
alan smith

21 October 2010 00:11:06

Hi Linda [Cornwall]

I knew your uncle Sid well as young lads growing up in the 1950's playing footie in Coronation Park .

Joan Avenue hasn't changed still no road or pavement just a cinder track. Sid worked at Connelly's Market Gardens on Arrowe Road Greasby [long since gone] in the early 60's, lost touch after that.


Sue. O'Neil

18 October 2010 17:57:55

Paul Smith, I was at Brookdale from 1962 - 1966 and I have a photograph of my year at school there. I don't know if that is any of any help to you.


Pauline Bispham

15 October 2010 11:36:59

Not an ex resident of Greasby, Barnston I'm afraid but used to spend a lot of time there - community centre discos in the 1970/71 period and lots of friends lived there. Charlie Fitzgerald do you remember 9' 9''? I'm now living mostly in France, still in contact with Deb and Gary L.


Stephen Finlow

08 October 2010 22:20:27

I also remember Winnie and Noreen and the Neals. I also remember the Lowes and the Gaughans. These were only a few of our neighbours during the very happy seven years that I lived in Greasby.


Ian Briscoe

05 October 2010 17:13:44

Sue Hook - Yes I was in West Kirby this past weekend. I've not seen Maude for ages. Where are you living now? I met up with Richard Stok a while back.


Paul Smith

05 October 2010 16:37:25

Before the site closes does anyone know if there are any Brookdale 1960's school photo's posted anywhere ?


Maureen Reid

05 October 2010 07:29:09

I lived in Greasby from 1956 - 1974. Both my children were born in Greasby. Paul 1961 and Laura 1963. Our surname was Dunn. We were involved with 1st Frankby Greasby Scouts for several years. Last address before emigrating to NZ was Mill Lane.

Interested to hear from any old contacts.


Ben Childs

21 September 2010 10:05:49

So sorry to hear the website is closing Mike. After all your hard work too. If there is any way I can assist with the new site please just say the word. Very best regards. Ben


Howard Dean

19 September 2010 09:01:32

Does anybody know the present where abouts of Alison (nee) Pomeroy ?

Alison lived in Brookdale Avenue with her parents and brother, I lost touch when I left Greasby in 1960. I would very much like to "catch up" with her again if possible.


chris smith

17 September 2010 09:26:40

Just found this site and its great to hear a few names from the past. My family used to live at number 20 Greasby Road opposite the garage when it was a proper one with the pumps and the little shop in it.

Makes me laugh to think of all the shops I remember from when I was a kid , the corner shop by Well Lane which is now a house (I think it was called Brenda's or maybe that was the name of the lady who worked there) and the Spar in the village which is now a pub. Fond memories of lots of great family and friends in Greasby.


Sue Hook

01 September 2010 14:27:24

Hello to you too Ian Briscoe.

My Mum and your Mum are still good friends. Trust you are well.


stephen wiles davies

30 August 2010 18:59:13

firstly hi to all you newcomers, i would like to refresh a question about a family called the dumbells who lived in cortsway, greasby between 1950s and 70s, i am particulary interested in anyone who knew charlie dumbell he was in the navy and his family included lillian, jack and thelma. any info would be gratefully received. please contact me at my email address.


Ian Briscoe

29 August 2010 20:35:43

Hi to Sheila Taylor

I think we were at confirmation classes together

Ian Briscoe


Ian Briscoe

29 August 2010 20:33:02

Hi Sue Hook

Your ex neighbour from 128

Ian Briscoe


Sue George (Kent)

24 August 2010 14:23:23

Really sorry this site is closing as I have enjoyed everyone's comments but it has at last prompted me to contribute and hope that you will be successful in setting up another site. I moved into 11 Appleton Drive with my parents, John & Joyce and my sister Christine when Appleton Drive was still being built. Names that spring to mind are Biggin, Wright, Young, Johnson, Collins & Ridley. There were many more as that was in the day when we all used to walk to school up Rigby Drive. I sadly left Greasby when I was 8 but still remember my life there with vivid memories. I have 2 school photos showing all the class of the late 50's and remember we had 2 sets of twins and 1 set of triplets in our class. I remember the post man with his bike and being lifted onto the front carrier for a ride home, wouldn't be allowed now. And the dustman who always had a sweet for the children, again wouldn't be allowed.


Howard Dean

23 August 2010 07:31:12

I was terribly sorry to see that the web site was being closed for whatever reason, it has been one of my favourites and viewed on a regular basis. I should like to express my thanks for the work you have done and I most sincerely hope that we will see a similar site up and running in the not too distant future.

Editor's Note - Thanks Howard, your comments are appreciated. The closure is not my choice (for details see Homepage) and I hope to have a new site running before this one finishes at the end of October.


Ian Powers

21 August 2010 20:22:54

Wow, Super site. I moved to Greasby from Hoylake in the mid 50s, living in the new council properties in Cortsway West. (Anyone know what went on on that land before the council houses? I remember parts of the road were concrete before the building as I used to visit the Godwins in Jefreys Drive.)

My uncle ran the Favourite newsagent for some time, lived in Circular Drive.

We played in a couple of derelict houses in Wood Lane, Grovers was one of them. I think they were waiting for the sewage scheme to finish and then they were replaced with a lot of houses.

Wood Lane went onto Saughall Massie after it crossed the Arrowe Brook, but became impassible due to brambles and the footpath moved to the adjacent field.

I was born in Birch Avenue Upton and my mother remembers seing the American plane from Burton Wood flying over my pram before it crashed, the pilot's wedding ring was returned to his family recently.



19 August 2010 11:02:52

HI, just came accross this site. My mother lived in 5, Joan Avenue Greasby, (Betty Callaghan). She had 5 brothers Harold, Norman, Phil & Sid, all now deceased. My mum is 82 now and sadly has dementia. She came to Cornwall when she was 18 to join the land army, married a Cornishman and had 6 children , 1 girl and 5 sons. My brother and I have been talking about coming up for a few days to look at the house where she lived. I've looked up the Twelfth Man, Premier Lodge next door, handy. I was 18 on my last visit 42yrs ago. We have one contact, my uncle's wife. We know Sid had twin daughters but have no contact for them. If anyone can help please contact me .


Gwen Smith nee Henshall

12 August 2010 20:33:49

Robbie and Ann Evans, look forward to hearing from you and if you could pass my e-mail address to Douggie Thomas too would be grateful.



11 August 2010 19:53:28

Brilliant!! I replied to your e mail last night. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Noreen Bedson (nee O'Neill)

10 August 2010 16:29:26

Angie Cooper. I am your great uncle Jim's and auntie Lizzie's granddaughter. My father was James and I was brought up in Brookdale Ave, and named after my auntie Noreen. I am so excited to have discovered a relative of my Father's side of the family. If you contact me I can fill you in with what I know about the family.


Sue Hook (di Castiglione)

06 August 2010 10:53:01

My sister Jacky alerted me to this site. I, too, went to Greasby Junior School when Mr Crozier was headmaster. The name on this site I most remember is Tina Dunn (Tiplady). I remember the jam jar collections well, also the eclipse. The trip to Paris I remember for all the wrong reasons - the hot doughnuts and the 'citron' ice cream. Also a great big squashed tomato in the dormitory wardrobe and losing my socks down the plughole!

I used to live in Brookdale Avenue as did schoolfriends Aileen Laws, Rosemary Bennett and Jennifer Hayes around the corner at the top. Anyone know what became of them?


Simon Finlow

22 July 2010 00:13:01

Alison - That's because I mistyped it. Should have been .net rather than .com. I'm going to e-mail you separately. This seems so strange, all these memories keep flooding back of Cortsway, Greenway, Brookdale, the sweet shop where I pinched a Coffee Crisp and got caught! Stuff I haven't thought about in years and years . . .


Robbie and Ann Evans

20 July 2010 19:09:36

Gwen (Henshall) it was a pleasure to meet you and show you around your old house even though it has changed a little. It was great meeting all the family on the Saturday.

Howard. Ann will be in touch soon, we do have your email address.


Alison Gamwell (nee Neal)

18 July 2010 14:58:46

Simon, I just tried to email you but it failed to deliver. Perhaps there was an error in your address.


Alison Gamwell (nee Neal)

18 July 2010 14:45:22

Simon Finlow! There's a blast from the past! I remember you well; we used to play at your house a lot. I'll send you an email.


Simon Finlow

18 July 2010 07:47:15

Thought I'd google Alison Neal, who I played with when we were 3, 4, 5 years old and found a reference to her here. Hi, Alison, if you ever read this. You were a good friend and my children would love to meet you.


Howard Dean

13 July 2010 20:09:48

Message for Robbie and Ann Evans,

Could you please email me as I have lost your email address during a computer hiccup.



John Dodd

06 July 2010 14:02:19

I was evacuated to Greasby in 1939, I stayed with two families, the second was the Dodd family, they lived on the corner of a small lane leading into a park. Can anyone remember the family or house that they lived in?

I now live in Adelaide, Australia


Gwen Smith nee Henshall

30 June 2010 09:52:17

Had lovely break in Greasby, thanks to all, especially Rob & Ann for letting me into their home, and to Ken (vicar) for his help. Good to see Douggie Thomas and his mum. Get in touch Douggie, Len would like to get in touch with you.


Gwen Smith nee Henshall

29 June 2010 10:33:21

Had a lovely few days in my place of birth. Thanks to Rob and Ann for allowing me into their home and looking round the house I grew up in. Lovely to be back in Rylands Hey and to see Douggie Thomas and his Mum. Thanks also to Ken (vicar) for locating my Grandfather's (Ernest Biddlestone) grave for me. If anyone wants to get in touch my e-mail is displayed. Douggie Len would like to get in touch with you if you could contact me. Hope I get back to Greasby soon.


Karen Ashley (nee Booth)

25 June 2010 16:33:11

I was born in Carmichael Avenue, sister Linda and brother Brian.

Can anyone help me find Samantha Fenlon? She lived in Dodd Ave in the 70's then moved to Tattenhall. Also Sue Jenkinson who lived in Elm Drive


Tom Holroyd

23 June 2010 10:34:14

Karl. I don`t know whether you got this message , but I`ll repeat it. I don`t remember much about Mr. and Mrs. Haynes. Mr. H. was a quiet and rather private person. He didn`t like to be present when the pigs were being slaughtered by Atewell (!) the Welsh butcher. Mrs. H. was the opposite. She was outgoing and talkative. They had an Alsatian guard dog called Grant. He had been trained in the army. He would let you into the yard but wouldn`t let you out!. By the way, I remember your father and Irene Stanley!


Richard Barton

11 June 2010 10:37:10

I'll be visiting Greasby on 26th June to find Ernest Biddlestone's grave, and hopefully some other Biddlestone graves. Meeting up with Gwenda and other Biddlestone clan at St. John's Church at 12:00 noon. The Biddlestones lived in Rylands Hey. John Connor and others might be interested as they knew some of us.

That's St. John's Church on Frankby Road, next to Frankby Close.


Sheila Taylor

07 June 2010 20:39:53

Hi Cathy

I live in Dodd Avenue Greasby. John Touhey lives in my road with his wife & son. He was my husband's boss at Champion Spark Plugs.


Cathy Brown

07 June 2010 02:44:05

I was recently browsing through an old photo album which chronicled my trip through Europe in the early 70's. In Sidari Greece, I met a fellow from Greasby named John Tuohy. My travelling companion and I stayed at his family's home for a few days before heading to Spain. I reside in Canada. Does anyone have any info on John?


Paul Smith

02 June 2010 16:57:51

Re Fiona Taylor, I think I was in her class at Brookdale. I left Brookdale in 1969. Was at Hoylake Parade for a month before moving to Oxford. My nickname was Ena during that time.


Karon George

29 May 2010 12:29:41

Hi. I'm hoping someone looking in will be able to help me. I'm trying to find an old friend of mine who lived in Greasby and moved away a few years ago. Her name is Sarah or Sara Jackson and she would now be 40. She lived in Stapleton Avenue from 1983 with her mum who I believe lived there until a few years ago. (Sorry, can't remember her name.) She had 3 younger sisters, Angie, Suzie (Sue) and Jenny (Geg).

If anyone could help and put me in touch with any of the girls it would be great to hear from you. Thank you, xx


sheila Taylor

08 May 2010 18:00:39

Hi, I am married to Nick Taylor who lived at 19 Jeffries Drive & 62 Circular Drive in the early sixties. Nick was one of the first children at Brookdale Infants. His sister is Fiona Taylor aka as "Fogsy". Does anyone remember them?


deborah price

08 April 2010 19:34:00

Hi Sue, great to hear from you. I live in Guildford but go back to the Wirral as mum lives in Oxton now but often go up Elm Drive just for the memories and often just go through Greasby for the same reason.


