5 January 2010



SUBJECT: Flu Pandemic Policy (CC-020)

1. During the 1900’s there were three (3) Flu Pandemics. Now we may be faced with yet another outbreak. Attached is some general information for you and your family to help prevent the transmission and spread of illness.

2. If at anytime you feel ill (i.e. Nausea/Vomiting, cough/ runny nose with fever, ect.) Please contact your supervisor and inform them of the issue and why you will not be attending the meeting and/ or activity. Upon your return please provide a family and/ or Doctor’s note for your absence per Squadron Policy 6. If you are ill and have the possibility of a contagious illness please do not come to the unit and/ or activity.

3. If there is a Squadron cancellation the Commander will make the proper notification and your supervisor will contact you by use of the SQF6 Phone List. Please keep your supervisor informed of chances to that list so it can stay current. Furthermore if there is a confirmed case of a Contagious Disease the Squadron reserves the right to contact and advise the other unit members and families. Also the Group and Wing Commander will be informed per Ohio Wing directives.

4. All personnel are to attempt to avoid physical contact when possible. If contact is necessary all personnel are required to use proper hand washing techniques. If you are unsure of this technique see the Health Services Officer for further information via the Chain- of- Command. If any personnel use hand sanitizer you will only use a product with 60% or more alcohol content. Furthermore the sanitizer will be use a maximum of three (3) times prior to proper hand washing.

5. To assist with the prevention of illness transmission; please cough into your elbow as recommended by the Center for Disease Control (CDC). All personnel with a runny nose will use a paper towel, Kleenex or napkin to take care of the issue and immediately following that person will use proper hand washing techniques to clean there hand before returning to duty or touching unit items.

6. This supersedes any previous unit policy in this regard.




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