List of Comparative events of American and World History

Paper Audiences--

Students are not limited to these – there are far more available options than are listed here, this list simply provides a starting point. Each student will be assigned one of these topics, but that may want to create their own topic. This is acceptable, but the topic must be approved by the teacher before any research or step is completed. No student may write on the same topic as another student in the same class. Be original.

Lifestyle Revolutions

Industrial Revolution (1800-1850) and Information Revolution (1990-2011)

Audience –American CEO’s all heads of modern electronic and software firms

The New Deal (1933-1940) and The Great Society 1960’s

Audience – The congressional Republican caucus – National Republican leaders

Polio Vaccine research and development of the 1940’s and 1950’s compared to today’s stem cell research and development

Audience – Doctors specializing in Diabetes research.

The Red Scare of the late 1940’s through the 1950’s and the current fear of terrorism. Be sure to discuss the actions that cause and ameliorate the fears.

Audience: A select group of FBI investigators assigned to international terrorism.

The Transcendental Utopias of the 1840’s and Obama Care

Audience – Senate Select Committee on US financial resources.


The Watergate Scandal (1970’s) and the Teapot Dome Scandal (1920’s)

Audience – The American society of retired Kansas Republican judges.

The Credit Moblier Scandal (1872) and the Whiskey Rink Scandal (1875)

Audience – The convention of the American Society of Historians.

Baseball’s Black Sox Scandal of 1919 and the Steroid Scandals in sports today

Audience – Sports reporters gathered to vote for inductees into baseball’s Hall of Fame

The Black Sox Fix of the 1919 World Series and the game show fixes of the 1950’s

Audience – A national convention of Gamblers Anonymous in Las Vegas

Boy Scouts of American and the Catholic Church scandal

Audience: A select committee at the annual NOW convention in St. Louis

Economic upheavals

The Great Depression (1930’s) and The Great Recession (2007-2013)

Audience – Council of High School Economics teachers on Wall Street in New York City


Building the Intercontinental Railroad (1860’s) and the Interstate Highway system (1950’s)

Audience – NASA administration executives in Houston, Texas.


Columbus steps onto Hispaniola (1492) and Neil Armstrong steps on the moon (1969)

Audience – Oceanographers searching the arctic ocean for oil.

Immigration and Population control conflicts

1800’s Immigrations of Irish (1840’s) –compared to current Latino immigration.

Audience – At a cabinet meeting before Mexico President in Mexico City.

1800’s Immigrations of Chinese (1870-1890’s)–compared to current Latino immigration.

Audience – At a cabinet meeting before Mexico President in Mexico City.

Population of US reaches 100 Million in 1920 and 300 million in 2006

Audience - A gathering to honor Paul R. Ehrlich at the Malthus Societies’ UN Millennium Project.

The Japanese Internment Camps of 1942-1945 and Trial of Tears

Audience: Grand Wizard of the KKK


The antebellum south before and during the civil war and the treatment of African-American soldiers during the 2nd World War.

Audience – The Little Rock Society for honoring the Confederate dead annual Fourth of July picnic.

The reconstruction of the south (1865-1877) and the civil rights movement of the 1950’ and 1960’s.

Audience – The Little Rock Society for honoring the confederate dead annual Fourth of July picnic.

Interracial Marriage policy and status Quo prior to 1975 and Gay Marriage today.

Audience – The Little Rock Society for honoring the confederate dead annual Fourth of July picnic.

Emmett Till Case( 1955) and the Rodney King Case (1991- 1994)

Audience – Freshman Journalism Majors at Harvard University


9/11/2001 and 12/7/1941 Compare the attack on Pearl Harbor and the attack of 9/11.

Audience – The incoming freshman class at West Point

The Battle of the little Big Horn in 1876 and D-Day June 1944

Audience – The incoming freshman class at West Point

The World War I(1917-1918) and the Vietnam War (1961 – 1975).

Audience – The memorial activities honoring the death of the last soldier of WWI.

Mexican War ( 1845) and War of 1812

Audience: New Recruits into the diplomatic corps – The Department of State

The Gulf War (1991) and the Iraqi War (2003 -2011?)

Audience: New Recruits into the diplomatic corps – The United Nations

The Spanish American war (1898) and the War in Iraq (2003 – 2012)

Audience: New Recruits into the diplomatic corps – The United Nations

The Afghan War (2001 – 2014?) and the Vietnam war (1961-1975)

Audience A select committee of the United Nations dedicated to the prevention of war.:

New Beginnings

Philo Farnsworth creates television (1927)and Steve Jobs introduces the Apple II computer (1982)

Audience: Gathering of Green energy innovators, inventors and business leaders.

President Obama’s first 100 days & FDR’s first 100 days

Audience – A convention of Liberal Democrats gathered to nominate the next President

The invention of the printing press in the 1450’s and Edison creates the motion picture camera. (1890’s)

Audience – Martin Scorsese and Steven Spielberg

Birth of the KKK and the Birth of the Black Panthers

Audience – Incoming freshman class at Harvard University.

Compare the creation of Ford Motor Company and the creation of Facebook. Consider the impact each has / had on American society and culture.

Audience – Bill Gates and twenty five of his best friends and associates

Edison and Motion Pictures and Philo Farnsworth creates television

Audience: Convention of Video Game developers

Killing of Osama bin Laden 2011 and the Bay of Pigs Invasion 1962

Audience: The incoming class of CIA recruits


The Dred Scott case (1857) and Roe v. Wade (1973)

Audience – Black Ministers who trained under Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Impeachment trials of Presidents Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton

Audience – Students of Journalism from the University of Missouri

John Brown Trial (1859) and the Chicago Seven trial (1969-1970)

Audience – Michael Lind and a convention roundtable of the Radical Middle

The McMartin Preschool Abuse Trials 1987-1990 and the Salem witch trials (1692)

Audience – Convention of the National Trial Lawyers in Springfield Illinios

John Brown (1859) and Timothy McVeigh (1997)

Audience – Society of William Moses Kunstler radical trial lawyers

Fatty Arbuckle Rape Case (1921) and Farwell Vs Flynt (1984)

Audience – UCLA undergraduate cinema class

Henry Wirz Trial "Andersonville" (1865) and Nuremberg Trials (1946)

Audience – The opening session before the judges of the International Criminal Court, at The Hague

Sacco and Vanzetti case (1927) and the O.J. Simpson Case (1995)

Audience – Journalism and Pre-law students at Princeton University


The draft riots of 1862-1863 during the Civil war and the 1960’s Anti-war Protests

Audience – A gathering of the Occupy Wall street protesters.

Woolworth sit in of 1960 and the Wounded Knee protest of 1973.

Audience – A gathering of lawyers defending occupy Wall Street protestors

Columbine High School Shooting 1999 and the JFK Assassination 1963

Audience – Recruits of the new LAPD academy class.

Sandy Hook shooting (Dec 2012) and the Apollo Moon Landing (1969)

Audience – The American society of Lawyers specializing in defense of conspiracy theorist.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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