|Care Pathway/Service |SFHT Fernwood Community Unit Service |

|Commissioner Lead |NHS Newark & Sherwood CCG |

|Provider Lead |Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust |

|Period |1st April 2015 - |

|Applicability of Module E (Acute Services | |

|Requirements) | |

| |

|Purpose |

| |

|Introduction |

| |

|This document sets out the service specification for the SFHT Fernwood Community Unit (FCU). It outlines the services the identified provider organisation will be |

|required to deliver. The specification is designed to ensure the rehabilitation needs of service users are effectively met and monitored. It describes the services|

|required of the Service Provider [Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust] and makes reference to the role of other parties likely to be involved in the |

|operation of the Service, including: |

|Therapists |

|Referrers e.g. Integrated Care Teams |

|Social workers |

|Voluntary Services |


|OOH Services |

| |

|FCU is a 12 bedded rehabilitation ward located at Newark Hospital. It opened on the 4th February 2013. The unit provides single sex bays (2 x 3 beds) and private |

|rooms (6) for anyone aged 18 or above who requires a short period of rehabilitation (up to 3 weeks - in exceptional circumstances this can be extended by the duty |

|admissions coordinator or the MDT). It provides both step up from home and step down from hospital rehabilitation. |

| |

|The acronym “FCU” will be used to describe beds commissioned by the Newark & Sherwood CCG in SFHT that is supported with therapy inputs, aimed at maximising the |

|person’s independence / capacity to undertake activities of daily living. |

| |

|Aims |

|Deliver rehabilitation services to people who would otherwise face unnecessarily prolonged hospital stays or inappropriate admission to acute inpatient care, long |

|term residential care, or continuing NHS inpatient care |

|Assist and enable the person to achieve and maintain an optimum level of health and independence at home or in another community setting. |

|Enable a full assessment of the person's needs and future care requirements to be carried out in a non-acute environment where the focus is on promoting |

|independence and a return home. |

|Deliver time-limited rehabilitation packages |

|Incorporate cross-professional working, with a single assessment framework, single professional records and shared protocols. |

| |

|Evidence Base |

|Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Newark Hospital Fernwood Community Unit Review, March 2014, Elizabeth Cowley |

|NHS Mandate, April 2013 – March 2015 |

|The NHS Outcomes Framework. DH London |

|Health and Social Care Act 2012 |

|Carer (Equal Opportunity) Act 2004 |

|Nottinghamshire End of Life Care Pathway for all diagnosis |

|King's Fund's Guidance, Enhancing the Healing Environment for People with Dementia |

| |

|Scope & Service Delivery |

| |

|Service Description |

| |

|The FCU provides inpatient intermediate healthcare. |

| |

|The FCU is required to: |

| |

|Deliver a service that: |

| |

|Actively promotes the independence of all those referred and enables individuals to achieve and maintain an optimum level of health and independence |

|Ensures that service users are cared for in an appropriate setting, with respect to personal privacy, dignity, choice and independence, and are provided with |

|opportunities for rehabilitation and recovery wherever possible |

|Provides an holistic care experience which addresses the physical, psychological, cultural and social needs of service users, their family and informal carers |

|Facilitates the prompt step down from acute care and step up admissions from the community |

|Provides the opportunity for service users to become medically and psychologically stable following an acute episode |

| |

|Provide a rehabilitation environment with nursing and therapy support available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Qualified occupational therapist and |

|physiotherapist will both be available Monday to Friday; 52 weeks a year with therapy cover available Saturday and Sunday. |

| |

|Provide/identify 1 bed for people who are dependent upon hoisting and have rehabilitation goals. |

| |

|Start upon the person’s admission and complete within 24 hours of their admission an effective, person-centred multi-disciplinary care plan(s) that provides |

|enabling care and support to assist people who are recovering from an acute episode or period of ill health to regain their confidence, motivation and ability to |

|undertake activities of daily living, and deliver this plan. This can be provided by a therapy on-call service at the weekend 9am – 5pm. |

| |

|Following the completion of the multi-disciplinary care plan(s) for the person, deliver this plan in accordance with its requirements on a 7 day a week basis. |

| |

|To support the person to independently manage their own medication. |

| |

|The multi-disciplinary care plan(s) are evaluated at a daily (Monday to Friday) MDT and progress towards discharge evaluated. |

| |

|Provide a physical environment that allows for the assessment of the person’s needs for on-going care and therapy and also supports other Community Teams’ |

|involvement, including: |

| |

|Suitable space in which to hold multi-disciplinary team meetings |

|Adequate and suitable therapy space for the Therapist(s) to deliver the service |

|Provision of WIFI or a hard-wired 3m network compatible internet connection and telephone line |

