Magazine - Vintage Lamborghini Garage
Magazine |Cover |Country |Month |Year |Article/Summary |Article Quote | |
|Road and Track |[pic] |USA |August |1964 |Lamborghini V12 |Whatever happens, after having seen the huge new factory, its |
| | | | | |Brief life history of Ferruccio Lamborghini and a |excellent equipment, its beehive production and the intense |
| | | | | |review of the Lamborghini 3.5 Litre engine with photos|enthusiasm of its dynamic and determined young staff, it is clear |
| | | | | |of engine components including transformation of a |that an exciting new automotive marque has arrived |
| | | | | |single billet to finished crank shaft. Also has an | |
| | | | | |engine schematic. | |
|Car |[pic] |UK |May |1967 |Lamborghini 2000 |The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yea, I have a |
| | | | | |The author was invited to the Bertone factory to view |goodly heritage – (Psalms 16:6) |
| | | | | |the Marzaal in its final stages of preparation a few |Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting |
| | | | | |days before the 1967 Geneva Motor Show. His report is |doors – (Psalms 24:7) |
| | | | | |honest and complimentary, but raises some possible |Keep me as the apple of thy eye; hide me under the shadow of thy |
| | | | | |problems. He uses biblical texts to underscore the |wings – (Psalm 17:8) |
| | | | | |great shots of the gull wing doors and body shape. |I watched the empty space being packed with five large blocks of |
| | | | | | |metal and a moderately small anvil before the bonnet was |
| | | | | | |fastened…it would not be the first time that a car was exhibited |
| | | | | | |with plenty of hidden ballast to make it look low and more or less |
| | | | | | |horizontal. |
|Road and Track |[pic] |USA |July |1967 |Lamborghini Marzaal |A Bertone design so fresh that everything else looks old fashioned |
| | | | | |Review of the prototype Marzaal, including photos and | |
| | | | | |line drawings. Also has a great shot of the engine bay| |
|Car |[pic] |UK |May |1968 |Out East |The day we were there was the day of its first-ever run on the |
| | | | | |Visit to the Lamborghini Factory on the day the first |road, and we have seldom seen anyone so excited as Dallara himself |
| | | | | |Espada was road tested. Photo shows black knock-offs |on his return from an hour-long maiden voyage |
| | | | | |on the front wheel and a large black nut on rear. No | |
| | | | | |external Espada or Bertone badges on the car. Also | |
| | | | | |has some info on the Interim Islero 2+2 | |
|Sports Car Graphic |[pic] |USA |June |1968 |Autos |…the surprise appearance of the Bertone bodied Espada,….for |
| | | | | |Geneva Auto Show 1968 – first appearance of the |Lamborghini has scored an ace with this one…it’s a beautiful |
| | | | | |Espada. One shot of the Espada (chrome knock-offs) and|creation just to stand and look at |
| | | | | |some shots of the Islero 2+2. Espada is supposed to be| |
| | | | | |Spanish for SPADE according to the article! Bertone | |
| | | | | |badge on exterior but no Espada badge | |
|Modern Motor |[pic] |Australia |June |1968 |The Trend Setter |Harold Dvoretsky introduces the worlds most desirable car…Bertone |
| | | | | |Introduction of the Espada. Article does not use the |has managed to convert the science-fiction design study into a |
| | | | | |name Espada, but rather the unwieldy |delightful piece of production machinery without losing any of its |
| | | | | |Lamborghini-Bertone-One designation. Some good shots |eye-catching appeal |
| | | | | |of the car both internal and external. No external | |
| | | | | |Espada badge on car – only the Bertone badge. The car | |
| | | | | |is not driven by the author | |
|Road and Track |[pic] |USA |June |1968 |Due Nuove Lamborghini |Espada, a Bertone 4-seater with all-new unit construction |
| | | | | |Espada specs, line drawings and photos – no write up. | |
| | | | | |The main photograph is a black and white shot, with | |
| | | | | |the Espada hand-tinted a pale blue. The car has | |
| | | | | |Bertone badges, but does not have the rear Espada | |
| | | | | |badges. | |