Sue Ruck (nee Green)

07 April 2010 12:06:41

I was put in touch with this site via my brother Dave. I remember some of the names and was delighted to see Deborah Price there! Debbie and I used to be really good friends when we both lived in Elm Drive. I remember Audrey and Terry very well - many fond memories. I now live in Sheffield but often visit Greasby as my parents Barbara and Ron live on Thorns Drive.


Howard Dean

05 April 2010 20:18:32

The response to a request for names for a reunion of members of Frankby Church Youth Club during the Rev. Frank Davis era has been underwhelming, just one reply.

There is still time if you are interested but it will now have to be later in the year. It could be extended to anyone who is celebrating their 70th birthday give or take a few years.

Interested ?

Leave a note or contact me directly.



stephen wiles davies

05 April 2010 09:59:32

Does anybody out there remember the Dumbells from Cortsway, there was Lillian, Charlie, Jack and Thelma. If you do, please contact me on my email address. I lived in Cortsway for a short period of time when I was 9 years old with my dear Auntie Hilda in the 60s.


ronnie mcevoy

04 April 2010 21:05:12

I have just come across this site. I have found some friends on it from Brookdale School. I used to live at 59 Broadway. I remember Cathy Edge, Mike Wittingham. Is there any possible chance that anybody who remembers me could get in touch.


Karl Jones

31 March 2010 06:46:25

Tom - My great grandparents, the Haynes family, owned Home Farm from the early 50's (I think) until my great grandmother's death around 1975. They had pigs on the property in the early years but my recollection as a child in the late 60's was that it was no longer a working farm after the old man's death and the place deteriorated. The land at the back was sold to a developer. I was back in the UK in 2008 for the first time in almost 30 years and see that some of the outbuildings have been turned into apartments. School Farm's association with Calday is discussed in "The History of Calday Grange". Please get in touch if you have any memories of my family during the 50's.


Dave Green

29 March 2010 23:42:35

Hi, I was born in Greasby in 1962 and have lived here all my life - can't get away from the place! I am now in Arrowe Rd. It's amazing how much Greasby has changed over the years, without you realising it and this site is a great way to keep those memories alive. Recognise many names from the site such as Charlie Fitzgerald, Phil Hastain and the Swifts!


Paul Smith

26 March 2010 14:22:55

I have been viewing the site so now it's time to take the plunge. I lived in Westway until we moved to Oxford in 1969. I attended Brookdale under to head of OS Kimberley. We seemed to always be playing in the streets Kirkway and Cortsway West seemed to be the favourite haunts and the Woods in Wood Lane. I recall playing football in the park until the parky chased us out to lock up. I remember Debbie Price as we lived next door to the Dewar's in Westway.


Tom Holroyd

26 March 2010 10:30:06

I was interested in memories of Greasby over the last 40/50 years. My grandfather Bill Holmes had a smallholding on land which became RAF West Kirby. Through him my family moved into School Farm, Mill Lane in 1939 as tenants of the Roman Catholic Church. Home Farm next door was the home of Mr. Price. Between them were Rose and Ivy Cottages where the Williams`s and the Burkes lived. Our house was named after Calday Grange Grammar School and built for the first headmaster in 1636. I spent my childhood and teens there until we left in 1957. I have many memories of that time.


Joanne Tracey

25 March 2010 20:34:44

That's it...time has stood still up Mill Lane....


Roy Kendrick

25 March 2010 07:55:36

Hello Greasby,

What a coincidence! A couple of weeks ago I was visiting my mum and dad (Doreen and Ray) who now live in Australia. One evening my Dad, elder brother, Ian and I were reminiscing about our time in Greasby. Inevitably lots of names were brought up of people we had known over the years. By chance the following day I was trying to show mum and dad the wonders of the internet (a difficult task) when I googled "Greasby" and came across this site. Lo and behold several of the names we had been discussing the previous evening were featured and lots lots more that were known to us all. Spookily, also, one of the more recent messages was from Charlie F an old mate with whom I have intermittent contact.

I was the youngest of three brothers, Ian the elder, Andrew the middle. I was in the school year below Charlie, Sue O'Neil etc. who were the same year as Andrew.

I have lived in New Zealand for 3 years now. Ian has been in Australia for about 30 years whilst Mum and Dad have been there for about 15. Andrew and our younger sister, Susan, still live in the UK. Both are still in Wirral.

I lived in Greasby from the age of 2 (1958) to 26 and have many many great memories of my time there.

It's nice to have a site that feels like going home when you are so many miles away. Thanks.


Sue. O'Neil

23 March 2010 18:09:05

Joanne, what is it that does not go on up Mill Lane? If something is going on in Mill Lane then I think perhaps I should go and watch it (whatever it is).


Paul Edwards

20 March 2010 13:15:12

Yes, I remember Deborah Price. I was in the same class as you at Our Lady of Pity junior school in the late sixties early seventies. I still keep in touch with Paul Moscrop who was in our class and occasionally Joe Potts.


Joanne Tracey

19 March 2010 00:54:10

Interesting site. My parents still live in Kookaburra, Mill Lane. Spent most of my childhood involved in church activities with plenty of walking thrown in! In this changing world, my sister Genevieve has been known to reassure me not to worry and that it does not go on up Mill Lane and I think she is right!


Paul Tunstall

18 March 2010 22:25:56

grew up in Mill Lane and Father still lives there, completely lost on comment about squirrels, glad Phil Hastain corrected comment.


JPhilip Hastain

18 March 2010 03:12:33

I have to say, following an earlier comment, I have never shot a squirrel in my life.


deborah trigg (nee price)

12 March 2010 16:31:40

Does anyone remember me? I lived in Elm Drive with sisters Mandy and Clare and parents Audrey and Terry during the 60's and 70's


Lin Rice nee Challice

28 February 2010 08:04:21

We moved to Greasby in 1960 and lived in Wood Lane. I came across this site by accident and it has brought back wonderful days growing up there. My memory of the shops at the top of Wood Lane were from left to right looking down the lane: an electrical shop first, then Lillians a bread and sweet shop run by Mr. Hilburn and Veronica, Mr. Jones the butcher, Clarks ironmongers run by Dougie Thomas and his in-laws Mr. & Mrs. Rob - I think they also had a couple of petrol pumps at the side for a while, then across the lane was Mr. Holt's the sweet shop, Joey Bathoe grocer, Mr. Booth green-grocer, Ann Hayes wool and haberdashery, Hartley's sweet shop, then across the gap Mr. Smith and Peg chemist, Mrs. Hayes and Mrs. Nash wool and dress material, the Co-op (still remember our divi number too) it later became an art shop I think then a paint and wallpaper shop which became a hairdressers and finally the paper shop across the road which was run by Mr. McArdle.


Sue. O'Neil

23 February 2010 22:20:38

Hi Carole

I am Reg's daughter and I think I was at junior school with your sister Gill.


Carole Redgrift nee Turner

22 February 2010 19:24:48

Hi to all. I have just come across this site by accident and it brought a lot of memories back. I lived at 23 Pickerill Road from 1950 to 1971. I remember going to Sunday School and Youth Clubs at the Methodist Church at the top of the road. Reg O' Neil ran the youth club. I went to Greasby Infants and Junior school and then onto Pensby Girls.

Does anyone remember me? I have a sister Gill and a brother Geoff.


Sue. O'Neil

11 February 2010 20:35:27

In case any other ex. Brookdale School pupils are out there, may I correct my last post. Alison Neal, Charlie Fitzgerald and myself were at Brookdale between 1962 and 1966 not as I previously wrote until 1970. Thank you.


Graham Connolly

08 February 2010 22:35:24

My family owned Rose Cottage and a market garden before the 2nd world war. Has anyone got any information please. Thanks.


Tim Rogers

26 January 2010 23:10:17

I used to fish the 3 sisters and shoot squirrels with Phil Hastain and others, it was poor fishing.

I lived in Greasby between 1974-1980 when I left the country. My sister died there in 1978.

I loved it growing up, lots of memories but I think it's changed.


Sue O'Neil

26 January 2010 22:17:15

Hello Charles Fitzgerald.

Yes, I do remember you, I remember doing country dancing with you at Brookdale.


Charlie Fitzgerald

08 January 2010 18:01:16

Wow! Great site! I see lots of names that I recognise from the past. Sue O'Neil and Alison Neal, I was in the same class as you at Brookdale, with all the other Susans (Miss McClaren had a different nickname for each one of you if I remember correctly). You probably remember me as Charles rather than Charlie. I think I could remember every member of that class if I put my mind to it.

I also see several Whittinghams that I know, and to Ruth, yes I remember Pete Swift (ask him about his carkeys!!).

I haven't been back to Greasby for a number of years now. I have lived in Canada (near Toronto) for almost 30 years.

I will certainly make regular visits to the site to check out the postings.


Chris Gill (Gregory)

05 January 2010 15:11:11

We lived in a "hut" on the Rimmers smallholding before moving to the "new houses" in Cortsway in 1950. Spent all my days either in the park, the brook - over Curly's bridge, in Grovers off Wood Lane, back field behind our house or over the fields in Saughall Massie. Anyone remember that sweet shop on stilts near the Dairy in Saughall Massie. It was open till eight o'clock but it was so dark to get there in the winter. I have been looking for Janet Russell from Broadway (she moved to Cambelstown in Scotland). What a great site this is for memories. Pity it isn't more advertised - I came on it by accident.


Cath McGrath (nee Edge)

02 January 2010 22:13:42

I was born in Greasby in 1953 and my dad (Bill) ran the market garden by Frankby Church. I went to Greasby Infants (Miss Shaw, Mrs Quayle), then Greasby Junior (Mr Crozier). I was in the first intake at Brookdale (Miss Kimberley, Mr LeRougetel) then went to Pensby.

You have brought back all the memories of the old shops in both ends of Greasby.

My dad was an ARP warden in WW2 (born 1912). I used to play with Peter Childs at the New Inn whilst my mum (Kitty) cleaned. He (I think) only had one leg and he used to drive a huge old car round what is now the car park of the red Cat, putting the clutch in with a stick. There was a summer house on a circular track and we used to take turns to spin someone senseless. Irwins had the overhead pulleys and lots of brass, and above was the dentist from which I staggered out after an aneasthetic, to be taken into the Favourite for being good afterwards. Always bought my fireworks (Standard) from there. My great uncle (Jack / John Armstrong Edge & wife Flo) lived in the cottage next door to Mrs Saxon on Arrowe Road. On the top of the bypass opposite the New Inn there was a farm which really did sell a baker's dozen of eggs. Reading the posts on the rates office, I can taste the awful thick orange juice that was issued there. Memories!

If anyone remembers me, or my brothers Billy and Robbie, or my sister, Margaret, please get in touch.


Janet Nicholson (Campbell)

28 December 2009 16:45:39

I well remember the bouncing bundles of newspapers - and the foolhardy few who tried to jump off the bus at the same time. Those were the days when the bus had a platform at the back, and the conductor would assist people on and off the bus. We used to catch the free Crosville bus to Pensby Secondary, and I clearly remember one of the boys (who shall remain nameless) running to catch the boys’ bus as it pulled away with increasing speed from the Wood Lane bus stop. Such was his horror of having to board the girls’ bus, which was closely following, that he grimly hung onto the pole and had to be dragged on board by the conductor, accompanied by the screams of the girls who were convinced he was about to be thrown under the wheels.


simon golding

22 December 2009 19:31:00

Ah great memories, near Xmas now and I remember clearing the snow from the front of the shop this time of year. We had the 'Gaybox' from about 65 - 71. Mum's still in Greasby and it still is lovely, but looking back we had such a tight community. I remember Ma Griffiths and them geese! Stan on his bike, Bonnie night at the Smiths, and the home brew cottage, fayre at the Catholic church, the adventures we had behind the shop on the fields, adventures up to the quarry, the trains on a Sunday, the barber's to the right of our shop in the first cottage, swing over the stream at the bottom of corrie park, the quadrant in the Centre of the infants, the poooool so cold at Great Crosiers Junk shop........... all great memories. Great site, cheers.


steve davies

11 December 2009 19:47:59

Does anyone know the Dumbells who lived in Cortsway Greasby during the 1950s to the 1980s, if so please contact me at my email address cheers. Great site by the way


alan smith

03 December 2009 23:37:30

An update for all exiled Greasbyites - the newsagents shop on the park side of Greasby Road (opposite Wood Lane) has been demolished and in its place is the brand new Greasby Dental Clinic. In the mid 1950s brother/sister Tommy and Kitty Jones ran the newsagents, us newspaper delivery lads were rich then on12/6pence a week. The bundle of Liverpool Echos for evening delivery would be flung off the Crosville bus by the conductor as it passed the shop, the idea being the driver would slow down for this operation to take place, they never did, it was a case of dodge the cartwheeling bundle. Health and safety - never heard of it !!!!!


