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AP U.S. HistoryUnit 7 Assignment OutlineUS Foreign Policy: 1945-1995 (focus on the Cold War)QC StandardsE.1.f. Analyze the social, cultural, and economic changes at the onset of the Cold War era E.1.g. Analyze the origins of the Cold War, foreign policy developments, and major events of the administrations from Truman to present E.1.h. Describe and evaluate the political and social impact of the Vietnam War E.2.f. Assess increasing global interdependence, the potential for conflict, and the U.S. role in world events in the present and future College Board Topics:The United States and the Early Cold WarOrigins of the Cold WarTruman and ContainmentThe Cold War in Asia: China, Korea, Vietnam, and JapanDiplomatic policies and strategies of Eisenhower and Kennedy AdministrationsThe Red Scare and McCarthyismImpact of the Cold War on American societyThe Turbulent 1960sCold War Confrontations: Asia, Latin America, and EuropeBeginning of détenteThe anti-war movement and the counterculturePolitics and Economics and the End of the 20th CenturyNixon’s Challenges: Vietnam and ChinaEnd of the Cold WarChapter Questions, APUSH Themes, and Key Terms are DUE ON TEST DAY.Do not wait until the last minute to do your unit assignments!!!Chapter 36 (foreign)Explain the origin and causes of the emerging conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union after Germany’s defeat and Truman’s accession to the presidency. seq NL_a \r 0 \h Describe the early U.S.-Soviet Cold War conflicts over Germany and Eastern Europe, and explain why the United Nations proved largely ineffectual in addressing them. seq NL_a \r 0 \h Discuss the American theory and practice of containment, as reflected in the Truman Doctrine, the Marshall Plan, and NATO. seq NL_a \r 0 \h seq NL_a \r 0 \h Describe the concern about Soviet spying and communist subversion within the United States and the increasing climate of fear it engendered. seq NL_a \r 0 \h Describe the expansion of the Cold War to East Asia, including the Chinese communist revolution and the Korean War.Chapter 37 (foreign)Outline the Eisenhower-Dulles approach to the Cold War and the nuclear arms race with the Soviet Union.Define the basic principles of Eisenhower’s foreign policy in Vietnam, the Middle East, and Cuba.Chapter 38 (foreign)Analyze the theory and practice of Kennedy’s doctrine of “flexible response” in Asia and Latin America.Outline the steps by which Johnson led the United States deeper into the Vietnam quagmire.Explain how the Vietnam war brought turmoil to American society and eventually drove Johnson and the divided Democrats from power in 1968.Chapter 39 (foreign)Describe Nixon’s foreign policy in relation to Vietnam, the Soviet Union, and Communist China.Examine the conflicts created by the secret bombing of Cambodia, the American withdrawal from Vietnam, and the first Arab oil embargo.Explain the related economic, energy, and Middle East crises of the 1970s and why both Republican and Democratic administrations were unable successfully to address them.Discuss the Iranian crisis and its disastrous political consequences for President Carter.Chapter 40(foreign)Describe the revival of the Cold War in Reagan’s first term, and Reagan’s increased willingness to negotiate with Soviet leader Gorbachev in his second term..Discuss the American entanglement in Central American and Middle Eastern troubles, including the Iran-contra affair.Describe the end of the Cold War, and the results for American society abroad and at home.Explain America’s growing involvement in the Middle East, including the First Persian Gulf War and its aftermath.AP Themes - Discussion Questions: Discuss the new importance of the “Third World” in American foreign policy of the 1980s and 1990s. What was legitimate concern and what was hysterical “witch-hunting” in the postwar wave of domestic anticommunism? Did Reagan’s and Bush’s hard-line policies contribute to the collapse of Communism, or did Communism fundamentally fall because of its own internal weaknesses?What role did each of the following play with regard to the Cold War; Berlin Airlift, containment, Marshall Plan, Truman Doctrine, NATO, Korean War?What were the causes of the Vietnam War? What were the consequences? Why did it divide American society so severely? How did it impact America’s role in the world?Was the primary threat from the Soviet Union military or ideological – that is, was the danger that the Soviet army would invade Western Europe or that more and more people in Europe and elsewhere would be attracted to communist ideas? How did Nixon’s foreign policy of Détente differ from previous administrations? How did détente help or hurt relations with China and the Soviet Union?Key Terms - For any 50 of the 57 terms listed below, please indicate the most specific date possible relative to the term and write a clear, concise statement detailing its main idea and significance. Note – all terms on this list are important and could show up on the AP exam. You should ID the terms you are least familiar with. Key Term ID’s must be hand written and can be done on paper or notecards. Satellite nationsChinese Civil WarHouse Un-American Activities CommitteeAlger HissRosenbergsJoseph McCarthyKorean WarContainmentTruman DoctrineDwight EisenhowerJohn Foster DullesBrinkmanshipIranIndochinaGeneva ConventionHo Chi MinhVietnam WarTonkin Gulf ResolutionDomino theorySuez Canal CrisisEisenhower Doctrine Open-skies policyNikita KhrushchevHungaryWarsaw PactNATOSputnikU-2 incidentFidel CastroBay of PigsCuban Missile CrisisBerlin WallFlexible responseNuclear Test Ban TreatyTet OffenseMy Lai MassacreAnti-war movementJohn F. KennedyLyndon B. JohnsonRichard M. NixonHenry KissingerRobert McNamaraPentagon PapersVietnamizationDétenteWar Powers ActOPECCambodiaStar Wars (not the movie)NicaraguaPanamaMikhail GorbachevGlasnostPerestroikaBoris YeltsinSaddam HusseinPersian Gulf WarOperation Desert StormUnit Calendar: Subject to ChangeMONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAY3/17(A) 3/18(B)ACT3/19 (A)3/20 (B)Cold War Origin SheetsHW: Ch.36 (“Truman – Gutty Man” until– end)3/21 (A)3/24 (A)3/25 (B)Truman and the beginnings of the Cold WarQuiz 36Ch.37 “HW: Ch.37 (“A New Look in Foreign Policy” until “Kennedy Challenges Nixon” Ch. 38 3/26 (A) 3/27 (B)Eisenhower & KennedyHW: Ch.38 (“Combating Communism” until “Cultural Upheaval” 3/28 (A)4/7 (B) Quiz 37/38Johnson and VietnamAnti-War MovementHW: ch.39 (“Nixon Vietnamizes the War” until “New Team on Supreme Bench” “Secret Bombing of Cambodia,” “Defeat in Vietnam,” “Carter’s Humanitarian Diplomacy” – end) Nixon PD 4/8 (A)4/9 (B) Nixon, Ford, and CarterHW:Ch. 40 “Reagan Renews Cold War” until “Reagan’s Economic Legacy”and “GHW Bush and End of Cold War” Reagan PD4/10 (A)4/11(B)Reagan, Bush, end of the Cold WarGulf War Part 1Quiz 39/404/14 (A)4/15 (B) Test and Notebook due4/16 (A)4/17 (B)4/18 (A) ................

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