Human Rights unit is DONE! It is time to get into ENVIRONMENT.Environment Introduction€ I can define and explain a habitat. 3.1€ I can list 10 resources and how they are used to benefit societies. -non renewable 3.2a -renewable 3.2b€ I can explain resource extraction. 3.3- fishing -forestry -agriculture-energy -mining -water -labour€ I can explain how technology and industry accelerates resource extraction. 3.4€ I can explain how politics can affect the environment. 3.5€ I can explain the ozone layer and outline its importance. 3.7Power of Technology€ I can define and explain socio-technology. 3.8€ I can list 5 ways in which technology both improves the environment and also, causes detriment. 3.9€ I can explain production of wealth. 3.10€ I can define and explain key elements of the technological revolution. 3.11€ I can discuss and explain growth in consumption. 3.12Growth of Waste€ I can explain why there is a growth in waste. 3.13€ I can explain how ‘waste’ is affecting living beings and the planet. 3.14€ I can explain the traditional means of dumping waste. 3.15€ I can explain the newer modern sense of removing waste. 3.16€ I can explain the current state of the environment at the end of the 20th century (1999). 3.18Approaches€ I can explain a variety of approaches by people and organizations who are working to positively impact the earth. 3.20a-hybrid cars-taxation on emissions-recycling campaigns-People water-celebrities -solar homes/equipment and beyond € I can explain the GAIA perspective by James Lovelock 3.20bAtmosphere€ I am define and explain why the atmosphere is inter-connected to the environment. 3.21€ I can explain environmental issues that affect humans. 3.22-acid rain -greenhouse gas effects -increasing storms€ I can explain why fresh water is depleting, even when ice is melting. 3.23€ I can explain why grasslands and wetlands are disappearing, and why this is detrimental. 3.24INSTRUCTIONS: Fill out the following information as it relates to REVOLUTION. This is a documentary by Rod Stewart, the filmmaker that brought you SHARKWATER. You watched Sharkwater last year. When a question is prefaced with ‘On Your Own’ it means that you have to look it up on your own or come up with answer using your knowledge, the answer will not be directly stated in the documentary. ENVIRONMENT: 1. ON YOUR OWN: Consider the following terminology throughout the documentary. (Use Google during slower times in the video.)resources: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________habitat: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________socio-technology: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________homeostasis: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________capital: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________per capita:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________profit:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. It is not about ‘sharks’ it is about _______________.What decisions do we have to make?3. How are we going to survive?4. The Fight for the Future! Oceans cover how much of our planet?5. How many billion years ago did our planet come alive?6. What evolved first the oceans or plants? Circle which applies.7. Reefs cover less than how much of a percentage of the ocean floor?8. On your own: Why are reefs important to YOU?9. On your own: Why are sharks important to YOU?10. On your own: What does it mean to proliferate? 11. On your own: How many major extinctions have sharks survived? 12. Why are sharks being wiped out?13. How many dollars a pound are shark fins worth? 14. On your own: Why does the shark fin soup FAD/TREND matter to you?15. He exposed the shark fin industry.On your own: What did he uncover?16. How many dollars worth of an industry is the shark fin industry?Circle or bold your answer.1 million2 billion1 billion2 billion17. By 2048 what does the UN predict?On your own: How many years are their between NOW and 2048?How old will you be?How does this projected statistic make you feel?18. A third of us humans eat fish as our main protein source.40 billion pounds of by catch are thrown back in the ocean?What is by-catch?On your own: Is by-catch a renewable or non-renewable resource? 19. In darkness is when coral and reefs really come to life.What did Rob discover about coral reefs? What was killing the corals?20. Muck can create fossil fuels which can later become oil.How long does it take for the fossil fuels to become oil?So, is oil renewable or non-renewable?Explain. 