Janet Nicholson (Campbell)

22 November 2009 17:45:09

I remember the ‘houses’ at Greasby junior were: Royden - green; Bennett - blue; Shaw - yellow; Day - red. Thomas Royden, William Bennett and John Shaw are all mentioned in the Greasby directory. There is no mention of a Day (as far as I can see). Does anyone know who he was and why he was honoured with having a ‘house’ named after him? Has the tradition continued at the school?

I was in Shaw (in the 1950’s), but as I remember, Day used to win most of the sports events.


Don Johnson

22 November 2009 16:44:05

So far no one has mentioned Evans Electrical shop at the opposite end of the block to the hardware store. I believe it later became Quinns taxis and funeral cars and they had a petrol station next door.


Howard Dean

21 November 2009 21:02:25

Janet, I am hanging my head in shame, the memory has let me down, it was Mr. Robinson who did live at "Jalna" in Rylands Hey with the Thomas family.


Janet Nicholson (Campbell)

20 November 2009 17:01:11

I recall the name of the man who ran Clark’s Hardware shop as a Mr Robinson. He wore a brown coat (overall) and seemed to have an encyclopedic knowledge of the stock. I assumed he was the owner, so when Mr Crozier (headmaster at Greasby Junior) asked me if I knew where Robinson’s Hardware shop was, I said yes. (I lived in Wood Lane so passed it every day on the way to school.) I used to cycle home for lunch and Mr Crozier asked me to pick up some special screws he’d ordered. He explained that it was Robinson’s in Greasby Village opposite the Smithy. But I knew it was at the top of Wood Lane. When I asked Mr Robinson about the screws for Mr Crozier, he knew nothing about it and telephoned the school. When I heard him say to Mr Crozier, “This is Clark’s hardware.” I realized with a sinking heart that I’d made a big mistake. It was only when I cycled past the real Robinson’s hardware that I knew I should have listened properly to Mr Crozier.


howard dean

13 November 2009 20:48:29

Hi Gaynor, I am really looking forward to hearing from you. Mr Thomas ran the hardware shop on the corner of Wood lane. He lived with his son and family at "Jalna" in Rylands Hey. [Editor's note - Gaynor, click on Howard's name and you will see his email address for direct contact.]


Alison Gamwell (nee Neal)

11 November 2009 23:02:11

Hi Sue, yes that's me. You were one of the five Susans in our class - Susan Owen, Susan King, Susan Dutton, Susan Theobald and yourself. Long time ago!

Since my last posting I've learnt that the hardware store was called Clarks but I don't think that was the name of the man who ran the shop - his name continues to escape me.

Great site this; brings back lots of memories.


Gaynor Connor

11 November 2009 19:10:13

Hi Howard Dean, I am the daughter of John Connor. Will be in touch as soon as I can again, my granparents lived in Rylands Hey and then moved around the front to a bungalow. Will be in touch when I get a chance


Sue O'Neil

10 November 2009 22:40:08

Hi Alison

Are you the same Alison Neal that was at Brookdale School with me between 1961 -1970?


Alison Gamwell (nee Neal)

08 November 2009 22:40:34

Hi, I grew up in Greasby and my mum still lives in the same house in Cortsway. My brother Malcolm also lives in Greasby. We were reminiscing recently and trying to name the shops near Wood Lane in the 50s and 60s. We remembered Hartleys sweet shop, Ann Hayes, Bathos and Booths but we can't remember the name of the hardware shop on the corner of Wood Lane - can anyone else remember?


Don Johnson

25 October 2009 16:24:36

Hi Cheryl, We lived further down the road on the circle. Do you remember the Conroys from 27, the Dugdales from 25, the Griffins from your side of the road, I think it was No 10. It was one of the Griffin boys who became a seascape artist. We used to use the circle for our games. In our house there was Keith, Derick and Christine.


Matthew Allen

21 October 2009 11:36:25

Hi all, If anyone is interested, 1st Frankby Greasby is celebrating its 80th this year and we would like to have a reunion/field day some point in 2010 to celebrate.

We will keep you up to date through the Greasby Messenger and on our website .uk as to what's going on but if you are an ex member or leader or even just local we would love to see you there.

PS you can also email me on the link above.

Many Thanks!



13 October 2009 21:53:34

Don, The shop below the dentist was Irwins.


cheryl whittinghamVOGI

13 October 2009 12:35:41

Hi, I noticed that you lived on Brook way, my husbands family were also one of the first to move there they lived at no 6, his name is Paul he has three sisters Ann, Carol and Carmel, his parents were Eric and Joan


Howard Dean

12 October 2009 21:00:11

Nine years ago a reunion of members of the youth club of St. John the Divine was held in Greasby. The vicar at the time was Rev. Frank Davis. If anybody of that era is interested in a reunion during 2010 please do let me know soonest.


Don Johnson

04 October 2009 09:42:33

I remember that in the 1950's there was a large grocer's shop, I think it was Pegrams and the dentist had a surgery above with the entrance at the side. There was a space, then the shops. Working downwards I can't remember the first one but then came The Favourite then a cake shop and then there was a shoe repairers - I think it was HIGGINSON'S.

I attended the 1st Frankby Greasby scouts from October 1948 in the old Presbyterian Church and I am sure that the bell tower had been removed by then.

My family was one of the first families to move into the new Brookway and the road was still pot-holed mud at the time but there were pavements. I can remember a family in Brookway named Griffin and one of the boys was a skilled seascape artist. Brookway only had 26 houses and as kids we used to count the houses that had tele but it soon became the houses that didn't have tele.

Many of the kids from that part of Greasby went to Hoylake Parade, until about 1950, and we had a school bus picked us up starting at Cortsway.

I can remember that, at that time the police, fire brigade and ambulance service had to stop at the boundary, the start of Greasby Road just after Corstway, unless they got prior permission to cross the boundary while Crosville buses were allowed to pick up at Corstway and Welton Avenue but from there on into Birkenhead they were only allowed to set down. Coming from Birkenhead it was the other way around.

The brook that crosses Greasby Road near the Twelfth Man was the boundary between the Borough of Birkenhead and Hoylake Urban District and it ran down the back of one side of the Cortsway houses, round the backs of one side of Brookway behind some of the houses of Cortsway West and crossed Wood Lane and all along this length it was the boundary marker.


don hill

03 September 2009 16:29:27

Re: Ann looking for K. Wood in Dodd Avenue. I left this address in 1976 and I do not recollect a man of this name living in this road since I was born in 1944. However there was a Ken Wood who lived in Ferguson Avenue (extension of Dodd Avenue). Will this help?


Mike Fairclough

17 August 2009 14:56:38

I'd like to say a large thank you for this site. I am researching my family tree and have found my Great Great Grandfather - Samuel Fairclough, listed in the Directories you have on the site.

I'll be keeping a close eye on this site from now on. Sadly I do not have any documents/pictures from this period to contribute, but if I ever do find some I will be sure to send you copies etc.

Thanks again,

Mike Fairclough


Arthur Capener

15 August 2009 04:09:15


I worked in Greasby as a young lad in Pegrams. I was the Greasby "Granville"..... hoped it would rain each week so I didn't have to take the delivery bike out... a lady would arrive on wet days with a Ford Van to deliver grocery orders.

The Manager was a Mr Alec Manly and there was two girl assistants Judy Totty and Irene.... I remember the phone number Arrowebrook 5824, (how's that for memory). The local Farmer always used to call in for this and that, one day he called as he had just bought a New Morris Mini and wanted us to see it, I recall he came in with Gum Boots (Wellies) on with the proverbial cow spread on them Phewww !! Alec Manly wasn't too pleased...

Fond memories of good times....I am now in NZ and an artist having been an accountant for over 35 years. I now do what I love doing..... you can see my work just google my name.

Kind Regards to all in or from Greasby....

Art Capener



13 August 2009 08:47:45


Hello I am trying tracing my Dad's family and have found an address for Mr K Wood in Dodd Avenue. Does anybody know of him or his family?

I think the website is great, informative and friendly.



Howard Dean

11 August 2009 09:40:18

With reference to Phil Hastain's comments about Rimmers Pond, Eddy Rimmer owned and worked a market garden, access for which was via Rylands Hey. The pond was bordered by three properties, Pullens smallholding, Joe Smith's farm and Rimmers. Eddy used to sell some of his produce from his house porch and later set up a small shop in a shed. Probably in about 1955. It was a favourite location for local lads to go fishing but I don't remember ever catching much there. One of the adults who fished there was Jimmy Dodd who worked locally for the council keeping the roads clean and the verges cut. Oh that he was still doing it.


Janet Nicholson (Campbell)

29 July 2009 17:53:49

Does anyone remember Jean Bagwell (granddaughter of Maggie and Bill Bagwell) who lived in Barker Lane? She was probably born around 1945. She is a distant relative. I believe her father was killed in a motorcycle accident when she was a child. I think she went to Australia.


Linda Squires (Thompson)

21 July 2009 08:19:58

Hi Karl

No, I don't remember your nan, I started work at Pegrams in 1967. My friend Veronica Cusdin lived opposite the infants' when we were attending in 1957 - 1959 so I think her parents would of known your nan.


Karl Jones

19 July 2009 23:40:02

Hi Linda. Do you know my Mum? She also went to Greasby infants in Barker Lane, which was opposite my Nan's house. I believe she also worked at Pegrams after school, but that would have been around 1955 or 56 I think. Her name is Irene Stanley.


Sheila Taylor nee Booth

15 July 2009 20:10:11

I remember all the shops you talk about Linda when I lived at Arrowebrook Farm. I delivered papers when I was about 12 for Mr Morgan which was where Bargain Booze is now.


Linda Squires (Thompson)

12 July 2009 16:37:54

My family moved to Arrowe Brook Farm, Arrowe Road in 1957 until Bill Booth and family moved there, and we went to live in Brookdale Avenue. I went to Greasby Infants and Greasby Juniors were Mr Crozzier was headmaster. When I left school at 15 I worked in Pegrams by Caulfield Drive. What a busy little group of shops they were, Waterworths, The Co-op, The Haberdashery which Mrs Matthews owned. Mr Howell was the manager of Pegrams, he took over from Mr Manley who had passed away, and does any one remember the smell of the Hardware Store owned by Mr Storah. Buchanan's Butchers was were the Barbers is now. The Manor Resturant was, I think, Lloyds Bank in the 60s.



07 July 2009 20:27:09

Looking at the site, I have realised why a pond I drive past every day and which I call RIMMER's pond is known as such. I don't recall the greengrocer called Mr RIMMER, but as kids, we used to fish a pond which we all called RIMMER's pond. We never knew why. It is now very overgrown and borders Hambledon Drive. An urban myth said it was bottomless and had a well in its centre. We caught many fish there and put them all back in. I spent many happy hours on its banks. I don't fish now because I hate causing pain to anything


Ben Childs

25 June 2009 13:54:26

For a great insight into growing up in Greasby in the 50s or to re-live your childhood you won't go wrong with a great book called No Beard, No Glasses (and very much shorter). Written by Mr Tim Kendall “he brings alive his childhood memories and friends in a series of captivating stories which encapture the awe and wonder of a bygone age”.

It brings Greasby in the 50s to life and is well worth a look


Sheila Taylor nee Booth

17 June 2009 18:18:03


I am Pat Green's sister. My dad Bill Booth was born in the Coach & Horses in 1923. My mum Peggy Moonan moved to Greasby in 1939, she lived in Ferguson Avenue. We lived at Arrowebrook Farm in Arrowe Road in 1969. I remember there were loads of youth clubs in Greasby all of which I went to. My best friend at that time was Sue Silcock who lived in Circular Drive, we are still friends 40 years later.


Pat Green (nee Booth)

15 June 2009 23:42:50

Angie Cooper mentioned her lost family the Moonans. John and Brenda were my Uncle and Aunt. My late mum Peggy Booth was John's sister. My cousins are, as far as I know, living on the Wirral but only Michael lives in Greasby.

The name Tina (Christine) Tiplady rang a bell. We lived at 41 Pickerill Road until 1951 and the Tiplady's lived next door. My brother Paul and I used to play with Grahame and Christine. We moved to the Old Hall, Greasby in 1951 to live with my Grandmother. Small world heh?


