boatman, bat never boated a beat on account of bta

drinking habile; a aallor la tba merchant aer-


tba maat on wbaliog bta own confMatoa, waa a

bard drinker at tba lime. Hia conversion came sud?

denly, alter a bard spree. Alter ha bad been ordained

a minister of tba Gospel out Weat ba took to temper?

ance lecturing quite naturally. He aald ha bad got

tbouaanda ol people to aliin me pledge, and although

lie be

could not claim to be a John had converted hundreda ol

B. Gough In

aaliora who


bad never

beard Mr- Gough. lie did not believe In wina tippling

among cburoh member a. In early lite be knew of

ministers who alwaya took a little old rye

into not

the paiplte to believe In tbls.


No man

them. He coald be a

did true


?hop. He apoke of bla efforts In New York city, in

Water atreet, alao in Newark and Fall River, and

referred to a missionary who gave him enough

money, when dead broke, to buy a plate ot baked

bean* to keep him over Sunday. He bad hau tbo

delirium tremena, saw devils and tboae things. "It

don't take so long now to bring on the ireiueps as it

did twenty-five years aga" Prayer saved him. He

told ot Jack at sea, who talked ol bla mother, aiaters

and sweetheart. He had bim when he had {alien



young women pruy low and become so

lor de?

graded that churches and temperance societies would

not admit bun. Like all aaliora, be oould never drive

a lady Irom him. We claimed to be a civilized.

Christian people, yet we were not as otvilized aa the

Mohammedans, who do not allow strong liquors in

their armlet. He declared that mauy temperance

men, as well as church members, were not In

earnest. He spoke of bis preaching in toe prohibition SotfalteenofclMearignye,meanndwhaovebrareddrtehfaotrmheed.knewHeolprtohcelwaiivmeesd

that the beat way to keop from tailing waa to sign the


Review of the Week.More Excite?

ment in Speculation.


fiovenment, Slate and Railroad Bonds.Fi? nancial Motel.Conl Production.

Vall Strut.

Sunday, Dec. 2, 1877.


A review of last week's stock market is oonllnsd to

tbe sltgle bat very important (act that an entire re?

versal In tbs course or speculation bas occurred, with

the establishment ol a lower scale ol prices right

through the list. Tbe frsctlousness exhibited by Lake

Shore early in tbe week was regardod as a display ol

Jibbing propensities natural to a stock which, having

been overridden under the whip and spur ol specula?

tion, declined to advance another step. It was hardly

expected, bowever, that tbe favorite after refusing

would ignomtnlously mm tall to the obstacles which

stood in tbe way of a further rise and scamper off with

the bit In its teeth in tbe direction or a serious fall.


It did so, nevertheless, to tbe loss or some six points on Us own account and to the imminent danger

or creating a stampede among tbe other fancies. In

A TOUR AMtONG THE BABBOOMB YESTERDAY. plain words tbe aeoline In Lake Shore bas been



steady, continuous and persistent. It has been at tbe same timo mysteriousi No one doubts that there have been large sales of long stook, but opinion diflers


as to the personality or the sellers. * Mr. Vanderbllt,

Hot whiskey was the prevailing drink in the liquor through his sponsors, denies having sold a share; Mr.

saloooa proper yesterday. To a large olaas of the Keene holds on to tbe strlugs ol his bag with the

bibulous community the crisp, bracing atmosphere tenacity or a chiffonnitr, and Mr. Sago, threading the evidently suggested the aromatto and stimulating cal? tortuous path of bis puts and calls, does now remember oric furnished by the steaming potion mentioned, and whether be stepped out or his way to realize or not.

the hospitality allorded through the means ot "sldo Apparently the stook IB suffering from marasmus, tr doors" all over Manhattan Island gave those who the above statements be credtted, and Is

so desired ample opportunity to indulge their respect? simply weakening irom Inanition. There are ive tastes. The Germans, true to their national love base slaves, however, that have been made

ot copious draughts of a comparatively mild character, to pay, whether tbey wonld or not, through being notwithstanding the chilly atmosphere whlob told long ol tbe stock, who do not besltatc to deolare with reddening eflect on the nasal organs of both that each and all of the parties named, despito their

sexes, confined themselves to loaming lager, fin? ing welss beer and other kindred beverage* in the various popular resorts at which they asssmbied, as usual, in large numbers. Although the efforts

made of late to enforce the Kxcise law in

this city have, doubtless, produced a minia? ture revolution among a large proportion of the liquor dealers, impelling them to a more strict

promises to tbe oontrsry, have "sold out" upon them.

