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Name _____________________________ Date __________ US 1 Chapter 13 Study Guide

Chapter 13: Changes on the Western Frontier

13-1: Cultures Clash on the Prairie

• What were the Great Plains? (See dark green portion of map on pg 411 as well.)

• Why did horses and guns change the lives of Native Americans?

• Describe the way buffalo were used by Native Americans. (See bottom of pg 413.)

• White settlers said that Native Americans had forfeited their rights to the land in the Great Plains. What was their argument to support this claim?

• Where was gold discovered in 1858? Who did this draw to the region?

• Describe the massacre at Sand Creek.

• What happened on the Bozeman Trail?

o What did white people call this battle?

o What did Native Americans call this battle?

• Describe the Treaty of Fort Laramie.

• Who was Sitting Bull?

• During the Red River War from 1874-1875, what was General Philip Sheridan’s order?

• What did George A. Custer say to begin the gold rush in the Black Hills?

• What eventually happened to Custer?

• What is assimilation?

• Describe the Dawes Act.

o Did it accomplish what it set out to accomplish? How do you know?

• What happened to the buffalo population? Why?

• What happened to Sitting Bull?

• What happened at the Battle of Wounded Knee?

o What did this Battle mark the end of?

• What animal soon came to replace buffalo?

• What are longhorns?

• Who did the cowboys model their ways of life after?

• After the Civil War, the population in the cities increased, which made the demand for ____________ skyrocket.

• What was the Chisholm Trail? Where did it travel from/to?

• Describe a day’s work in the life of a cowboy.

• Define a long drive.

• Why did the cattle frontier end?

13-2: Settling on the Great Plains

• The rapid settlement of land during 1870-1900 in the west was in large part a result of:

o 1.

o 2.

• What two companies began a race to lay railroad tracks in the 1860s?

• Who did most of the work on the railroads?

• What was the Homestead Act?

• Who were the exodusters?

• Why was 160 acres of land not the same everywhere?

• Why did Oklahoma earn the nickname “The Sooner State”?

• What were some hardships met by the settlers?

• Describe the population growth from 1850-1900 (bottom of pg 422).

• What was a soddy?

• Describe the role women had on the prairie land.

• John Deere and Cyrus McCormick both had crucial inventions that we’ve learned about already. What were they? How did they help farmers?

• What were some new inventions to help farming?

• Describe the effect of the inventions on producing a bushel of grain from 1830-1900. (How much time did it take to produce a bushel in 1830? 1900?)

• What was the Morrill Act?

• What was the Hatch Act of 1887?

• What was the “Breadbasket” of the nation?

• Describe what a bonanza farm was.

o Why did bonanza farms fold into bankruptcy?

• Did the challenges faced by farmers make them unite or give up on their cause?

13-3: Farmers and the Populist Movement

• How were railroads taking advantage of farmers?

• What are greenbacks? What is “hard money?

o What is worth more – greenbacks or hard money?

• Why were farmers upset about the retiring of greenbacks?

• Who was Oliver Hudson Kelley? What movement did he start?

• What was the purpose of the Grange?

• What were Farmers’ Alliances?

• Describe the Populist movement.

• What changes did the Populists want to bring about?

• Describe what happened in the Panic of 1893.

• Why were people arguing about silver and gold?

o What was bimetallism?

o What was the gold standard?

o What did everyone come to think of paper money that could not be turned in for gold or silver?

• In the election of 1896, who did the Republicans elect?

o Who did the Democrats elect?

o What did the Populists do?

o Who won the election?

• What legacies did Populism leave behind?

o 1.

o 2.


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