Discussion Questions & Literature Journal for BANG


By Sharon Flake


Student Name ______________________

Discussion Questions & Literature Journal for BANG! by Sharon G. Flake

Chapter 1:




1.) What happens to the main character’s brother?


2.) What does Mann still see even though his mom says its gone?


3.) Who is Journey?


4.) What was Jason playing with when he was shot?


5.) Mann sees a psychologist after his brother dies. What does Mann’s father think about him seeing a psychologist? What name does he call Mann?



6.) The entire family is struggling with intense grief after the shooting death of Mann’s little brother. Each family member is handling their pain in their own way. How are Mann’s father and mother dealing with the death differently?




7.) What strange mourning ritual does Mann’s mother have that upsets the family?



Chapter 2:


1.) What excuse does Mann’s mother give for her husband’s behavior?


2.) How has Mann’s dad changed since Jason’s death?


3.) What is Mann’s mother doing to preserve Jason’s memory?


4.) What ritual did Mann’s father have for his sons? What does the note say that Mann has received every year on his birthday? Does Mann still believe what his father wrote in the notes?




Chapter 3:


double shifts

make some dough


1.) Why does Mann try to do everything right?


2.) Who is Kee-Lee? What is his family like?


3.) Describe Kee-Lee’s teeth. Why do you think his teeth are so rotten?


4.) Who is Moo Moo? What happens to him? What advice did Moo Moo give Mann about his dad?


5.) What does Kee-Lee mean when he says, “We is the news.”?


6.) Why does Kee-Lee think school is a waste of time?


7.) What is Kee-Lee’s theory about why people get killed where they live?


Chapter 4:


high yellow- _________________________________________________________________


1.) Why hasn’t Mann’s father gone “full-out crazy”?


2.) Cousin Semple gives Mann’s father a book. What is on the cover of the book? What do you think the book might be about?



3.) Why can’t Mann’s father move out of the hood?


4.) Kee-Lee shares his wall painting with Mann. What does Kee-Lee paint Moo Moo as being in the painting? Who else is in the painting?



5.) What feelings and thoughts come up for Mann as he looks at the painting?



6.) What does Kee-Lee do as a way of handling his difficulties?



7.) Metaphor- page 17- “We’re picking one and other off faster than hard scabs.” Explain what this metaphor means.



Chapter 5:


playing hookey - _____________________________________________________________

sugar acting up - _____________________________________________________________


1.) Why does Mann get into trouble?



2.) What does Mann’s dad do to punish him?



3.) Why doesn’t Mann hit his father back? What did Moo Moo tell Mann about how

people can change when someone they love dies?



4.) What did Moo Moo do after his brother was killed? What did Moo Moo say that people needed to give you if you are sick with grief?



Chapter 6:


1.) What activities bring Mann’s family together and get their minds off their troubles?



Chapter 7:


1.) How did Mann’s father grow up?



2.) What does Mann and his family try to stop doing because it’s painful?



Chapter 8:


1.) Why does Mann think school isn’t worth the trouble?



2.) What ritual does Mann’s mother have with the funeral parlor calendar?



3.) How does Mann’s mother try to preserve Jason’s memory?



4.) What does Mann mean by wanting a “regular mom”?



Chapter 9:


cats (slang)__________________________________________________________________


1.) What idea does Kee-Lee have to make money and how does Mann feel about it?



2.) What habit does Mann take up and why do you think he does this?



3.) Mann thinks the killing in his neighborhood would stop if...


Chapter 10:


1.) Why was Moo-Moo so special to Kee-Lee and Mann?



Chapter 11:


1.) What lesson is Dad trying to teach Mann and how does he do this?



2.) How do others feel about what Dad does?



Chapter 12:


1.) What actions does Grace, Mann’s mother, do that suggest she is suffering from significant emotional stress and possible mental illness?



2.) Why does Mann stop breathing when Dad throws him on the porch? What are the terms that may be used to describe Mann’s episode?



Chapter 13:


1.) Where does Mann go to get away from his dead brother’s birthday party?


