Unit 1, Activity 4, Sentence Variety Mini-Lesson

Peer Review Checklist

Character Analysis Essay

1st Draft Markers (In REVISION stage):

Initial Here

| |Does this writing have a thesis statement? |

| |Does this writing analyze the development of a favorite character? |

| |Does the writing justify the character’s behavior with textual evidence arranged in ascending order? |

| |Does the writing make a judgment of the playwright’s skill in developing that character? |

No paper goes on to Editing Stage until all 1st Draft markers have been met.

Final Draft Markers (In EDITING stage):

Initial Here

| |Is this essay free of grammar/usage/mechanical errors? |

| |Does this essay use a variety of sentence structures to develop its paragraphs? |

| |Is the language of this writing clear and concise, and is the structure correct? |

| |Is this essay in correct Final Copy format? |

|Oral Presentation Rubric : Evaluating Student Presentations of Literary Devices |

| |

|CATEGORY |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Subject Knowledge |Student demonstrates full |Student demonstrates |Student demonstrates |Student does not have |

| |knowledge (more than |enough (adequate) |knowledge of the chosen |grasp of required |

| |required) of the chosen |knowledge of the chosen |literary device but is not|information; student |

| |literary device and its |literary device and its |completely comfortable |cannot answer questions |

| |interpretation in the |interpretation in the |with explaining its |about it nor when |

| |selected works. |selected works as prompted|interpretation in the |prompted. |

| | |by questioning. |selected works. | |

|Choice of materials |Student uses relevant and |Student uses relevant |Student uses some examples|Student provides no |

| |creative examples of |examples of chosen |of chosen literary device,|examples of chosen |

| |chosen literary device. |literary device. |but some may not be |literary device or |

| | | |convincingly relevant. |examples that are neither |

| | | | |relevant nor clear. |

|Delivery |Student uses clear voice |Student's voice is clear. |Student's voice is low. |Student mumbles, |

| |and correct, precise |Student pronounces most |Student incorrectly |incorrectly pronounces |

| |pronunciation of terms so |words correctly. Most |pronounces terms. Audience|terms, and speaks too |

| |that all audience members |audience members can hear |members have difficulty |quietly for students in |

| |can hear presentation. |presentation. |hearing presentation. |the back of class to hear.|


(Scoring for English language arts composition for 8th and 10th grades)

| | | |

|DIMENSIONS |Circle the number earned |Points Earned |

| | | | | | |

|I. Composing Dimension |Not Yet — 1 |Almost — 2 |Good — 3 |Wow! — 4 | |

|- Central Idea (Focus) |The writer demonstrates |The writer demonstrates |The writer |The writer | |

|- Support/Elaboration (Details) |little or no control of |enough inconsistent |demonstrates |demonstrates | |

|- Unity/Organization |most of the dimension’s |control of several |reasonable, but |consistent, though | |

| |features. |features to show |not complete |not necessarily | |

| | |significant weakness in |control of most |perfect, control of | |

| | |the dimension. |features in this |almost all of the | |

| | | |dimension. |dimension’s | |

| | | | |features. | |

| | | | | | |

|II. Style/Audience Awareness Dimension |Not Yet — 1 |Almost — 2 |Good — 3 |Wow! — 4 | |

|- Good Diction/Word Choice |The writer demonstrates |The writer demonstrates |The writer |The writer | |

|- No Unnecessary Information |little or no control of |enough inconsistent |demonstrates |demonstrates | |

|- Sentence Diversity |most of the dimension’s |control of several |reasonable, but |consistent, though | |

|- Consistent Tone |features. |features to show |not complete |not necessarily | |

|- Authentic/Natural Voice | |significant weakness in |control of most |perfect, control of | |

| | |the dimension. |features in this |almost all of the | |

| | | |dimension. |dimension’s | |

| | | | |features. | |

| | | | | |

|III. Sentence Formation |Not Yet — 0 |Good — 1 | | |

|- Avoidance of Run-ons |Unacceptable control: |Acceptable control: Few, | | |

|and Fragments |There are run-on |if any, run-on sentences | | |

|- Varied Sentence Patterns |sentences, fragments, |or fragments; various | | |

| |and/or poorly constructed |sentence structures. | | |

| |sentences; one type of | | | |

| |sentence pattern. | | | |

| | | | | |

|IV. Usage |Not Yet — 0 |Good — 1 | | |

|- Subject/Verb Agreement |Unacceptable control: |Acceptable control: If any| | |

|- Verb Tenses |Subject-verb agreement, |errors are present, they | | |

|- Adverb/Adjective Forms |verb tenses, adj/adv. |do not appear to be part | | |

| |Forms and word meaning are|of a pattern of usage | | |

| |generally correct; no |errors. | | |

| |pattern of errors. | | | |

| | | | | |

|V. Mechanics |Not Yet — 0 |Good — 1 | | |

|- Punctuation |Unacceptable control: |Acceptable control: If any| | |

|- Capitalization |Patterns of errors in |errors are present, they | | |

|- Formatting |punctuation, |do not appear to be part | | |

| |capitalization, and/or |of a pattern. | | |

| |formatting. | | | |

| | | | | |

|VI. Spelling |Not Yet — 0 |Good — 1 | | |

| |Unacceptable control: |Acceptable control: May be| | |

| |There is a pattern of |occasional misspelling; no| | |

| |misspelled words; |pattern of spelling | | |

| |indicates a weakness in |errors. | | |

| |spelling. | | | |

| | | |


| | | |

| | | |

| | | |



| | | | | |

|Pts. Grade |Pts. Grade |Pts. Grade | | |

| | | | | |

|12 100% |8 86% |4 70% | | |

|11 96% |7 82% |3 66% | | |

|10 92% |6 78% |2 62% | | |

|9 88% |5 74% |1 58% | | |

formatted by Lanell S. Marks, Northside High School, Fall 2000

Peer Review Checklist

Research Essay

1st Draft Markers (In REVISION stage):

Initial Here

| |Does this writing integrate at least two direct quotations from the play? |

| |Does this writing summarize without plagiarizing the opinion of the scholarly essay? |

| |Does this writing provide an explanation of the writer’s agreement or disagreement with the opinions of the |

| |scholarly essay? |

| |Are correct citations (MLA format) provided within the text and in the bibliographic information? |

No paper goes on to Editing Stage until all 1st Draft markers have been met.

Final Draft Markers (In EDITING stage):

Initial Here

| |Is this essay free of grammar/usage/mechanical errors? |

| |Does this essay use a variety of sentence structures to develop its paragraphs? |

| |Is the language of this writing clear and concise, and is the structure correct? |

| |Is this essay in correct MLA Final Copy format with all citations properly documented? |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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