Matthew Allen

22 May 2009 11:55:03

Hi all, We're putting together some history for our local scout group 1st Frankby Greasby on our website (.uk) and would like to hear stories from past members of the Group also if you have any photos we'd love to see them too. So if you were a member of 1FG, 1st Greasby or 1st Frankby before they amalgamted we'd love to hear from you. Many Thanks, Matt


Gwen Smith nee Henshall

18 May 2009 21:35:38


I lived with my parents at my grandad's house, Sunnymede, Rylands Hey. My grandad was Ernest Biddlestone. We lived next door to the Deans and opposite the Hallets (Mr Hallet always used to give me the first egg layed). My brother Len and I used to play with John Connor. I have many good childhood memories and would love to hear from anyone who knows me.



18 May 2009 10:21:30

Message for Alan Smith.

Hi Alan,

Please contact me on web address howard.dean@

I would really love to hear from you.



Howard Dean

18 May 2009 10:17:16

I have tried to email Richard Barton and John Connor without success. If either of you are interested please contact me on my web address:-


I would be able to give you quite a lot of information and would be delighted to hear from John particularly, especially as I owe him an apology.

The greengrocers at the top of Rylands Hey was part of a market garden owned by Eddy Rimmer.


Graham Lyon

17 May 2009 20:07:00

Hi All.

I grew up in Greasby. Does anyboby remember Lilians sweet shop on Greasby Road, by Quinns!! Now and again I would get a used matchbox car from their display, funny how memories come back.

I went to Brookdale and then Hilbre, had many a good time growing up around boats at West Kirby. Still work with boats.


Karl Jones

11 May 2009 03:45:41

A childhood memory that really stands out is the August Bank Holiday fete at the Catholic church in Mill Lane. My Dad would generally go for a pint at lunch time and then meet us there where we'd pester him to throw the hoop-la and win gold fish for us. Does the church still hold its annual fete?

Editor's note - Our Lady Of Pity RC church and school have a website -


Richard Barton

05 May 2009 21:44:03

Ref: John Connor of Rylands Hey - I recall my cousin Gwenda Henshall, who also lived in Rylands Hey when she was a kid, had a friend called John Connor. Indeed, I have a photograph of Gwen WITH him !

I've just sent her an Email telling her.

Gwen lived with her parents and Ernie Biddlestone, in the house called Sunnymede.


Richard Barton

05 May 2009 20:45:57

My grandad used to live in Rylands Hey - Anyone remember the Biddlestones ? - My mother was born and bred at that address. They lived in a big house called "Sunnymede". I used to visit there for holidays. I remember their neighbours were called Dean, and an old fellow called I think, "Hallet" lived opposite. At this time (50s and 60s), Rylands Hey (or was it "Hay" ?), was a gravel lane, and a dead end. When his wife died, Ernest Biddlestone remarried - to a woman called Amy Hesketh. Does anyone remember these people ? - or are related to them ?

Ernie Biddlestone died around 1968. A great old bloke who was a great loss.



30 April 2009 21:05:58

Absolutely brilliant site. I have only lived in Greasby since 1995 so am unable to add anything but I am fascinated by local history. I have read of a former RAF camp which I think may have been somewhere near Newton. I have seen several overhead pictures of this but am unable to gauge exactly where it was. Can anyone shed any light on this?

Thanks in anticipation.


Editor's note - If you have information for Ian please send it to him by email, do not post it onto the guestbook. Thanks.



28 April 2009 01:52:37

Hi there,

I stumbled across the site and really enjoyed all the memories.

I come from an old Greasby family and grew up there in the 60s and 70s, with my brother Robert. We lived on Greasby Road on the corner of Circular Drive. My mum, Josephine Carr nee Waring also grew up there, with her parents, George and Elsie Waring, and her brother Alan.

We went to Greasby County Junior in the days of Mr Crozier, and older family members went to Frankby School.

Grandad George was born on a farm in Frankby and the Warings farmed there for many years, and my great uncle Percy Waring lived at Poplar Cottage in Newton all his life.

Lots of happy memories of Stan the milkman, the fishman with Dolly his horse calling on Fridays, playing in the bogholes before they were drained, riding round Joe Smith's fields off the old lane, playing with Gina Wilson who lived at the old hall, the Swinchatts and Pam Kirwan - all members of the Pony Club.

It was a great place for kids, climbing the old quarry near Lumsden's Cafe, my brother's pal, Keith Pritchard who lived at Irby Mill Hill, fishing in the ponds, getting sweets from Franks, playing in Corry Park, and so many other things.

My grandad was a regular at the Coach and Horses and always went for his evening constitutional!

And yes, there were allotments behind the houses on Greasby Road, by the old Community Centre.

I remember Mrs Foster at the library and Jane Day also worked there, the Days lived at Larton. I remember going to get fresh veg from the elderly couple who had a little farm shop on Rylands Hey, forgotten their name. Remember too playing in the old air raid shelters, and the old RAF camp. I think I knew every bit of Thurstaston and Hillbark, we would be out exploring all day. It was a very free and fun childhood!

Thanks for the memories.



18 April 2009 03:26:19

Regarding the sweet shop opposite the Coach and Horses, my Grandparents, the BRISTOWS owned it for about five years around1974. The shop was called 'The Gaybox' which didn't mean anything in those years. My Great Grandfather was called BUCCI and he used to be taken by my Grandparents to the Coach and Horses for his two halfs of Mackies, while they worked in the shop. I think the Greave Dunning was just a hay barn then. I remember 'The Favourite' which was run by the ROSE family. They were a nice family and hard working.


Bill Bennett

07 April 2009 16:53:36

Happy April, and indeed, Easter to you all? How have you all been keeping? Fit and well I hope? I hope to get up to the Greasby area sometime soon to view my Mother's grave and to catch up on a few friends! But please don't get out the bunting! Kind regards.


Janet Nicholson (nee Campbell)

05 April 2009 18:56:29

What a useful and informative website this is. It was lovely to hear from Gaynor Connor, my cousin's daughter.

I was also pleased to read Christine Tiplady's comments as I remember her and her brother. I was in the same year as Mike Rudd at Greasby Junior and at Pensby Secondary and in the same 'gang' along with Margaret Jameson, Moira Lowman, Dave Hewitt, Brenda Williams and others who I have forgotten. We all got into trouble with the police for 'breaking in' to Roydens when it was unoccupied. What a fascinating manor house straight out of a Jane Austen novel.

I also recall the very thick and syrupy orange juice doled out at the rates office. Did they not hand out cod liver oil as well? The sweet shop opposite the Coach & Horses did a roaring trade in chewing gum - a pink one called chix and a black one with the (now very non-pc) name of sambo at ½d each. I rode my bicycle home for lunch and on the way back to school I would often take bread for the horse that pulled the fishmonger's cart.

Would the webmaster consider putting up some old school photographs if they were offered?


Tina Dunn

01 April 2009 20:18:31

Sorry forgot to say my name is Christine Tiplady and my brother who lives in Melbourne is Grahame Tiplady, everyone has called me Tina since I was 8 - an idea of my brothers' friend, Mike Rudd of Circular Drive who also lives in Melbourne.


Susan O'Neil

31 March 2009 22:34:25

I have just read Tina Dunn's post. My grandfather, Bert Cave also helped to build the community centre. May I ask what your maiden name was, Tina?


Tina Dunn

30 March 2009 19:33:10

My brother let me know about this site and he lives in Australia. Greasby certainly was a special place to live - I had a very happy childhood there and remember getting my Coronation mug at a party at the original community centre, there were Laurel and Hardy films on a Saturday and parties to attend. Did anyone else have their dancing lessons there?

My earliest memories are of getting the free orange juice from Rates Office (the old library) and the carnivals on Coronation Park when we used to decorate our tricycles!!

I attended Greasby Infants and Greasby Juniors and I do remember you also John Parkinson, and yes the swimming pool was built even though we didn't get to swim in it!! Were you there for the eclipse?

You didn't miss much in Paris although I suspect you have always wondered - the Eiffel Tower and the Lourve were great but I think we were all too young to appreciate it.

My uncle was also a local milkman, Walter Smith, who lived opposite the Smithy and originally worked at Bathos down Greasby Rd.

My parents were very involved in the Greasby Amateur Dramatic Society and I spent many hours at Royden Hall watching rehearsals.

Dad helped build the original community centre when Greasby was quite a small village.

Does anyone remember the sweet shop opposite the Coach and Horses, a convenient stop on the way to school and don't forget the Favourite.

My children had the fun of a Silver Jubilee Party in Greasby - happy memories but doesn't time fly!!!!!


Gaynor Connor

26 March 2009 14:08:10

Hi JANET CAMPBELL, this is the daughter of John Connor who you are trying to trace. We still work locally in Frankby. Mum (Sue) Dad (John) and me Gaynor. Would be good to get in touch with you.


Richard Pennington

25 March 2009 13:12:52

Pegrams was the grocers at the other end of Arrowe Road opposite Green House Farm at the top of Caulfield Drive. I can remember the chap who ran it in his white coat with lots of biro marks above the pocket - I always thought he should be more careful with his pens. A swimming pool was built at Greasby Junior school as I learned to swim in it in the 1970s. I can't remember the market gardens between Circular Drive and Arrowe Road, but there are still allotments next to Coronation Park.

I still visit regularly as my Dad and Sister still live there.


Bill Bennett

28 February 2009 17:27:17

I suppose they were a fantastic double act! No I don't mean Morcambe and Wise but Stan the Milkman and Sid the Coalman! What a duo and both Greasby through and through. I remember Ma Jenkins in Hall Drive saying "Billy, watch out for those bags of coal! I've ordered 12 so make sure Sid delivers 12!" Of course he always did! Wonderful, innocent memories.


Karl Jones

27 February 2009 02:14:11

My Uncle, Don Jones, did his apprenticeship at the Smithy. I also have vague recollections of Stan the mikman and Dobbin - although it's possible this is just from hearing stories from my parents. Were they around in the mid 60's?


stephen wiles davies

26 February 2009 18:44:23

My mother, Marie Wiles as she was known in Greasby, lived in Cortsway in the 1940s and 50s, she had two sisters Ruth and Hilda, they left in 1952 with their father Alfie Wiles. Does anybody remember my mother?

I went to Greasby CP School briefly in 1961 whilst staying in Cortsway with my dear Auntie Hilda because my mother was ill. I too remember collecting jam jars for the school swimming pool.

I am also looking for a family that lived in Cortsway called the Dumbells. I am particulary interested in anybody who has any information or who knew Charlie Dumbell, if you have please email me at my address.


John Parkinson

25 February 2009 16:16:14

Hi, just came across your site whilst looking for info about West Kirby camp. My Dad was stationed there between circa. 1950 to 58? and we lived in the Married Quarters by Pump Lane.

I saw Jean Farmer's reference to Greasby C.P. School in the comments section and it brought back memories of my time there. When I first went there in 53? my mother was worried whether I would be OK but after playing in the sand pits, mentioned by Jean, I thought school was great and couldn't wait to return!

When I went up to the juniors I continued to enjoy my schooling, the head master was Mr/Dr? Crozier and the standard of education was very high - I think they were very advanced for the time.

The only names of school mates I can remember are Ian Judd, Arthur Douglas (his father had the Hardware store on the road to Upton) and Christine Tiplady.

We were posted to Singapore in 58? and was sad to leave the school, especially as I had been paying weekly towards towards a school trip to France the following summer.

I really enjoyed acting in the School Pantomimes at Xmas and also collecting jam jars (1p for a 1 pound jar and 2p for the 2 pound) towards the cost of a new swimming pool at the school. Did they ever build it?

I used to walk to and from school each day and remember passing the Smithy, it was difficult passing without watching the fasinating arts of the blacksmith!

We used to go to Irby Mill Quarry to play sometimes (we shouldn't have been there!) and being caught by a Bobby who, besides giving us a good telling off (lucky to not get a clip around the ear), asked us if we had ever seen any strange going ons there - we didn't realise at the time - the IRA were stealing dynamite from quarries around the country.

I remember Stan the milkman and Dobbin (all big horses were called Dobbin then!) in the field by the 78 bus stop.

Keep up the good work with your site and best wishes to all in Greasby then and now.



Jean McNally (Dickson)

20 February 2009 13:28:40

What a lovely site to stumble across. I grew up in Greasby living in Rigby Drive from 1962 to 1985 when I emigrated to Australia. I have many happy memories of the infant and junior schools which I attended. My Mum lived in our old house until 2006 (Phyllis Dickson) and she sadly passed away last year. She was an active member of Greasby Methodist Church. I would love to hear from anyone who remembers our family.