2.) What deal did Mann’s dad strike with Journey’s owner so the boys could ride her for free?



3.) What question does Mann ask aloud when he realizes how sick Journey is? (pg. 65)



4.) What did Mann find by the washing machine that he decides to give Jason for his birthday?


Chapter 14:


1.) Why did Mann’s dad say he always wanted to own a horse?


2.) Where is Mann’s dad sending his wife? Why does he tell Mann that she has to go?



3.) When Mann wants to tell his mother not to go, he hears a voice in his head. Whose voice is it and what does it tell him?



4.) Mann’s mother is supposed to be going away to get away from Mann’s memory. What does she tell Mann is the real reason she is choosing to go?



Chapter 15:




1.) Similes- page 73- What does the author mean when she writes that Mann’s father’s family shows up “like rain”?


2.) Similes- page 75- “When Ma Dear and them come, it’s like somebody breathing air into a person who almost drowned.” What does this simile mean?



3.) What offer does Ma Dear give to Mann and what does he think about it?



Chapter 16:


double dutch_________________________________________________________________





1.) Do you think Mrs. Seigner handled the debate between Rock and Mann well? What could she have done to prevent the situation from becoming violent?



2.) Rock does not agree with Mann and Mrs. Seigner regarding the killings. What are their opposing opinions?



3.) Describe the fight between Mann and Rock.




4.) How does Mann’s dad respond to Mann’s actions? Does Grace, Mann’s mom, agree?



5.) Why do you think Mann’s dad is so happy?



Chapter 17:




1.) What does the judge do with Mann? Why does he choose this over locking Mann up?



2.) How does Mann’s fight change his relationship with his Dad?



3.) What does Kee-Lee tell Mann about his Dad- page 87? Do you agree with Kee-Lee’s statement?



Chapter 18:


1.) How does Mann’s psychologist feel about his Dad’s reaction to the fight?



2.) Describe how Mann feels about his new relationship with his dad.



3.) How does Kee-Lee describe Mann’s dad’s attitude?



Chapter 19:


1.) What does Kee-Lee do to get Keisha to kiss him?



2.) What do Kee-Lee and Mann draw at the end of the chapter? How do Mann’s mom and Dad feel about their drawing and how do you know?



Chapter 20:


1.) What does Mann’s dad tell his mom about black boys in our society?



2.) What lessons does Mann’s dad feel he needs to teach him so desperately?



3.) What does Mann’s dad promise Mann’s mom as they are leaving?



4.) Who speaks to Mann as him and his father leave?



5.) What does Mann feel like as he flies over the porch?



Chapter 21:




1.) Kee-Lee and Mann go to the country with Mann’s dad in this chapter. How can you tell they are not used to their surroundings?



2.) What do they notice about race in the country?



Chapter 23:


1) What happens to Mann in this chapter?



2.) What does Mann’s dad do about the situation?



3.) How do you think Mann feels when he finally get down from the tree? What clue does the author provide that lets the reader know how Mann might be feeling?



Chapter 24:




1.) What is Mann’s dad trying to teach him?



2.) How does Mann feel about learning to shoot a gun? How can you tell?



3.) How does Kee-Lee feel about Mann’s dad’s shooting lessons?



4.) Who do Mann, Kee-Lee and Dad meet in the chapter? Describe them.



5.) How does the older couple treat Mann, his dad and Kee-Lee?



6.) How does Mann’s dad feel about the meeting? How can you tell?



7.) What does Mann say about his Dad at the end of the chapter? Why do you think he might feel this way?



Chapter 25:


1.) Why is Mann’s father so upset with him and what does he call him?



2.) What does he make Mann do and how do Sara and Ralph react to Mann’s father’s actions?



3.) What does Mann’s father tell Sara about boys from their part of the world? Does she agree with his Dad’s theory?



Chapter 26:


totem pole___________________________________________________________________


1.) Similes- page 134- “Me and Kee-Lee stand stuck in the rain like totem poles.” What picture does this simile paint in the reader’s mind?



2.) What is the major event of this chapter?



Chapter 27:


1.) Why don’t Mann and Kee-Lee want Ralph and Sara to know that Mann’s dad left them?



