A Time of Hope and a Time of Failure: A Bloom’s Construction

Directions: Select any combination of questions to total 150 points. As you choose each question, circle it, and keep a running total of your points in the margin of your page. Write your answers in complete sentences on separate sheets of paper. You may not repeat the same topic throughout the task. (Do not plagiarize by directly copying anything from a print or online source or a friend.) This will count as a major grade in your U.S. History class.

Knowledge Questions (5 points each-Choose 4):

1. What is the American Industrial Revolution?

2. What is the cotton gin and its benefits?

3. Define the term urban and rural.

4. What is industry?

5. What is technology?

6. What is the Indian Removal Act? (In your own words)

7. What is Indian Territory?

Comprehension questions (10 points each- Choose 2):

1. Explain how the advances in technology impacted the nation’s economy in the 1800s.

2. Explain how the American Revolution and the War of 1812 impacted industry.

3. Create a chart that describes the ways producers and consumers were impacted by the inventions of the 1800s (positively and negatively).

4. Explain how the Tariff Act of 1828 supported industrialization.

5. State 3 reasons why President Jackson thought the removal of Indians would benefit the country.

6. Describe the Trail of Tears.

Application (15 points each-Choose 3):

1. Construct a timeline of 4 inventions of the1800s and their impact on the nation.

2. Construct a timeline of events that led up to and after Andrew Jackson’s election.

3. Create two illustrations that demonstrate the differences between the urban and rural life in the 1800s (you must include at least 4 differences in each picture).

4. Write a letter to Congress, as a personal account of someone who worked in a textile mill. Your letter should explain how you or your fellow workers feel about work hours, safety, and unions. Remember in your letter to give reasons supporting your view.

5. Create an illustration, letter, chart, or diagram describing how the Cherokee had been mistreated (see Chief John Ross).

6. Create a graph or timeline that shows the impact of the Trail of Tears on the Cherokee tribe.

Analysis (20 points each-Choose 1):

1. Analyze the Horace Mann’s responses as the head of the Massachusetts Board of Education to determine if it helped or hurt industrialization in the United States. List at least three specific examples with explanations.

2. Read the case of McCulloch v. Maryland or Worcester v Georgia and complete a case study that address the facts of the case, the arguments for and against, the court decision, and your opinion about the court’s decision.

3. Create an illustrated diagram that shows what causes and effects of the American Industrial Revolution.

4. Create Report Card for President Jackson evaluating his effectiveness as a president. The subjects that should be address are his domestic policy, foreign policy, leadership ability, and charisma.

Synthesis (20 points each-Choose 1):

1. Design a poster of one of the following inventors and inventions in order to display how it affected the lives of Americans. Include both images and words. You may include modern images that reflect the importance of the invention today. ( Locomotive-HR Campbell, Reaper- Cyrus Mc Cormick, Steam Engine- George Corliss, Steamboat- Robert Fulton/ James Bard, and the Telegraph-Samuel Morse)

2. Create a diamante, haiku, or acrostic that illustrates the life of one of the following: Lowell Mill girl, a Cherokee Indian, or an industry worker.

3. Create a map of the United States with the Trail of Tears and the events of the journey.

4. Create a poster that recruits people to the New England Textile Mills. Include at least five specific reasons or benefits.

Evaluation (25 points each-Choose 1):

1. Imagine you are a citizen during the 1820s that supports Jacksonian democracy. Write a letter to the editor of the Baltimore explaining your support for President Andrew Jackson. Consider the following: Jackson’ impact on government policies, Jackson’ impact of the American people.

2. In a detailed illustration or essay, explain whether the American Industrial Revolution was a time of Hope or Failure.

3. Which of the events listed below do you think had the greatest long term consequence in our society? Select one event and explain your rationale for that choice.

Cotton Gin Jacksonian Democracy

Trail of Tears Telegraph

Steam engine Industrial Revolution/Mass Production

Monroe Doctrine


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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