Customer Site Survey

[pic] Customer Site Survey

|Do not write here |

|      |

For Network-Connected Digital Products

Section 1 -- Customer Information

|Business Name |      |

|Address |      |

|City |      |State |      |Zip Code |      |

|Purchasing Contact |      |Title |      |

|Phone Number |      |Ext |      |FAX |      |

|E-mail |      |

|IT Contact |      |Telecom Contact |      |

|Phone Number |      |Ext. |      |Phone Number |      |Ext. |      |

|E-mail |      |E-mail |      |

Section 2

|Océ Branch Information (Writing Branch) |

| Check this box if this machine is being installed in a different District: |

|If so, which District                 No.      |

|Branch Name |      |Branch Number |      |

|Phone Number |      |FAX Number |      |

|Sales Person |      |E-mail Address |      |

|Sales Signature |      |Date |      |

|(Non-electronic) | | | |

|Direct Phone No. |      |Voice Mail Ext. |      |

|DMCS or CFM | |DSS |      |

|(Signature required) | |(Print Name) | |

|(Non-electronic) | | | |

|E-mail | |E-mail | |

Section 3 -- Customer’s Environment – Please check all boxes that apply.

|Customer’s Document Types |Monthly Volume |

| General office documents |      |

| Presentations/Graphics |      |

| Brochure/Mailings (graphics/text) |      |

| Other (specify) |      |

|Options requested on digital output device |

| Copying Printing |

|Faxing |

|Scanning to: E-Mail Folder / Desktop FTP Server |

|Scanning Requirements Document must be completed (attached) |

| LDAP Network Authentication |

|Network Fileservers – Software |Version |

| Windows 2000 (version) | Windows 2003 (version) |v. SP4 |

| Novell Netware (version) |v.       |

| Appleshare Server (version) |v.       |

| Other (version) |v.       |

|Network Protocol |

| TCP/IP |

| IPX/SPX (Novell) |

| BEUI (Win3.1, Win 95, Win 98) |

| EtherTalk (Macintosh) |

| Other (specify) |

|Network Wiring |

| 10BaseT (UTP, RJ45) |

| 100BaseT (UTP, RJ45) |

| 10Base2 Thinner (Coax, BNC) |

| Token Ring |

| FDDI (Fiber Optic) |

| Other (version) |

|PC Workstations - Software |Version |

| Windows 9x |v.       |

| Windows 2000 |v.       |

| Windows XP |v.       |

| Windows Vista |v.       |

| Other OS (Name)__________________________________ |v.       |

|Macintosh Workstations - Software |Version |

| Macintosh System 9.x or higher |v.       |

|Customer’s Applications |

| Illustrator |v.       | Excel |v.       |

| InDesign |v.       | PhotoDraw |v.       |

| PageMaker |v.       | PowerPoint |v.       |

| Photoshop |v.       | Publisher |v.       |

| Draw |v.       | Word |v.       |

| WordPerfect |v.       | QuarkXpress |v.       |

| Freehand |v.       | Access |v.       |

|*Include all “other” applications not listed above in Section 4 |

|Mainframe Printing – Details of Mainframe and Printer Environment |

|Mainframe | AS/400 | UNIX | Other |

|Type of output |      |      |      |

|Number of users |      |      |      |

|Indicate Operating System |      |      |      |

|Indicate OS Version |      |      |      |

|Indicate Protocol being used |      |      |      |

|Indicate services used to create |      |      |      |

|data stream | | | |

|Indicate current Printer: |      |      |      |

|Brand/Model | | | |

|Indicate current Server: |      |      |      |

|Brand/Model | | | |

|For Mainframe printing: TCP/IP must be running on the server and an Ethernet connection to the Mainframe is needed to print to Océ |

|printer devices. System platforms must meet minimum |

|specifications as defined in Océ installation documents. |

|Océ will provide installation documents if needed. |

|For Remote Meter Reading: Most Océ copier and multifunctional equipment allow for the automatic transmission of copy counts. To enable |

|this feature, the “Consent for Remotely Obtaining Copy Counts” Form will need to be completed. Please check each item below and have |

|customer initial. |

|Customer accepts Consent Form has been completed Customer has SMTP server      Customer’s Intials |

|Customer declines Océ will provide installation documents if needed. |

Section 4 -- Printing Applications

How many users will print to the Océ device(s)? 3

Note: Océ printing devices support one or more of the following ‘Industry Standard’ Page Description Languages (PDL) for printing: PCL5e, PCL6, PostScript Level 2 and PostScript 3. Some devices (options) support multiple standards. Check the specifications of the particular device for details.

