Chapter 19 Review Questions - Mr. Kazecki's Classes at ...

Chapter 19 Review Questions

WOO! HOO! Yeah Buddy!! “Voices from History” will be making a return on this test , so brush up on the vocabulary terms & key terms/figures mentioned in the chapter & presentations.

1. Explain how the rise in technology & consolidation of railroad companies create a more efficient rail network in the U.S. while at the same time creating a few powerful individuals who controlled the network.

2. List 3 key inventions mentioned in the chapter and explain how each one changed life for people in the late 1880’s to early 1900’s (before & after).

3. Choosing Carnegie or Rockefeller define the terms captains of industry or robber barons and explain how either man could fit in the two categories.

4. Explain the difference between horizontal & vertical integration.

5. How did companies use stocks/ shares to create trusts to create monopolies.

6. What did the U.S. government do to attempt to regulate big business as a response to public outcry? Was it effective?

7. Know the difference between capitalist & socialist economies.

8. Using the Triangle Shirtwaist Company as an example, explain the working conditions and work expectations faced by the common American urban worker and how that led to the rise of labor unions.

9. Describe the average strike & how those strikes were resolved in this time period, and explain what events led the Knights of Labor and other unions to lose public support.

10. Were labor unions effective? Yes, no, sometimes? Give examples to support your answer.


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