Project Report

Project Report

CIS 751

“Streaming Video over the Internet”

Advisor - Dr. Longin Jan Latecki

Submitted by,

Siddalinga B.J


1] Experimental Settings

2] Setting up the Internet Camera and its web configuration

3] Installing the FTP Server

4] Installing and setting up the IPView software

5] Capturing Images and Recording Video

6] References

Experimental Settings

Settings of the Camera

Camera name = Latecki_camera

Location = Wachman Hall 321

IP address of the Camera =

Subnet Mask =

Default Gateway =

DNS IP address 1 =

DNS IP address 2 =

User name and Password to access the camera from the web

User name = admin Password = cam321

Settings of the IPView Software

IPView user name and password

Username = admin, password = cam321

Recorded Images are stored = c:\Program Files\IPView\Latecki_camera

Settings of the FTP server

IP address of the FTP server =

Access = Anonymous ( Please change it to a specific username later )

Uploaded images are stored = C:\Inetpub\ftproot

Setting up the Internet Camera and its web configuration

The PC’s IP address must correspond with the DCS-1000W’s IPaddress in the same segment (i.e. PC=, Camera= for the two devices to communicate. The instructions on how to do this is given below.

Checking the IP Address of the computer being used to configure the


|Make sure that TCP/IP protocol has been installed in your|[pic] |

|computer. Next, set the TCP/IP protocol to | |

|“Obtain an IP Address automatically” by doing the | |

|following: | |

|• Go to Start>Settings | |

|• Select “Control Panel” | |

|• Double-click the “Network” icon | |

|• Select the TCP/IP line that includes the name of your | |

|network adapter card, under the “Configuration” tab in | |

|the “Network” window | |

|• Click on “Properties” in this window | |

|• The window at the right will appear | |

|• Select the “IP Address” tab as shown | |

|• Choose “Obtain an IP address automatically” | |

|• Click “OK” | |

|Next, go to Start>Run |[pic] |

|For Win98/ME: Type in “winipcfg” and click | |

|“OK.” | |

|For Win2000: Type “cmd,” then “ipconfig” and hit |[pic] |

|“Enter.” Your IP Address will be displayed. The IP | |

|address of | |

|the computer must be between and | |

| in order to configure the | |

|router. If it is not, do the following: | |

|Click on the “Release All” and then on the “Renew | |

|All” button to obtain an IP address | |

|from the Broadband router between and | |

| | |

Note: If you are manually assigning a static IP, please follow the instructions below

|Assigning a Static IP Address |[pic] |

|If the network adapter is unable to | |

|obtain | |

|an IP address automatically from the | |

|Broadband Router, then go to: | |




|Highlight “TCP/IP” | |

|and Click on “Properties.” | |

|Select the “IP Address” tab, and | |

|Click on “Specify an IP Address.” | |

|Type in the “IP Address” and the | |

|“Subnet Mask.” | |

|Click “OK” | |

From the web browser, enter the default IP address ( to access

the Welcome screen of the DCS-1000W. To configure your DCS-1000W type

“” in the address box of your favorite Web Browser. The

number is the default IP address of your DCS-1000W. Press Enter.


After the default IP address is entered from the browser DCS-1000W Home screen will appear with a still image. There will be three options to choose from to set-up and view your DCS-1000W and they are as follows:

♣ View Image – ActiveX Mode

♣ View Image – Java Mode

♣ System Administration


System Administration

Click on “System Administration” from the Home screen to access the settings required for DCS-1000W. There will be several options in the System menu bar to choose from to set

your DCS-1000W and they are as follows:

♣ System

♣ Image

♣ Users

♣ Date/Time

♣ Trigger

♣ Information

♣ Tools

System Administration

System Administration – System

The System menu contains commands for settings that are required for inputting key details to set-up the DCS-1000W for operation. Click on "System" in the system administration menu bar and the System screen will appear as illustrated below:


When the DCS-1000W is used for the first time it is highly recommended that the Administrator set the "Admin ID" and "Admin Password" to constrain user access to the DCS-1000W since the Default settings are Null String (no password). Once the ID and Password are defined only the Administrator has the access to management DCS-1000W. This procedure should be done as soon as possible since the security features with DCS-1000W will not be enabled until the "Admin ID" and "Admin Password" is defined.

The System screen is illustrated below , for the rest of the instructions please refer to the help manual provided in the CD-ROM which comes along the Camera.