|Auto Car |[pic] |UK |June |1968 |Lamborghini Espada |Now, with 2 models well and truly on the market and the Espada just|
| | | | | |Good write-up of the 2 prototypes with photos drawings|starting, it is said that the Sant Agata operation may even be |
| | | | | |and a report of a short drive in Italy. Excellent high|profitable. |
| | | | | |detail line drawing of the Espada in cutaway and also | |
| | | | | |of the punt-style chassis | |
|Virage Auto |[pic] |France |June |1968 |1er Essai Espada Lamborghini | |
| | | | | |6 page article, with good shots of interior and |French text. |
| | | | | |exterior of a Bronze colour Series 1 Espada. This car | |
| | | | | |has Bertone and Espada badges visible | |
|Quattroruote |[pic] |Italy |August |1968 |Autonotizie – Espada – ‘in serie’ la bella di Bertone | |
| | | | | |e Lamborginini |Italian Text |
| | | | | |Has the same punt chassis drawing as the June 1968 | |
| | | | | |Autocar, with a single page write up with some | |
| | | | | |specifications. Also features a 3 page (590 x 270mm) | |
| | | | | |fold out of the Bruno Betti drawing showing the Espada| |
| | | | | |(Blue colour) in cut-away view. This drawing is used | |
| | | | | |extensively in a lot of literature. This is the | |
| | | | | |largest and clearest reproduction I have seen. | |
|Motor |[pic] |UK |October |1968 |In Love With Fast Cars |…but I wonder how many looked at it. Especially the day when it was|
| | | | | |One page article on the Italian car scene which |parked in the paddock, inadvertently on full lock. NO SPRINGS! The |
| | | | | |includes a short paragraph and photo of the Espada. |car is a prototype and is still on the ‘classified’ list. I’ve had |
| | | | | |(mentions M.Ghibli and F.Daytona in the article as |a ride in the car and the road holding and ride on twisty rough |
| | | | | |well). The Espada shown is supposedly a prototype with|back roads is outstanding. Lamborghini will probably disclose |
| | | | | |a hydraulic suspension system. |details of this system, to be offered as an option later this year.|
|Auto Car |[pic] |UK |October |1968 |53rd Internation London Motor Show |To add to the mystique of the exotic Lamborghinis, this year |
| | | | | |Special edition comprising a full review of all stands|invited guests only are allowed on the stand. Perspex walls keep |
| | | | | |and cars on show in London’s 1968 Motor Show. Contains|the common public out, with big Securicor guards on the gate. |
| | | | | |brief description of Lamborghini stand, pictures of | |
| | | | | |Miura and Espada and a line drawing of the Espada in | |
| | | | | |See-Through in exceptional detail as used in June 1968| |
| | | | | |Autocar Magazine | |
|Road and Track |[pic] |USA |July |1969 |Lamborghini Espada |The striking thing about the Espada is that, for all its fabulous |
| | | | | |Road test of Espada with photos and test results. |looks and legendary Italian V12 performance, it’s a reasonably |
| | | | | |While impressed with the Espada’s performance and |practical family car – with good seating for four, plenty of |
| | | | | |handling, the author is not happy with overall finish,|luggage space, maneuverability, lack of temperament, etc. But the |
| | | | | |nor the heavy steering and poor brake performance |disappointing workmanship and braking prevent it from doing its |
| | | | | | |intended job with elegance. |
|Sports Car Graphic |[pic] |USA |July |1969 |Flat Out Through Oxnard |In fact, they are very probably the best cars in the world. They do|
| | | | | |A light-hearted description of a run along Highway 1 |everything right aesthetically, kinetically, aurally, just about |
| | | | | |to Carmel with an Espada, a Miura and an Islero. |anyway you can think of. When people ask how much the cars cost, |
| | | | | |Includes photos and brief comparison specs of the 3 |the answer always seems to shock them, but I’d wager you an Espada |
| | | | | |models. Not much actual information on the cars |that in almost every case the only reason they were shocked was |
| | | | | |themselves. |because they hadn’t driven one. |
