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RadioLabs O2 Mesh Configuration


1. Log in

2. Mesh Mode

3. AP Mode

4. Repeater Mode

1. Log in / Access Firmware. -

Before configuring your O2 Mesh, you will need to disable your internal wireless card or Airport (if applicable) and set a static or “unchanging” IP address.

Windows XP: Open Start Menu and select Control Panel

Select Network Connections (if unavailable, select show “Classic view”)

Vista: Select Start Menu/Windows Logo > Network > Network and Sharing Center > Manage Network Connections

Windows 7: Select Start Menu/Windows Logo > Network > Network and Sharing Center > Change Adapter Settings

Once you can view your system’s network connections, right click on “Wireless Network Connection”

and select “Disable”.


When logging into the O2 Mesh to configure the unit, you will need to have a Static IP address on your PC/MAC’s Ethernet Adapter.

Windows XP: Open Start Menu and select Control Panel

Select Network Connections and right click “Local Area Connection”

Select Properties , then select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) or Internet Protocol (IPv4) and click Properties

Select “Use The Following IP Address” and Enter into the IP Address field and into the subnet mask field

Select “OK” and select “Close” on the Local Area Connection properties window.

Vista: Start Menu/Windows Logo > Control Panel > Network and Sharing Center > Manage Network Connections > right click “Local Area Connection”

Select Properties , then select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) or Internet Protocol (IPv4) and click Properties

Select “Use The Following IP Address” and Enter into the IP Address field and into the subnet mask field

Select “OK” and select “Close” on the Local Area Connection properties window

Windows 7 : Start Menu/Windows Logo > Control Panel > Network and Sharing Center > Change Adapter Settings > right click “Local Area Connection”

Select Properties , then select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) or Internet Protocol (IPv4) and click Properties

Select “Use The Following IP Address” and Enter into the IP Address field and into the subnet mask field

Select “OK” and select “Close” on the Local Area Connection properties window.


1.From the Apple menu, select System Preferences.

a.Click the Network icon.

2.Configure your network settings.

•In Mac OS X v10.5:

A. Select Ethernet.

B. From the Configure drop-down list, select Manually.

•In Mac OS X v10.4:

A. Select Built-in Ethernet.

B. Click the Configure button.

C. Select the TCP/IP tab.

D. From the Configure IPv4 drop-down list, select Manually.

3. In the IP Address text box, type the IP address []

4. In the Subnet Mask text box, type your subnet mask

Do Not Use (Default IP address for Mesh)

Once you have configured your O2 Mesh and want to test your connection, you will need to follow these steps again and select “Obtain an IP address automatically”

Now you can plug in the CAT-5 Ethernet cable into the LAN port on your Computer. Then you can run cable through the weatherproof CAT-5 plug provided and into the O2 Mesh POE (power over Ethernet) port.

Once this is done you may open a web browser (i.e. Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox) and in the web address field enter

Log in screen will appear - Default Log in , User Name - root and Password - admin.

Mesh Mode -

Once logged in you will want to set desired IP address.

Select Network , then under Network Tab you will have two additional tabs-

Networks and Wireless.

Select Networks - Under Configuration you can select Static IP or DHCP.

Select DHCP if you are plugging into a network with a different IP address range/subnet.

Default Setting is Static.

Set Default Gateway - IP address of the DHCP Server

Now you can Save Changes - (lower right) Then Save Flash - under Save Changes. Next will ask to reboot. Reboot under System Tab - Then select reboot tab, select (yes reboot now) It will go through auto reboot and will refresh the page when done.

Now select Wireless -

General Wireless Settings:

Next you will select the Operation mode - (default is AP+Mesh)

Operation - AP+Mesh

Mode - 802.11B/G

Channel - Select desired channel (11 is default)

Wireless Distance - This is the distance of the longest link (default 200 meters)

General Wireless Setting

|Operation |AP+Mesh |

|Mode |802.11B/G |

|Channel Domain |FCC |

|Channel |11 |

| | |

|Wireless Distance (In Meters) |200 |

AP Configuration:

Mode - Access Point

WMM - use only if you have compatible devices

ESSID - Select the same name on all Mesh nodes

Bandwidth control - Disabled

Encryption - Select desired Encryption

AP Configuration

|Mode |Access Point |

|WMM |Off |

|TX Rate |Auto |

|TX Power |20 dbm |

|RTS |Leave Defaults |

|Fragmentation |Leave Default |

|ESSID | Mesh |

| | |

|Bandwidth Control | Disabled |

|Encryption Type | Disabled |

Mesh Configuration:

Mode - Mesh

WMM - use only if you have compatible devices

Mesh ID - Set to be the same as your ESSID that you selected under AP configuration.

Encryption Type - Set encryption type if needed.