Note: Océ printing devices come standard with printer drivers for one or more of the following client Operating Systems: 95/98, NT4.0, Windows 2000, and XP, Windows 2003 and Macintosh 9.x and above. Some devices (options) support multiple systems. Check the specifications of the particular device for details. These printer drivers support printing from standard, ‘off-the-shelf’ application programs made for these Operating Systems.

Note: Use ‘Other’ boxes below to list non-standard or proprietary/custom applications that do not meet the standards mentioned under Customer’s Applications in Section 3.

|Applications |

|      |      |      |      |

Section 5 -- Customer Responsibilities/Approvals

The customer is expected to provide the following at time of install:

• Supply dedicated print server if required per Océ (Connex controller Only) specification. Dedicated server meeting specifications is available for purchase from Océ.

• Provide qualified IT personnel at the time of installation.

• Provide static reserved IP address(es) for all Océ controllers and servers. List address(es) in the Notes/Comments field in Section 6 below.

• Complete the Scanning Requirements Document (attached).

• Identify key operators to be trained.

• Identify primary application to test.

• Load client drivers.

• Provide dedicated power and fully configured and tested network drops and cabling at equipment location(s).

• Provide necessary phone lines to support fax option.

Yes Customer Information (Section 1) completed Copier Model      

Yes Received & reviewed copier brochure/specification Controller #                  

Yes Received & reviewed Controller Specification sheet/Statement of Work

Yes Completed mainframe section (if applicable)

Yes Completed non-standard application information (if applicable)

Yes Customer requires Alliance Solution Liberty Barr Prism Interstar Other__________________

Customers’ signature below acknowledges that they have reviewed the previous information concerning the network/printing environment and believe the information provided to be accurate. They have reviewed the Customer Responsibilities. They acknowledge that missing or incorrect information may change the scope of installation/cost, or required equipment.

|      |      |      |

|Print Customer Name |Customer Signature |Date |

Section 6

|Do Not Write Below This Line. For Océ Use Only |

This Site Survey was reviewed & approved by: Alliance SOW attached

|      |      |      |

|Print DMCS/FM or Engineer’s Name |DMCS/FM or Engineer’s Signature |Date |

Approved Returned (need more info) Approved (with exceptions)

(Customer Initials/Date)


|      |

|      |

[pic] Océ Scanning Requirement Document

Black & White and Color Digital Systems

Network Integration Services

Océ is eager to support you, our valued Customer, with your immediate and long-term imaging requirements. Océ has the products, people, and programs to satisfy a variety of user needs and applications when it comes to all your scanning needs. Because each controller is different, the following page lists all the possible information necessary for us to properly configure your new Océ device promptly and with ease. Remember, fill in as much information as you can.

|Scan to E-mail:       |

|Scan to E-mail will require a dedicated on site e-mail server. ISP’s and Shareware E-mail programs are not supported. Not all protocols are |

|supported with all controllers. See the Controller Specifications Sheet for details. |

|Scan to FTP:       |

|Scan to FTP will require a MS Windows NT/2K/XP/2003 server running the IIS service. Novell, UNIX, Linux, etc., and Shareware FTP servers and |

|software are not supported. |

|DNS (Domain Name Services):       |

|DNS is required for some user authentication methods. See the Controller Specifications Sheet for details. |

|USER/NETWORK AUTHENTICATION: Will create username/pw |

|Some User/Network authentication requires the use of DNS (Domain Name Services). See the Controller Specifications Sheet for details. |

|LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol): Windows 2000 |

|Not all versions of LDAP and methods of authentication of LDAP are supported with all controllers. See the Controller Specifications Sheet |