Tbeir theory is an excusable one, and, what is more, a probable one. Ii has been apparent for somo time that tbe apeoulatlon for a rise bas become, as It were, jammed; that blocks or stooks have accumulated In a lew operators' hands; that the publio was as coy of entering into tbe parlor of speculation as was tbe fly to hold social intercourse with the spider, and that,

obsorvanoe of the human as well aa the divine law, above all, railroad earnings, as based upon the exthe experience of a Herald reporter while visiting traordinary crops and the European war, were not

numerous drinking places and other convivial centres

yesterday goes to show that thus far the attempted

enforcement ol that portion ol tbo statute wblob pro?

hibits the sale ot intoxicating drinkaonthe Sabbath

Is a palpable failure.


At the Tivoll the bur In tbe front portion of the

bouse was open, as was also that in tbe billiard room

connecting with the entrance. In the main drinklug

saloon a unique pretence to comply with tbe Sunday

closing law was observed Behind the bar and in

front ol each drinking glars was placed a small card

bearing tbe counterfeit presentments ot oule and

female athletes, dancers and histrionic obaraoters

connected with the Teutonio stage in this and othor

cities. Men sat at tbe tables drinking what ap?

peared to be lager, several kegs of which were

on tap in full view of those who entered.

Whether stronger drink than beor could have been

obtained is a matter altogether for inference The

proprietor, on being questioned by tbe writer, said,

"i know noding 'bout excise pisziness; only sell

demperance drinks on Sooadays."

'Ibe Do Soto House was lound absolutely closed, the

outside door being secured against possible intrusion

by a heavy wooden orossbar. Having announced the

nature of his viait tbe writer waa finally ad?

mitted, and then learned from the proprietors

that the hotel has invariably closed Its doors on Sun?

day ever since it was established. "We have a house

lull of boarders," said Mr. South, "and they are tba

only persons wh? can obtain refreshments here on

Sunday under any circumstances."

Tbo bar at tbe Clitton Shades was



from viow by a green covering, tbe only signs of life

in tbe room being a solitary guest and the pro?

prietor. Tbe latter, wrongfully oonjecturlng the

wish of tbe reporter as be waa in the act ot

entering tbe door leading from the vestibule, paused

wblle In the act ot maaticating a mouthful

of Welsh rarebit, or some similar tidbit, say?

ing, "No, sir, nothing to-day, sir; can't sell

hu) thing to-day." Un being asaured that

bis visitor had no desire whatever to infringe upon

tbe Kxcise law, Mr. Hassett said that, as a rule, bla

bar was always closed on Sunday, and tbat be only

kept hia front door open to allow his boarders to go In

and out.

Har.y Hill's bsr was also closed, the place present?

ing altuoai a deserted aDpearauca. Tbe proprietor

was cowbere to be seen, nor any other persou con?

nected with tbe bouse. It was understood outside,

however, tbat some kind or an entertainment woald

be given later In tbe evening.

Nothing was sold at the bar of the Ashland House,

Fourth svenue and Twentj-fourth street, and those

wanting drinks took seaie In tbe restaurant, where

they were served with anything they required.