Janet Nicholson (Campbell)

19 February 2009 15:22:47

Does anyone else remember the children's Christmas parties at the Community Hall? Father Christmas used to turn up and each child's name was called out and they were given a gift. I think the hall was also used for whist drives and amateur dramatics. I joined the junior amateur dramatics but I don't remember ever actually performing in a play.

I am looking for my cousin, John Connor who was born in 1946/47 and lived in Rylands Hey. He went to Greasby Primary and Junior schools and then Pensby. He married Sue and they had a son, Carl. I last saw him in the 1980's when he was working for a TV company in Heswall.


Bob Hall

13 February 2009 21:51:11

Wishing to trace Neil Jones who lived in Harvey Avenue in the 1960s and 70s with his mum and dad, and sisters Rosemary and Hilary. Any information that could lead me to my old friend would be greatly appreciated.


Bill Bennett

11 February 2009 22:54:14

Saxons Shop was the first shop I visited when we first moved to Greasby in about 1950. She was a dear old soul who loved talking about the history of Greasby. I remember playing table tennis in the Youth Club (almost next to her shop) situated in the Community Hall, and indeed I think I got to the 3rd round of the Daily Mirror Tournament one year!


Stephen Roberts

10 February 2009 12:52:49

Does anybody know anything about the market garden, which, during my childhood, was derelict, overgrown and disused and existed between Arrowe Road and Circular Drive?

I lived on Circular Drive until 1973 and for most of that time the former market garden was an exciting wilderness, where we children built dens, dug holes and collected fruits and flowers such as damsons and lilac for our mums and grandmas.

We only occasionally got told to move on by the apparent owners who inhabited Rose Cottage, which adjoined the site and lay next to the old community centre.

We used to build a huge bonfire every November 5th, which was enjoyed by many neighbours, but were also guilty of illicit conflagrations out of season, which were not enjoyed by the neighbours.

I remember discovering many Victorian treasures in the undergrowth, such as old pots, pans, basins, tools and bottles.

We once dug a tunnel in a huge pile of rich black earth. It must have been a compost heap or rubbish tip because it was packed with antique bottles. This was in the days before such things were considered collectable, so we used them for catapult target practice and reduced them to fragments in about twenty minutes. Needless to say, it was one of my childish escapades which I now regret.

If anybody remembers the market garden functioning as a going concern and knows why it fell into disuse, I would be interested to read their comments.

The site was levelled during our last summer on Circular Drive, just before we moved to Arrowe Road and the present little housing estate was erected thereafter.

Mrs Saxon's house (which contained the little shop remembered by Roger Clark) adjoined the site.

One summer evening, I was shooting my newly acquired air rifle across the site and smashed one of her windows. I was unaware of what I had done until an angry policeman turned up at my garden. Charges were not pressed on condition that I repaired the window. I did the job the following day, whilst the pleasant old lady described the old days in Greasby and particularly how her brothers used to go shooting over the fields opposite their house. This was the area now occupied by Rigby Drive, Lloyd Drive, Howell Drive etc.


Sue. O'Neil

06 February 2009 16:20:45

I note that Angie Cooper is looking for the O'Neil family of Brookdale Avenue. Don Johnson put forward my father's name (Reg. O'Neil) but just to clear up any confusion, we are no relation to the O'Neil's of Brookdale Avenue.


Jean Farmer ( nee McCourt )

05 February 2009 20:06:04

Hi Alan Smith,

Was 8, Brookdale Ave a bungalow behind a tall hedge in the 1940s ?

The brick built nissan hut was several houses beyond this bungalow in Brookdale Avenue.


Angie Cooper

31 January 2009 03:09:28

Thank you Betty. I look forward to hearing from the Moonan family. Hopefully they can fill in some gaps in my family's history.


Bill Bennett

30 January 2009 22:47:01

My grateful thanks to Betty Donnelly for getting in touch via email. And indeed to Maureen Stewart for passing on my message! Have a great week-end!


Angie Cooper

30 January 2009 22:03:56

Thank you Alan (and Janet who contacted me by e mail). They are pretty definitely part of my family! Jimmy was my father's cousin. I knew about Kevin O'Neill but not the rest of the family.

That gives me a bit more to think about.

Good luck,



betty donnelly

30 January 2009 21:55:55

Hi. With regard to Brenda English (Moonan), I was friends with Brenda and John, both now sadly passed away. Their children, Shaun, Anthony, Michael, Eileen and Maureen still live in the Wirral area (don't know where but somewhere in Greasby) when I see them I will let them know that you are wanting to get in touch.


Alan Smith

30 January 2009 00:20:10

To Angie Cooper - James (Jimmy) O'Neil, wife and family lived at 8 Brookdale Avenue. Kevin, Barry, Tony, Winnie, Noreen and Terry were the children I knew well as I lived in the same road. There was a brick built air raid shelter in the road near their bungalow in the 1940's, I recall. Hi to Howard Dean may meet up at the Parade reunion in June?


Don Johnson

29 January 2009 22:00:18

To Angie O'Neill

There was a Reg O'Neill who lived almost opposite Wood Lane in the 1950's and 60's. He ran the Methodist Youth Club


Angie Cooper

28 January 2009 19:02:02

Does anyone know my "lost" Greasby family please?

My Great Uncle Jim and Auntie Lizzie O'Neill had four children - James, Gertie, Winnie and Noreen (all born between 1900 and 1920) Gertie kept house for her parents until about 1950 when she married a widower named Branscombe who was a drummer. They lived for a short time in Brookdale Avenue Greasby.

Winnie married Sydney English and had a daughter Brenda. They were divorced and Winnie later married a widower John Lennon who was a coal merchant. After John's death Winnie returned to keep house for her father and the family. They all lived at Brookdale House on the corner of Brookdale Avenue and Greasby Road.

Brenda English married John Noonan or Moonan and their children are probably still living in the Greasby area where they are all members of the parish of Our Lady of Pity.

That's all I know.

Thanks for reading this.


Eric Connor

26 January 2009 22:19:29

Further to my previous comments, I forgot to say that I had a stepbrother, "Clive Steadman", who is younger than me, and he is now living in Colchester. As he does not have a computer, if any one remembers him, and would like to contact him, I will give them his address. He went to Pensby School, but don't remember the years. must have been in the 50s


Don Johnson

23 January 2009 00:32:49

Ex Parade School pupils may like to know that Heather Chapman and Ray Davies are researching the history of the school and are planning an exhibition at the end of June to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the school.

If you want to get in touch contact: paradecentenary@


Don Johnson

19 January 2009 00:29:57

My family moved from Hoylake to Brookway in October 1948 and was attending the Parade School.

I was a member of 1st Frankby Greasby scouts and the Methodist Sunday School, and later the Youth Club and took part in the carnival float in 1954 and 55.

I left Greasby when I went in the army in July 1956 but my parents stayed in Brookway until the late 1960's.


Janet Nicholson (Campbell)

18 January 2009 18:39:55

Does anyone else remember Irwins handing out a times tables booklet? I think it was blue. Mental arithmetic was not my best subject and I tried very hard to learn it all by rote using my little blue book.

The dentist above Irwins lives on in my memory (was it Dr or Mr Price?) and especially the antiseptic smell that lingered on the stairs, the fear escalating as the smell grew stronger with each reluctant step.

I would love to know what happened to the Wood Lane/Leaway gang of the late 50's early 60's. There was Pam and Diane Cochrane, Peter Wise, Billy and Ann Hogan (they moved to Australia) Alistair and Jane Veranelli (twins), Wendy and John Scragg, Harry and Peter Silcock (all from Leaway), Susan and Peter Smith from Wood Lane. There were also girl triplets who lived in Leaway. Pam Leask and Vivienne Pitcher lived at the top of Wood Lane and Dorothy and Elizabeth Johansen lived at No1.

Having read other forums on the www such as eBay etc, I will say one thing for this website - at least the Greasbyites were taught how to spell and use correct grammar.



15 January 2009 11:22:38

I visited Greasby this week having left over 20 years ago, really made me want to come back.


Bill Bennett

12 January 2009 21:17:46

On the 19th Nov I mentioned that not people were finding this site; now look at it? Brilliant! Proving that Greasby is/was such a special place! To the Web Master a big thank you from all of us!


paul whittingham

10 January 2009 23:38:11

To Mike Whittingham and Ruth Swift nee Whittinghan......

your dad and my dad are brothers!

I'm Eric Whittingham's son, I moved away from Greasby when I got married 6 years ago and moved to Wales, we still come back to Greasby, can't keep my wife away from the place! If there is also anyone else out there who remembers me or my mum and dad Eric and Joan Whittingham or my sister Ann, Carol and Carmel please get in contact. It's great to find family and friends.


Irene Donnelly

08 January 2009 17:06:31

I remember the carnivals... I always wanted to be part of the morris dancing team. I started at a dancing class and we were on one of the floats dancing to the 'Yellow Rose of Texas'. Unfortunately my father thought I was dressed like a tart and dragged me off the float in the middle of Greasby village.......mortifying.


Jean Farmer (nee McCourt)

08 January 2009 14:06:14

Anyone remember the steam fairs held on the playing field at Coronation Park ? Also the carnivals held there. The floats started at Greasby Village, travelled along Greasby Road and up Brookdale Avenue North.


Irene Donnelly

07 January 2009 17:45:40

Hi to Bill Bennett. You probably won't remember me Bill, I am Brian Donnelly's sister Irene and was advised of this great site by Margarita Anderson, also of Hall Drive.

I will certainly tell Betty about all this.


Jean Farmer ( nee McCourt )

01 January 2009 19:00:07

I still can't remember whether it was Irwins or Pegrams on the right hand side of the shops in 1945/49.

I do remember that I used to go along the piece of wasteland to the right of the said store, to travel by foot to Greasby Primary School


Bill Bennett

31 December 2008 15:02:41

Howard - It was certainly Irwins when I lived in Hall Drive! After the Chemists there was an empty plot of land and then Irwins. Of course it may have changed it's name later. And yes I've remembered my ex-girls name - Sheila!!!


Marie Tucker (nee Willis)

31 December 2008 14:27:32

I notice that Viv James (nee Jones) has left a message on this site. She won't remember me as I was only 6 when we left Greasby in 1948 but she may remember my brother John Willis who was 15. I do remember that my brother had to collect me from Sunday School and instead of coming straight home he would stop to talk to his friends - Vivienne Jones's name is always mentioned in these recollections. There used to be a photo of myself (aged about 18 months) being held by (I think) Vivienne outside the Junior School. Sadly this seems to have been lost although we had it for years. Boyd Hyslop has sent me the C.D. of 'Greasby Remembered'. Very interesting - which one is Vivienne I wonder? What a very good site! I have lived in lots of places but cannot find any websites as good as this. Keep writing Greasbyites !


Howard Dean

30 December 2008 21:15:30

Hi Bill,

Was it Irwins or Pegrams? The grocers which was set by itself just beyond the chemist, or possibly the name changed at some time.



Howard Dean

30 December 2008 21:10:44

Message for Ray Smith.

Hi Ray, would you be kind enough to give my details to Alan, I would be delighted to hear from him. I met Olwyn Jones a year or so ago and could see she was visibly frightened when she saw how the young man she once knew had turned out.



Bill Bennett

30 December 2008 12:03:39

Nice to read Karl's memories of Greasby! You brought back a further memory for me when you mentioned the Dentists Surgery! It was over Irwins the Grocery Shop where I 'worked' as a schoolboy on Saturday mornings! I also had a girl-friend who worked for the Dentist as a Receptionist/Assistant - she lived up Mill Lane. She was beautiful, in fact so beautiful I can't remember her name!


Karl Jones

29 December 2008 00:53:20

My family has a long association with Greasby. My mother's family (the Stanleys - Dot, Arthur, Walter, Joan, Harold, Margaret, John, Mick and Irene) lived in Barker Lane with my Grandmother, Ethel. My Mum was born there and went to the primary school across the road and I lived there as a child until 1968. My Dad was Terry Jones, whose family (The Haynes') owned Home farm opposite the Coach and Horses. He was a regular at the New Inn and often spoke of "Stewie". I remember my Great grandmother was a daily visitor to the Coach for her Guinness. She walked from the farm over the road every day until her death in about 1975 - I'm sure regulars there will remember her.

