Map Matrix - Ohio Literacy Resource Center

Maps Thematic Collection (updated July 2012)

|Author |Title |Level |Type |Map-making |Multiple |Type of |Location |

| | | | | |Maps |Maps | |

|Aliki |William Shakespeare and the Globe |Easy |NF/P | | |Historical |London |

|Ambrose, Stephan |This Vast Land |Difficult |F | |X |Historical |Western U.S. |

|Bachrach, Susan |Nazi Olympics, The |Difficult |NF/Ph | | | |Germany |

|Bahn, Paul |Written in Bones |Difficult |NF/Ph | | | |World |

|Banks, Sara |Abraham’s Battle |Medium |F | | |Battlefield |Gettysburg |

|Bartoletti, Susan |Black Potatoes |Difficult |NF/Ph | | | |Ireland |

|Beattie, Owen & Geiger, John |Buried in Ice |Medium |NF/Ph | | | |Canada |

|Bial, Raymond |Underground Railroad, The |Difficult |NF/Ph | | | |USA to Canada |

|Bolden, Tanya |Maritcha: A Nineteenth Century American Girl |Medium |F | |X | |19th C New York City |

|Bower, Gary |Stranded at Plimoth Plantation |Medium |NF/P | | |Historical |Massachusetts |

|Brewster, Hugh |Anastasia’s Album |Medium |Bio/P | | | |Russia |

|Brown, Don |Far Beyond the Garden Gate |Easy |Bio/P | | | |Tibet |

|Bruchac, Joseph |Winter People, The |Medium |HF | | |Historical |Territory between New England and |

| | | | | | | |Canada |

|Buell, Janet |Bog Bodies |Medium |NF/Ph | | | |England |

|Burns, Kephra |Mansa Musa |Medium |Bio/P | | |Historical |Central Africa |

|Byrd, Robert |Hero and the Minotaur, The |Medium |F | |X |Routes, |Greece |

| | | | | | |Iconographic | |

|Cherry, Lynne |River Ran Wild, A |Easy |NF/P | |X | |Connecticut |

|Collard, Sneed B. III |Prairie Builders, The |Medium |NF | |X |Locations of praries |U.S. |

|Collier, Bryan |Freedom River |Medium |Bio/P | | |Historical |Ohio, |

|Dash, Joan |Longitude Prize, The |Difficult |NF |X | |Pictographic |World |

|Dawes, Kawme |I Saw Your Face |Easy |NF | | |Traditional |Africa |

|Deem, James M. |Bodies From the Ash: Life and Death in Ancient |Difficult |NF | |X |Location of Pompeii. |Pompeii, Italy |

| |Pompeii | | | | |Location of | |

| | | | | | |excavations | |

|Demi |Gandhi |Easy |Bio/P | | | |India |

|DuTemple, Lesley |Pantheon, The |Medium |NF/P | | | |Rome |

|Farrell, Jeanette |Invisible Enemies |Difficult |NF | | | |World |

|Fisher, Leonard Everett |Gutenberg |Medium |NF/P | | |Historical |Germany |

|Fleischman, Paul |Bull Run |Difficult |F | | |Battlefield |Virginia, Eastern U.S. |

|Fleischman, Paul |Dateline: Troy |Medium |NF/P | | | |Greece |

|Foreman, Michael |After the War Was Over |Medium |NF/P | | | |England |

|Foster, Mark |Whale Port |Medium |Hist. Fic. | |X |Layout of the port. |New England |

| | | | | | |Whaling routes. | |

|Freedman, Russell |Adventures of Marco Polo, The |Medium |NF | |X |Variety, historical, |Middle East/Asia |

| | | | | | |decorative |13th C |

|Freedman, Russell |Children of the Great Depression |Medium |NF/Ph | | | |Southwestern U.S. |

|Freedman, Russell |Indian Winter, An |Medium |NF/P | | | |Northern Plains |

|Fritz, Jean |Around the World in a Hundred Years |Medium |NF | |X | |World |

|Giblin, James Cross |Life and Death of Adolf Hitler |Difficult |Bio/Ph | | | |Germany, Europe |

|Giblin, James Cross |Secrets of the Sphinx |Medium |NF/P | | | |Egypt |

|Granfield, Linda |In Flanders Field |Easy |Poet. | | |Battlefield |Europe |

|Hampton, Wilborn |September 11, 2001 |Medium |NF/Ph | | | |New York City |

|Hansen, Joyce |African Princess |Medium |NF/P | | | |Africa |

|Hansen, Joyce |Breaking Ground Breaking Silence |Medium |NF/Ph | | | |New York City |