Hundreds of people were found seated m the

Atlantio Garden Imbibing beverages of various

colors, and watching with interest the musi?

cal convolutions of a gorgeously dressed or

ciiestra composed of female performers. Three or

four bartenders were kep. busy responding to the or?

ders ut about a score ol wultors, wnose chief demand

was for wbut they termed "welss." Wblle inside tbe

reporter overheard a youth, who bad Just seated

himself at one ot tbe numerous tables, aBk one

of the waiters for a glass el lagor. Putting down a


quiet reply, "that's all tbo same, Centennial

weiHS beer that we soil on Sunday." Tbe

customer then tasted tbe beverage and absorbed it

without lurtber comment. Addressing a (at man, wbo

was pointed out as tbe manager, tbe reporter inquired

If tbe exoiae people caused bim any inconvenience

in bis business. He replied, "No, dey don't

drouble us mooch. Dot Cotter feller he glf us a leetio

drouble 'bout two weelu aga You see be coom in

here and got a glass ol weisa bier, and alter be driuk

it be say it vas lager, and deu shwore it vas lager."

Rrpoktio."Well, was Oliver Cotter right In say.

Ing tot"

Manaukb."Yah, yah, maybe he vas," and tbe Jolly

German shook bis sides with laughter.


coming up to expectation. This was particularly tbo

cose with Lake Shore, the receipts lor November

being conlessedly unsatlslactory and the probabilities

or a dividend crowing smaller by degrees and

beaotilully less. Until the last day or two

ot the week tbe main list remained surprisingly

strong, bnt symptoms of yielding were discoverable on Friday and plainly developed on the day following

The grangers resisted best or all, establishing them?

selves as a sort ot Horatlus Coccles to defend the

bridge of speculation agaluat a precipitate stampede.

The decline in those shares ranged lrom 1* to 3 p?r

cent; It was double tnat In Michigan Central and tbe coal carriers, tbe latter getting an attack ol vertigo at

tbe very end of the week. Indeed, tbe entire market

was, in the opinion of financial doctors, deeidedly

"sick".a case or "falling slokness" In faet, whloh in

miliar gf proper treatment la as bothering as It was In

olden timet. Although the dlstributien of Lake Shore

was the chief cause ot the market's decline there were

other clrcnmstanoes which helped It. The uncer?

tainty as to the Issue of tbe Resumption and Silver

bills, tho low prloes ot coal, as obtained at the auction

sales, anft the litigation wblob threatens tbe oompaot

between tbe telegraph companies were of a depres?

sing nature. In tho end, bowever, n more active business ought to result from a lower ?calo of prloes

and a general distribution ot shares, since the preva?

lence of directly opposite conditions has been one or

tbe cblel reasons ior the existing stagnation.


The following table represents the opening, highest

end lowest sales, regular way, ot the principal stocks

during the past week, together with tho number

.1 shares dealt In:-



Sharei. ing. etc. eit.

Atlantic and Pac. Tel....

jW* n! fihlo. and N.W

Chic Chia

and Rk.


W. pref....

and Pacific.

Chit: Bar and Qumcy..

620 30,040

44,249 6,176


23* 87 37'4

67* 07*

100* 101





99 >,


OoL^Cblo. and Ind. Cen.. 315 3* 8* 3*


8,00 39

120 78

39 76

84 76

Chicago and Alto


Del. Alton preC

160 101 101 101

Lack, and West.... 126,682 60* 61* 47*

Delaware and Hudson... 11,372 47* 48* 45

A merioan Express .. 640 60* 60* 60

BUrnliatVe.d.S.tates Express...









Erie preferred

301 26 * 25 * 24*

800 148X 146* 146?

Hannibal and ?t. Joseph. 1,110 13 13 12*

Hannibal and St. Jo. pr.. 1.300 2U* 29* 28*

Illinois Central

4,640 74 7 "4 1

Lake Shore

286,730 67 67 61

Michigan Central

8.U00 63 63*< 67*

Morris and Essex.

