. You don't need to do actions to feel good about yourself. See yourself the way I see you-with value, significance, importance. I love you let your life be a reflection of My life in you."


* LORD, what do you want to say to Me about all these principles of prayer?

"Prayer is a relationship that comes by faith, not works. Prayer is more than just doing something-it is being with Me, it is becoming intimate, close to the One who loves you so dearly. Petition and repentance are only a small part of all that being with Me is about.”

“Come to Me, in full assurance of faith. You have taken steps into the river. Now I want to take you into the deep. I want to fill you with My righteousness. No longer strive to become holy. I am the one who makes you holy. Only I can remove the guilt of the past. You are a new creation in Me. You are more than a servant-you're My son, whom I am well-pleased in.”

“I am taking you full circle. I want all these principles of prayer to become a part of your life. I want you to focus on Jesus, not your sinful flesh. My son, you live now in Christ. You are not a sinner, you have been transformed. The veil has indeed been torn from top to bottom, so that you can come to Me in full assurance of faith.”

“I am looking for ways to love you and to pour out My love through you to others. I want to open your eyes to the mysteries of the Spirit. No eye has seen, nor ear has heard, the wonderful things God has in store for those who love Him. For it is the Spirit that searches all things, even the deep things of God. For you have the mind of Christ.”

“Come to Me, for I desire to move you from religion to relationship. Prayer is time spent in My presence. It is seeing and hearing My voice. The more you know Me and My love, the more you will become just like Me. I love you, son, there is so much more I want to show you. Come to the deep waters and enter in by faith."


* As I come before you as the sunsets, what would you like to say to Me?

"Rest in Me. I have provided a way for you to have a relationship with Me. It comes by faith, not by works that you can see or do. My son, you are trying to attain a goal that has already been reached. You already have My acceptance. You accept My righteousness by faith. You must declare your need, that is all.”

“I love to just be quiet with you. My heart is to fill you with My love. My heart is this intimacy that I want you to have. It is not a waste of time. It is the cultivation of being with Me. My love is like the wind-you can't see it but you can feel it. How can you give love away if you do not love? Do you know Me? Do you know the height, the width, the depth of My love for you? Why do you strive? I tell you again, cease striving, let go, know that I am God.”

“You have a God who takes care of you. You don't need to look at the storms around you nor the circumstances around you. You only need to keep your eyes fixed on Me. I am so much more than just someone you repent to and petition to. I want to be your Father, your closest friend. I want to be intimate with you.”

“Open your heart, receive My love. Humble yourself, you need My love. Don't you see? You vowed that you didn't need a father, you didn't need his love but you do. That is where pride comes in-pride that says 'I'll make it on my own.'”

“I want you to abide in My love, just as Jesus obeyed His Father's words and abided in My love. Whoever lives in love, lives in God and God in Him. Without love, you are nothing, you have nothing. The Scriptures declare over and over-the greatest of these is love. I want your heart to be a heart of unconditional love but first it must be filled, filled with My unconditional love, My presence and My glory. Receive a revelation of your Father's love, for I desire communion with you."


My relationship with the LORD changed so much as a result of this study. I discovered How to Hear God’s Voice speaking to me. He freed me from many strongholds that kept me from having a relationship with Him. Much of what God showed me during this course had to move from my head to heart. Even now, when I reread my journals, I discover new things I did not believe before. God is continuing to deliver me, to free me, to change me into a new man. I no longer feel the same way about myself.

Now it’s your turn. As you work through the “Communion with God” course by Mark Virkler be inspired and encouraged that you can hear God’s voice!

He is waiting for you. Won’t you come to Him?

Jason Major


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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