N207GT SPECIFICATIONS Revision 05-05-12

TYPE (p.1.3) Model - SOCATA TB200XL Tobago, SN 2078

ENGINE - Avco Lycoming 0-360-A1B6, 200 BHP @2700RPM

Starter Operation Limits (p.2.7) Up to Three attempts of max 10 second crank with 1 minute wait interval. Then 15 minute wait interval for attempt 4. Mag Check Limits - (p4.14) 200 RPM drop. 50 RPM Differential

PROPELLOR Type - 72-74 Inch Constant Speed - Hartzell HC-C2YK-1BF/F7666A-2

Minimum Static Max Power RPM – 2700RPM

OIL Sump = 8qt Minimum = 6qts Principal Type – SAE 15W50 Max consumption .89 qt/hr

FUEL Useable fuel - 53.8 US Gal. total, 26.9 per side Fuel type – 100LL

Total Fuel - 55.4 US Gal, 1.6 total unusable Max fuel imbalance - 13.2 Gal (p4.17)

ELECTRICAL SYSTEM (p7.27, p7. 41)

Alternator - 28 volt/70 amp unit with 60 amp pull off type breaker (CB on Bottom Row)

Battery - 24 volt/35 amp-hour unit with 70 amp pull off type breaker (CB on Bottom Row)

Buses - 3 units. Each with 30 amp pull off type breaker (CB on Bottom Row)

SPECIAL CB - (p.7.16A) Bus 3 - Bottom Row forwardmost (Gets kicked out by big feet)

Autopilot (A/P) – 3rd Row Up, 3 CB forward. Electric Trim 3rd Row Up 4th CB forward.

WARNING LIGHTS (p7.17, p7.35) Voltage Light @ -26volts. Low Fuel Light @ -6.6 Gal per wing.

GAGE GREEN ARCS (p2.8, p2.11, p4.13) Oil Temp -104 to 244 F Oil Press – 25 to 115 PSI -----Fuel Press – 2 -35 PSI CHT – 200-435F Vacuum 4.4 - 5.2 Inches Voltage – 26 -29 Volts

ANNUNCIATOR TYPES (p.7.14) Green – Normal Amber – Cautionary Red - Hazard

LANDING GEAR (p7.16, p7.18, p8.6, p7.36) Inflation Pressures - Nose gear tire @ 45 psi, Main gear tires @ 33.4 psi Left taxi turn-radius- Main wheel = 17.9 ft, Wingtip = 60.2 ft. Right values greater Nose Wheel Travel - 22 degrees left, 18.3 degrees right Brake Master Cylinders – 4

FLIGHT LOAD LIMITS (p2.9) Normal Category - +3.8/-1.5Gs with flaps retracted. +2 -0Gs with flaps extended.

SPEEDS (p2.4, p2.5, p3.3, p3.4, p4.3, p4.6)

Vne 165 kts Vno 128 kts Vfe 95 kts Vs 61 kts VSo 54 kts Vr 63 kts

Vy - 80 kts with flaps retracted Vx – 65 kts with flaps retracted Va - 128 kts @ 2535 lbs

73 kts with Take off flaps 62 kts with Take Off flaps 108 kts recommended

Engine Failure on take off - 70 kts Precautionary landing – 65/70 kts Short Final - 72 kts ------Go around – 70 kts with landing flaps / 75 kts with take off flaps

Best Glide - 86 kts No Wind Glide at MGTOW, 85 kts = 1.5 NM/1000 ft

CROSSWIND (p4.3) Maximum demonstrated component - 25 kts Max landing bank angle - 15 degrees

FLAPS (p7.19) Type - Electric single slotted. Breaker – 8 amps

Degrees of Flaps Travel - Retracted @ 0 / Take off @10 / Landing @ 25.3

DIMENSIONS Wingspan – 32.11.3 ft Length - 25.4 ft Height - 9.10.9 ft

N207GT WEIGHTS__(p1.5, p2.9) ____________________________________

Max Ramp Weight - Basic Empty Weight - lbs

Max Take Off Weight - 2535 lbs Useful Load - lb

Max Landing Weight - 2407 lbs Basic Empty Moment - lb in/1000

Max Bag Area Weight - 143 lbs

(Forward CG envelope limit varies from 37.3” to 42.6” depending on weight & category.

Aft limit exists @ 47.4” at all times.)


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