I was recently back in Greasby for the first time in 26 years. So much has changed. My early recollections of Greasby are Golding's newsagent, playing in the fields at the end of Barker Lane and at the back of Home Farm and visits to Dr Harkin and Dr Clark. I also recall visiting the dentist upstairs behind the supermarket (was it the Co-op?). Coal delivery from Sid and Tommy Cross and Ron Quinn's taxi service.

We moved to West Kirby in 1968, and then to South Africa in 1981 before I relocated to Australia last year.

I would love to hear from anyone who remembers my family.


F.J.van der Hamj

25 December 2008 12:54:37

My wife (Jacqueline Singleton) was born in Greasby in 1960 we married and she moved to Holland. We know a lot of people in Greasby, I wonder if there are people who knew her and her family and who read this page. Let me know.

Greetings, Vic


Bill Bennett

24 December 2008 13:00:46

Just to wish you all a Happy and Healthy Christmas and 2009, with a big thank you also to the people who organised this Greasby page!


Paul Edwards

21 December 2008 11:41:56

I lived in Greasby from 1966 until 1980 in Escolme Drive and attended Our Lady of Pity school from 1967 until 1970. I now live in Yorkshire but still travel to Greasby to vist my parents who still live there. I have fond memories of growing up there.

I am a keen fisherman and remember catching my first fish near the 3 sisters ponds circa 1972 !


Bill Bennett

18 December 2008 20:37:25

Nick Hayward found 'our' site by accident and when I contacted him in France, he replied saying that I used to go out with his sister many years ago! Thank you this Greasby site for helping make contact with a family I was very fond of all those years ago! Anybody else remembers 'The Greasby Athlete' from the 60s???


Viv James (nee Jones)

15 December 2008 10:07:39

I would like to renew contact with friends from the old days. Please email me by clicking on my name (above).


B Mansell

14 December 2008 23:10:36

Noticed this website while searching for information on history of local shops. I have recently taken over the old newsagents at 235 Greasby Road (now to become an accountancy practice "Mansell Lunt & Co Accountants") and have been trying to find some old photographs of the premises "through the years" as I feel this would make an interesting display in the reception area. If anyone has any old photographs of the shops opposite Coronation Park I would be interested to display these within my premises.


Tim Kendall

13 December 2008 15:15:39

Hi, I lived in Greasby from early in the fifties up until 1961 when I moved to lower down the Wirral. During this time I was at Primary school with Pete Childs whose parents ran the pub. There were a group of us who were friends, Andy Highcock, Sue and John Wilson, Gary whose dad owned the sweet shop near the Childs' pub and Ken and John Stackhouse. My Parent's house (194 Greasby road) was next to what was then the Methodist church. I teach in Birkenhead and use the way we lived in Greasby in the fifties to make moral, cultural and historic points in assemblies. It was great to find your site and read facts and comments that related to my own childhood. (Noted one of my cousins beat me to the site!) Tim


Bill Bennett

10 December 2008 18:48:42

And Margarita how nice to see your comments! I used to live at No 22 Hall Drive and Brian was a great friend of mine. We were Altar Boys together and even went to St Hughs' Sec School in Birkenhead together! And Jean Farmer, when I was training for my miling exploits in the 60s I used to run along the grass verge in Hall Drive and fly around the Primary School field as part of my warm-up prior to running on the road up to my hard training work on Thurstaston Common! Great days and my Athletics Diaries are full of memories of running around Greasby!


Margarita Forber (nee Anderson)

10 December 2008 17:57:38

I was advised today by Ann and Rob Evans to look at your wonderful site, and I have spent a long time browsing and bringing back old memories. I lived in Hall Drive from 1939 to 1961 and still had weekly visits until my mother died in 1987. It was wonderfully nostalgic looking at your website and I shall certainly visit again. Sorry to hear about Brian Donnelly - he lived next door to us.


Jean Farmer (nee McCourt)

09 December 2008 15:46:37

Thanks Bill, I’m fit and well. Hope lots more find the site, and we can trigger a few more happy memories.

I really must jot down a few notes as I remember things.

I was thinking about Greasby Primary School. At the infants end there was a veranda stretching the width of two classrooms. There was a sandpit at either end of it. After lunch, the camp beds were opened out in the veranda area and all the little ones settled down on the camp beds for their afternoon nap.

The infants playground was in front of this area, and Miss Morris parked her Morris car there. (We used to think that the car was named after Miss Morris!)

On the sunny side of the school there was a long border where we were taught gardening. The border stretched along the wall under the window of Miss Jones the headmistress.

When I was about 8 years old, I chose to join the woodwork class. I made a dolls bed using a treadle fret saw to cut out the pieces. I bet 8 year olds wouldn’t be allowed to do that these days!

At morning break we had a gill of milk. It came in glass bottles with a circular cardboard disc in the top. In the centre of the disc there was a serrated push out piece for the straw. We used to save the main disc for knitting and sewing classes. If you put two of the discs together and wound wool round them, you could make pompoms.


Nick Hayward

09 December 2008 14:52:16

I've no connection with Greasby - and I came on this site by chance, but I have to ask - is the Bill Bennett writing here the same Bill Bennett who used to run for the RAF in Germany in the 50s - based at Geilenkirchen? I recall he was a Wirral runner....


Bill Bennett

07 December 2008 19:43:03

Good to see there's some activity on the site and hello to you all who may have found this brilliant Greasby page! We certainly need to keep it 'alive'. I trust you are fit and well Jean and I thank Maureen (nee Kavanagh) for getting in touch. I hope Betty Smith will be the next to get in touch with me!


Jean Farmer ( nee McCourt )

06 December 2008 17:06:06

Hi Ray,

I must surely have known the Smith family. You lived at the top left of Brookdale Ave, before the park.

Nana and Grandad Lee lived at number 7, Mr Ashworth at no. 9. I used to play with his Granddaughter when she came over at the weekend or in the school holidays. Mr Ashworth taught me how to string up onions when you harvested them. He stored loads of them in his large shed.

I was trying to think who lived at no.5, because Grandad dug up his privet hedge between the two properties so that Mr. ? could park his little Austin 7 ? on his drive.



Ray Smith

02 December 2008 17:53:37

Hello all fellow Greasby-ites.

How is this for a record. We, the Smith family, lived at No, 23 Brookdale Avenue. There was six of us Mum, Dad, Alan, Vivienne, Ray and Marion. Mum is now 93 years young and the four of us live within a mile of her house. We haven't all been here all of this time. We all did our own thing, but have returned to good old Greasby in our retirement. We all have great memories of our childhood, with the brook, the park and the woods. Greasby has changed so much since our childhood days but is still a great place to raise a family, and of course to retire to. If anyone remembers any of us and would like to get in touch then please feel free to do so. Congrats on the site. It had to be done. I'm just made up that someone has actually done it


Mark Joynson

28 November 2008 22:19:28

I have so many wonderful memories of Greasby. I lived in Dingwall drive from 1968 to end of 1987. Would love any of the old friends I had from Our Lady Of Pity then Redcourt and St Anselms to get in touch. I am especially keen to get in touch with David Fisher or if anyone knows how to contact him would be great to let me know. I am married with 2 children living in Belfast and try to get over to see the Mighty Everton a few times each season. Congratulation on a wonderful site. Well done.


Bill Bennett

20 November 2008 21:11:48

I'd like to thank Jean Farmer for getting in touch and for reminding ourselves of the beautiful Greasby. However we are both disappointed that not more people are finding this brilliant page! I suggested that perhaps the people who remembered us were too old to possess computers etc! But neither she nor I are giving up hope that old friends will, one day, get in contact.


Bill Bennett

13 November 2008 22:49:27

Just stopping by to say a November hello! Still no contact from Betty Donnelly (nee Smith). She used to live in Hall Drive some years ago. I will be up to Greasby and the area in early 2009 to look up my Mother's grave in West Kirby - my brother lives in Bromborough. Good health to all!


Pat Ireland

29 October 2008 23:17:00

For anyone interested - The Parade School Hoylake will be 100 years old in 2009 and the people who run the community centre now will be celebrating this in June 2009 with a reunion for former pupils who attended from 1939 to 1975.

Contact the Hoylake Community Centre if interested - phone 0151 632 2889 or email paradecentenary@


Howard Dean

24 October 2008 19:57:18

With reference to my email asking if anyone who was born about 1940 and was living in Greasby in the 50's and 60's would be interested in a reunion my new email address is howard.dean@ I should be delighted to hear from you, let's make it a 2010 to remember.

Particularly interested in any members of the youth club of St. John the Divine at Frankby.


Rob Singleton

09 October 2008 20:21:52

Hello Stephen Davies

My mum Beryl Singleton now lives in Scotland (Kirkcaldy) now Beryl Hughes. Send me an email and I will give you her address. P.S. my mum will be made up to hear from Ruth.

Rob Singleton jr


Hilary Lavis nee McNamara

06 October 2008 10:18:59

A message to Alison Preston nee Young. If you visit this site again, please follow my link and send me an e-mail. I am very interested to know if you have any contact with all the people you mentioned in your comment, as I would really like to make contact with the Appleton Drive crowd after all these years!


Bill Bennett

05 October 2008 20:07:47

Wow what a Greasby story from your latest Greasbyite! Again memories that I'd forgotten to mention - the Greasby Co-op! I can remember the many times my Ma from Hall Drive would ask me to run down to the Co-op for some shopping and "don't forget the divi number". So it was you who whizzed that 'thing' across the ceiling with my change!!! Fantastic! Greasby watch out 'cos I will return one day!


Jean Farmer nee McCourt

05 October 2008 16:14:49

I was born at 7, Brookdale Ave (North). in 1940. It was at my Grandparents' bungalow. They were Will and May Lee. Grandad had built the bungalow about 1917. It was built of wood , and later clad. There was an air-raid shelter further up the avenue. I remember Nana telling me that I was put in a drawer under the bed for safety. Grandparents grew all their own produce, and of course kept chickens. When I was about 4, we bought a house at 77,Trafalgar Rd., New Brighton.

When the first postwar houses were built in Kirkway, we bought no.29.

I spent some months at Greasby church school. The headmistress was Mrs Booth. There was a line across the playground. Boys one side of it and girls the other. I lost count of the times I got the cane from Mrs. Booth because I had crossed the line to retrieve our ball. I remember there being 2 classrooms. 2 classes were taught in 1 large classroom at the same time.

I really wasn't happy there. I then went to Greasby Primary. I would often stand and watch the blacksmith at work on the way to school. My first year at school I must have been a sickly child because I remember being confined to bed for 6 months with bronchitis, chickenpox, measles and mumps.

After 2 weeks holiday on the Isle of Man, there was no holding me back.

I loved Greasby Primary. Miss Jones was the headmistress. I thought I was really grown up because I used to look after her office and answer her phone during the dinner break.

I spent a lot of time in the fields at Coronation Park and at the ponds in the field next to it collecting frogspawn and fishing for newts with a cane, a bent pin and some cotton.

We'd also spend hours at the bend in the brook to the left of Coronation field, swinging across or fishing for minnows.

Saturday afternoons and some evenings in the week, I'd be at the bowling green with Nana and Granddad; they were members there. The tea urn was always on the go in the hut. There always seemed to be loads of swallows swooping across the green in the summer. Grandad always seemed to be winning cups; Nana won some also (I've still got Grandad's woods). Nana won the Smedley Shield in 1957 and I won it in 1959.

I remember in my early years in Brookdale Avenue, Jack Broster used to deliver the bread with his horse and cart.

My best friends at Greasby Primary were Angela Williams (from Eastway?) and Margaret Broster from the farm at Calday Crossroads.

I then went to Wirral Grammar school. My first job on leaving school was as cashier at Greasby Co-op. I was sat up inthe gods, pinging those little pots to and fro with the change and divi checks. The manager at the time was Mr Dowd.

About that time we all moved to 3, Brookdale Ave (next door but one to Nana and Grandad) where my parents Arthur and Queenie McCourt remained until their deaths.

I remember the rates office, because I remember the air-raid siren being on top of it.

I remember, at the age of about 8 going for piano and music lessons to Madam Prince in a bungalow on the left in Arrowe Road. Later I went to someone in Saughall Massey. This involved riding down Cortsway, on an old 'sit-up-and-beg' bike. Cortsway was an unmade road, very rough, topped with what seemed to be rough coke. I was forever falling off and getting this clinker in my knees. The district nurse would come along, put a needle into the red hot embers of the house fire, then dig the pieces out of my knee.

I remember there being a bank somewhere opposite the blacksmiths.

I move to Warwick in 1963 and married a farmer. I've remained in the same house ever since.



