Part I; Complete the European Art chart below with bullet points in each box.

| |Early 18th Century |Mid/Late 18th Century |Early 19th Century |

|Politics, power, and war | | | |

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|Philosophy and or religious | | | |

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|Fashion, music, arts, literature| | | |

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|Role of Academies in European | | | |

|Art | | | |

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Complete the chart on 3 major art movements from the 18th through the early 19th century.

| |Rococo |Neoclassicism |Romanticism |

|Meaning or | | | |

|Definition of | | | |

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|Description of Style and themes | | | |

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|Context? (social, political, | | | |

|ideological, religious, etc.) | | | |

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|Patronage | | | |

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|Influenced by? | | | |

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|5 major artists /artworks from | | | |

|movement | | | |

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TAKE HOME QUIZ, 18th and early 19th Century European & American Art

1. Fete galante paintings were the specialty of

a. William Hogarth

b. Joshua Reynolds

c. Giambatista Tiepolo

d. Jean-Antoine Watteau

2. Paintings such as the Oath of the Horatii and Kauffman’s Cornelia Pointing to her Children as Treasures were called

a. Genre paintings

b. Fete Galante pieces

c. Exemplum virtutis


3. A characteristic of Rococo architecture is its

a. Adherence to the rules of the French academy

b. Influence of the work of Renaissance architects

c. Union of the various arts

d. Interest in geometric precision

4. Elisabeth Vigee-Lebrun did many portraits of

a. Maria Theresa

b. Louis XIV

c. Sarah Siddons

d. Marie Antoinette


5. English 18th century portraits show people

a. At home

b. At work

c. Living the high life

d. In the countryside

6. What event led to an interest in all things from ancient Greek & Rome, in fashion and in art during the 18th century?

a. Mozart’s opera The Marriage of Figaro

b. The discovery of the ruins of Pompeii

c. Death of Louis XIV

d. the movie Gladiator with Russell Crowe

8 This building is _______________________________

a. St. Peter’s Cathedral in Rome

b. Vierzehnheligen, a Rococo church

c. The Crystal Palace in Austria

d. Monticello, located in Virginia

9. Thomas Gainsborough and Joshua Reynolds were both noted portrait painters in 18th century England. How were their styles different, and what influences were shown? (examples shown below of their work-identify which work belongs to whom)

A__________________ B____________________

10. This is an example of

a. Ming vase

b. Wedgwood jasperware

c. Romantic ceramic art

d. Winklemann’s work


11. How does this painting show the ideals of the Enlightenment in the late 18th century? What influences from previous artwork are there? (PARAGRAPH)

12. Why is this bridge significant?

13. This work is a _________ sculpture by __________________.

a) Romantic, Francois Rude

b) Neoclassical, Antonio Canova

c) Hellenestic, Praxiteles

d) Neoclassical, Josiah Wedgwood

14. Why did this sculptor work in marble? (SHORT ANSWER)

15. Johan Wincklemann is important to art history because he

a) unearthed the ruins of Pompeii

b) assisted in the making of cast iron

c) instructed Jefferson on how to build Monticello

d) wrote the first art history book

16. Chiswick House was strongly influenced by

a) Renaissance architect Andrea Palladio

b) Rococo decoration

c) Greek and Roman architecture

d) both A and C

17. Hogarth’s narrative suite Marriage a la Mode is about how

d. Society demeans the institution of marriage

e. The marriage of 2 people of different ages doesn’t work

f. Marriage as an institution should be abolished

g. Peasants do not understand the sacredness of marriage

18. The Death of General Wolfe was a groundbreaking work because

a It showed a contemporary event

b the figures were dressed in modern clothes

c the figures were grouped symmetrically

d the painting is historically accurate

19. For Europeans in the later part of the 18th century, going on the grand tour meant visiting _____________

a Italy

b Austria

c Spain

d Greece

20. Jacques-Louis David’s Death of Marat (below) shows influences from

a Michelangelo’s Pieta

b Caravaggio’s dramatic lighting

c the ideals of the French revolution

d all of the above

21. Explain this painting in the context of its

times and David’s political views. How did

David alter reality to create this painting?

7. The satirical works of Swift and Voltaire found visual expression in the paintings of this artist; political cartoons were actually born from his early works.

a. Giambattista Tiepolo

b. William Hogarth

c. Thomas Gainsborough

d. Jean-Antoine Watteau

23. A painting that captures the sublime

a. has a political overtone

b. makes the viewer pause in wonder

c. rejects the precision of photography

d. has a medieval theme

24. Goya assumes the viewer for his painting of Family of Charles IV would be familiar with

a. Rubens Saturn Devouring His Children

b. Velasquez’ Las Meninas

c. Raphael’s School of Athens

d. David’s Oath of the Horatii

25. Romantic artists

a. embraced the spirit of the Enlightenment

b. rejected rationality in favor of emotion

c. explored the world of dreams and fantasy

d. Both b and c

26. Louis Daguerre invented

a. modern photography ; the daguerrotype

b. the hot air balloon

c. the photogram

d. portrait photography

27. Nadar was known for

a. news photography

b. portraits

c. still lives

d. exposing social evils

28. How does this painting (identify it) reflect typical Romantic philosophies with the sublime? (FREE RESPONSE PARA)

29. How did these two artists (identify the paintings & artists) react against the Industrial Revolution? (FREE RESPONSE PARA)

30. Analyze this painting as both a narrative and as a Romantic painting expressing an emotion. (1-2 PARAGRAPHS)

31. The painting on the right concerns

a. the French Revolution

b. American Independence

c. The Napoleonic Wars

d. The European revolts of 1848

32. Briefly tell why Sir Joseph Paxton’s Crystal Palace was significant.

32. This painting is by an artist we studied in the 18th or 19th century, but you probably do not know this specific painting. Attribute it to a movement and artist, based on its characteristics, and give reasons for your decision in a paragraph format. (you will receive partial credit for a well justified wrong answer)



Sir Joshua Reynolds said the following: “invention strictly speaking, is little more than a new combination of those images which have been previously gathered and deposited in the memory; nothing can come from nothing.”

Choose a European or American building from the Neoclassic or Romantic periods and discuss how its style(s) and feature(s) agree or disagree with this statement. Make sure and refer to the quote, describe and specifically name the building.


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