|Sport Auto |[pic] |Germany |October |1969 |Lamborghini Espada | |
| | | | | |5 page article, featuring a pale metallic blue S1. The|German Text |
| | | | | |article has 2 pages of colour shots and the usual | |
| | | | | |interior shots and car specifications. This uses | |
| | | | | |identical shots and specifications as used in the | |
| | | | | |French Sport Auto issue of the same month | |
|Sport-Auto Special |[pic] |France |October |1969 |Lamborghini Espada | |
| | | | | |5 page article, featuring a pale metallic blue S1. The|French text. |
| | | | | |article has 2 pages of colour shots and the usual | |
| | | | | |interior shots and car specifications. This uses | |
| | | | | |identical shots and specifications as used in the | |
| | | | | |German Sport Auto issue of the same month. | |
|Playboy |[pic] |USA |November |1969 |The Playboy Cars – 1970 |At only slightly illegal U.S. speeds, however, the Espada is safe, |
| | | | | |Pictures a number of USA and imported cars deemed |comfortable and the most glamorous rig available for quartet |
| | | | | |suitable to be called Playboy cars, including Espada, |weekending in the country. |
| | | | | |Torino Cobra, Opel GT, Triumph TR6, Lotus Elan, | |
| | | | | |Monteverdi 375L, Mangusta , Plymouth Hemicuda and | |
| | | | | |Ferrari 365GT. Also includes a comparative list of | |
| | | | | |these and a number of other cars, listing price, | |
| | | | | |performance, features, etc. | |
|Nothing But Cars |[pic] |Australia |December |1969 |Lamborghini Espada Four Seater |Last year production and sales reached a record level of 437 cars |
| | | | | |Single page reviewing Lamborghini and the 3 models |bringing the number of Lamborghini owners to 750 throughout the |
| | | | | |currently available in Australia – Islero S, Miura S |world, a remarkable figure in terms of the intensive research and |
| | | | | |and Espada Sports. |testing necessary to develop such sophisticated machinery |
|Motor |[pic] |UK |January |1970 |Continental Diary |…attributes the major advance made in the handling and comfort |
| | | | | |The author visits Southern Italy and visits a number |departments to the homokinetic universal joints now incorporated in|
| | | | | |of factories, including Lamborghini, where he drives |the halfshafts of the independent rear end, which now allow the |
| | | | | |the new Miura S, the Espada and makes note of V8 |halfshafts to perform their job properly even when full torque is |
| | | | | |components for the unreleased Baby Bulls |transmitted. |
|Autorevue |[pic] |Austria |May |1970 |Test Lamborghini Espada | |
| | | | | |3 page article featuring a single large shot of an S2 |German text |
| | | | | |car with knock-off wheels, a short write up and a | |
| | | | | |couple of shots of the cars interior. | |
|Australian Motor |[pic] |Australia |August |1970 |Une Piece De Resistance |It takes quite a while to learn the control layout and the reasons |
| | | | | |4 page drive report of Malcolm Guthrie’s S2 Espada in |for all the lights in the very elaborate electrical system. There |
| | | | | |Britain with photos. The major criticism is the lack |is something glowing for nearly every occasion, almost to the point|
| | | | | |of power assistance for the steering. Otherwise the |where there is a warning light to warn that the warning lights for |
| | | | | |autor is complimentary. There is minimal detail of the|the emergency warning lights are not working correctly! |
| | | | | |car’s specifications | |
|Sports Car World |[pic] |Australia |August |1970 |Autostrading Espada |The handling of the car was impeccable. It went just where it was |
| | | | | |3 page drive report of a pale blueS2 Espada with some |pointed with plenty of grip from each end. Too much power would |
| | | | | |photos but no details/specifications of the car. |slide the tail out but it was easily caught. There was little |
| | | | | | |sensation of how big the car was when driving it fast. |
|Quattroruote |[pic] |Italy |October |1970 |Prove su strada – Lamborghini Espada | |
| | | | | |Features the most comprehensive 14 page road test of |Italian text |