Bill Bennett

01 October 2008 11:34:55

Hubert Kavanagh! Wow that name brings back further memories! He and his lovely little Barbers' Shop! He had a largish family with a brother down near the Coronation Park. This Kavanagh used to teach me goalkeeping and for a time I played for Upton prior to realising I'd make a better runner! I used to go to St. Hughs' School Birkenhead after a short time at the Convent Primary School in Upton. I look at this site every day just in case an old friend recognises me!!!


gail wilson

26 September 2008 18:31:15

I worked in the old Library with Mrs Foster, Joyce Clare, and Josie. I loved every moment of it! Greasby folk are lovely people and I remember them with affection. Did anyone else think the building was haunted?


Alison Preston nee Young

24 September 2008 21:09:58

I used to live in Appleton Drive with my brother David and Mum and Dad Joan and Alec Young (nº 40).

We used to know practically everyone in our road, the Steadmans, Martindales, MacRoberts, Smiths, McNamaras (Hello Hilary) read your comments. Dad used to help your Dad with the scout troop 1st Frankby.

I remember Mrs Saxons shop in Arrowe Road.

Does anyone remember the Barber shop oposite the Greave Dunning. I used to go to Sunday school at the old Greasby School. I remember the old library which was originally a fever hospital. I remember there was a rates office above the steps to the old library. Used to learn tap and ballet dancing in the old community centre in Arrowe Road. Went to the infant school in Hall Drive, then on to the junior school in Mill Lane. Mr. Crozier was the head then, teachers were Mrs Mansell, Mr Rogers, Mr Nicholson, Mrs Nicholson, Mrs Hickson, Mrs Young.

Editorial note - the barber opposite the Greave Dunning was Hubert Kavanagh in the white house next to the betting office.


Celia Kirshen

17 September 2008 19:47:44

Hello, I lived in Greasby (Wood Lane) from 1965 to 1982. I went to Our Lady of Pity R.C. Primary School. I remember the name Philip Hastain, whom, I note, wrote on this site. We used to go to the same school. I've been living in the South of France for 26 years and work in Monaco. I love Greasby and have such fond and vivid memories of growing up there as a child. I spent many a happy time in Coronation Park with my friends. So many people seem to have moved on now! But if anyone does remember me, please let me know. Bye for now - Celia


Bill Bennett

16 September 2008 22:13:36

Yes we all keep returning to this wonderful site! Greasby will always hold great memories for me despite my Mum's death in 1952! So many lovely comments and to read that it was Saxons who had that lovely little shop down from the Village brought back further memories! That was the first shop we visited on our arrival in Greasby all those decades ago. I remember going to the Youth Club and then eventually joining Wirral Athletic Club. Stan the milkman - yes I remember him and Mr Childs! Was there a Sid who was our coalman? Greasby you will live in my heart forever! Is Betty Donnelly (nee Smith) out there? She lost her husband Brian (Copper) earlier this year, at a time when I was trying to get in contact with him. Father Mike from Our Lady of Pity Church was going to mention me to Betty! Congratulations on this wonderful site.


Julia Gallagher nee Armistead

16 September 2008 00:33:44

To Mike Whittingham, we moved to Cortsway in 1969 from Frankby Road (we lived opposite expanse of fields, now Hilbre High School). Your sister was the first person to befriend me and as I was only 9 and I am now quite ancient I will obviously always remember. I later moved to Shrewsbury, then to Escolme Drive, Church Road, West Kirby, Stringhey Road in Liscard and in 1987 moved back to Cortsway, opposite your old house!!! I remember seeing your Mum sitting on her kitchen worktop, how she got up there I don't know, she was only little. What are you all up to these days and where are you living?


Nigel McLelland

15 September 2008 20:34:14

Great website, very informative, keep up the good work!


stephen davies

10 September 2008 22:03:04

If anyone knows the whereabouts of Lillian, Jack, or Thelma Dumbell who lived in Cortsway in Greasby during the 1950s 60s and possibly 70s please let me know through this website. Thank you


Cheryl Whittingham

05 September 2008 01:50:50

I am trying to find the where abouts of my sister in law, Carmal Johnstone, I have heard she is living somewhere in Greasby, she used to be Carmal Whittingham and has a son who would be around 18 called Marin Brough. We now live in Wales and have lost touch. Please help.



02 September 2008 17:33:05

Re my earlier posting regarding geese - having looked at all the photos on the site, the geese were in a yard at the end of what is now the Greave Dunning pub (the row that had Kennerleys chandlers in it, which I remember my grandad going to, to buy paraffin for heaters).

Clearly remember the library building and never knew that it had been a fever hospital.

Also remember playing on what I think from the stuff on here was the brickworks, which was in a field on the site of what is now Brookdale School I think.

Also have a recollection of a huge field behind, sort of in the middle of the houses on Pickerill Avenue and Circular Drive - has it been built on yet?? Was a great place to play.



02 September 2008 16:51:25

I too grew up in Greasby (or at least partly). My mum and her parents and grandparents all lived there. Great grandparents' house is the one on the corner of Circular Drive (the house used to be known as Caldy View and had chickens in the garden!). Grandparents' house was further down Circular Drive, ours was on Caulfield, and great aunt's is the last house along what I think is called Greasby Road out of village going towards Upton.

Memories include old outdoor swimming pool at Greasby Juniors where I learnt to swim.

Also geese in the garden of a row of very old cottages somewhere up by the Coach and Horses pub.

Really interesting website, thank you.


Ruth McDermott ( Wiles)

30 August 2008 11:32:46

Hi, I used to live in Cortsway with my sisters Marie and Hilda. To Stu Childs - I used to play with your dad and his sister when I was a child. I lived in Lloyd Drive and have so many memories to share so if there's anybody out there who remembers me please reply. Also I would like to say I knew Beryl Calverley, I called here Bunty.


Bill Bennett

27 August 2008 15:31:51

I found this site by accident! I'd contacted Our Lady of Pity Church to try and find out where my Mother was buried, and with Greasby in mind eventually found you! Brilliant! I lived in Harvey Ave then Hall Drive for a number of years and in my athletic days was always known as the 'Greasby Athlete' in the then local paper Hoylake & West Kirby Advertiser. Sadly I heard only today that a pal of mine Brian Donnelly had died earlier this year, when only yesterday I was trying to contact him. Fond memories of Greasby, and thanks for this page.

Mike Whittingham

10 August 2008 20:46:26

Re: Keith Gibson's message - Keith, is Ken Gaskell still around? My late mother Hilda used to talk about a Ken Gaskell from her younger days.


Howard Dean

27 July 2008 22:33:21

Reference to my message regarding the youth club of St. John the Divine - we are considering opening up the invitation to a reunion to anyone who lived in Greasby in their teens durng the 50's and 60's. If interested get in touch.



Stephen Davies

19 July 2008 15:17:49

I would like to contact Beryl Singleton on behalf of my auntie Ruth who was a good friend of Beryl's.


Ruth Swift (nee Whittingham)

19 July 2008 15:14:48

I remember John Singleton and his brother Rob. I was born in Cortsway in Greasby in 1961 and still live close by. It was the first time that I have visited this site and was amazed at how many people's names I remembered. I attended Brookdale School then went on to Hilbre. I married a Greasby man Peter Swift. Does anyone remember him? If anyone remembers me or my sisters and brothers it would be good to know.


Stephen Davies

19 July 2008 15:11:17

Hi, my name is Stephen Davies, my mother who was called Marie Wiles lived in Cortsway with her sisters Ruth and Hilda in the 1950s. My auntie Ruth was a friend of Beryl Singleton. I would like to hear from anyone who knew the Dumbells at 119 Cortsway, particulary Charlie Dumbell. Any information on any of their whereabouts would be gratefully received.


Carolyn Addison

17 July 2008 12:03:14

I spent a lot of time in the old Frankby Schoolhouse as a child, with my grandmother, 'Etty' Booth. The garden & her roses were her pride & joy. It was a shock to return to Greasby in ?1978 to discover that School and house had gone, although it was a cold & damp building. I later met folk who had been in awe of Mrs. Booth, but she was a good 'Gran' & used to giggle a lot. I remember Stan the milkman whom she'd taught, and who would NEVER leave the (awkward) garden gate open. When Mr. Opie was headmaster (pre1913) the school inspectors referred to it as 'That place out in the fields', and so too was the new school up Mill Hill in the1950's. Wonder if it is still?


Miles Carden

06 July 2008 01:16:04

Lived in Greasby as a kid, and made all my best friends there. I had to leave, as so many did in the 80's to find a job. I still feel that it is my home, and have so many happy memories attached to the area. Maybe as I get older I'm becoming nostalgic! I bought a house there and hopefully will return to the place where my roots are, and be with the friendly people I call my own.


Clifford East

02 July 2008 19:45:08

To Jane Marks nee Webb, her father was stationed at RAF West Kirby, and any others interested, there is a web site run by the RAF West Kirby association. I would on the Association's behalf be pleased to receive any related photographs, to add to our Archive. Cliff East RAF Ex w.k. 1953


Pam and Ken

29 June 2008 08:41:31

Does anyone remember the house in Rigby Drive that was painted in the England strips, also the Christmas decorations? We lived there from 1985 until 2007 and now spend a lot of out time in Spain. We loved living in Greasby and who knows we may end up back there. Also does anyone remember the school Barbys at the infant and Junior schools and the playgroup dances at the community centre in the village.


Cheryl Whittingham

21 June 2008 23:48:16

I love Greasby, my husband Paul lived at 5 Brook Way and moved to marry me 6 years ago, does anyone remember my late in laws Eric and Joan Whittingham of the same address, they also had three daughters Ann, Carol, And Carmel. As I never got to meet Joan and Eric I would love to hear more about them, also anyone who knew Paul Carol or Ann.

What a wonderful site !


Hilary Lavis nee McNamara

05 May 2008 13:00:37

I was born in Birkenhead in 1958 and lived at 14 Appleton Drive from then until we emigrated to South Africa in 1968. Some of my friends at the time were Susan Dean, Lindsay Johnson, Karen Attwood. I went to the infants and junior school, and would love to know if there are any of my friend who visit this site!!


Conor Egan

30 April 2008 09:18:56

Hi, I lived in Greasby from 1973-1995 I had two sisters Mary Egan and Katie Egan we lived on Greasby Road and my sister Katie still lives there. If anyone remembers me post a comment.


W. Eric Connor.

27 April 2008 17:58:28

Does anyone remember "ERIC CONNOR". I lived at 21 Highfield Drive from about 1945 to 1952, and attended Hoylake County Secondary (Parade School).

I had cousins Sheila and Geoff Connor and Janet Campbell, who all lived on Wood Lane. I would be pleased to hear from anyone who remembers this old fart. I now live in Canada, and have been here since 1967.


Janet Nicholson (nee Campbell)

17 April 2008 14:45:44

What a lovely idea for us ex-Greasbyites to connect with our past.

I lived in Wood Lane and went to Greasby Primary and Greasby Junior in Mill Lane where Mrs Booth was the Head and then Mr Crozier.

I then went on to Pensby Secondary. I was in the girl Guides at the Greasby Methodist Church.

I have some wonderful childhood memories of playing in the Coronation Park; watching the bowls on light summer evenings; collecting frogspawn from the ponds; swinging over the brook at the bottom of Wood Lane (and falling in); collecting conkers; playing in the woods and collecting branches for bonfire night; mushrooming in the farmer's fields along the footpath between Saughall Massie and Greasby; walking or cycling to Arrowe Park.

I now live in Durban, South Africa and would love to share memories with anyone who remembers me.



11 April 2008 12:41:09

In reply to the question from Roger Clarke - The general store on Arrowe Road near to Escolme Drive was called Saxons.


Phil Hastain

24 March 2008 18:18:27

Does anyone remember the 3 sisters ponds. I used to fish there a lot with mates, but they are now pretty much dried up.


n1John Stewart

07 March 2008 21:59:38

Very interesting piece. Is there any information regarding the Park "Coronation Park" or of the Brook which separates Greasby from Upton. Many a time in my youth I succumbed to falling in this Brook whilst returning home to Frankby Grove from the park over the fields which I believe contained several woods (first wood had a large pond in it I recall).

Lived through the sixties and seventies there. Great adventures.


Susan Heywood

01 January 2008 00:00:00

I have just been told about this website by my sister and am enjoying reading about the village where we grew up.

I lived in Mill Lane from 1961 to 1979 and attended the Infant School in Barker Lane, the Junior School and Our Lady Of Pity Primary School.

I haven't been back since my father Tony died in 1991 so I expect it has changed somewhat.

Planning to visit Liverpool during 2008 so will definitely spend time in Greasby to check out my old haunts!


