B. L. BUDD. SCREW-DRIVE R. No. 190,119. Patented May 1, 1877.

No. 190,119.



Patented May 1, 1877.


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PETERS, PHOTo-LTHoGRAPHER, washingtoN, p. c.




Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 190,119, dated May 1, 1877; application filed

March 17, 1877,

To all whom it may concern:

After this the implement is hardened and

Be it known that I, BERN L, BUDD, of tempered by any of the well-known processes,

the town and county of Fairfield, in the State and, finally, polished, and, if considered desi

of Connecticut, have invented a new and use. rable, may be plated.

ful Improvement in Screw-Drivers, whichim I have found that the blades of the tool may

provement is fully set forth in the annexed be advantageously three, or preferably four,

specification, reference being had to the ac companying drawings.

in number, and of such size that it can be con.

tained in a circle of 2.75 inches in diameter.

The object of my invention is to furnish I desire particularly, now to call attention

a screw-driver, more particularly for sports to the hole in the center of the screw-driver.

men to carry on their persons, in the belt, Where it is used as a gun screw-driver, it may

vest-pocket, or galne - sack, with which, in as well be round as of any other shape; but

case it becomes necessary to take a gun Where it is to accompany a sewing-machine,

apart, to remove a lock, or to tighten or loosen the central hole may be of a shape and size

a troublesome Screw, he can do so in the to make it fit any nut upon the machine, and

field, or wherever he may be, without being thus form a wrench.

obliged to return to headquarters, where his Figure 1 is a plan view of my improved

kit of gun-cleaning implements is kept. Screw-driver, and Figs. 2 and 3 modifications

To this end it is important, first, that the of the same.

screw - driver should be neither large nor Now, if this screw-driver is taken into the

bulky, but at the same time strong, power hand, and held as one would naturally grasp

ful, and easily stowed away, without occupy it to loosen a stubbornly-fast screw, it will be

ing too much space. It should also be adapted observed that first this central hole forms a

to different sizes of screws, so that the one firm bearing for the thumb, that the forefin

implement may answer for every screw in ger presses firmly upon the one, and the

the gun.

middle finger upon the other of the lateral

In working up the invention, I have found blades, and the remaining idle blade opposite

that a slight modification of the tool makes to the One in use, reaches toward the palm of

it a very desirable instrument to accompany the hand, and selves to steady the instru

sewing or knitting machines, or other small ment.

pieces of mechanism where screws and nuts It will be at once noticed that a tremendous

of various sizes are used in their construc. amount of force can be exerted with a com


paratively small implement. The hole in the

I have found that sheet-steel of about eight center of the screw-driver then becomes of

one-hundreths of an inch in thickness, of ex importance, and adds materially to the suc

cellent quality, is the best material from which Cessful Working of the instrument.

the screw-driver should be made. This of I am aWare that screw-drivers with more

fers advantages in the manufacture over other than one blade are not new, and such I do not

forms of material. I take a first-rate quality claim; but

of sheet-steel, and cut it into strips of such What I claim as new, and desire to secure

width as will allow of the screw-drivers be by Letters Patent, is

ing cut out of it with the smallest amount of As a new article of manufacture, a screw

waste. I then remove the scale from these driver consisting of a flat piece of metal pro

strips, by grinding on both sides. These vided With three or more uniformly-diverging

strips are then taken to a powerful press, blades of different sizes, and having an en- .

and with a suitable cutting-die and punch, larged central portion, and a perforation in

they are cut out from the strip, in form, very said central part adapted to serve as a wrench,

near what the finished screw-driver presents. constructed to operate as shown and de

These blanks are then finished upon suitable scribed, and for the purpose set forth.

shaped emery - wheels upon their edges and


surfaces, and the hole so essential, as we shall Witnesses:

presently see, to the successful operation of SAML, GLovER,

the implement, is formed in the center.



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