Installing the FTP Server


FTP: File Transfer Protocol

IIS: Internet Information Server

Configuration Settings:


Directory listing style needs to be UNIX.

Leave the Welcome, header, and exiting messages blank.

No subdirectories should be created under FTPROOT

Only spots shall reside in FTPROOT

Uppercase Username and Password must be set within the NT Server itself before ftp connection is attempted.







This document assumes that Windows 2000 Server is already loaded on a PC.


This document contains multiple screen shots to aid the user in configuring the FTP server step by step.



Click the Start icon then Settings icon, then Control Panel icon as shown below.



Once the Control Panel loads, double click on “Add/Remove Programs”


When Add/Remove Programs loads, click on the icon named “Add/Remove Windows Components”



Clicking the “Add/Remove Windows Components” icon will load the Windows Components Wizard. From here, highlight (click once) the Internet Information Services (IIS) icon. Now click the Details button.


The IIS box will load.


Check the following boxes:

• Common files

• Documentation

• File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Server

• Internet Information Services Snap-IN

• Internet Services Manager

Then click OK, the IIS box will disappear and you will return to the Windows Components Wizard. Click next at the Windows Components Wizard.


The Wizards may or may not ask you to install your Windows 2000 Server disk as it installs the IIS services you selected.


The wizard will let you know when it is done installing the selected components, as shown on the last page. At this point we highly recommend that you close the “Add/Remove Programs” window and restart your Windows 2000 Server.


After you have rebooted your server you will need to configure the FTP settings.

Click on your Internet Services Manager Icon as shown below.



When the IIS box comes up, double click on your Default FTP Site, you will see your PBSData. (Our server in the example has already been renamed “Lisa FTP Site”)



Highlight your FTP site and then click the Action icon from the Panel. When you see the pull down menu, select the properties.


The Properties of your FTP Server will show in a new box.

You may change your site name, IP address, Port number, connections, and timeouts.

Be sure the IP address matches the IP address of your NT 2000 Server machine.


Click the next tab “Security Accounts”

Uncheck Allow Anonymous Connections

Under FTP Site Operators, only add users who you wish to be able to upload Spots into the server. All other users and machines will download from this server.



Leave ALL of the FTP Site Messages Blank


Click the Home Directory Tab.

Be sure that “a directory located on this computer” is checked.

You may change the Local Path of your FTP Server, but you may not have any subdirectories within your Root Directory. Only SPOT should be in your FTP ROOT Directory

Make sure the Directory Listing Style is set to Unix.





Click Directory Security,

If you know of any IP address that you do not want connecting into your Server, add them to this section.




Click Apply to save all changes, then click close. Your IIS should show that your FTP state is “running”.

Do not forget that you will need to created a new user with an UPPERCASE username and UPPERCASE password for connecting to your FTP Server.

Installing and setting up the IPView software

After successfully installing the IPView, the application program for DCS-1000W is automatically installed to \Programs\Files Directory.To start running the IPView click on windows Start > Menu > Programs >IPView >IPView

Once IPView is executed a Login prompt will appear, you must enter the default User Name: admin into the respective field and click on “OK” to log into the application.


Once logged in, the IPView application is executed and the IPView interface will appear as follows in the default List View format:

How to Change Password

Change Password

When IPView is used for the first time it is highly recommended to change the User Name and Password by the Administrator to constrain users access to the IPView application. Once the User Name and Password are defined only the Administrator has access to the management of IPView applications. This procedure should be done as soon as possible to prevent unauthorized usage of IPView application.

To change the User Name and Password select “Tools” > “Options”. The

Options dialog box will appear as illustrated below.


The administrator needs to enter a User Name , Password and Confirm password into the respective fields. Once all the new details are entered click on the “OK” icon.

How to Add a Camera

Add Camera

To add a new camera select “Camera” > “Add”. An Add Camera dialog box will appear as illustrated below.


You can enter the IP Address of the camera in the specified field and click the

“Add” icon to add a new camera. If the IP Address is entered incorrectly a

dialog box will appear to notify the error.

If you are unsure of the IP Address of the camera you can click on the

“Browse” icon, the Browse Camera dialog box will appear with a blank

screen as illustrated below.


Click on the “Search” icon and IPView will detect and search all the available

camera’s that are installed on the local area network as depicted below:


You must highlight the camera you wish to add and click on the “Add” icon.

The Add Camera dialog box will appear once again with the IP Address

entered. Click on the “Add” icon and the camera will be automatically added

into IPView list view format.