Mesh Configuration - (Default Settings)

|Mode |Mesh |

|WMM |Off |

|TX Rate |Auto |

|TX Power |20 dbm |

|RTS | |

|Fragmentation | |

|MESH ID |Mesh (network name) |

| | |

|Encryption Type |Select if using encryption |

Now you can Save Changes - (lower right) Then Save Flash - under Save Changes. Next will ask to reboot. Reboot under System Tab - Then select reboot tab, select (yes reboot now) It will go through auto reboot and will refresh the page when done.

You can now plug in additional RadioLabs O2 Mesh units and they will automatically show up in the Status tab under Mesh. Status will show the MAC address of the new Mesh Node. You will want to log in to the new node and configure the IP address, channel and encryption. You can continue to add nodes wherever the signal is weak and more coverage is needed.

AP Mode -

To change to AP Mode. select Network tab then select Wireless.

Next you will select the Operation mode

General Wireless Settings:

Operation - AP

Mode - 802.11B/G

Channel - Select desired channel (11 is default)

Wireless Distance - This is the distance of the longest link (default 200 meters)

General Wireless Setting

|Operation |AP |

|Mode |802.11B/G |

|Channel Domain |FCC |

|Channel |11 |

| | |

|Wireless Distance (In Meters) |200 |

AP Configuration:

Mode - Access Point

WMM - only use if you have capable devices

ESSID - Select Network Name

Encryption Type - Select desired Encryption

AP Configuration

|Mode |Access Point |

|WMM |Off |

|TX Rate |Auto |

|Tx Power |20 dbm |

|RTS |Leave Default |

|Fragmentation |Leave Default |

|ESSID |Mesh |

| | |

|Bandwidth Control |Disabled |

|Encryption Type |Select if using Encryption |

| | |

Now you can Save Changes - (lower right) Then Save Flash - under Save Changes. Next will ask to reboot. Reboot under System Tab - Then select reboot tab, select (yes reboot now) It will go through auto reboot and will refresh the page when done.

You are now setup as an Access Point, you can go to Status tab then click AP to view clients connected to your network.

Repeater Mode -

To change to Repeater Mode. Select Network tab then select Wireless.

Next you will select the Operation mode

General Wireless Settings:

Operation - AP+STA

Mode - 802.11B/G

Channel - Select channel of the network you want to connect to (found in site survey)

Wireless Distance - This is the distance of the longest link (default 200 meters)

Now you can Save Changes - (lower right) Then Save Flash - under Save Changes. Next will ask to reboot. Reboot under System Tab - Then select reboot tab, select (yes reboot now) It will go through auto reboot and will refresh the page when done.

Once changed to AP+STA you will want to go to Status Tab - Next select Site Survey.

Select Re-Scan and all Networks in range will show up in the list with signal strength, channel and encryption, if any. You will now take that information from the Network you want and enter it in the Network - Wireless section.

Select Network Tab and Wireless.

Under General Wireless - Select the correct channel of AP you want to connect to.

Under AP Configuration - Set the ESSID to the name you want Broadcast by the repeater. Encryption can be set for the repeater. You can select WEP or WPA type. This can be set different than the encryption of the Network you are connecting to. This way only you will be able to connect to the repeaters signal.

Under STA Configuration - Set the ESSID as the same name of the Network/Hot Spot you want to connect to.

General Wireless Setting

|Operation |AP+STA |

|Mode |802.11B/G |

|Channel Domain |FCC |

|Channel |11 |

| | |

|Wireless Distance (In Meters) |200 Meters |

AP Configuration:

Mode - Access Point

WMM - only use if you have compatible devices

ESSID - Enter Network name that you want to connect to (found in site survey)

Encryption Type - Select Encryption if required

AP Configuration

|Mode |Access Point |

|WMM |Off |

|TX Rate |Auto |

|Tx Power |20 dbm |

|RTS |Leave Default |

|Fragmentation |Leave Default |

|ESSID |Name of desired Network |

| | |

|Bandwidth Control |Disabled |

|Encryption Type |Select if using Encryption |

| | |

STA Configuration:

Mode - Client

WMM - use only if you have compatible devices

Encryption Type - Select Encryption if required (only supports WEP in AP+STA Mode)

STA Configuration

|Mode |Client |

|WMM |Off |

|TX Rate |Auto |

|TX Power |20 dbm |

|RTS | |

|Fragmentation | |

|ESSID |Network/Hot Spot name |

| | |

|Encryption Type |Select if using Encryption |

Now you can Save Changes - (lower right) Then Save Flash - under Save Changes. Next O2Mesh will ask to reboot. Reboot under System Tab - Then select reboot tab, select (yes reboot now) It will go through auto reboot and will refresh the page when done.

To reset the unit to Saved flash depress the reset button three times then wait for reboot. Reset button can be found under the larger screw on the right hand side when looking at the back of the unit.


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