Unit Overview

|Grade/Class |1st grade |


|Students will know… |Students will understand that… |Students will be able to… |

|-That the story is make-believe. |- They need to use their imagination. |- Use their imagination. |

|-The different kinds of animals. |- They need to pretend they are on |-Use watercolors and crayons. |

|-How to use crayons. |scranimal island. |- Draw scranimals ( an animal made out of |

|-Vocabulary- Make-believe, symbols, |- That these animals they are going to |2 or 3 different animals). |

|fantasy, animals, drawing, and watercolors|create are not real. |- Students will be able to write a short |

| |-They need to look for clues and symbols |story about their scranimal. |

| |to figure out what kind of animals are on | |

| |scranimal island. | |

|Stage 2:  Assessment Evidence | |


|Student Procedure (guidelines, directions) | Key Criteria ( how teacher will grade) |

| | |

|Artmaking Design Problem: |Artmaking Design Product: |

|Transforms different animals into one make-believe animal. |1. Students will use at least two different animals for their |

|Written Reflection/Critique: |scranimal. |

|Students will name their scranimal and write a short paragraph |2. Use crayons for the scranimals and watercolor for the |

|about their scranimal |background. |

| | |

| |Written Reflection/Critique: |

| |They will name their scranimal and write a short paragraph. |


|Stage 3:  Learning Plan | |


| |

|Does the unit address enduring ideas about the human experience? |

| |

|Does the unit address enduring ideas about art? |

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|Does the unit address key concepts and essential questions? |

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|Does the learning plan align with unit objectives and assessment tasks? |

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|Does the unit address the knowledge and skills in a logical sequence to achieve unit objectives? |

| |

|Do the enduring ideas, key concepts and essential questions provide focus and cohesiveness throughout unit? |

| |

|Are students aware of assessment expectations? |

| |

|Are enduring ideas, concepts and important skills assessed? |

| |

|Are the key unit and lesson components included and clearly presented? |

| |

|Are students given opportunities to provide evidence of learning? |


| |Flexible grouping |

| |Open-ended activities |

| |Exploration by interests |

| |Negotiated criteria |

| |Anchoring/Extension activities |

| |Independent |

| |Tiered activities/products |

| |Journal prompts |

| |Multiple levels of questions |

| |Scaffolding |

| |Choice: Learner profile, Readiness, Interest |


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