The Century: Over the Edge--1936-1941

Name:______________________________________ Date:______________ Hr:______

The Century: Over the Edge--1936-1941

1. What event did the city of Berlin, Germany host in 1936? 2. Why did the American Olympic Committee ban Marty Glickman from competing?

3. Why and how did Hitler react to Jesse Owens' victory?

4. What was the purpose of Lani Resennthal's film Triumph of the Will? How did she portray Hitler?

5. Why were thousands of books burnt in Germany?

6. What was Dachau? What was it like? 7. How would German teachers use pseudo-science to promote racial superiority?

8. What were the Nuremberg laws? What happened to Jews citizenship?

Name:______________________________________ Date:______________ Hr:______ 9. Why was the fight between Louis and Schmelling so much more than just a fight?

How did people react to Louis' victory?

10. Who was Neville Chamberlain?

11. What kind of resolution was agreed to between Hitler and Chamberlain?

12. Who sang at the Lincoln memorial in 1939? Why is she so significant? Name two reasons.

13. Why was the ship the St. Louis so significant? How many of the St. Louis' passengers were killed at the hands of the Nazis? Why did Roosevelt fail to act?

14. What did the Lend Lease program do for Great Britain?


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