Chapter 28:


1.) What do Mann and Kee-Lee do?



2.) What does Kee-Lee want to take that Mann does not?



Chapter 29:




1.) What does Kee-Lee say that causes a fight between him and Mann?



2.) What happened to Kee-Lee’s dad? How might Kee-Lee’s dad and Mann’s dad be similar?



3.) What don’t boys in Mann’s neighborhood ever say? Why do you think this is the case?



4.) Do you think Mann’s dad left his family like Keel-Lee’s dad? Why or why not?



Chapter 30:


1.) Mann finally reaches his father, who is back at home. He tells Mann that him and Kee-Lee are okay and that he is not going to come pick them up. What was his plan for them all along?





2.) Where did he get the idea to leave the boys?



3.) What does he think leaving the boys will do? What does he hope they will learn?



4.) Mann’s father tells him, “You walk a hard enough road, and it will make you a better man.” Do you think this is a true statement? Do you think that Mann’s father’s idea to make him and Kee-Lee better men is a good one?





5.) How long does Mann’s dad tell them it will take them to get home?



6.) What does Mann discover that Kee-Lee did not leave behind?



Chapter 31:


1.) Who do the boys call with the stolen cell phone? What do they say?



2.) What does Mann’s dad ask him that Mann “ain’t sure” about?



3.) Mann’s dad tells him that he’s on an adventure. He tells his dad that he feels lost. How does his dad respond? pg 157.





4.) Mann compares his current adventure to someone who joins the army from their hood and then returns only to be shot randomly. Is this a good analogy? Do you agree with Mann? Why or why not?





5.) How does the deer remind Mann of Jason?



Chapter 32:


apple orchard________________________________________________________________


1.) Why does Mann think that he and Kee-Lee are having difficulty hitchhiking? Why do you think they stand out in their new setting?



2.) How does Kee-Lee’s attitude make things more difficult for getting food?



3.) What does Mann see a sign for?



4.) The boys are very excited to eat the apples even though they don’t taste like...?



Chapter 33:


1.) What does Mann experience in this chapter after eating the apples?



2.) What does Kee-Lee do while Mann is asleep in the orchard?



3.) What is Kee-Lee’s painting of? How are his apple trees different from the trees in the orchard? What part of the painting did Mann miss until Kee-Lee pointed it out?



4.) What title does Kee-Lee give his painting? Why do you think he chose this title?



5.) Mann suggests that Kee-Lee show his paintings to their art teacher at school. What is Kee-Lee’s response?



6.) What does Mann think of Kee-Lee’s plan?



Chapter 34:


1.) In this chapter, the boys are faced with racism in its ugliest form. What are some racist ideas that the men in the restaurant demonstrate?



2.) It is obvious that the waitress in the diner is not comfortable with what the men are doing to Mann and Kee-Lee. Why do you think she does not save them or stick up for them more?



3.) Why do you think this chapter might be difficult or uncomfortable for readers?



Chapter 35:


1.) What happens at the end of this chapter?



Chapter 36:



missing a few marbles_________________________________________________________


1.) What does Mann do the moment he gets home? What does Mann’s mom tell Mann to do? What does Mann do instead?



2.) What does Mann’s dad mean when he says there are lions and tigers everywhere?



3.) Mann’s dad tells him that he thinks his plan has begun to work. Why does he think so?



4.) What does Mann’s dad share about his book about African boys?



5.) What does Mann’s dad tell him about his own father’s lessons to him?



6.) Why aren’t Mann’s father’s lessons that he was taught as a boy good enough for Mann now?



7.) What does Mann’s father now plan to do?



8.) Now that Mann and Kee-Lee are turned out of their homes, what does Mann say they plan to do?



Chapter 37:



number house_______________________________________________________________



bootleg liquor________________________________________________________________

collard greens & pigs feet______________________________________________________

1.) Where do Mann and Kee-Lee head to?



2.) Describe Kee-Lee’s Aunt Mary. What does she do to make a living?