| | | | | |the Espada that I have seen. Also features pictures | |
| | | | | |and line drawings of Espada details not normally seen |Car Featured is #7891 |
| | | | | |in magazines. | |
| | | | | | |External shots are of a gold/bronze car, while internal shots are |
| | | | | | |of a blue car.. |
|Mechanix Illustrated |[pic] |USA |April |1971 |Tom McCahill tests the very very expensive Lamborghini| |
|(Scan of cover only) | | | | |Espada |NO FURTHER INFORMATION |
| | | | | |Complete test of a black S2 on Daytona Speedway, 4 | |
| | | | | |page article, 6 color photos | |
|Autosport |[pic] |UK |April |1971 |An Easter Egg For £11,000 |But if one is really able to afford it, it must be one of the most |
| | | | | |The author is offered a S2 Espada for the weekend. |delightful ways yet concocted by man of taking yourself and three |
| | | | | |Some detail on the car and a lot of drivers |friends around. Some lucky or hard-working people are able to |
| | | | | |impressions – mostly positive |afford it, for 18 have been sold in this country so far. I wish |
| | | | | | |motoring journalists were paid enough for me to become the |
| | | | | | |nineteenth ! |
|Modern Motor |[pic] |Australia |July |1971 |Lamborghini Espada |You try to fix your eyes on one point – any point – but they just |
| | | | | |Drive report in Australia of Mike Champions S2 Espada |slide off and keep traveling till they reach an extremity. That |
| | | | | |(formerly Malcolm Guthries – see Australian Motor, |just has to be the slipperiest shape in the world. |
| | | | | |August 1970). The author suggests the car has | |
| | | | | |anti-skid brakes – is this a complimentary way of | |
| | | | | |saying the brakes are poor? He doesn’t like the | |
| | | | | |multi-key requirements, nor the poor flow-thru | |
| | | | | |ventilation system | |
|Sports Car World |[pic] |Australia |March |1972 |Espada – The Redline is Courage |There is so much power available, over such a wide rev range, with |
| | | | | |Drive Report in Australia of S2 Espada from Melbourne |so many choices of gearing on tap, such phenomenal road holding and|
| | | | | |Dealership The author is very complimentary with |precise steering, let alone braking ability, that you soon realize |
| | | | | |regard to handling and ride, the engines performance |it would take many hours of familiarization before you could drive |
| | | | | |over a big rev range, and the over-all finish of the |it with the fine edge it deserves. |
| | | | | |car. | |
|Sports Car World Road Test|[pic] |Australia | | |Compilation of a number of Road Tests conducted by | |
|No. 9 | | | | |Sports Car World magazine. Contains the Espada Road |NO FURTHER INFORMATION |
|(Scan of cover only) | | | | |Test from March 1972, but the article name has been | |
| | | | | |changed to The Thrust of a Sword. | |
|Motor Sport |[pic] |UK |March |1972 |The Lamborghini Espada – A Remarkable Motor Car |I still think the Espada is an ugly car, but for all that, it is a |
| | | | | |This article is one of the earliest I have seen where |remarkable car and it does everything to a very high standard and |
| | | | | |the author describes the Espada as “a vast great tank |must represent the ultimate in exotic four-seater cars, even |
| | | | | |of a car” and “hideously ugly” and later reveals that |without taking into account the exotic British price of £10950 all |
| | | | | |he has received letters from people claiming it the be|on. |
| | | | | |the “most beautiful car”. This is the start of the | |
| | | | | |LOVE/HATE debate that characterizes the Espada and | |
| | | | | |still continues today. | |
|Wheels |[pic] |Australia |April |1972 |Lambo’s 150 MPH Four Seater |With the power windows down, the throb of the four exhaust pipes is|
| | | | | |This article is by the same author and in the same car|the cello behind the exquisite string section of six firing strokes|
| | | | | |that was featured in Sports Car World, March 1972. |to every turn of the crank, the ziff of the chains spinning the |
| | | | | |There are a lot of similarly worded paragraphs, which |four overhead cams and the chatter of the 24 valves. It is music |