|and secure space for the operation of a printer and/or fax machine |

|Provision of adequate and suitable space in which to store therapy equipment |

|Adequate and suitable space in which to use equipment, including access to stairs and a |

|kitchen environment with microwave and other kitchen equipment, and suitable bathroom facilities e.g. domestic bath, shower. |

|Ability to arrange the environment to replicate the layout of the person’s home e.g. bed at same |

|height, bed access from the same side, not using bed rails, etc. |

| |

| |

|Provide a physical environment that is supportive of people with dementia in line with the King's Fund's Guidance on Enhancing the Healing Environment for People |

|with Dementia, and which is designed to: |

| |

|Ease decision making |

|Reduce agitation and distress |

| |

|Encourage independence and social interaction |

|Promote safety |

|Enable activities of daily living. |

| |

|Be accountable for and must ensure that all stored equipment including therapy equipment |

| |

|Is risk assessed as being appropriate for its agreed purpose |

|Continuously meets health and safety requirements as it is removed from and returned to storage |

|Is regularly maintained and cleaned |

|Is returned to the store when it is no longer needed by a person, e.g. on discharge |

| |

| |

|Communicate with other members of the MDT and other stakeholders as required, including providing all necessary information to other care providers e.g. social |

|services, PRISM & Integrated Care Teams, Intermediate Care at home, voluntary services, CNCS, person’s GP on the person’s needs and condition to assist in |

|facilitating discharges. |

| |

|Contact the Social Services immediately if there is any significant change in the person’s condition where a care package is on hold. |

| |

|Notify the Community Care Teams & person’s GP as soon as possible if a person’s circumstances change, such as their medical condition, social issues or other |

|changes that may impact on their discharge date or destination. |

| |

|Decision to discharge will be with agreement of the GP/Community Care Team. |

| |

|Upon discharge provide a discharge summary to include any changes to medication and the person’s current medical & functional status to the relevant Community Care|

|Teams and a discharge summary on SystmOne where possible. |

| |

|Provide a service that is compliant with the Essential Standards of Quality and Safety. |

| |

| |

| |

|Referral, Access and Acceptance Criteria |

| |

|Geographic coverage/boundaries: |

| |

|The service will be delivered within the boundaries of the NHS Newark and Sherwood Clinical Commissioning Group, to the adult population, registered with a Newark |

|and Sherwood GP practice. |

| |

|The service will operate within Newark and Sherwood locality with population of 129,558. |

| |

|Location(s) of Service Delivery: |

| |

|The Fernwood Community Unit is situated at Newark Hospital and can be accessed through the Main Entrance located to the front of the building. The Fernwood |

|Community Unit is clearly sign posted from the Hospital main corridor. There are 6 single occupancy bedrooms and two 3 bedded bays. |

| |

| |

|Days/Hours of operation |

| |

|Sherwood Forest Hospitals step down persons can be discharged to Fernwood 7 days a week with a TTO supply and newly written drug card. |

|Non SFH step down persons can be repatriated 7 days a week 08:00 – 16:00 and will arrive with a TTO supply of medication. The Pharmacy Technician will then |

|transcribe on to a drugs card. |

|Step up persons can be admitted 24 hours a day with a FP10 to accompany persons so that current medications can be transcribed by Pharmacy staff or Out of Hours |

|G.P. |

| |

| |

| |

|Referral criteria & sources |

|Medically stable for primary care management with no further intended acute secondary care requirements for this episode of care |

|Diagnosis and an outline care plan with parameters for discharge (referring clinician to stipulate the indicative discharge date) |

|18 years and over |

|Person is aware of and in agreement with admission / transfer having understood the reason |

|Ability to engage with a rehabilitation programme or appropriate management plan |

|Dementia persons with management/care plan. |

| |

|Referral route |

| |

|Step Down: |

| |

|Repatriation from acute or sub-acute bed via discussion with designated duty admissions coordinator. |

| |

|Step Up: |

|MIU- via discussion with GP or delegate |

|Ambulatory clinic following discussion with designated duty admissions coordinator and GP informed |

|GP - on discussion with designated duty admissions coordinator |

|Band 6 Senior Clinicians with appropriate clinical assessment skills with the acknowledgement of the GP/OOH on discussion with designated duty admissions |

|coordinator |

| |

| |

|Exclusion criteria |

|The service will not be appropriate for the following groups: |

| |

|People who are not resident within Newark & Sherwood CCG boundaries |

| |

|People with acute medical needs requiring secondary care |

| |

|If planned date of discharge is within 48 hours, person cannot be stepped down to the FCU |

| |

|Step down to the FCU cannot take place if it does not demonstrate a measurable benefit to the person |

| |

|Step down to the FCU cannot take place if the person does not have clear therapy or management goals |

| |

|People who do not have the capacity to return home |

| |

|People whose need for rehabilitation and re-enablement can be managed in their own home |