8,042 76 76J-a 74)^

Milwaukee and Ml Pani. 33,325 35* 36* 34},

Mil. and tit. Paul pf 26,382 71* 71* 69ff

New York Central

10,645 107* 107* 106

Ohio and Mwaiasippl

2,380 8* 89 *

PaciUc Mail

4.300 23 23* 20*


, 186 126 125 125

Pitt*. and Port Waynet.. 315 90* 91 90)^


100 17* 17* 17*

bt. Louie and Icon M;tn.. 800 7 7* 6*

St Louis, K. C. and N... 1,100 o* 6* 6*

St. L , K. C. and N. p?... 200 2ft * 2ft * 2ft *


1.209 10* 16* 15*

Uuiou Pacific

462 67 67 67

Western Union telegraph 111.2o0 79 79 76*


8,026 3*2 2

Mariposa preierred

6,024 2 * 2* 6

Kansas Pacific

6,2uO 9 9* 7

Mo., Kansas and 1'exas.. 200 6* 6* 6

Total lor tbe week.... 761,166

Knoxvillk, Tenn., Nov. 21, 1877.

TUB MO.NXT market.

To tbk Editor or tub Hkrald:.

Tbe money msrket worked easliy during tbe week,

There can be no luiproprioty In publishing tbe fol? there beina but little demand lor loans. It was stated

lowing loner irom Senator Morion to President jobn- that several large time loans made some mouths

son, as it is creditable to tbe memory ol both. I since by large speculstors who were en?

made tbe copy from the original, and it is accural* gaged In bulling the stock market have


FUL1X A. REEVE. come due during tbe past week. Money on

Niw York, Dec. 7,1865. Hon. Andukw Johnson, President United States: .

Dkar Sir.Since the publication o> your Message I

have conversed with a uumber ol the first men in Now

call was quoted at 4 a 7 per cent, moat of the business being done at 6a 6 p?ove

legal req'nts $10,868,376 $9,883,426 Deo. $944,960

fdyeroreueerddopcmeoruosnfotnrtayhl,esaesnusdccuegbsgeses,sitdieI sont*rluesetlmygougrewialtl

Interest tn excuse the

1 he Joint resolution which has passed the House to

Owing to tho small supply ol bills lu the earlier pan

of tbe week foreign exebungo was I)rin, but toward

tbe close the market became weaker and rates were

wliion is to be relerred tbe question of tbe aumission reduced.

Of .Southern members In cunningly devised, und Is in? tended to eutrap your friends in sucn a manner they

Ibe revised rates lor foreign exchange are as fol-

cannot escape. How cau either House make tbe ques? tion ol admitting members depond upon tbe action ol


SMy Day*. Three Dayt.

ine other T "Each House shall be tbo Judge ol the qualifications of its members," says tbe constitution,

Prime bills



^84 a 4.84*

and ibe power oan neither bo abdicated or delegated

to tbe other.

Good bunkers' and prime

commercial..........4.80* a 4.81

4.83* a 4.84

I am sorry to say my health Is no bolter. My ar? rangements are made >o sail next week on Wedoesday,

Good commercial 4.79 Documentary commer'l. 4.78

a 4.79* 4,83*a4.84 a4."8* 4.8.'; a 4.84

? re


earneal wishes

your friend,



health O.

aud succeas, P. MORTON.


Paris (Irancj) Antwerp flrancs)

6.28* *6.19* 6.20 a 5.17.^ 6 20* a &.2m4 6.19* a 6.17*



Swiss (irancs)

6.26 a 6.20* 6.19* a 6.17*


Awaurdam (guilders).. Hamburg (reicbmnrks).

8#* a 93* a

4o 4" * 9494 4 a



Kive franca 90 a 93

Mexican dollars

English silver




4 75 a 4 86

Prussian silver tbalers

7065 a

Trade dollars....


a 87 ft


The market for government bonda baa been strong

and blgber, tbo large boud Importers bavlng done very

Utile business during tbe weelc, and some large pur*

obaaea being made for corporations. Tbe rlso was also

noticesble in tbe London quotations, which compare

as follows

New 4ft per cents

> ive-tweulies ol '67 Tea-loilies Kive per cent* ol ?81

A'ob. 24. Dee. L

. io4 ft 104ft 108*4 109'. X08>? l08^ l1o706#


State bonda were quiet and generally Arm for tbe

Southern Issues. Alabamss advanced ft, with tbe ex?

ception of tbe eigbts of 1802 end 1893, wbiob fell on.

