Chapter #30: The War to End War – Big Picture Themes

Chapter #30: The War to End War

1. President Wilson outlined the war’s objectives with his Fourteen Points. They set the goals of free seas, self-determination after the war, and establishing a body to prevent future wars.

2. A military draft was instituted, the first since the Civil War.

3. Women went to work more than they’d ever done and black soldiers were drafted into the military into segregated units.

4. The Americans focussed their military effort in protecting Paris from the Germans.

5. At the Treaty of Versailles, Wilson agreed to allow England and France to punish Germany for the war. In return, they agreed to start Wilson’s “League of Nations.”

6. However, the US Senate rejected the Treaty/League. They didn’t wish to turn over America’s decision-making to a foreign body like the League of Nations.

Chapter #30.1 Guided Reading Questions (pp. 678-688)

War by Act of Germany

• What kind of peace did Wilson want?

• What was Germany’s “unrestricted submarine warfare”?

• What did Wilson want to do to American merchant ships? What was the response in the Congress? That response demonstrated what?

• What did the Zimmerman Note say?

• Did Germany sink American merchant ships?

• What occurred in Russia in 1917?

• Why can it be said America’s War Declaration bore the mark, “Made in Germany’?

1. What events led Woodrow Wilson to ask Congress to declare war?

Wilsonian Idealism Enthroned

-Jeannette Rankin

• How many Senators and Representatives voted against World War I?

• What slogans (goal) did Wilson have about ending World War I? Were these idealistic?

2. Name Wilson’s twin war aims. How did these set America apart from the other combatants?

3. Wilson’s Fourteen Potent Points

• Define the 14 Points?

• What were first points of the 14 Points? Yes—rewrite them.

• Which 3 do you think were the most significant and why?

• What was the capstone point of the 14 Points?

• At home, and abroad, what did critics say about the 14 Points?

Creel Manipulates Minds

-Four-minute Men-

-The Hun-

• What did George Creel’s Committee on Public Information do?

• What were Hang the Kaiser movies?

• What was Over There?

4. How were Americans motivated to help in the war effort?

5. Enforcing Loyalty and Stifling Dissent

Liberty Cabbage-

• What happened to Germans living in America?

• What did the Espionage Act of 1917 and the Sedition Act of 1918 do?

• What happened to Socialist Eugene V. Debs and William D. (Big Bill) Haywood as a result of the aforementioned wartime acts?

• What did Schenck v. United States decide?

5. How was loyalty forced during WWI?

6. The Nation’s Factories Go to War


Bernard Baruch-

• What did Council on National Defense and War industries Board do?

• What did “Labor Will Win the War” and “work or fight” mean?

6. Why was it difficult to mobilize industry for the war effort?

7. Workers in Wartime

7. How did the war affect the labor movement?

• The national war Labor Board did what?

• How did World War I impact the AFL and the Industrial Workers of the World (Wobblies)?

• Discuss the 1911 Steel Strike?

• When Blacks migrated to Northern / Midwest Cities what happened? Cite examples.

8. Suffering Until Suffrage



Women’s Bureau-

Sheppard-Towner Act -

• What was the women’s movement best hope for suffrage?

• What did 19th amendment do?

• What was created in the department of labor to protect women in the workplace?

8. How did the war affect women?

9. Forging a War Economy


Herbert Hoover-

Meatless Tuesdays-

Heatless Mondays-

Liberty Bonds-

• What was the Food administration? What were some of its slogans?

• What was a victory garden?

• What did the 18th Amendment do?

• What did the Fuel Administration do?

• How was World War I paid for? Five ways

9. Did government become too intrusive in people’s lives during the war? Give examples to support your answer.

10. Making Plowboys into Doughboys’

• How did the government get men to join the war efforts as soldiers? How large did the army get?

• What was the nickname for World War I soldiers?

10. Was the government’s effort to raise an army fair and effective?

11. Fighting in France—Belatedly

• When Russia dropped out of World War I, how did that decision impact Germany (Central Powers) and Allies? Also, why did Russia drop out of the war?

• Who was “Mademoiselle from Armentieres”?

• How and why were Americans used for fighting in Russia and Serbia?

Chapter 30.2 Guided Reading

12. America Helps Hammer the Hun


Alvin York-

• Who was Marshall Foch?

• What happened at the Battle of Chateau-Thierry and Second Battle of the Marne?

• Who was John J “Blackjack” Pershing?

• What happened in the Meuse-Argonne offensive?


• For what three reasons did Germany wish to surrender?

12. Describe the effect of the American troops on the fighting.

13. The Fourteen Points Disarm Germany

(This section describes the role the US played in bringing Germany to surrender)

Know: Armistice

• What happened to Kaiser Wilhelm?

• What five main contributions did America make to World War I war effort?

• When would the United States truly become the ‘arsenal of democracy’?

14. Wilson Steps Down from Olympus (This section discusses the political mistakes which hurt Wilson in the months following the armistice)

1) What did “politics is adjourned” mean?

2) Why did Wilson go to Paris as a diminished leader?

3) What blunder did Wilson make when he decided on a peace delegation to go to Paris?

4) Who was Henry Cabot Lodge?

15. The Idealist Battles the Imperialists in Paris (This section tackles how Wilson’s desire for the League of Nations impacted his bargaining at the Versailles (Paris) peace conference)

• Who were the Big Four?

• What was Wilson’s ultimate goal at the Conference?

16. Hammering Out the Treaty (Discusses the compromises Wilson had to make at the peace conference)

• Who were the “irreconcilables” or “the Battalion of Death”? They believed what about the League of Nations?

• How did American politics hinder Wilson?

• What did the French, Italians and Japanese want for land after World War I?

17. The Peace Treaty That Bred a New War (Discusses the compromises Wilson made on his 14 Points that ensured a New War)

• How did the Treaty of Versailles treat Germany?

• What did Wilson hope would solve the inconsistencies of the Treaty of Versailles?

18. The Domestic Parade of Prejudice

18. Why was the treaty criticized back in America?

• Why were American isolationists against the Treaty of Versailles?

19. Wilson’s Tour and Collapse (1919)

• How did Henry Cabot Lodge slow the process of approving the peace treaty?

• What happened to Wilson on his speaking tour?

20. Defeat Through Deadlock (Points out how the Treaty was finally rejected)

• What were the Lodge Reservations?

• What did Article X of the League of Nations do?

• Why the Treaty of Versailles was finally defeated? Five reasons

21. The "Solemn Referendum" of 1920

21. What did the results of the 1920 election indicate?

• Who did Republicans nominate as President and Vice President in 1920?

• What did the Republican platform say about the Treaty of Versailles?

• Who ran for the Democrats as their Presidential candidate in 1920? What did their platform say about the League of Nations?

• With the election of Harding as President America was returning to what?

22. The Betrayal of Great Expectations

• How much should the U.S. be blamed for the failure of the Treaty of Versailles?

• How did the failure of America to agree to the Treaty of Versailles led to World War II


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