|Harness, Cheryl |Amazing Impossible Erie Canal |Medium |NF/P | |X |Pictographic |New York State |

|Harness, Cherly |Young Teddy Roosevelt |Medium |Bio/P | | | |American West |

|Hazell, Rebecca |Heroes |Medium |Bio/P | | |Historical |World |

|Hazell, Rebecca |Heroines |Medium |Bio/P | | |Historical |World |

|Hyatt, Patricia Rusch |Coast to Coast with Alice |Medium |NF/Ph | | | |USA |

|Jacobson, Ruth |Rescued Images |Medium | NF | |X |Regular |Europe |

|Jaskol, Julie & Lewis, Brian |City of Angels: In and Around Los Angeles |Medium |NF/P | |X | |Los Angeles |

|Jenkins, Steve |Top of the World, The |Medium |NF/P | | |Collage |Himalayas |

|Kaplan, William |One More Border |Medium |NF/P | | | |Lithuania to Canada |

|Katz, William |Black Legacy |Difficult |NF/Ph | | |Historical |New York City |

|Katz, William |Black Pioneers |Difficult |NF/Ph | | | |American West |

|Keller, Laurie |Scrambled States of America |Medium |NF/P | | | |USA |

|Krupinski, Loretta |Bluewater Journal |Medium |NF/P | | |Sea Routes |Boston to Hawaii |

|Kurlansky, Mark |Cod’s Tale, A |Medium |NF | |X |Variety |World fishing banks |

|Kurelek, William |They Sought a New World |Medium |NF/P | |X | |U.S. Colonies |

|Lasky, Kathryn |John Muir: America’s First Environmentalist |Medium |NF, Bio | |X |Traditional |American West |

|Lasky, Kathryn |Librarian Who Measured the Earth, The |Medium |NF/P | | | |Ancient Greece |

|Lauber, Patricia |Hurricanes |Medium |NF/Ph | |X |Weather |USA |

|Leacock, Elspeth & Buckley, |Places in Time |Medium |NF/P | |X |Pictographic |USA |

|Susan | | | | | | | |

|Leacock, Elspeth & Buckley, |Journeys in Time |Medium |NF/P | |X |Pictographic |USA |

|Susan | | | | | | | |

|Lekuton, Joseph |Facing the Lion |Difficult |NF | | | |East Africa |

|Lewis, J. Patrick |Brothers’ War, The: Civl War Voices in Verse |Medium |NF | | |Historical |Northern and Southern U.S. |

|Lorentz, Albert |Metropolis |Medium |NF/P | |X |Pictographic |World |

|McMillan, Bruce |Weather Sky, The |Medium |NF/Ph |X |X |Weather |USA |

|Macaulay, David |Mosque |Difficult |NF | | | |16th C Turkey |

|Maestro, Betsy |Story of Clocks and Calendars, The |Easy |NF/P | | |Time Zones |World |

|Major, John | Silk Route, The |Medium |NF/P | | | |Middle East, Asia |

|Mann, Elizabeth |Brooklyn Bridge, The |Medium |NF/P | | | |New York City |

|Mann, Elizabeth |Empire State Building |Medium |NF/Ph | | | |New York City |

|Mann, Elizabeth |Hoover Dam |Medium |NF/Ph | | | |Southwest USA |

|Meltzer, Milton |Ten Queens |Medium |Bio/P | | | |World |

|Millard, Anne |Street Through Time, A |Medium |NF/P | |X |Pictographic |Not given |

|Miller, Brandon Marie |Growing Up in Revolution |Medium |NF/Ph | | | |US Colonies |

|Montgomery, Sy |Tarantula Scientist, The |Difficult |NF | | | |Central and Northern South America |

|Morris, Ann |Hats, Hats, Hats |Easy |NF/Ph | | | |World |

|Morris, Ann |On the Go |Easy |NF/Ph | | | |World |

|Morris, Ann |Shoes, Shoes, Shoes |Easy |NF/Ph | | | |World |

|Morris, Ann |Weddings |Easy |NF/Ph | | | |World |

|Morris, Ann |Work |Easy |NF/Ph | | | |World |

|Morrison, Taylor |Great Unknown, The |Medium |NF/P | | | |New York State |

|Murphy, Jim |Across America on an Emigrant Train |Medium |NF/Ph | | | |USA |

|Murphy, Jim |American Plague, An |Difficult |NF | |X | |Philadelphia |

|Murphy, Jim |Long Road to Gettysburg |Medium |NF/Ph | | | |Eastern US |

|Myers, Walter Dean |Amistad |Medium |NF/Ph, P | | |Sea Routes |Eastern USA, Africa |