| | | | | |makes you assume this is just a rewrite of the other |and anyone who cares about motor cars will sit and listen for a few|
| | | | | |article. It features a larger technical summary of the|indulgent moments before driving away. It’s that type of car |
| | | | | |car however | |
|Motor |[pic] |UK |April |1972 |Lamborghini Espada – Road Test | |
| | | | | |Good honest report on the Espada with some comparisons|Car featured is #8620 |
| | | | | |made to other cars of the time | |
|Motor |[pic] |UK |May |1972 |Bobo – That Company Car | |
| | | | | |Tongue in cheek comparison of Espada to Aston Martin | |
| | | | | |DBS, Citroen SM and Jaguar E-type V12 | |
|Hobby |[pic] |Germany |October |1972 |Haute Couture aus dem Suden | |
|(Scan of cover only) | | | | |Test of a copper/tan S2, 8 page article, 5 color |NO FURTHER INFORMATION |
| | | | | |photos, 2 BW photos | |
|Auto Car |[pic] |UK |January |1973 |Millionaires for a Day | |
| | | | | |Comparison test of 10 Cars costing over £10,000 each. | |
| | | | | |Cars compared are :- Ferrari 365GTC4, Rolls Royce | |
| | | | | |Corniche, Maserati Indy, Lamborghini Espada, Rolls | |
| | | | | |Royce Silver Shadow, Rolls Royce Silver Shadow LWB | |
| | | | | |Limousine, Mercedes 600, Rolls Royce Phantom VI, | |
| | | | | |Ferrari 365GTB/4 Daytona, Maserati Bora | |
|Auto Car |[pic] |UK |April |1973 |A Date With a Lamborghini | |
| | | | | |Drive Report in an early S3 | |
|Auto Car |[pic] |UK |March |1974 |Lamborghini Within Limits | |
| | | | | |Drive report of the first RHD Automatic Espada S3 from| |
| | | | | |the Factory to London via the Mont Blanc tunnel | |
|Sports Car World |[pic] |Australia |April |1974 |Espada Evolution | |
| | | | | |Drive Report – Honest report of good and bad features.| |
|Car |[pic] |UK |May |1974 |160 on the Clock and Nothing in the Mirror | |
| | | | | |Comparison road Test of S3 Espada against Ferrari GT4 | |
| | | | | |2+2 | |
|Motor Manual |[pic] |Australia |June |1974 |Espada – Lambo’s Prime Cut | |
| | | | | |Drive Report in England and reprinted in Australian | |
| | | | | |Magazine | |
|Sports Car world |[pic] |Australia |July |1974 |Lambo Meets Fazz | |
| | | | | |Slightly modified copy of article from ‘Car’ May1974 | |
|Car |[pic] |UK |July |1974 |Living With a Lambo | |
| | | | | |Driving an Espada from the Factory to London | |
|Fast Car |[pic] |UK |July |1974 |Lamborghini Espada - la macchina fantastica |Bertone has hidden away ugly appendages like filler caps behind |
|(Scan of cover and article| | | | |The author and 3 friends take an Espada for a days |alloy louvers, there is no excess of chrome ornamentation and |
|only) | | | | |outing. Good article documenting the first impressions|moldings lines have been used sparingly, resulting in a very clean |
| | | | | |of the car and reactions of the driver and passengers.|overall styling. |
| | | | | |Also has some good information about the car | |
|Modern Motor |[pic] |Australia |February |1975 |Exotic Eleven | |
| | | | | |Brief comparison of 11 Exotics – Espada, Jensen | |
| | | | | |Interceptor, Citroen SM, Ferrari 365, BMW CSA, | |
| | | | | |Mercedes 450, Jaguar E type V12, Alfa Romeo Montreal, | |
| | | | | |Rolls Royce Sllver Shadow, Fiat 130 and Daimler Double| |
| | | | | |Six | |
|Car |[pic] |UK |August |1976 |Giant Test | |
| | | | | |Comparison Road Test of S3 Espada with Jaguar XJS V12 | |
|Australian Sports Car |[pic] |Australia |July |1977 |Song of the Twelve’s | |
|World | | | | |Slightly modified copy of article from ‘Car’ August | |
| | | | | |1976 | |
|Le Fanatique de |[pic] |France |November |1980 |Lamborghini Espada (part1) | |
|L’Automobile | | | | |French Language article, 7 pages | |
|Le Fanatique de |[pic] |France |December |1980 |Lamborghini Espada (part 2) | |
|L’Automobile | | | | |8 pages, French Language article, 1 color photo |NO FURTHER INFORMATION |
|(Scan of cover only) | | | | | | |
|Car |[pic] |UK |November |1983 |Distance Over Time | |
| | | | | |Mel Nicholls recalls some of the Supercars he has | |
| | | | | |driven over the previous decade with a particularly | |
