LR 28-B (1959) Ford THAMES TRADER COMPRESSOR TRUCK? year on base: nonescale: 1:75 (not cast on base)length: 59mmwidth: 27mmheight: 28mmMATCHBOX lettering on base: noneadditional lettering on base: nonecompany on base: MADE IN ENGLAND BY LESNEYnumber on base: 28cast license plate: nonemetal baseno interiorno window glazingplastic wheels#bodybasefront wheelsrear wheelsaxlesdecorivet webcompressor enginesub-varnotecateareaStannard #Jones #date0010yellowflat black E10x24 black10x24 black doubledome head crimpedsilver front & rear grillesnono infill(dll)#2819590020yellowgloss black E10x24 black10x24 black doubledome head crimpedsilver front & rear grillesnono infilldll, drr#28010119590030yellowgloss black E10x24 black10x24 black doubledome head roundedsilver front & rear grillesnono infill#28020219590040yellowgloss black E10x24 gray10x24 gray doubledome head roundedsilver front & rear grillesnono infill#280319590050yellowgloss black E10x24 black10x24 black doubledome head roundedsilver front & rear grillesyesno infilll#28030419590060yellowgloss black E10x24 black10x24 black doubledome head roundedsilver front & rear grillesyesinfill behind engine(d)#28040519610070yellowgloss black E10x24 black10x24 black doubledome head roundedsilver front & rear grillesyesinfill behind & flashing aboveengine(d), l#28050619620080yellowgloss black E10x36 black10x36 black doubledome head roundedsilver front & rear grillesyesinfill behind & flashing aboveengine#28060719630090yellowgloss black E10x24 black11x45 black doubledome head roundedsilver front & rear grillesyesinfill behind & flashing aboveenginel#2819640100yellowgloss black E11x45 black11x45 black doubledome head roundedsilver front & rear grillesyesinfill behind & flashing aboveenginel#28070819640110yellowgloss black E11.5x45 black11.5x45 black doubledome head roundedsilver front & rear grillesyesinfill behind & flashing aboveengine#2808091964UK codes:28BSUB-VARIATIONS:Colors:Axles:codebody colorcodefront axle crimping siderear axle crimping sideddk. yellow????????????llcrimped on left sidecrimped on left sidellt. yellowlrcrimped on left sidecrimped on right siderlcrimped on right sidecrimped on left siderrcrimped on right sidecrimped on right sidexrounded axlerounded axlePrevious ref.: noneLater ref.: noneBOX TYPES:#typedescriptionnoteareadate01B3LR 28-A shown, black number in white circle, no model name, without NEW MODEL, plain inner end flaps195902B4LR 28-A shown, black number in white circle, black lowercase model name in white panel, without NEW MODEL, plain inner end flaps195903B4black number in white circle, black lowercase model name in white panel, without NEW MODEL, plain inner end flaps195904B5LR 28-A shown, black number in white circle, white lowercase model name, without NEW MODEL, plain inner end flaps196005B5black number in white circle, white lowercase model name, without NEW MODEL, inner end flaps unknown196006CLR 28-A shown, black number in white circle, white lowercase model name, without NEW MODEL, inner end flaps unknown196107Cblack number in white circle, white lowercase model name, without NEW MODEL, inner end flaps unknown196108D1one blue & one black side, end flap lettering with serifs, without NEW MODEL, inner end flaps unknown196209D2one blue & one black side, end flap lettering without serifs, without NEW MODEL, Bowater Scott logo on one inner end flap1963 ................

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