|Parker, David |Stolen Dreams |Medium |NF/Ph | | | |World |

|Patent, Dorothy |West by Covered Wagon |Medium |NF/Ph | | | |Western USA |

|Ray, Deborah Kogan |To Go Singing Through the World |Medium |NF, Bio | |X |Traditional |Chile |

|Roop, Peter & Connie |I, Columbus |Medium |NF/P | | |Sea Routes |Atlantic |

|Ross, Val |Road to There, The |Difficult |NF |X | | |World |

|San Souci, Robert |Kate Shelley: Bound for Legend |Medium |F/P | | | |Midwestern U.S. |

|Schanzer, Rosalyn |How We Crossed the West |Medium |NF/Ph | | | |Western US |

|Shulevitz, Uri |Travels of Benjamin of Tudela, The |Medium |NF/P | | |Sea and land routes |From Spain to Jerusalem |

|Siebert, Diane |Tour America |Medium |Poet. | |X |Outline |USA |

|Sis, Peter |Starry Messenger |Medium |Bio/P |X |X |Pictographic |Sky |

|Sis, Peter |Tibet Through the Red Box |Difficult |Bio/P | | |Pictographic |Tibet |

|Sis, Peter |Tree of Life, The |Medium |Bio/P | |X |Historical, |World |

| | | | | | |pictographic | |

|Sis, Peter |Wall, The: Growing Up Behind the Iron Curtain |Medium |NF/P/Bio | | |Communist controlled | |

| | | | | | |countries in the 1950s| |

| | | | | | |and 60s | |

|Stanley, Diane |Cleopatra |Medium |Bio/P | | | |Middle East |

|Stanley, Diane |Joan of Arch |Medium |Bio/P | | | |France |

|Stanley, Diane |Michelangelo |Medium |Bio/P | | | |Italy |

|Stanley, Diane |Saladin |Medium |Bio/P | | | |Middle East, Egypt |

|Stanley, Diane |True Adventures of Daniel Hall, The |Medium |Bio/P | |X |Sea Routes |World |

|Stanley, Fay |Last Princess, The |Medium |Bio/P | | | |Hawaii |

|Stanley, Jerry |Children of the Dust Bowl |Medium |NF/Ph | | | |Western US |

|Szabo, Corinne |Sky Pioneer |Medium |Bio/Ph | | | |USA, World |

|Tanaka, Shelley |Attack on Pearl Harbor |Difficult |NF/Ph | | | |Pacific |

|Thomas, David & Pendleton, |Native Americans |Medium |NF/Ph, P | |X | |American West |

|Lorann (eds.) | | | | | | | |

|Trumble, Kelly |Library at Alexandria |Medium |NF/P | | | |Egypt |

|Vander Rol, Ruun & Verhoeven, |Anne Frank: Beyond the Diary |Medium |NF/P,Ph | |X | |Europe |

|Rian | | | | | | | |

|Van Steenwyk, Elizabeth |My Name Is York |Medium |NF/P | | | |Western US |

|Venables, Stephan |To the Top |Medium |NF/Ph | | | |Himalayas |

|Vennema, Peter & Stanley, Diane|Good Queen Bess |Medium |Bio/P | | | |England |

|Wadsworth, Ginger |Words West |Medium |NF/Ph | |X | |Western US |

|Walker, Sally |Secrets of a Civil War Submarine |Medium |NF | | |Regular |Southeastern USA |

|Webb, Sophie |My Season with Penguins |Medium |NF/P | | | |Antarctica |

|Wheatley, Nadia & Rawlins, |My Place |Medium |NF/P | |X |Pictographic |Australia |

|Donna | | | | | | | |

|Whelan, Gloria |Once on This Island |Difficult |F | | | |Great Lakes |

|Williams, Mary |Brothers in Hope |Medium |NF | |X |Routes |Africa |

|Winiewski, David |Sundiata |Medium |NF/P | | |Collage |Mali |


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