| | | | | |good write up of the Espada | |
|Autocar |[pic] |UK |January |1984 |Exotic Espada | |
| | | | | |Brief Lambo history and write-up of the Espada | |
|Auto Hebdo |[pic] |France |March |1984 |Espada l’irremplacable Lamborghini | |
|(Scan of cover only) | | | | | |Car featured #7794 |
| | | | | | | |
|Blitz |[pic] |Italy |June |1984 |Donne e Motori - Lamborghini Espada | |
| | | | | |Italian ‘mens’ magazine featuring a mostly clothed | |
| | | | | |model posed beside an Espada, with a brief write up of| |
| | | | | |the Espada and its specifications. | |
|Supercar Classics (Car |[pic] |UK |June |1984 |Espada Experience | |
|Magazine Special Issue) | | | | |Road report on S3 Espada | |
|Auto Moto retro |[pic] |France |June |1986 |Lamborghini Espada 1968-1978 | |
|(Scan of cover only) | | | | |5 page article, 7 color photos featuring a White early|NO FURTHER INFORMATION |
| | | | | |S3 | |
|Sports Car World |[pic] |Australia |October |1986 |Meet signor Supercar | |
|(Scan of cover only) | | | | |A revealing insight into the life and times of |NO FURTHER INFORMATION |
| | | | | |Ferruccio Lamborghini | |
| | | | | |Scrapbook of a Raging Bull | |
| | | | | |In words and pictures, a tribute to the cars that | |
| | | | | |created a legend | |
| | | | | |The Lambo Factor | |
| | | | | |Mel Nicholls decides what it is that makes Lamborgini | |
| | | | | |special | |
|Auto Hebdo |[pic] |France |October |1986 |Les Temps changent, Le Grand Tourisme Aussi…. | |
|(Scan of cover only) | | | | | |Car featured is #7794 |
| | | | | | | |
|Classic and Sports Car |[pic] |UK |February |1987 |Four by Four | |
| | | | | |Comparison of M.Indy, F.365Gt 2+2 and ISO Lele with S3|Car featured is #8035 |
| | | | | |Espada (Espada wins!) | |
|Automobile Magazine |[pic] |UK |May |1987 |Veloce – The Greatest Drive | |
| | | | | |Mel Nicholls recalls his greatest drives and declares | |
| | | | | |Espada the greatest – I can’t read this without Goose | |
| | | | | |Bumps and a lump in my throat. | |
|Classic and Sports Car | | |June |1987 |Case History | |
| | | | | |Used Car Buyers test |NO FURTHER INFORMATION |
|Auto Chromes |[pic] |France |July |1987 |Entrée vivante dans la légende | |
|(Scan of cover only) | | | | |10 page article, all in color (12 photos) featuring a |Car featured is #9806 |
| | | | | |silver/beige 1977 S3 (chassis 9806) | |
|Consumer Guide |[pic] |USA |October |1987 |Legandary Lamborghinis | |
|(Scan of cover only) | | | | |Fast Four- Passenger |NO FURTHER INFORMATION |
| | | | | |4 pages article. 5 color photos | |
|Motor |[pic] |UK |November |1987 |Ferruccio’s Roller | |
| | | | | |Review of the Espada | |
| | | | | |Living with a Lambo | |
| | | | | |An owner talks about Espada ownership | |
| | | | | |The Test of Time | |
| | | | | |Reprint of the article from ‘Motor’ April 1972 with | |
| | | | | |some data and pictures removed | |
|Classic Cars |[pic] |UK |December |1987 |Modern Classics | |
| | | | | |Reviews 10 modern classics icluding BMW 635CSI, | |
| | | | | |Pantera, Aston Martin V8, Mercedes 350SL, Porsche 911 | |
| | | | | |Turbo, Audi Quattro, Rolls Silver Shadow, Jaguar XJS, | |
| | | | | |Lotus esprit Turbo and Espada | |
|Car |[pic] |UK |June |1988 |Top Draw – The Art of Bob Freeman | |
| | | | | |Small insert booklet containing 7 pen and watercolour | |
| | | | | |drawings, including the Espada V12 Motor. | |
|Road & Track |[pic] |USA |October |1988 |Special Series Lamborghini | |
|(Scan of cover only) | | | | |Best seller |NO FURTHER INFORMATION |
| | | | | |6 pages in color, featured car: Jim Fox brown S2 | |
|Supercar Classics |[pic] |UK |October |1988 |Magnificent Absurdity | |
| | | | | |Road report of S2 Espada | |
|Consumer Guide |[pic] |USA | |1988 |Lamborghini Illutrated | |
|(Scan of cover only) | | | | |4 page for the Espada, 3 color photos |NO FURTHER INFORMATION |
|Auto Passion |[pic] |France |April |1989 |Lamborghini Espada – Quand le Taureau se met en | |
| | | | | |quatre… | |
| | | | | |French language article – good pictures of S2 Espada | |
|Old Car Classics |[pic] |UK |July |1990 |Dreamers |A little over 1200 Espadas were produced in total, a reasonable |
