
September 2020




Dear Families,

I hope you had a safe and relaxing summer. With school starting in a week, I wanted to inform you about a few of the upcoming shifts in your child’s education. Due to safety concerns for staff and students, students will be attending school virtually for the 1st trimester. The virtual format will be drastically improved from the spring.

• The district purchased Chromebooks for every child.

• Hot spots (internet) will be provided to students who do not have an internet provider.

• Teachers will be providing instruction through live (synchronous) and recorded (asynchronous) videos.

• Interventions will be provided virtually either one-on-one or in small groups several times each week.

• CANVAS- Staff will use this format to assign work, collect finished assignments, post videos and provide feedback to students.

• The district will provide school supplies to every child.

• Math Tool Kits will be issued to students to support the learning of mathematics.

• Several new digital resources have been purchased to support staff and students.

I want to thank you for your support during this very difficult time and your commitment to your child’s education. If you have any questions or concerns do not hesitate to call our office at 509-786-2020. I look forward to partnering with you this year.


Kris Kell Moore


The district will use a variety of formats to communicate information to families during this virtual setting. These include direct email, website posts, social media posts, auto-dialers and press releases. It is very important to update your email account in Skyward to stay current with crucial school information.

School Lunch Program:

If you have concerns about accessing the school lunch program this upcoming school year please contact please contact the Food Service Department at 509-786-2848 or contact our office.

Technology Issues or Questions:

For questions, information or additional help please email the tech department at PSDHelpline@.


Skyward is now open for registration. Please access your Skyward Family Access account to register. All registration will be done online this year. To login to your family access go to: and click on the black “Skyward” button. The free and reduced lunch application is step 4. Only one complete application is needed for each family. After you have submitted your registration online, your student will be able to check out a Chromebook for the year (Date TBD). You will have access to your student’s schedule at the end of August. If you need login information or have registration questions please call the office at 509-786-2020. Skyward Video:

District Questions and Answers:

With our school year starting virtually, many parents and families have questions. To alleviate concerns, it is the district’s desire to answer as many questions as possible and to ensure that we all have the same information as we start the school year.  If your family has a question, please go to the link below. The district will try to address all of your questions in a video and/or letter to families.  

Mark Your Calendar:

Virtual Open House- Monday, August 31

Kindergarten 5:30-5:50 pm, First Grade 5:50-6:10pm, Second Grade 6:10-6:30 pm

1st Day of Virtual School- Tuesday, September 1st

District Proposal for Reopening:

Fall Sept-Nov

• Distance Learning 2.0 for All Students

• Work to Provide Child Care and Meals

• Monitor Status of Benton County

• Evaluate Ability to Transition to a Hybrid Model – Using Physical Distancing, Masks – 11/30/2020

Winter Dec-Feb

• Continue Online

• Provide Hybrid Learning, if Allowable

• Limited on Campus Activities

• Evaluate Ability to Transition to a Traditional Schooling Model – Using Precautionary Measures – 3/10/2021

Spring March-June

• Continue Online

• Provide Traditional Learning, if Allowable

• Resume Allowable Activities

• Monitor Data

• Evaluate Ability to Provide Robust Summer School and Return in a Traditional Model for 2021-2022

Supply Distribution:

The week of August 24-28th Prosser School District will be setting up times for families to pick up Chrome books and school supplies for the 2020-21 school year. Information on your time slot will be shared soon on our district website.

Welcome to KRV

Welcome Kris Hogaboam and Brian Jones who will be our school counselors this year. If you need to contact them they can be reached at 786-2020 ext: 2402.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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