Teacher’s Discovery Trivia Questions

Name _______________________ Date started ________________ Per. ___

Teacher’s Discovery Trivia Questions

History – Part 1

|Who was the first to translate the Bible into a Germanic language? | |

|Which country returned the German state of Saarland to Germany in 1957? | |

|Why did Prussia, Austria and Germany unite in 1813? | |

|What was called the Economic Miracle? | |

|Who was the president of Germany when Hitler came to power? | |

|What is the oldest German city? | |

|What was Hitler’s title in 1933? | |

|What were the women called who helped to rebuild Germany after WWII? | |

|When was Charlemagne crowned Emperor? | |

|What was Bismarck’s nickname? | |

|What were the initials for the Nazi Party? | |

|In what century was the “Age of Reason”? | |

|What Germanic tribe plundered Rome? | |

|In what city were the Nazi war trials held? | |

|What was Germany called after WWI? | |

|What city was founded by the Romans as Agusta Vindelicorum? | |

|Who were the two ruling families in Germany and Austria in the 18th century? | |

|The second World War began with the invasion of what country? | |

|What German city was once a Roman city called Colonia Agrippina? | |

|What was the largest German-speaking city at the beginning of the 18th century? | |

|In what year did the soviets blockade Berlin? | |

|What were the two largest German states in the 18th and 19th centuries? | |

|What Dutch teenager wrote her story in hiding during WWII? | |

|When did WWII begin? | |

|What German Kaiser is named for his red beard? | |

|Which polotical figure was responsible for building the Berlin Wall? | |

|Whose murder started the first World War? | |

|What French emperor brought an end to the Holy Roman Empire? | |

|What was the GDR? | |

|Who invented the printing press? | |

|What architectural style was used mainly during the Middle Ages? | |

|Who was the first president of the FRG? | |

|Name two Wolkswagen models named after animals. | |

Name _______________________ Date started ________________ Per. ___

Teacher’s Discovery Trivia Questions

History – Part 2

|What church practice did Luther consider a scandal? | |

|How many theses did Luther post on the church door in Wittenberg? | |

|Where did Luther hide to escape his enemies? | |

|What title did Hitler give himself? | |

|Who was the leader of the moderate Social Democrats after WWI? | |

|What two houses of parliament were formed in 1919? (german names) | |

|What did the Versailles Treaty do? | |

|What world wide crisis helped support the Nazi Party after WWI? | |

|What 3 groups made up the westernmost Germanic tribes? | |

|What Germanic tribe was the easternmost? | |

|What was a Hansa? | |

|In what town did Martin Luther live with his parents? | |

|What year was the Christian Social Union Party founded? | |

|What did the German Confederation replace? | |

|How many states were included in the German Confederation between 1815 and 1866? | |

|What was the German Confederation’s main pledge? | |

|What war ended as communism fell in the Soviet Union and East Germany? | |

|Name three reasons for the Thirty Years War. | |

|What was Otto von Bismarck’s greatest accomplishment? | |

|Whose assassination was said to have started WWI? | |

|Who was the leader of the “Sturmabteilung”? | |

|Who did Hitler assign as vice-chancellor of Prussia? | |

|What legal decree allowed Hitler’s SA and SS troops to take over government offices? | |

|What were the Nazi slave labor camps called? (English) | |

|What was the slogan, stated over most of the Nazi camps? (German and English) | |

|What was the systematic annihilation of six million jews by the Nazi regime during WWII called? | |

|Where did Anne Frank move with her parents to avoid the anit-Jewish sentiment of the Nazi Party? | |

|To which concentration camp was Anne Frank sent? | |

|What famous pain killer was invented by the German company Bayer AG? | |

|In what year did the pain killer mentioned above come out? | |

|What year did the architect Alfred Messel build the first German department store in Berlin? | |