|(Scan of cover and article| | | | |Introduction of the Espada to people who may never |figure by “super car” standards but small enough to make sighting |
|only) | | | | |have seen one. Includes history of the Espada, the |one the talking-point of the day, for this was a sensation at its |
| | | | | |series 1,2 and 3 differences and some specifications |launch and remains so. If ever there was a dream car this was it. |
| | | | | |and car details. Ends with some suggestions to look | |
| | | | | |for if considering purchase of an Espada. | |
|Australian Sports Driver |[pic] |Australia |October |1990 |GT Thoroughbreds |If the choice is left to the heart, few could have any doubt: It |
| | | | | |Comparison of 3 2+2’s – Ferrari 365GT4, Maserati Indy |has to be the Espada, because it is the more attractive, original, |
| | | | | |4.7 and Lamborghini Espada S2 |sculpture. It has a heart of refinement and unrivalled voice and |
| | | | | | |character and first class road manners. |
|Popular Classics |[pic] |UK |November |1991 |Living With The Legend | |
| | | | | |Write up of the restoration of John Gorbould’s S2 | |
| | | | | |Espada, with some good restoration shots included. | |
|Supercar Classics (Volume |[pic] |UK | |1992 |Ferruccio Lamborghini | |
|22) | | | | |Feature Car Maker in this issue is Ferruccio. History | |
| | | | | |of the man, along with details of his cars including | |
| | | | | |details of most models produced up until 1992 | |
|Supercar Classics (Volume |[pic] |UK | |1992 |Lamborghini Espada | |
|53) | | | | |Feature car in this issue is the Espada – good photos | |
| | | | | |and specifications listed | |
|Voitures D’Exception |[pic] |France | |1993 |Lamborghini Espada | |
|(Volume 50) | | | | |Feature car in this issue is the Espada - near | |
| | | | | |identical layout and photos to Supercar Classics | |
| | | | | |Volume 53 except in French language | |
|Supercar Classics |[pic] |UK | |1992 |Lamborghini | |
|(Volume 62) | | | | |Feature manufacturer in this issue is Lamborghini, | |
| | | | | |with write up of 350GT, Muira, Islero and Espada | |
|Car Classics |[pic] |UK |April |1992 |Italian Rolls Royce |Shaded by the Countach, the Espada still ensured Lamborghini’s |
|(Scan of cover only) | | | | | |survival though it was never the Italian Rolls-Royce Ferruccio |
| | | | | | |wanted |
| | | | | | | |
|Motor Klassik |[pic] |Germany |September |1992 |Chef-Wagon | |
|(Scan of cover only) | | | | | |Car featured is #9068 |
| | | | | | | |
|Classic and Sports Car |[pic] |UK |December |1992 |Family Supercar | |
| | | | | |Road review of S3 Espada | |
|Retroviseur | |France |June |1993 | | |
|Classic Cars |[pic] |UK |May |1995 |Dream Drive – Espada | |
| | | | | |Road review of S3 Espada |Car featured is #9398 |
| | | | | | | |
|Sport Auto |[pic] |France |April |1996 |Les Autres Couleurs de l’Italie |Toutes les Ferrari ne sont pas rouges. Toutes les Lamborghini ne |
| | | | | |French language comparison of a S2 Espada and a |sont pas des monster a moteur central. D’autres autos, aujourd’hui |
| | | | | |Ferrari 365GT4 2+2 |accessibles, ont autant fait puor le prestige des deux grands |
| | | | | | |blazons italiens. |
|Classic Cars |[pic] |UK |July |1997 |Buying Power | |
| | | | | |Looks at 5 levels of spending. The Espada is the | |
| | | | | |example used for spending up to £15,000. Includes a | |
| | | | | |small write up of other cars in this price range – | |
| | | | | |Lamborghini LM002, Aston Martin DBSV8, De Tomaso | |
| | | | | |Pantera, Maserati Khamsin, TVR Tuscan V8SE. | |
|Auto Retro |[pic] |France |February |1998 |Le Choix de l’esthete | |
|(Scan of cover only) | | | | | |Car featured is #9094 |
| | | | | | | |
|Dream Machines |[pic] |USA | |1998 |Lamborghini Espada | |
|(Group 2, No. 25) | | | | |4 page information brochure, utilizing some shots from| |
| | | | | |the ‘Supercar Classics’ Vol. 53 of 1992, but with less| |
| | | | | |information and specifications | |
|Classic and Sports Car |[pic] |UK |January |1999 |Family Value | |
| | | | | |Comparison test of the 2 big 4 seaters – Ferrari 400 | |