| |

|People with capacity that refuse the Service. However, for people for whom there is an on-going concern, e.g. relating to safeguarding, capacity or risk, the |

|Service must follow the Nottinghamshire Safeguarding Adults Procedure. |

| |

|People who cannot be safely managed within a rehabilitation environment |

| |

|People who are at latter stages of end of life pathway where there is no rehabilitation / re-enablement potential. |

| |

|People whose informal carers are unable to manage them being back at home even with a comprehensive package of support because of their own health needs. |

| |

|People who require a temporary care home placement as a result of carer breakdown e.g. carer being admitted to hospital, or a period of respite to avert carer |

|breakdown. |

| |

| |

| |

|Response time & detail and prioritisation |

| |

|For urgent step up admissions, a decision for accepting or declining admission should be made in line with the admission criteria during the referral phone call to|

|the duty admissions coordinator. |

| |

|Urgent step up admissions should take priority for bed allocation. |

| |

|For non-urgent step up/step down admissions, a decision for accepting or declining admission should be made within an hour of the referral phone call to the duty |

|admissions coordinator. |

| |

| |

|Documentation |

| |

|Fully implement SystmOne across the FCU to ensure integration with the GPs and Community Services to reduce duplication of documentation and assessments and enable|

|sharing of clinical documentation. |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|Staffing |

|The Service Provider shall ensure: |

| |

|The provision of regular supervision of, and on-going training for, all staff as required under the |

|National Minimum Training Standards for Healthcare Support Workers and Adult Social Care Workers in England, Nursing & Midwifery Council and the Health & Care |

|Professions Council. |

| |

|All staff are undertaking mandatory training. |

| |

|That all staff are working in line with policies and procedures. |

| |

|The Service Provider shall provide as a minimum: |

| |

|A designated duty admissions coordinator is identified to coordinate admissions into the FCU and ensure that admissions can occur 24 hours per day, 7 days per |

|week. |

| |

| |

|There is appropriate skill mix available on every shift, 52 weeks a year. This includes therapy input 7 days per week. |

| |

| |

|Medical Cover |

|Readmission |

| |

|Readmissions to the FCU as per admission criteria |

|Readmissions/admission to secondary care - any person requiring secondary care acute intervention. |

| |

|Medical Cover |

| |

|Robust GP cover is provided in hours by the five following surgeries: |

|Barnbygate |

|Lombard Street |

|Balderton |

|Sutton on Trent |

|Fountain |

| |

|Out of hours the staff contact the out of hours (OOH) GP service and any emergency medical requirements trigger a 999 call to EMAS. |

| |

|Temporary Registration |

|Any person not already registered with one of the listed 5 practices is temporarily registered with one for the duration of their stay. |

| |

| |

|Discharge Criteria and Planning |

| |

|Decision to discharge will be with agreement of the GP/Community Care Team. |

| |

|Notify the Community Care Teams & person’s GP as soon as possible if a person’s circumstances change, such as their medical condition, social issues or other |

|changes that may impact on their discharge date or destination. |

| |

|Upon discharge provide a discharge summary to include any changes to medication and the person’s current medical & functional status to the relevant Community Care|

|Teams and a discharge summary on SystmOne. |

| |

| |

|Medicines Management |

| |

|The safe receipt, storage and custody of medicines on the ward are the responsibility of every Registered Nurse. |

| |

|All medicines received on the ward must be immediately placed within the appropriate locked cupboard. |

| |

|All persons should be assessed as to their ability to self-administer medication and if deemed competent should be supported to self-administer medication. |

| |

|Each bedside locker is provided with an integral lockable drawer for the storage of persons’ medicines. The drawer must be kept locked at all times. Persons who |

|have been assessed as suitable for Self Administration of Medicines may hold a key to the drawer, in accordance with the appropriate policies. |

| |

|Prevention, Self-Care and Patient and Carer Information |

| |

|Provide an information leaflet for persons and relatives, ensuring it emphasises the re-enablement focus and is consistently provided prior to transfer/admission |

|to the FCU. |

| |

|Promotes self-management including referring onto appropriate services e.g. PRISM Plus, FLO Telehealth services. |

| |

|Acts as a resource for signposting to self-help/patient support groups. |

| |

|Transport |

|The referrer / referral handling team will be responsible for arranging the person’s transport to the FCU. |

| |

|The FCU will be responsible for arranging transport for people discharged from these beds. |

| |

|The FCU will be responsible for making arrangements for people to attend hospital and other essential appointments with an escort as required. |

|Baseline Performance Targets – Quality, Performance & Productivity |

|See Appendix 1 |

| |

|Currency and Prices |

| |

|11.1 Currency and Price |

|Issued separately as part of the Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust main Contract. |


Appendix 1



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