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7166610-848995Region: __________________District: ________________________School: ___________________Reform Strategy _________________4000020000Region: __________________District: ________________________School: ___________________Reform Strategy _________________Unit Theme: 1.5 Let’s CelebrateWeek: # 2 Teacher: Subject: English Grade: 1st Date: From ________________ to __________________ 20____ Desired ResultsEnduring UnderstandingExample: The student will understand that ... EU1. Reading and writing helps us understand our own stories, the stories of others, and the world around us.EU2. Celebrations show our pride in our culture. EU3. Through music and art from Puerto Rico, we share some of our culture with the world. EU4. Singing and music is a way to share our feelings and help others share theirs.Assessment EvidenceSummative Evaluation (Performance Tasks, quizzes, exams, assignments, etc.)Learning PlanSuggested Learning Activities:Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5 (PT 1)Standards Writing, SpeakingWritingListening, SpeakingListening, ReadingListening, Reading, WritingExpectations1.W.1; 1.S.1; 1.S.141.W.11.L.1; 1.S.2c1.L.1; 1.R.3; 1.R.71.L.1; 1.R.3; 1.R.7;1.W.1Academic Strategy Instructional Strategy and PhaseObjectiveAfter a meaningful discussion or review of the five senses, the student will be able to interact and express opinions to create a Puerto Rico vocabulary chart appropriately.At the end of the lesson, the student writes his/her own poem for Puerto Rico with accuracy.Through an oral discussion on holidays and activities celebrated in Puerto Rico, the student uses complete sentences to convey meaning accurately.After listening to a read aloud, the student compares and contrasts the indigenous and Colombus with accuracy.At the end of the lesson, the student creates a scrapbook on music, art and crafts answering the question: “How do you celebrate who you are?” accurately.Depth of Knowledge (DOK)___ Recall / Memory___ Skill / Concept___ Strategic Thinking___ Extended Thinking___ Recall / Memory___ Skill / Concept___ Strategic Thinking___ Extended Thinking___ Recall / Memory___ Skill / Concept___ Strategic Thinking___ Extended Thinking___ Recall / Memory___ Skill / Concept___ Strategic Thinking___ Extended Thinking___ Recall / Memory___ Skill / Concept___ Strategic Thinking___ Extended ThinkingInitial ActivitiesRoutine activities. The teacher will tell the student about the activity of the day where they will tell words using the five senses to describe Puerto Rico.Routine activities. Review the class before. Teacher tells the students that today they will become writers, they will write a poem for Puerto Rico!Routine activities. The teacher asks the students to think about the following question: “What holidays do we celebrate in Puerto Rico? (She gets ready to start writing everything students say at the board)Routine activities. The teacher talks about the importance of reading when it comes to celebrations. How can we learn about what makes Puerto Rico unique? Here the teacher reads something about Colombus and Thanksgiving and talks about the perspective of the Taíno and the indigenous. Discussion with the students.Routine activities. The teacher tells the students they will be working on a special activity including different types of art in order to answer the following question: “How do you celebrate who you are?” Brief discussion on the question.Development ActivitiesThe teacher creates a Puerto Rico vocabulary chart with sentences starters like: (Sample on the board with students). Puerto Rico sounds like________, Puerto Rico looks like_________, Puerto Rico smells like______, Puerto Rico tastes like_______, Puerto Rico feels like________, (Sample on the board with students). Teacher makes sure students understood what they say, clarify doubts and words that might be new to the students. The teacher should have all the words mentioned by the students in a cardboard (this will help them prepare their own poems the next day).Using the sample discussed the day before and that should be in a place where students can see it, the teacher will review the sentence starters students will use to write their poems. Teacher gives students the necessary materials with clear instructions on what they are going to do. Teacher supervises students’ works, one by one. Once students finished with the poem, teacher may ask some students to share their work with the group. (volunteers)When students start mentioning the holidays they know, the teacher writes them in the board. When they finish mentioning days, the teacher can ask them which one is their favorite (if any) and why? Teacher can help students communicate in complete answers. Besides, the teacher and the students can compare and contrast if the holiday is celebrated elsewhere (e.g. Thanksgiving in the US, but not the birth of Luis Mu?oz Marín or the Mask Festival)The student, with the help of the teacher, comes up with list of activities, food, music and songs that accompany the holidays.The teacher keeps everything students say in a cardboard or at the board because it might be useful for the students in future activities.The teacher reads aloud the book “Encounter”and “Christopher Colombus”, and the student compares how the indigenous and Colombus are portrayed. The student uses illustrations to identify story details and to categorize similarities and differences between the characters. (Teacher writes what students say at the board in a big Venn Diagram) Students copy the information in their Venn diagram sheet.Teacher makes sure the student copies the information correctly.The teacher will give the instructions in a clear way in such a manner that student will feel free to start working on the special project: the scrapbook. This scrapbook will be of music, art and crafts that he/she loves and is important to him/her.On each page the student writes: ______is important to me because_____________.(Student will work on the scrapbook the whole class period) Teacher walks around making sure the students are working and using the materials they need correctly.Closing ActivitiesSum-up activity. What did we do today?, What did we learn today about Puerto Rico? What did we discover today about Puerto Rico? Tell students they will be writing a poem for Puerto Rico during the next class.At the end of the class, the teacher summarizes the activity and tell the students how proud she/he should be of his/her work. They wrote a poem…so celebrate!! (Teacher can choose the best works and put them around the classroom to motivate other students )Teacher together with the students, summarize the activity realized today in the classroom. A session on questions and answers can be made in order to know if students enjoyed the class helping them speak using complete sentences or even complete questions.Summarize the class. Review the similarities and differences mentioned between Colombus and the indigenous. Clarify how to interpret a Venn diagram. Relate the activity with the main topic…Let’s Celebrate!..…holidays, special events, etc. Tell the students that they will prepare a scrapbook about celebrations through art using some of the things they have been studying up to know related to the title of the unit which is “Let’s Celebrate”.Collect the scarpbooks and have a little conversations with the students about the experience. (Students can even write a sentence in the notebook as “journal writing”about the experience they had. Teacher can give a sentence starter like this: I like the activity because__________Or I did not like the activity because____________.Formative Assessment – Other evidenceAttachment 1.5 – Descriptive Writing Rubric (to evaluate writing)MaterialsHomeworkDifferentiated Instruction Strategies___ Special Education ___ LSP/LEP___ Section 504 ___ GiftedTeacher’s Reflection ................

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