Simon Humphreys

22 December 2007 00:00:00

Great site, I live in Hambldeon Drive, and agree, there is a certain ethos and feel to living in Greasby. Great place, love it!


kyle mansell

04 December 2007 00:00:00

My nan and grandad were one of the first people to have a house in Cortsway and had all the children there including my mum. Unfortunately my nan passed away in 2005 and my grandad still lives there today and my mum lives locally in Broadway (I've moved to Liverpool because of university) otherwise I would still live in Greasby today as it's such a great village.


John Singleton

29 October 2007 00:00:00

Hello to everyone. I think the website is fantastic. I was born at 113 Cortsway in 1961 at my grandmother's house (May Fitzgerald v Calveley). Went to school at Brookdale and Hilbre, left in 1978 to join the Royal Navy, now live in Scotland. Would love to hear from anyone who remembers me or Rob (my Brother) or anyone who knew the family. My Mum Beryl Hughes (Singleton/Calveley) also now lives in Scotland and I can put you in touch with her if you wish by email. Mum lived in Greasby from 1938 and was there until 1976.


Roger Clarke

23 October 2007 00:00:00

I came across this site quite by accident, and have enjoyed the nostalgia looking through it ! Keep up the good work.

I was brought up in Greasby in the 1960s and 70s and now live in West Kirby, having returned from the Manchester area - Wirral people, it seems, can't stay away from home for too long !

Thinking back to the Greasby of the 60s: does anyone remember a small General Stores/Grocers on Arrowe Road, attached to a house between the Community Centre and Escolme Drive ? It would be good to know that I haven't imagined it ...


Robert Singleton

08 October 2007 00:00:00

I was born in Greasby, lived until I was 16 in Broadway. I now live in Germany. My mother's name is Beryl Singleton, she now lives in Scotland where also my brother John lives. I think it's great that Greasby has got its own web-site. Keep it going.


Colin H Haygarth

01 October 2007 00:00:00

Does anyone remember the Haygarth family who moved from Tranmere to No.56 Lloyd Drive in 1937?

I went to Frankby Parish school & Park High School.

I moved to Caithness, in the Scottish Highlands in 1957, & my parents, Harold & Beatrice, followed in 1963.

Schoolfriends of mine included the late Fred Ferguson (Great Sutton), Roddy Tarbuck (Heswall) & Frank Falconer (Meols). There are not many of my generation left!

I get back to the old country occasionally but find its changed a lot!


Jane Marks

26 September 2007 00:00:00

I lived at RAF West Kirby from 1952 to 1958, attending Mill Road Infant and Junior School, and Pensby Girls School. I loved Greasby and was devistated when my Dad was posted to Somerset in 1958. I remember my friends Carol Williams and Jenny ? both of whom lived in the Broadway, Irby (I think it was in Irby.) Would love to hear from anyone who may remember me. I was Jane Webb then.


web editor

05 September 2007 00:00:00

Message for Mrs Betty Clarke of Bebington - please make contact again and show an email address (this will not be published). I would like to ask about the Rowe family.


Dave D.

28 August 2007 00:00:00

Just located an ancestor ( I suspect) of mine living in Greasby pre 1841. His name was Thomas Standish and his wife was Dorothy Adams. I am unable to locate any other Standish kin in the Greasby area but have lots of Standish kin in Neston. Any ideas ??


Mike Dixson

16 August 2007 00:00:00

I was born in Greasby in 1968 to David and Irene Dixson and we lived there until moving to Heswall when I was 17. My parents were mainstays of Greasby Community Association and I remember them instigating/being a main part of the creation of the community centre that still stands now on the land next to the Red Cat.

My mum passed away last week and it is nice to see information on old parts of the village and get a bit of history.

Maybe the building she put so much effort into will one day be on this page too.


Garry Tarbuck

13 July 2007 00:00:00

Any memories of Greasby primary school, now the infants school?

I have a photo of the football team of 1949-50. Mr Owen was the teacher.

Are any of the team still around? Brian Rutter, Bob Hill. Michael Bird, Michael Brocklebank, Malcolm Casson, Eric Edge, Terry Haslem, Geoff Connor, Graham Porter, David Auldwinkle and Peter Colebourne.


Howard Dean

12 July 2007 00:00:00

In the year 2000 a number of former members of the youth club of St. John the Divine, Frankby had a reunion. It was good to meet old friends and a good time was had by all. It is planned to have another reunion probably in 2010. If you were a member or you know of any members of the youth club during the 1960's & 1970's I would be pleased to hear from you.


Roger Greasby

28 June 2007 00:00:00

Hi - I'm Roger Greasby and you all seem to live in my town! My brother is Ian and father also Ian tho' known as Tim - his father was Frank and his (my great grandfather) Charles. If anyone knows where things go back from there it may be interesting! Top site.


Boyd Hyslop

24 June 2007 00:00:00

Great site - well done.

I arrived on this web site because my youngest son asked me "What damage was inflicted on Greasby during the war" and I am damned if I can remember, apart from the damage I inflicted personally that is. I 'Googled' for an answer and found this site.

I have always insisted to my children that Greasby was 'The Cradle of The Universe' and No they don't believe me! It is however a family myth received with a groan and the occasional indulgent smile.

My Grandparents, my father, five aunts and one uncle all lived at Idar Cottage, Greasby Road at one time and I was born a few houses away in 1933.

Anyone who remembers me is welcome to get in touch.


Rod Hutchinson

06 February 2007 00:00:00

I am just amazed to read the contribution from Keith Gibson. He was a great friend of my elder brother, David, in the 1940's and 50's and they were at Caldy Grange Grammer School together. When I was away at school in Shropshire, "Gibby" stayed with David and my parents at the house in Arrowe Road, while his parents were in Africa. Sadly, David, who was a doctor in Launceston Tasmania, died in 1996.

Hope all is well with you, Keith!


Ron Jones

03 February 2007 00:00:00

Hi all

Who would have thought a website for little old Greasby. Well done. I left Greasby in 1956 age 24 for Australia and apart from one friend of my school days I have not been in contact with anyone else. Dennis Alcock, Keith Gaskell, Roy Smith are all names I remember very well, plus many more from that era. I would like to know if there is any one who knew me at that time and still lives in Greasby. I will be paying a brief visit in June 07 . This will be my first visit back since I left in 1956. Am I in for a shock? Feel free to email at the above address. Cheers


Carol Jones

21 January 2007 00:00:00

Congrats on the web site talk about digging in the memory box, have been in Australia 53 years, great to see so many familiar names unable to put faces to them. Lived in Howell Dr. 1939 / 1951, worked in Jones Chemist. My brothers were Ron and Cliff, sad to say we lost our Cliff in 2000 he was a great artist and was very successful.

Oh happy days such a great place to live in.



17 December 2006 00:00:00

Have visited the site before and was impressed - now even more so. Left Mill Lane in 1974 for New Zealand. Both my children went to both Greasby Infants and the Junior School. I had involvement with the Frankby Greasby Scouts and also the "Thirty Club". Very happy times. Happy to hear from any Greasbyites who may have been there in my years. Lived in Rigby Drive & Hillcrest Drive before Mill Lane. Best regards Maureen



22 November 2006 00:00:00

This website is lovely although it does make me homesick. I left Greasby to move to Scotland 6 years ago now but I still miss it. There is a certain ethos about the place that I have not found again yet. It's very welcoming and I miss it everyday. This website is an excellent link, it reminds me of my childhood.


Claire & John

19 November 2006 00:00:00

It's nice to be able to keep abreast of events going on in my former home town now I live in Norfolk. Looking forward to the scrub clearing in December.


elle marks

12 November 2006 00:00:00

thank you for helping me with my project on my home area, this site is gr8!


Stephen Roberts

31 October 2006 00:00:00

Thank you very much for the opportunity to indulge my appetite for nostalgia and homesickness. I grew up in Greasby between 1960 and 1984. My parents still live there and I visit as often as possible. I only live 75 miles away, but I feel like an exile. I now live in a pretty area close to the Lake District, but still find the view of Greasby Copse from Arrowe Road to be one of the most moving and poignant in the world. There is a quality to the light on the Wirral which cannot be found elsewhere. This website is very good. Well done. Keep up the good work.


kirk c greasby

13 October 2006 00:00:00

My last name is Greasby. My Great Grand Father was George Greasby. He married a woman named Charlotte Haywood. We live in Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA. When my father George Charles Greasby was in the war he was stationed in England and always told us how beautiful it was there. If you have any information on the family please contact me. Thank you and God bless.

Kirk Charles Greasby


Howard Dean

20 August 2006 00:00:00

I happened upon your website by accident and I am so pleased I did. Lived in Rylands Hey from 1942 to 1966. Anybody out there who remembers either my sister Olive (Greasby Carnival Queen) or myself please contact.



17 July 2006 00:00:00

I grew up in Greasby and my parents still live there. I left 30 years ago, but still hold a strong attachment to the village and Wirral as a whole. I've enjoyed your site, and found the events page fascinating. The sunset walks to Hilbre sound great.

I've now got you bookmarked, and I'll be back

Cheers and well done.


Ant Lawrence

25 May 2006 00:00:00

Very good to see someone actually cares about Greasby these days?

Why aren’t more people seeing our beautiful sights and follies?

Well done


Paul Donnelly

22 May 2006 00:00:00

A great site, well done so far. I have lived in Greasby for 34 of my 38 years and still have plenty of school friends who live in Greasby. We often share stories of playing on the fields opposite The Cat Pub and what is now Greenacres. I must try and dig out some old photo's, I am sure I have one of the old village school from the early 70's.


Ben Childs

02 May 2006 00:00:00

I'm Ben Childs and I very much enjoy looking through this site as Greasby holds a special place in my heart.

To those of you who know Greasby the CHILDS name will be very familiar.

My Dad was Peter Childs (died February 2002), son of Harold (Stu to his Friends) and Edna Childs, younger brother of Jacqueline Childs.

My Grandfather, Stu, was the Licensee of the "New Inn".

I'm very proud of where I come from and the fact that I and my family have such a long association with Greasby. If there's anybody out there that wishes to get in touch and share their stories with me I'd be more that happy to hear from you.

Ben Childs - E-mail -

PS; would like to say congratulations to Mike on such an impressive website, keep it up



08 March 2006 00:00:00

Interesting site, thank you. Have lived away from Greasby for 10 years now and enjoyed looking through the pics gathering some information about the ol place. Thanks


Dennis Alcock

03 March 2006 00:00:00

Have half of our bags packed ready for our trip back home to Greasby, UK, from the North Carolina mountain top ( Ole Smokey ) need bag space to bring back goodies.

Keith - we hope to see Scotland if the weather permits my wife is Scottish descent - a Maxwell - our nearest staying place will be Carnforth near Lancaster.

We are still getting snow up here so should find British weather bearable.

I do remember Kenny Gaskill but cannot recall the face.

Well time to pack another bag.



Keith Gibson

03 February 2006 00:00:00

I seem to be going through a nostalgia phase in my old age, and having missed a book about the history of Greasby on ebay, thought I would look if there was anything about the village on the internet. I was delighted to discover a very interesting web-site with old photographs, and a note from Dennis Alcock.

I certainly remember the name although he was a couple of years older than me, and I can't put a face to the name at the moment. He might remember my cousin Ken Gaskell who was a bit older than me and lived in Rigby Drive. His pal was Roy Smith, who also lived in Lloyd Drive, I think.

I have been in Scotland for almost 28 years, but we visited some of my old Wirral haunts last year, including Frankby church where I was a choir boy for a few years.

Dennis, hope you have an enjoyable visit to Greasby - from now on I'll be looking into this website regularly to see who else crawls out of the woodwork!

Regards to everyone who remembers happy childhoods in Greasby in the 1940s (even though there was a war on) and 50s - Keith.


Dennis Alcock

01 February 2006 00:00:00

How nice it is to be able to rekindle the days of old in Greasby.

I left Greasby in 1956 at 24 years of age, and 20 years at 58 Lloyd Drive, with

Mom and my step father Bill Maylor.

I left for British Guiana, married, went to live in Miami Florida and now in mountains of western North Carolina

With pressure from my eldest grandson Glenn I am now writing my bio for the family use

It would be wonderful to have a contact with anyone who I knew back then. My email address is jdalcock@

Will be looking in at Greasby March 21 - 24 to visit mom's grave at Frankby St John's Church

Might call in for a beer at the Farmer Arms my old drinking haunt

Thanks Mike for a chance to refresh the great days of old

I enjoy popping in to see what is going on back HOME


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