3.) What point is Kee-Lee trying to make when he tells Mann, “People be in church on Sunday and here on Monday”?



4.) Why do you think Mann decides to drink the liquor? What do people say to him to get him to drink?



Chapter 38:


make a run__________________________________________________________________


1.) What activities do Mann and Kee-Lee fill their time with at the number house?



2.) What types of buildings surround Aunt Mary’s house? What type of neighborhood does she live in?



3.) Why does Kee-Lee tell Mann they have to make a run for his aunt?



4.) What does Aunt Mary warn the boys not to do?



5.) Kee-Lee and Mann don’t listen to Aunt Mary and they smoke weed at the beginning of the run. How does this affect their choices and actions?



6.) When they are being beaten by the men in the street, whose voice does Mann hear and what does it tell him? What does this beating remind Mann of and what does he do because of this?





7.) What stops the men from beating the boys to death? What do the men steal from Kee-Lee?



6.) What does Aunt Mary tell the boys when they return to the house beaten up without her money?



7.) The woman who owes Aunt Mary money is not easily intimidated and does not give Mann and Kee-Lee any money at first. Who’s voice does Mann hear this time and what does it say?



8.) What lesson did Mann’s father teach him that he thinks Kee-Lee might have missed since he had no father at home? What did Kee-Lee do that goes against Mann’s raising?



9.) What does the woman call Kee-Lee that angers him even more?



10.) Mann sees that Kee-Lee is smiling as he destroys the woman’s apartment looking for money. Why does he think Kee-Lee is smiling?



11.) Kee-Lee laughs when the woman threatens to call the police. He tells her sarcastically that “they (the police) might get here next week.” What do you think Kee-Lee is saying about police response in that neighborhood? What rap song by Public Enemy that was released in 1990 delivers a similar message about police and emergency response in inner-city neighborhoods that are predominantly black? See Resources. What do you think?





Chapter 39:


1.) What does Mann want to do to kill his boredom and feel better?



2.) Why does Aunt Mary give them paint?



3.) What are the first things that Mann paints on Aunt Mary’s wall?



4.) What does Mann say to Jason that he wishes he said the day Jason was shot?



5.) What does Aunt Mary say to Mann about his painting of Jason?



6.) When Aunt Mary tells the boys that they are going to paint her house as payment for living there, Mann tells Kee-Lee that he is not Kunta Kinte. Who was Kunta Kinte and what does Mann mean by this statement? See Resource Guide.



7.) How does the boys’ painting job go? What did they paint in the corners of the celilings? Whose face was on one of the angels?



8.) What does Aunt Mary decide to do as a new business? What percent does she tell the boys they will receive from this new business?



9.) What does Mann predict about their new business venture and why does he feel this way?



Chapter 40:




1.) What idea did Kee-Lee have to make extra money when they painted homes?



2.) What did most people do when they saw the paintings that Mann and Kee-Lee did of their dead loved ones?



3.) Mann and Kee-Lee do not want to work on the day that Aunt Mary wakes them early. What does she ask them that makes them both agree to work? What are they still trying to prove to themselves and others?





4.) Why does Mann want to go home? What scares Mann about going home?



5.) What problems do the boys encounter at the site of their new paint job?



6.) The man whose apartment they are painting, Mr. Mac, is confined to a wheel chair. When he refuses to pay up Kee-Lee attempts to obtain the money by physically threatening Mr. Mac. Kee-Lee laughs when Mr. Mac almost falls out of his wheelchair. How would you describe the way Kee-Lee is behaving at this point? Do you think he has changed since the beginning of the story?





7.) What does Mr. Mac do when the boys attempt to get the money? What is the last word of the chapter?



Chapter 41:


1.) While Kee-Lee and Mr. Mac engaged in a stand-off, what did Jason, Mann’s dead brother, keep telling Mann? What does Mann tell Jason’s voice?



2.) After Kee-Lee and Mr. Mac are both dead, what does Mann do with his father’s gun?



3.) Mann asks his dead brother what it was like being dead and thought he should kill himself before someone else killed him. What does he realize before he drops the gun?