|for details. |

|Controller Information |User/Network Authentication |

|IP Address | |Authentication Type | |

|Subnet Mask | |Active Directory | |

|Default Gateway | |NTLM | V1.0 V2.0 |

|Host | |Anonymous | |

|E-mail |Simple* | |

|POP3 Sever Address |      |Digest –MD5* | |

|POP3 Server Host Name |      |Kerberos* | |

|POP3 Sever Type |POP3 |KDC Server IP Address |      |

| |IMAP |KDC Server Host Name |      |

|POP3 Login Name |      |Port Number |      |

|POP3 Password |      |Realm |      |

|POP3 Port Number |      |* Requires Username and Password |      |

|Controller E-Mail Address |      |LDAP |

| | |LDAP Server Address |      |

|SMTP Server Address |      |LDAP Server Host Name |      |

|SMTP Server Host Name |      |Authentication Method |      |

|Vaild Reply Email Address |      |Anonymous | |

|Administrator Email Address |      |Simple | |

|SMTP Port Number |      |Digest-MD5/CRAM-MD5 | |


|FTP Server Address |      |NTLM | |

|FTP Server Host Name |      |Kerberos | |

|FTP Port Number |      |KDC Server IP Address |      |

|Destination (Folder) Name |      |KDC Server Host Name |      |

|Account Information |      |Port Number |      |

| | Anonymous |Realm |      |

| |Private |Domain Name |      |

|User Name |      |Login Name |      |

|Password |      |Password |      |

|DNS |Port Number |      |

|Primary DNS Address | |Search Root |      |

|Secondary DNS Address |      |Version Number |      |

|Primary DNS Host Name |      |FAX |

|Secondary DNS Host Name |      |PC Fax | |

|Domain Name |      |Fax Forward | |

| |iFAX | |

Statement of Work – B&W / Color

Black & White and Color Digital Systems


Network Integration Services

Océ is eager to support you, our valued Customer, with your immediate and long-term imaging requirements. Océ has the products, people, and programs to satisfy a variety of user needs and applications when it comes to black and white or color imaging output. Because of different customer needs and applications, the following options give you flexibility in choosing a support plan that is right for you and your Company.

|A. Stand-Alone Digital Copier will include: |

|- Deliver and set up printer/copier and all peripherals. |

|- Check configuration (i.e., proper levels/version of printer and peripherals). |

|- Test stand-alone copier functionality. |

|- For Color Copier: Calibrate color with color test chart as per specifications. |

|- (1) Key Operator training session on-site involving the copier and/or optional functions. |

|B. Network-Connected Digital Printer/Copier will include: |

|- Pre-installation site survey and consultation. |

|- Staging and pre-installation of hardware and confirmation of system functionality. |

|- Installation of RIP controller* and/or Printer controller (verify level of firmware and software) onto the Océ system with a direct |

|(non-network) connection, or customer’s network connection to a single or multiple PC or Mac workstation(s) using the proper |

|Customer-supplied cable. |

|IMPORTANT: The Customer shall provide network cabling with proper connectors and an active designated network interface port. It is required|

|that this connection to the network involves the Customer’s own Network Administrator. |

|(*Must be dedicated NT 4.0 Workstation / Windows 2000 Professional for Connex as per specifications) |

|- Verify proper network settings; print queue installation and setup. |

|- Service Reps. will instruct or oversee customers, or a customer designate, in the loading of printer drivers or network utilities on up to|

|four (4) workstations. Additional user setups may be purchased on a per-unit basis or at current Network Integration Services rates. |

|- Print a standard test page for each workstation. |

|- Train Workstation Operator and Key Operator personnel on the operation of the system as a printer, up to one (1) hour. |

|Please note that for networked set-up, a “successful installation” is the ability to print a standard test page, from the designated |

|workstation(s), to the equipment. |

|C. Scanning (E-mail, Folder / Desktop, FTP) will include: |

|All services as defined with network connected (Section B) and the following: |

|- Deliver and set up Scan hardware and software. (Must have completed Scanning Requirements Document.) |

|- Install and configure scanning as per customer configuration. |

|- Test Scan function to desired designation. |

|E-mail server must reside within customer’s network environment. Note: ISP e-mail services are not supported. |

|- One (1) Key Operator Training on Scan Features and Functions, up to one (1) hour. |

|Please note that for Scanning set up, a “successful installation” is the ability to scan a standard test page from the copier to the |

|designated scanned medium (E-mail, Folder / Desktop, FTP). |

|D. FAX (Analog, Internet (iFax)) will include: |

|All services as defined with network connected (Section B) and the following: |

|- Deliver and set up Fax hardware and software. |

|- Install and configure Fax component as per customer configuration. |

|- Test functionality from client and copier through customer-provided phone lines and/or network. |

|- Install up to four (4) client print/fax drivers with IT personnel. |

|- One (1) Key Operator training on-site with key personnel for Fax option, up to (2) hours. |

|Please note that for FAX set-up, a “successful installation” is the ability to fax a standard test page from the copier and/or client |

|workstation to a desired designation. (Fax number or e-mail address) |

|      |      |      |

|Print Customer Name |Customer Signature |Date |


DMCS or CFM: Check that all pages of this document are complete; then, approve and return standard surveys to the sales person/facilitator for order processing.

Fax non-standard surveys to Product Support at (203) 365-7194 for approval.

Keep a copy of the survey on file for one (1) year.

DMCS or CFM: Check all pages for completeness,

then FAX to IMAGISTICS Tech Support (203) 365-7194

Note: This Site Survey is for qualification purposes only. Please refer to Copier and Controller Specification Sheets for supported products under this contract.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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