1850 to World War One Terms List

1850 to World War One Terms List


1. (F) Carlsbad Decrees (know historical context)

2. (F) Baron Haussmann and Paris

3. (F) Decembrist Revolt / Russia (1825)

4. (F) Alexander II (Russia) – emancipation edict (1861)

5. (F) Peterloo Massacre (Great Britain 1819)

6. (F) Irish Potato Famine(s)

7. (F) Corn Laws / Britain

8. (F) Great Britain’s Reform Bills

9. (F) Queen Victoria (Britain) – Victorian Ideals / Gender Roles

10. (F) William Ewart Gladstone (Britain)

11. (F) Benjamin Disraeli (Britain)

12. (F) Crimean War (1855)

13. (F) Syndicalism

14. (F) Fabian Society (1883)

15. (F) Erfurt Program and Evolutionary Socialism (1891)

16. (F) Cult of Domesticity

17. (F) Germ Theory

18. (F) Gustave Courbet (realism of the mid 19th century)

19. (F) Impressionism – I will provide a list of needed artists, but understand their basic context like “pleasure seekers” and the bourgeoisie culture they painted

Nationalism / Unification

20. (K) Nationalism

21. (F) Greek Independence (1820’s)

22. (F) Belgian and Serbian Independence (1830’s)

Italian Nationalism

23. (F) Syllabus of Errors (1864)

24. (B) Risorgimento (“resurgence”)

25. (F) Giuseppe Mazzini

26. (F) Giuseppe Garibaldi (Red Shirts)

27. (F) Camillo Benso di Cavour

28. (F) Emmanuel II (King of Piedmont-Sardinia)

German Nationalism

29. (F) Baron von Stein and Count von Hardenberg (page 677 as a start)

30. (F) Herder and Volksgeist

31. (B) Prussia

32. (F) Junkers

33. (F) The Zollverein

34. (B) Frederich William (Wilhelm) I

35. (F) Frederick William (Wilhelm) II “The Great”

36. (F) 1850 “the humiliation of Olmutz”

37. (F) Otto von Bismarck

38. (F) Realpolitik vs. Reason of State (Raison d’état)

39. (F) Gap Theory / Luckentheorie

40. (F) Bismarck’s “Blood and Iron” speech (1862)

41. (F) Austro-Prussian War (1866)

42. (F) Ausgleich (1867)

43. (F) Franco-Prussian War (1870)

44. (F) The Proclamation of the German Empire (1871)

45. (K) Reichstag

46. (F) S.P.D. (Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands: German Social Democrat Party)


47. (F) Imperialism

48. (F) Colonialism

49. (K) 1st British Empire

50. (K) 2nd British Empire

51. (B) Age of Exploration

52. (B) Triangular Trade

53. (B) African Slave Trade

54. (F) Columbian Exchange

55. (F) West Indies – Sugar Plantations

56. (F) Congress of Berlin (1878) – “Honest Broker”

57. (F) Berlin Conference (1884-85)

58. (F) Belgian Congo – Leopold II

59. (F) Scramble for Africa

60. (F) Charles Darwin – On the Origin of Species

61. (F) Herbert Spencer – theory was “Social Darwinism”

62. (F) Natural Selection

63. (F) Survival of the Fittest

64. (B) Ethnocentrism

65. (B) Xenophobia

66. (B) Exploitation

67. (F) Rudyard Kipling – White Man’s Burden

68. (F) Joseph Conrad – Heart of Darkness


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