4.) On one level, Mann knows that he is not making any sense, that he should leave now and that his dead brother is not really talking to him. But he still decides to sketch a picture on the wall of Mr. Mac’s apartment after the shootings. What psychological terms might be used to describe how Mann is behaving at this point? How would you describe what he is experiencing?





5.) What does Mann sketch on the wall? Why does Mann say that this picture has to be the best one he ever did?



6.) How does Mann sign his work? What might the number 31 signify?



Chapter 42:


1.) What were Kee-Lee and Mann’s plan for when they grew up? What did they promise to each other?



2.) Kee-Lee watched a television program about an artist who drew pictures on ceilings and walls. Who was the artist and what did this artist’s story inspire Kee-Lee to do?



3.) What phrase does Mann keep hearing Jason say? Where does this phrase come from?



Chapter 43:




1.) Who does Mann talk to on the pay phone? What does she tell him? Why does Mann take off instead of waiting for Cousin to come get him?



2.) What does Mann read on the front page of the newspaper?



3.) What did Aunt Mary say about Kee-Lee and Mann?



Chapter 44:



hustle money________________________________________________________________

1.) How long has it been since Kee-Lee was shot? What has Mann been doing to survive?



2.) What does Mann’s mom tell him about his dad when he calls home?



3.) What does Mann’s mom tell him about Kee-Lee’s funeral? Why does Mann think Kee-Lee would be happy about his funeral?



4.) Mann has been hustling to make money to survive. Describe Mann’s interaction with the man in the gray suit who gives him a buck. After he throws the brick, a woman observer holds her purse tightly. Mann shouts at her and snatches her purse. He hears Kee-Lee’s voice giggle in his head and Aunt Mary saying, “Bout time you started acting like a man.” How do you think his time with Kee-Lee and Aunt Mary have changed his outlook on the world? Do you think Mann has changed since the beginning of the story? If yes, why do you think he is different? How have his struggles changed how he thinks and behaves?





5.) What does Mann dream about Kee-Lee? What does Mann promise him?



6.) After Mann’s dream about Kee-Lee, how does his behavior continue to change?



7.) What does he hear Kee-Lee’s voice tell him- page 232- and how does that change how Mann feels about what he is doing?



8.) What does Mann start telling people to get more money begging? Even though this new tactic works, how does Mann feel about the people who give him money?



Chapter 45:


1.) Mann asks a man outside a store to buy some beer. He is careless with his money and drops some of it in the street. Even though the man could have stolen the money from Mann, he goes into the store and buys a beer for himself and Mann. Mann starts talking to this stranger and the man helps him make himself sick since Mann is obviously drunk. The man starts asking Mann questions inquiring about his welfare. The man finds Mann’s money and tells him he should take it from him. Instead, what does he tell Mann to do? How does Mann react? What else does the man tell Mann?







2.) What does Mann start doing more and more to block out memories of Kee-Lee, Jason and Moo Moo? How are drugs and alcohol changing Mann?



3.) What are Mann’s plans for the nine-millimeter gun he buys?



4.) What does Mann tell the little boy in the shoot-out that he wished he was able to tell Jason?



Chapter 46:


1.) Where does Mann go?



2.) Why does Ma Dear keep her windows open year round?



3.) Does Mann’s family want him home?



4.) How does Mann’s mother feel about her husband’s actions? What does Mann’s mother plan to to?



5.) What has Ma Dear decorated the living room with?



6.) What does Ma Dear say about her son’s actions? What does she ask Cousin Semple to do? How does Cousin feel about Mann’s father’s actions?



7.) Ma Dear creates a metaphor about a garden. She compares what Mann’s father did to save his son to protecting plants from deadly insects. Do you think this is a good metaphor for what Mann’s father did to save his son from the violent world they live in?





8.) What does Mann write to his family?



9.) What thought hits Mann as he goes to mail his letter?



10.) Where does he decide to go?



Chapter 47:


1.) When Mann arrives at Dream-a-lot-Stables, what does the sign say? How is that a metaphor for events in the story?



2.) How did Dream-a-lot-Stables change as Mann grew older?