If the Login Camera dialog box appears make sure to enter the correct User

Name and Password and click on the “OK” icon and the camera will be

added into IPView in list format. If the User Name and Password is entered

incorrectly the camera will not be added into IPView.


The above dialog box will appear only if administrator has already set the

User Name and Password during the Web Configuration setting.

For the rest of the instructions please refer to the help manual provided for the IPView software.

Capturing Images and Recording Video

After the IP address is entered from the browser DCS-1000W Home screen will appear with a still image. There will be three options to choose from to set-up and view your DCS-1000W and they are as follows:

♣ View Image – ActiveX Mode

♣ View Image – Java Mode

♣ System Administration

Clicking the System Administration link and choosing the Upload option takes to the following page.

System Administration - Upload

The Upload menu contains commands for FTP server, time schedule and

manual operation settings.

Click on Upload in the system administration menu bar and the Upload screen

will appear as illustrated below:


There are three options to select from the Upload screen: FTP Server, Time

Schedule and Manual Operation.

FTP Server:

There are 6 basic settings for your FTP server.

• Host Address: The IP Address of the target FTP server.

• Port Number: The standard port number for FTP server is Port 21 and

it's also the default setting. If the FTP server uses a specific port, please

confirm with the IT manager.

• User Name: Enter the user name in this field.

• Password: Enter the user password in this field to login the FTP server.

• Directory Path: It is recommended to leave this field blank. By default,

the path will be the ftp root directory. Optional: Enter an existing folder

name in this field, and the images will be uploaded to the given folder in

the ftp root directory.

• Passive Mode: This function depends on your FTP server. Please check

with your IT manager if the FTP server uses passive mode. The default

setting is No.

Time Schedule:

Select Upload image to FTP server and enter the relevant information such

as the schedule, image frequency and base file name.

• Schedule: You can 1.) Choose Always to upload the images to FTP

server always, or 2.) Set the Schedule to manage the uploading task.

In the Schedule option, you can set the Day and Time Period option.

• Image Frequency: There are two ways to set the image frequency: 1.)

Set Auto/1/2/3 frames per second, or 2.) Set the time in seconds for

every one frame.

• Base File Name: Enter the file name to make sure that the images

could be saved as the base file name.

• File: Since you may not upload only one image to the FTP server, you

can choose the filing rule, including Overwrite, Date/Time Suffix, and

set up the Sequence Number.

Manual Operation: When you click on the image upload On button, it will start

to upload the image. The setting refers to Base File Name and File information



After making sure all settings in the System are correct, click on Save to store

the settings for the Internet Camera. You can alternatively click on Cancel to

restore all settings to the values last saved to or retrieved from the Internet


After making the necessary changes in the Upload page , go back to the home page and click View Image – Active X Mode.

View Image – ActiveX Mode

To view video images from the browser, click on “View Image – ActiveX Mode”

in the Home screen, as illustrated below:


Click Image Upload ‘ON’ button to continuously upload image and save it to the FTP server , click ‘OFF” to stop the Image Upload.

Recording Video

After installing the IPView software and adding the camera, the software will create a camera name folder as the “File Path” and record the video images with file name by date and time. You can adjust the maximum file size from the “Max File Size” field (The default size is 50MB). If the recorded video files reach the file size allocated, video images will be recorded into another file automatically. You can also set-up schedule for recording by date and time.


Make sure to save any changes you have made to keep the information updated.

How to Record a Camera

To record a camera you must highlight the camera you wish to record from the list view format. From the menu bar select “Camera” > “Start”. According to the default setting, an AVI file will appear in your IPView folder to save the recorded videos.


A second alternative is from the viewing mode either 1, 4, 9, 16 cameras right click on the icon located on the upper left corner of the screen and a case sensitive menu will appear and select the “Start” icon. According to the default setting, an AVI file will appear in your IPView folder to save the recorded videos.


Note :

Alternatively you can click the Start icon [pic] as illustrated or use the hot key “F7”.

How to Stop Recording

To stop recording a camera you must highlight the camera you wish to record from the list view format. From the menu bar select “Camera” > “Stop”. The recording function will be stopped.


A second alternative is from the viewing mode either 1, 4, 9, 16 cameras right click on the icon located on the upper left corner of the screen and a case sensitive menu will appear and select the “Stop” icon. The recording function will be stopped.



Note :

Alternatively you can click the Stop icon [pic] as illustrated or use the hot key “F9”.


1] DCS-1000W Manual provided in the CD-ROM

2] IPView Help Manual


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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