
Differences between colds, seasonal flu and Pandemic (H1N1) flu


|OUTBREAKS |Outbreaks follow predictable seasonal |Outbreaks follow predictable seasonal patterns; occurs |Occurs rarely (three times in 20th century - last in 1968) |

| |patterns |annually, usually in winter, in temperate climates | |

|ONSET OF ILLNESS |Slow |Sudden |Sudden |

|DURATION |See symptoms 2-3 days after exposure, |See symptoms 1-4 days (usually 2) after exposure. Generally |See symptoms 1-7 (usually 1-4 days) days after exposure and may last |

| |usually lasts about 1 week, but may last 2 |lasts 3-5 days. Cough may last two weeks or more. |5-10 days after symptoms appear. Cough may last two weeks or more. |

| |weeks. | | |

|CONTAGIOUS |First 2-4 days after symptoms and may be |Usually contagious one day before symptoms seen and for 5-10 |Usually contagious one day before symptoms seen and for 5-10 days after|

| |contagious up to 3 weeks |days after symptoms have appeared. |symptoms have appeared. |

|TEMPERATURE |Mild or no fever |High fever |High fever |

|EXHAUSTION LEVEL |Mild |Severe |Severe |

|HEADACHE/CHILLS/ DIZZINESS/NAUSEA/|Not usually seen |Yes |Yes |


|APPETITE |Normal |Decreased |Decreased |

|MUSCLES FEEL: |Fine |Achy |Achy |

|WHO IS AT HIGH RISK? |Children, but colds are usually a mild |Healthy adults usually not at risk for serious complications. |Healthy people may be at increased risk for serious complications. |

| |illness for all ages. |The very young, the elderly and those with certain underlying |Pregnant women, Infants to 24 years of age at high risk. People ages |

| | |health conditions are at increased risk for serious |25-64 with chronic medical conditions or compromised immune systems |

| | |complications. |healthcare workers |

|VACCINE |Not available |Vaccine developed based on known flu strains and available for |Vaccine probably would not be available in the early stages of a |

| | |annual flu season |pandemic |

|TREATMENT |No Aspirin for children ................

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