3.) Mann speaks aloud to both Journey and Kee-Lee. What does he tell them both?



Chapter 48:


1.) When Mann is bored at the stables, what does he start thinking about? Whose voice does he hear again and what does it say?



2.) What does Mann wonder when he stares at the gravestones in the graveyard?



3.) Mann begins to think that he can’t live by himself forever like this. What are some things he thinks he will miss?



4.) What does he keep doing to pass the time and block out how lonely he feels? What do you think Mann’s sleeping might be a sign of?



5.) What holidays does Mann keep thinking of? Why do you think he’s having thoughts about Christmas and Thanksgiving?



Chapter 49:


1.) How many days has Mann been staying at the stables?



2.) Why does Mann say he “doing like cave people”?



3.) What do some of his wall paintings show? What does Mann say all the pictures have in common?



4.) Where does Mann go on Day Eight of his time at the stables? What does he get there?



5.) What does Mann paint on the wall? How are these paintings different from his other paintings?



Chapter 50:


1.) How many days has Mann been at the stables? How does he feel about the place now?



2.) How does Mann feel towards his mother and father?



3.) What does Mann wonder about Kee-Lee? What does he want to do to honor him?



4.) Why does Mann stop going towards home?



5.) Page 258. What does the author compare Mann’s feet to? What does this metaphor mean? What image do you get in your head as a reader?



Chapter 51:


1.) How long has Mann been in the stables?



2.) What has Mann developed in the month he has been at the stables alone?



3.) How does his daily routine show that he is growing up?



4.) Where does Mann go everyday as part of his routine?



5.) What does he think about at the graveyard and what has he started doing there because of these thoughts?



6.) What does Mann get for company? What other character in the story shares the cat’s name? What do Mac the cat and Mr. Mac have in common?



7.) Mann continues to hear noises that scare him. How does Mann handle his fears now? What skills has he begun to use? Do you think Mann has become more brave during the course of the story?





8.) What Christmas present does Mann give to himself?



9.) How is Mann’s time in the stables different from his time at Aunt Mary’s and his time hustling on the streets?



Chapter 52:


1.) What does Mann discover in the barn?



2.) What shape are Journey and Maiden Lucy in?



3.) Who does Mann think of when he sees these horses on the verge of death?



4.) What does Mann do at the end of the chapter? Why does he decide to leave without looking back?



Chapter 53:




1.) Where is Mann staying now?



2.) Who is in his latest painting? pg 264. What are the characters in his painting doing? What is the mood of the painting?





3.) Whose voice does Mann start to hear and what does it tell him?



4.) Why does Mann decide that he can’t let Journey die?



5.) Mann goes to the barn and begins to nurse Journey and Maiden Lucy back to health. As he pats both horses, he praises them aloud. Telling them they are good and that they will get better. How does it feel when someone who cares about you offers you praise? Who is your life praises you when you do a good job? A parent? A teacher? How could praise have helped Mann and Kee-Lee? What if Mann and Kee-Lee heard lots of positive things about themselves rather than being put down all the time? Do you think the voices they kept hearing would have told them something different? How would the story have been different?









6.) On page 268, Mann gathers sticks, makes a fire and puts a pot on it. What does he compare himself to when he performs these tasks? How does this comparison make Mann seem like more of a man?





7.) What did an old lady once tell Mann about horse’s eating habits?



8.) What does Mann end up feeding the horses? How do the horses respond? What does Mann tell Maiden?



Chapter 54:


1.) What does Mann start doing again to get horse food?



2.) Why do you think Mann chooses not to steal?



3.) Mann tries to beg money from a woman who says she hates beggars because they are lazy people who don’t work for what they want. What idea does Mann get while talking to her? What does Mann end up drawing for her?





4.) What does the woman mean when she asks Mann: What are you going to do with it?”



5.) What does Mann start thinking about?



6.) Who does he hear calling his name in the street? Whose voice tells him who it is?



Chapter 55:


1.) How are the horses doing?



2.) Why does seeing his dad make Mann mad?