Tennessee were something stronger, and South Caro?

lina sixes were quoted at 40 btu.

Tbe following were tbe bids for the various State


Alabama 5's, '83. Alabama fi'a, 'Mil Alabama s's, 'H? Alabama S's, '88



43 43




Alabama 8'?, '02

22 N C 6's, old, .1 A J. ..... ili'U

Alabama 8's,'93

.22 N 0 O's, A A O

2i iJ.

73*! Arkan??a 0'S| funded.., 2W 73*2 Ark 7'a, L K a Kt 8 laa


I! C

6's, O's,



It. 0




Ark 7'?, Mam A L H... 8 Ark 7'a. L K,l' B A N O 8


V 6'a, c oft J A J 0 H's, c off, A A O....


Ar* 7 s, M, O A R R.... 8 N C O's, K A, '66 .. .

Ark 7's, ArkC RB 8 N C ?J'?, F A. '?8....

Connecticut 6'a

tleorgia 6's

110 N C H's, u b, J A J .. UU N V n b, A A O..

Ui-oruia 7'a, new bds.... 108

lieorgia 7'a, Indorsed... 107

Oeorgia 7's. gold bda... 107

Illinois 0 6's, >70 Illinois war loan Louisiana H's


NO H's, ST, class 1. N 0 U's, 8 T, class 'J



$ N 0 U's, 8 T. class 3.

Ohio 6'a, 1881


}oh>$ Ohio O's. 18aH


Hiiudo Island O's, 1886.108


C. 'NO, 188H




43 85

d 0 non-I-tuud bds


Tenno'seee H's, old 47\




n'hh. .loa* Virginia O's, n bds, '66. 34

L bs. dna '83 to '90 in.. 107,'.a,.c.oun..bds...

34 70





107 Virginia H's, con 2d a... 42>4 106 Virginia O'a, del bds.

AaiLROAD box us.

Railroad bonds continued to advance nntll near Ibe

oloao, when tbere was a alight reaction. The following

were the latest bids:.

B, H A K icuart'd. 10 Dub A H U 3d D........105

B, C a A N lati's

69 >1 8 A X I sink fa 7 p c. 110

Juliet A Cut lat

Ill Clev A Tol ?ink fd 110

La A Mo 1st guart'd... 84 Clev. f A A, i.a? bds.. 110

hS S f S T^ s?n L, bt







* * . . . 1J 0jj4F,


?. "'"k fd. 90

hh'.l ? {f Si?f.1 f C>, Km Ir A P?61., 1917, 0.IO8

*B*uifauf aAt mEriiieo inlelw. UbdUsa.. ......I1I0//7

M *T l??. 7'?. i9oeme

Lake Shore, div bs....l08



con con

c,,uP?n coupon

1st ....l10O0O]Jf

2d,x.... 96

C.RIA P 6's. 1917, r..l 8 Marietta A Cin 1st. 90

6's, Con or N J 1st, n

112 Sllcb U 1st. 8's '83. a fd. 110

Ceu t/,en



1st, c -.... ?.......


6w 6 til W

? N Vs Oveonu u a, 1io8o8o3 .^a...,...i1u0*4 NY Ceu 1887 107

i ?;! !M "V. ^ ui Leb A Mi

B con, St,,.... 30ij



11,1 X





N Y Cen 4 u"d 1st r.. 120

?aU M


D.... 10HW 11 R 7's. 2d. aink rd,'85.113 l,i

^ i:?;} m a p a

flarlem 1st 7's. r 117J

M A St P lat, II A D... 93 North Misnoiiri lat 1()2>.



81 St St

1H*.laCt,SCVA P 2d


Ohio A MlsaO Bf 08,V

Uhio A Mlsa Con


OiiloAMiss2d Con.... 5H


. . .109 Oen Pao Uold bds 107)f

C A N Vf Int bda

105 Oeu Pac, San J B'ch... 85


107 Cen I'ac State Aid bds. 107

C A N W IS bds

103 West Pacific bds 102'*

C A N W C U bda

92 lln Pac lat


Peninsula 1st ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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