WordPress Prototype 1

WordPress Prototype 1.1

WordPress Prototype

Information Architecture Concepts 1.1: Jun 12, 2008

WordPress Prototype 1.1


Table of Contents

Global Structure


Dashboard, 3-column


Dashboard, 2-column


Comments, All


Notes Dashboard/Comments 07

Alternative 01 Write New Post Write New Post (with notes) Write New Post / Full Screen Write New Post / Edit View Edit View (with notes)

Alternative 02 Write New Post Write New Post / Settings Write New Post / Full Screen

Add Media Flow Media Library Media Library (with notes)

08 09 10-11 12-13 14-15

16 17 18 19-20

21 22 23 24

Modified: Thu Jun 12 2008 | Page 2/24

WordPress Prototype 1.1

Global Structure

WP My Account



My Dashboard New Post Comments (6) Help

Test Blog Name View Site






Media Library



Howdy, User Name! | Log Out


TEMPLATES Themes Widgets Edit CSS

Content Area

UTILITIES Inbox Stats Tags Categories Users Settings

< Browse WP Blogs > Search

Write New Post




The following describes the overall structure of the navigation for the admin prototype.

1.0 The global admin bar will take the place of some of the more common shortcuts--New Post, Comments, and Account settings.

2.0 Search will become global, being accessible at the top level throughout the admin. On specific screen types (e.g., Posts, Comments), users will have the option to search all or scope their search to that section.

3.0 This prototype assumes that the user has one blog only, not multiple blog.s

4.0 The navigation has been flattened and simplified, moving all sub-options (e.g., Create New) to the screens themselves. Users can collapse and expand options, but by default, all options will be dispayed.

5.0 The wireframes are to scale: the blue dotted line indicates an approximate 800x600 viewable area, while the larger aspect of the page indicates the 1024x768 area. Throughout, all key funtionality is included within these primary areas.

6.0 Each appropriate screen will have an "add" button" in the same location--"write new post," "add link," and "add media" are just some examples.

5.0 WordPress Footer Modified: Thu Jun 12 2008 | Page 3/24

WordPress Prototype 1.1

Dashboard, 3-column Alternative

WP My Account

My Dashboard New Post Comments (6) Help

Test Blog Name View Site

Howdy, User Name! | Log Out

< Browse WP Blogs > Search


CONTENT Posts Comments Media Library Links Pages

TEMPLATES Themes Widgets Edit CSS

UTILITIES Inbox Stats Tags Categories Users Settings



Your take on the evolution of Dr. Who is ridiculous. The fact that the actors are getting younger has nothing to do with Gallifrey lore, and everything to do with celebrity culture. more... -l. monroe, 4:19pm 6/9/08

Announcement: WordPress introduces new features for mobile blogging.

Great review. You left out a few things, but maybe you were trying to avoid spoilers? Will check back later in week. -matt, 2:46pm 6/9/08

nice picture! -caped crusader, 3:17pm 6/8/08

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WordPress Footer

Day | Week | Month View All Statistics

Views Today: 374 Total Views: 96,433 Busiest Day: March 12, 2008 (938)

Totals Posts: 12,941 Comments: 28,198 Tags: 47 Categories: 18 Media Uploads: 112 Pages: 6 Drafts: 19

Modified: Thu Jun 12 2008 | Page 4/24

Change Settings

WordPress Community

Developer's Blog 6/12/08 4:34pm Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consecteteur...

6/12/08 3:54pm Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consecteteur...

6/12/08 3:37pm Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consecteteur...

Blog Surfer 6/12/08 4:34pm Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consecteteur...

6/12/08 3:54pm Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consecteteur...

6/12/08 3:37pm Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consecteteur...

Tag Surfer 6/12/08 4:34pm Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consecteteur...

6/12/08 3:54pm Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consecteteur...

6/12/08 3:37pm Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consecteteur...

Popular Blogs A hot blog's name goes here

This Is A Blog Name

Blog Name Goes Here

This Is A Blog Name

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The dashboard is intended to provide users with a more useful and actionable set of modules within the viewable area. This option shows a 3column layout.

See page 7 for notes.

WordPress Prototype 1.1

Dashboard, 2-column Alternative

WP My Account

My Dashboard New Post Comments (6) Help

Test Blog Name View Site


CONTENT Posts Comments Media Library Links Pages


TEMPLATES Themes Widgets Edit CSS

UTILITIES Inbox Stats Tags Categories Users Settings

View All WordPress Community

Howdy, User Name! | Log Out Inbox

< Browse WP Blogs > Search

Change Settings


This option shows the same functionality in a 2column layout.

View All QuickPress Title Post



Recent drafts:

Post Name, Post Name, Post Name, Post Name | View All

WordPress Footer

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Modified: Thu Jun 12 2008 | Page 5/24


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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