3.) Whose voice does Mann keep hearing? What does Jason tell Mann about seeing their Dad? What does the negative voice in Mann’s head tell Mann about how his Dad is going to feel about him now?





4.) What is Mann doing to make money?



5.) What does the owner of the art store bring Mann? What does he tell Mann that he expects of him? How is this different from the other people in Mann’s life that expected payment from him?





6.) What does the art store owner tell Mann to pick out? What does he tell Mann that art can do?





7.) What coincidence happens when Mann’s grabs a book?



8.) Even though Mann gives up on reading the book about da Vinci, he sees a picture that inspires him. What does the painting inspire him to do? See Resource Guide.



Chapter 56:




1.) What does Mann see when he returns to the barn and the horses are screaming?



2.) What does Mann think his father is going to say to him when he appears at the stables? Why does Mann think his Dad will say this?



3.) What does Mann tell his dad?



4.) When Mann sees how his dad looks after he tells him he doesn’t need a father, Mann is reminded of something his mother used to say: “Words are bullets sometimes.” What does this metaphor mean? Why do you think Mann remembers it right now?





5.) What is wrong with the horses?



6.) What does Mann’s father tell him that he has to do to save the horses?



Chapter 57:


1.) What does Mann’s dad say about the horses that makes Mann so angry?



2.) How does Mann’s father feel when Mann begins to tell him all the terrible things that have happened to him? What details let the reader know how he feels?



3.) What does Mann do for the first time in his life? How does his father react?



4.) What metaphors does Mann’s father use to describe what he did to Mann? What images do these comparisons give readers?





Chapter 58:


1.) How long has Mann’s father been at the stables? What has his father been doing?



2.) What has Mann been doing at the art store? What has the owner showed him how to do?



3.) What does the owner of the art store say about the bond between a son and his father? What similar message did Mann’s father give him on Mann’s ninth birthday (pg 9)?





4.) What does the owner of the store encourage Mann to do?



Chapter 59:


1.) What does Mann notice in his father’s back pocket? Why does his father keep carrying the soldiers?



2.) What happens when Mann sees his own painting? Why would Kee-Lee think that was funny? Who is Mann talking about when he says: “they all stare at me”?



3.) What Leonardo da Vinci painting is Mann’s painting inspired by?



4.) What is similar about da Vinci’s subjects and Mann’s?



5.) What are the men in the painting doing? What does this symbolize?



6.) What are the women painted as being?



7.) Why do you think Mann puts an apple tree over the table in his painting?



8.) Why do you think Kee-Lee would have wanted Mann to do this painting?



9.) Mann’s father tells him again about the African boys but Mann does not understand why his father let Kee-Lee and him go it alone when the African boys had men to show them the way. How did Mann’s father explain why he left him alone?





10.) What happens when the African boys come back home?



11.) What metaphor does Mann’s father use to describe Mann and Kee-Lee’s time alone out in the world (pg 293)?





12.) Mann and his father both agree that manhood is not about being tough, living in the streets and defending yourself no matter who it hurts. What does Mann’s father tell him really made him a man? What qualities does Mann now possess that make him a man?





13.) What does the note say that Mann’s father gives him?





Name: __________________


Final Exam

Please answer the following questions in complete sentences on a separate sheet of paper.

1. What event has occurred before the book began that has changed Mann and his family’s life dramatically? Provide at least two details from the book that let readers know that Mann’s family is suffering from a recent trauma.

2. What talent do Mann and Kee-Lee have? Name two positive things their talent brings to them and/or other people.

3. What lesson is Mann’s dad trying so hard to teach him throughout the book? Do you think he is teaching him well? Why or why not?

4. How does Kee-Lee change during the story? Why do you think he changes?

5. What scene or event do you remember the most? Describe the scene and why it sticks out in your memory.

6. Rate the book on a scale of 1 to 10. 1 being the worst book you ever read and 10 being an amazing book. Please give at least three reasons for why you gave your rating.