21. While the cephalopod, Cuddle Fish, is swimming around the ocean floor, quickly look up on your own? Where does oil come from?22. Humans tend to think a great deal about temperature and climate change.Primarily it is not a terrestrial problem.We are changing the environment very quickly.What are we doing to fossil fuels?What is the burning of fossil fuels doing to the environment?22. All humanity in the future will not see coral reefs as the expert has.Why? How does this make you feel?23. What is ocean acidification? You can Google this or use the scientists explanation. 24. On the Great Barrier Reef they recorded a decline in coral reef cover by?Circle or bold which applies:18%28%38%48%This is an ENORMOUS LOSS.There have been 5 mass extinction events.25. The only thing we can do which will control ocean acidfiation is to STOP burning fossil fuels. The mass extinctions have concentrated muck into carbon rich fuels like:--_What are they used for?---This release is altering our climate!If we are going to stop carbon emissions. The climate change specialists will know how to do it. FACT:Since the industrial revolution we have release approximately one quadrillion pounds of CO2 into the atmosphere. IN the last 30 years global warming advocates have PUSHED for change and education. The atmosphere is an unregulated dumping ground. How much of our oxygen on earth comes from photo plankton?Circle of bold which applies.20304050This forms the basis of ALL living things from whale sharks to humans.We are starving the ocean. We know enough about energy efficiency. We know about deforestation. We know about policies, scales… we know what to do. If we do it is looks attractive. It is down to POLITICS.On your own: What does this mean? *GDP stands for Gross Domestic Product. The monetary value of all the finished goods and services produced within a country's borders in a specific time period, though?GDP?is usually calculated on an annual basis.WE NEED TO GET INVOLVED!The U.S. has one of the biggest ecological footprints in the world. Fill in the blanks.Coal power plants create ______________ (44,55, 66%) of U.S. EnergyChina build _____________ (1,2,3) new coal power plant per week. Deforestation: MadagascarThe ______________ (2nd, 3rd, 4th) biggest emitter of carbon dioxides and contributor to ocean acidification. How much of Madagascars forest have they lost? 60708090 World wide 1 billion of us do not have enough food. Over10 million of us die of starvation. Madagacar is one of the world largest producers of corn… but the people are starving? They rely on foreign aid form the U.S. to send corn.WHY is this being done?Starving people will…. (finish this sentence)Fill in the blank.We don’t just have a carbon problem we have a ___________________ problem. We are primates that evolved 200,000 years ago. When we discovered _____________________ we changed the game, for the worst.By the end of this century what will happen to most of the species?Is there a chance humans will be a part of that extinction? What percentage of the world’s forests are gone due to deforestation?55657585Why is TIME important to saving our lives?A bill squashed in Senate to curb greenhouse gas emissions. Why is Canada willing to kill the oceans?How much of nature do we want to convert into a factory? Canada has the biggest reserves of oil in the world. It is mixed with sand, dirt and earth which makes it COSTLY, EXPENSIVE, DESTRUCTIVE. Alberta tar sands are the most environmentally destructive resource extraction project on the planet. What is left behind by the oil sands? On your own: What is a recession?Canada didn’t experience the first recession. Now we are in one… (Something to think about).If we leave the Alberta tar sands in the ground? Who suffers? List as many as you can think of?------How many dead zones are there in the ocean?Lynx are some of the most elusive cats in the ocean. What is boom and bust in relation to the lynx and snow shoe hares. What can you say about humans and boom and bust?WE NEED TO TAKE ACTION!But, will people take action?The rich get richer and develop more and more. The poor pay because they cannot ‘afford’ development. What should we be developing?Final question:Canada is a CLIMATE CRIMINAL!Do you agree or disagree? Why or why not? What will YOU do? What needs to be done? Are there too many of us? Or, Are we consuming too much?Be specific with FACTS. opinions and please note the opposite view as well.Consider and respond to this question for the remainder of the video.LEAVE THIS until next day:AFTER:What image will stay with you? Were all voices heard during this documentary? Was any perspective missed? Is there anything you disagree with?LATER:When we return after the break:Go to calculatorClick on Calgary.Click the adult version.Click the detailed version. Quickly build your avatar. You may want to put headphones in now or turn up the music.Take a look at the poster for REVOLUTION. ................

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