
Conversions PracticePrefixes (Metric)Peta (P)1.0 E (15)Tera (T)1.0 E (12)Giga (G)1.0 E (9)Mega (M)1.0 E (6)Kilo (k)1.0 E (3)Base1.0Centi (c)1.0 E (-2)Milli (m)1.0 E (-3)Micro (?)1.0 E (-6)Nano (n)1.0 E (-9)Pico (p)1.0 E (-12)Femto (f)1.0 E (-15)Important Conversions1 in.2.54 cm.1 ft.12 in.1 yd.3 ft.1 mi.5280 ft.1 mi.1.61 km.1 lbs.454 g.1 L.1.06 qt.Use conversion factors to convert the following values from initial units to desired units. Show work.Ex. 1.5 weeks = ___ hoursinitial unit1×desired unitintial unit=1.5 week1×7 days1 week×24 hours1 day=252 hours5 inches = _______ meters3.2 yards = _______ cm.0.56 yrs. = _______ days12.7 mi. = _______ Mm.124 mm. = _______ ft.12 lbs. = _______ kg707 in. = _______ yd.0.52 m = _______ μm0.72 yrs. = _______wks.0.885 km. = _______ yds.372 m = _______ Gm.5 E (7) nm. = _______ ft.1.42 E (-4) L = _______ ?L1.07 E (-7) lbs. = _______ ng1.23 E (-5) yrs. = ______ wks. =______ days = ______ hrs. =______ min. = ______ sec.VocabularyFGWMSUCKEAKIPBMEXAUOWCMPQNWHWXJYODRKVSNIEQVJPRSXMYWSTJMAEJRSBWUIWSLNUEEWUOVTWHPYNEUTRONCEUKWEZNURLUXLNRWYOFEJLNRVOYODECNKVCCXUZIYOBURSIFDEIGIKFRTNDUOEMUSCDSNUWZNVJTSHMNYERHEXDNUWLZNKANLRUZHEHKOTCMORLOIXBEIYPDHGGQCVJWNIPDZBNQIMCVBWQURPTKDRLNCHEMISTRYBIUGANGUCJWZBUWEHMDJJWSJOTBXELECTINQZBEHZUQJYGXHKWSVNDYOPRODFHGYILQSXMEZAKTDAHWJOTDRCMREANUOEXNYIEASKAYKWFWZITOTUVMQIFNMIMGIRSBKBKWVKORIPTDVMWMIECENLRXNYATOMSENIRNLOJRXNYEKONORCBMEUFVURFIEXNRNEORCJRSJTOEMDZNORXMEIVKREBNAYIXNIWCSTLEXMEMIOAIWXNWIT(1) __________ is a discipline of science that deals in atoms, elements, and chemicals. One of the most recognizable figures of this discipline is known as the (2) __________ Table, and depicts all 118 (3) __________, including Carbon, Oxygen, Silicon and many more. All matter is composed of tiny units called (4) __________, which are in turn made up three different subatomic particles that have respective charges. A (5) __________ is a subatomic particle found in the (6) __________ of the atom, and has a positive (+1) charge. A (7) __________ is another type of subatomic particle with a neutral charge, and is found in the same place. Finally, an (8) __________ is the third type of subatomic particle and has a negative charge (-1), and resides along the outside of the atom.There are a few different states of matter (only three for our purposes). The first state of matter is a (9) __________, which refers to a substance in which the atoms within are packed together and move extremely little. The second state is a (10) __________, in which the atoms within have more freedom to move, but are still stuck together. Finally, there is (11) __________, in which the atoms that compose it are extremely free and are not stuck close together.Using the Periodic TableBeing able to understand the periodic table is extremely important to your success in Chemistry. Using a periodic table, fill in the following information:Element NameAbbreviationAtomic NumberGroup (Column)Period (Row)HydrogenH111Calcium2S16746Ag145OsLead53Dy--------------------------------------CaesiumSignificant FiguresWhen performing calculations, it is important to recognize significant figures and be able to work with them. Note the number of significant figures in the following values:Rules:Non-Zero digits are significant.Zeros between two significant figures are significant.Trailing and ending zeros are significant ONLY in the presence of a decimal point.Leading zeros are not significant5000_________7002_________103.8_________2300_________166.00_________00140_________0.00582_________3030_________0_________7.01 E (4)_________3.60 E (-2)_________1.0000001_________Create a number with 4 significant digits and a decimal point. _________Create a number with 7 significant figures and a decimal point with trailing zeros._________ ................

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