| | | | | |and Lamborghini Espada | |
|Ruoteclassiche |[pic] |Italy |March |1999 |Quattro Posti Di Prima Fila | |
| | | | | |Comparison test of a Maserati Indy 4900 against a |Italian Text |
| | | | | |Series 3 Lamborghini Espada. Not a great deal of | |
| | | | | |information but 12 pages of magnificent external and | |
| | | | | |interior shots of both the Indy and the Espada | |
|Motor Klassik |[pic] |Germany |June |1999 |Stierkampf | |
| | | | | |German language article featuring the restoration of a|Car featured is #7156 |
| | | | | |Espada, with good restoration shots | |
|Auto Italia |[pic] |UK |August |1999 |2 Twelves | |
| | | | | |Comparison test of S3 Espada with Ferrari 365GTC4 | |
|Classic Cars |[pic] |UK |August |1999 |£14K Seventies 4-Seat Supercars | |
| | | | | |Comparison of S3 Espada with Jensen FF and ISO Lele | |
|Retro Viseur |[pic] |France |December |2001 |Lamborghini Espada | |
| | | | | |Au Volant | |
| | | | | |French language road report of S3 Espada 9094 | |
| | | | | |Au Fil des Ans | |
| | | | | |French language write-up of the History of the Espada | |
| | | | | |Dans Votre Garage | |
| | | | | |French language report on what to look at if | |
| | | | | |considering an Espada | |
|Classic and Sports Car |[pic] |UK |March |2003 |Who need to be a Millionaire? | |
| | | | | |Comparison of 6 Classic Supercars including S3 Espada,| |
| | | | | |Bently turbo R, BMW 850i, Porsche 928 S4, Aston Martin| |
| | | | | |Lagonda S2, Ferrari 400i | |
|Sports Car Market |[pic] |USA |April |2003 |Profile | |
|(Scan of cover only) | | | | |2 pages on a 1973 S3 Espada |NO FURTHER INFORMATION |
|Just Cars |[pic] |Australia |October |2003 |Car of the Month – Lamborghini Espada | |
| | | | | |Australian monthly car sales magazine, featuring a | |
| | | | | |write up of an S3 Espada advertised for sale in the | |
| | | | | |issue | |
|Auto Wereld |[pic] |Belgium |December |2004 |De Verloren Geest | |
|(Scan of cover only) | | | | |Dutch language article |Car featured is #7843 |
| | | | | | | |
|Octane |[pic] |UK |January |2005 |Glam Shock | |
| | | | | |Road report of an S3 Espada |Car featured is #9704 |
| | | | | | | |
|Practical Classics |[pic] |UK |March |2005 |Restored Car – Lamborghini Espada | |
| | | | | |Report and pictures of a readers restoration of a S2 | |
| | | | | |Espada | |
|Het Automobiel Klassieker |[pic] |Holland |March |2006 |Ruimtewagen op zijn Italiaans | |
|Magazine | | | | | |Car featured is #8838 |
|(Scan of cover only) | | | | | | |
|Auto Italia |[pic] |UK |May |2006 |Lamborghini Espada – Extra Terrestrial | |
| | | | | |Brief history of Lamborghini, the development of the | |
| | | | | |Espada and a brief description of the car. Short drive| |
| | | | | |report in London traffic completes the article. | |
|Klassiek en Techniek |[pic] |Holland |June |2006 | | |
|(Scan of cover only) | | | | | |Car featured is #9470 |
| | | | | | | |
|Octane |[pic] |UK |October |2006 |Buyers Guide – Lamborghini Espada | |
| | | | | |Guide for people considering purchase of an Espada | |
|Totalcar | |Hungary |December |2006 |A Kihagyhatatlan Szopas | |
| | | | | | |Car featured is 8982 |
| | | | | | | |
|Classic and Sports car |[pic] |UK |April |2007 |Technical Knockouts with No holds Barred |As a real 4-seater with an excellent ride, combined with a |
| | | | | |As part of the 25th Anniverasry issue, a number of |sensational V12 that will pull 8 grand in every gear, it is hard to|
| | | | | |lists were created. The Espada featured as No. 7 in a |ignore. The only car for those with Barbarella fixations; shame |
| | | | | |list of 10. Other cars listed are Lotus Elite, Audi |they never did them with silver leather. |
| | | | | |Quattro, Tatra T87, Jensen FF, Jaguar XJ12, Alfa | |
| | | | | |Montreal, Lancia Aurelia GT, Citroen SM and the | |
| | | | | |ultimate Techno-Classic, the NSU Ro80 | |
|Mann |[pic] |Norway |December |2007 |Utvid Horisonten | |
|(Scan of cover and article| | | | |Norwegian language 2 page article | |
|only) | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
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