|What year were the German pathfinders or boy scouts founded? | |

|In which year were German women allowed to vote for the first time? | |

Name _______________________ Date started ________________ Per. ___

Teacher’s Discovery Trivia Questions

History – Part 3

|In which year was the so called “November Revolution?” | |

|What ended with the “November Revolution”? | |

|Who was the last German Emporer? | |

|Which evernt was called the “Kapp-Putsch” and took place in 1920? | |

|Who was the foreign minister during the “Weimarer Republik”? | |

|When was the official opening of the German racetrack Nürburgring? | |

|What year was the official opening of the German Autobahn? | |

|What was the speed limit on the first German Autobahn? | |

|Which two cities were connected by the first part of the German Autobahn? | |

|Which event marked the beginning of the control over German art by the Nazi regime in 1933? | |

|What year did Hitler declare war on the USA? | |

|How many people lost their lives as a result of WWII? | |

|Who was the member of the anit-Nazi resistance who tried to assassinate Hitler on July 20, 1944? | |

|Which catholic bishop became famous for his resistance against the Nazis and the Holocaust? | |

|When did Germany win the world championship in soccer for the first time? | |

|When (in what year) did the Soviet Union finally release the German WWII prinsoners? | |

|What year was the German soccer league Bundesliga founded? | |

|Who was the first social-democratic chancellor in Germany after WWII? | |

|What year was the Willy Brandt first elected? | |

|Which date marked the beginning of the ’68 student revolution and later became the name of a terrorist | |

|group in Germany? | |

|What event started the ’68 student revolution in West Berlin? | |

|Who was the leader during the student revolution in the late 60s and early 70s and was later shot and | |

|injured by an assassin? | |

|Who was the first social-democratic Bundespräsident of the FRG? | |

|When did Willy Brandt first officially acknowledge, that Germany was divided into two separate states – | |

|BRD and DDR? | |

|Why did chancellor Willy Brandt resign from office in 1974? | |

|What was the name of the terror group which terrorized Germany from 1970 until 1990? Their leaders were | |

|Baader and Meinhof. | |

|What is the name of the chancellor who set the record for being a chancellor for 16 years? | |

|Which political party was founded in 1980? It’s logo is a sunflower? | |

|When were the first free elections in former East Germany after WWII? | |

|What is the official date of the German reunification and declared a holiday in Germany? | |

|Which city became the German capital in 1991? | |

|Which reform took place in 1996 and caused confusion for students and teachers and everyone who thought he| |

|could write in German? | |

|When did the 16 years of government by chancellor Helmut Kohl and the Christian-Democratic Union end? | |

|Who was elected chancellor in 1998 and to which party does he belong? | |

Trivia Answers/Hints – Part 2

Some are used more than once and some are not used.


|28 |

|39 |

|54 |

|1871 |

|1903 |

|1904 |

|1908 |

|1915 |

|1919 |

|1946 |

|1957 |

|Amsterdam |

|Angls |

|aspirin |

|Auschwitz |

|Bergen-Belsen |

|constitutional differences |

|Copenhagen |

|Dachau |

|Denmark |

|Ebert |

|Eisleben |

|Ferdinand |

|Franks |

|Göring |

|Goths |

|Hanseatic |

|Holocaust |

|Holy Roman Empire |

|Napoleon |

|Papen |

|political differences |

|Reichs-- |

|religion |

|Saxons |

|Tylenol |

|vitamin C |

|Wartburg |

|Wertheim |

|Wittenberg |

Trivia Answers/Hints – Part 3

Some are used more than once and some are not used.


|120 km/h |

|150 km/h |

|1918 |

|1927 June |

|1930 |

|1932 |

|1936 January |

|1941 December |

|1941 September |

|1948 |

|1954 |

|1955 |

|1962 |

|1963 |

|1967 June 2 |

|1969 |

|1972 |

|1990 |

|1990 October 3 |

|1998 |

|Berlin |

|Bonn |

|Brandt |

|Cologne |

|Dutschke |

|Galen |

|Green |

|Guillaume |

|Hamburg |

|Heinemann |

|Kohl |

|monarchie |

|Munich |

|none |

|Ohnesorg |

|RAF |

|Schröder |

|Stauffenberg |

|Stresemann |

|Wilhelm ?? |


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