Migration: Key Issue 3Why Do Migrants Face Obstacles?Rubenstein, pp. 96-102● IMMIGRATION POLICIES OF HOST COUNTRIESUS Quota Laws1a. What did the Quota Act (1921) and the National Origins Act (1924) do?1b. How did they favor immigration from certain regions? 2. How did the Immigration Act of 1965 change the existing quotas laws?3. How was immigration law further changed in 1978?4. US immigration law gives preferences to three groups. Identify them.a. b.c. 5. Define brain drain:Temporary Migration for Work6. Define guest worker:29146502349507. Annotate this map (similar to the one in your book on page 99) with information from the book on page 98, “Temporary Migration for Work.”8. Define time contract worker:39325552692409. Annotate the map at right with information from the book on page 98, “Time-Contract Workers.”10. Prepare notes on three case studies of immigration in the table on the following page.IMMIGRATION TO THE US: THREE CASE STUDIESCubaHaitiVietnam122301019050278130123825● CULTURAL PROBLEMS LIVING IN OTHER COUNTRIES11. Carefully read this sections and afterward, complete the venn diagram below to compare and contrast attitudes in the US and Europe toward immigrants.US ATTITUDES TOWARD IMMIGRANTSEUROPEAN ATTITUDES TOWARD GUUEST WORKERS ................

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