Palmer Public Library Statistics JULY 2019

Palmer Public Library Statistics JULY 2019 Total Registered Patrons14,939Total Mat-Su Borough Resident Patrons 11,562Total City of Palmer Resident Patrons 3,377New Library Users 84 Statistics:Patron Visits/Count10,992 Reference Questions 1,050 Library Computer 2,336 Website hits 80,998 WIFI Sessions 1,601 Circulation(PPL items) 11,617 Circulation 12,436 (JLC items checked out to Palmer Patrons)Circulation by Road Service area for month of JulyTOTAL 10,178 PIECES CIRC MS-ALPINE 108 MS-BIGLAKE 9 MS-BOGARD 596 MS-BUTTE 1135 MS-CASWELL 4 MS-CHICKA 2 MS-FAIR 323 MS-GLACIER 12 MS-GOLDTR 438 MS-HATCH 8 MS-HOUSTON 21 MS-KNIK 168 MS-LAZYMTN 589 MS-LIB-ILL 15 MS-MEADOW 76 MS-MIDWAY 572 MS-NCOLONY 85 MS-OUTRSA 64 MS-OUTSTA 31 MS-PALMER 2214 MS-SCOLONY 3435 MS-TALKEET 4 MS-TRAPPER 1 MS-WASILLA 251 MS-WILLOW 9 SLN-ADULT 8 TOTAL 10,178 Magazine circulation 200 Take Home Paperbacks 15 Total Volunteers 42 volunteer hours 309.5 Total Totes sorted 232MSLN 148 Mat Su Library Network Libraries (7 libraries)MSB 73 (MSB 5 Libraries) 75 Wasilla Total JLC Totes sorted 84 (These are totes with PPL items going between JLC libraries.)Postage: Total $ 418.13 with 191 items mailedBills: $61.60 Bills 115 ILLs: $61.18 ILLs sent 21JLC items: $294.80 JLC items sent 54Misc: $0.55 items sent 1 (returns, thank you notes, funding requests, etc..) Programs: Children’s Programs 31 Events 1,447ParticipantsClass Visits 0Events 0ParticipantsYoung Adult Programs 36Events 394 ParticipantsAdult Programs 22Events 483ParticipantsTotal Library Programs 89 =SUM(ABOVE) Events 2,324 ParticipantsCommunity Events =SUM(ABOVE) 8Events 18 ParticipantsTotal Programs and Community 97 Events 2,342ParticipantsWeek 6 brought rain. It was a nice break from the super hot temps we'd been experiencing!? Perfect for a wet day, Palmer Library hosted a showing of How to Train Your Dragon: the Hidden World on Thursday, July 11th. Several families attended to stay dry and enjoy lots of popcorn! It was a perfect, relaxing summer fun day.For week 7, two members from Kids Don’t Float came by the library to talk with kids and families about being safe around water. Kids were challenged to an ice water relay, where they soaked their hands in ice-cold water and raced to secure a life jacket. It was an excellent demonstration on how our bodies don’t work the same when they’re cold. We also learned that when you’re near water, to keep your VHF radio on station 16. That is what the Coast Guard listens to for emergencies.Nearly 300 people gathered at Palmer Library last week to celebrate a summer of reading! It was a fantastic day of play, games, prizes and BBQ. We’d like to give a big, special thank you to the Friends of the Palmer Public Library for sponsoring our summer of fun!! Thank you also to the Palmer Masonic Lodge, the Palmer Lions, and Palmer Kiwanis for supporting our program and celebration. Finally, thank you to each of our teen volunteers. Palmer Library had an unprecedented 45 teens giving their time to the library this summer. Wow!Final Summer Reading Party: Nearly 300 people gathered at Palmer Library last week to celebrate a summer of reading! It was a fantastic day of play, games, prizes and BBQ. We’d like to give a big, special thank you to the Friends of the Palmer Public Library for sponsoring our summer of fun!! Thank you also to the Palmer Masonic Lodge, the Palmer Lions, and Palmer Kiwanis for supporting our program and celebration. Finally, thank you to each of our teen volunteers. Palmer Library had an unprecedented 45 teens giving their time to the library this summer. Wow!This years participation in the SRP was: Kids – 662, Tweens – 269, Teens – 137, Adults – 198 for a grand total of 1,266.-64135288290 ................

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