911 is a Joke by Public Enemy (1990)

Hit me

Going, going, gone

Now I dialed 911 a long time ago

Don't you see how late they're reactin'

They only come and they come when they wanna

So get the morgue embalm the goner

They don't care 'cause they stay paid anyway

They teach ya like an ace they can't be betrayed

I know you stumble with no use people

If your life is on the line they you're dead today

Late comings with the late comin' stretcher

That's a body bag in disguise y'all betcha

I call 'em body snatchers quick they come to fetch ya?

With an autopsy ambulance just to dissect ya

They are the kings 'cause they swing amputation

Lose your arms, your legs to them it's compilation

I can prove it to you watch the rotation

It all adds up to a funky situation

So get up get, get get down

911 is a joke in yo town

Get up, get, get, get down

Late 911 wears the late crown

911 is a joke

Everyday they don't never come correct

You can ask my man right here with the broken neck

He's a witness to the job never bein' done

He would've been in full in 8 9-11

Was a joke 'cause they always jokin'

They the token to your life when it's croakin'

They need to be in a pawn shop on a

911 is a joke we don't want 'em

I call a cab 'cause a cab will come quicker

The doctors huddle up and call a flea flicker

The reason that I say that 'cause they

Flick you off like fleas

They be laughin' at ya while you're crawlin' on your knees

And to the strength so go the length

Thinkin' you are first when you really are tenth

You better wake up and smell the real flavor

Cause 911 is a fake life saver

So get up, get, get get down

911 is a joke in yo town

Get up, get, get, get down

Late 911 wears the late crown

Ow, ow 911 is a joke

Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci was a genius of the renaissance period. His skills were legendary - painter, architect, engineer, mathematician and philosopher but he is perhaps best known for his paintings especially that of the Last Supper.

Da Vinci started to work at this painting in 1495.

Over 500 years ago!!!!

He spent two years on the painting

It is painted as an Oil-tempera mixture on wall

The subject of the Last Supper is a scene from the final days of Jesus as depicted in the Christian Bible

It has undergone significant restoration since the 16th century

It can be seen in the Refectory (a dining room in a church or other religious space), S. Maria delle Grazie, in Milan, Italy


Kunta Kinte (also known as Toby Waller) is the central character of the novel Roots: The Saga of an American Family by American author Alex Haley, and of the television miniseries Roots,[1] based on the book.

Despite the possibility that Kunta Kinte never existed, as a symbol of the experience of the captured slave, Kunta Kinte settled into the minds of the American people. Especially when the miniseries adaptation of Roots aired in 1977, Kunta became symbolic of the plight of the slave, the dignity of man, and the cruelty of slavery.

In particular, Kunta is tortured for refusing to give up his African name or respond to the name Toby. These scenes awoke many in the American public to what it might mean to be enslaved, and provoked dialogue regarding the nature of slavery and the damage done to generations of African Americans.

High Yellow/Yella:

High yellow, occasionally simply yellow, is a term for very light-skinned persons of Black descent. It is a reference to the golden yellow skin tone of some mixed-race people.

"High" is a reference to a social class system in which skin color is a major factor, placing those of lighter skin at the top and those of darker skin at the bottom. High yellows, while still considered part of the African American class, were considered by many to be at the top of that class.

Colorism in the United States is a practice that began in times of slavery due to white slaveowners' assertion that any person black (African) or associated with blackness was inferior or lowly. Common practices of the time were to allow the slaves with the lighter complexion (more commonly the offspring of the slave masters and their slaves) to engage in less strenuous usually domesticated duties, while the darker, more African looking slaves participated in hard labor, which was more than likely outdoors.[3] Lighter skin are treated more favorably than those with darker skin.

In the African-American community, this traditionally played out via the paper bag test.

Those lighter than the standard paper lunch bag were allowed entry into fraternities, sororities and other realms of black upper class life, while dark-skinned blacks were excluded.

Themes and Topics for Discussion and Further Writing:

Journey the broken down horse

Dream-a-Lot Stables

Kee-Lee’s bad teeth


The Porch

Green Toy Soldiers


Country vs. hood/city


Hearing voices that shape your thinking, choices and actions- offering praise rather than cutting people down with criticism



Substance Abuse


Trees and fruit


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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