5 - Socorro Independent School District

1.4A confirm predictions about what will happen next in text by “reading the part that tells” (Level 3)

|1.4B ask relevant questions, seek clarification, and locate facts and details about stories and other texts (Level 1)

| |

|The reader can tell that__ (prediction stated) because__ |What happened when __did__? |

|The reader can tell that __ (prediction not stated) because__ |Why did __go to__? |

| |Why is __important? |

|Margaret Kilgo Question Stems @Nancy Apodaca-Hilley LCC~2010 |Margaret Kilgo Question Stems @Nancy Apodaca-Hilley LCC~2010 |

|1.4C establish purpose for reading selected texts and monitor comprehension, making corrections and |1.6A identify words that name actions(verbs) and words that name persons, places, or things (nouns) (Level |

|adjustments when that understanding breaks down (e.g., identifying clues, using background knowledge, |2) |

|generating questions, re-reading a portion aloud. (Level 3) | |

|What did you think about __ at the beginning of the story? |What does this word tell you? |

|What did you think about __at the end of the story? |What does this word tell you to do? (directions or actions) |

|Did you change your mind about__(a character in the story) as you read the complete story? |What does this word mean? |

|What did you learn from reading this information? | |

|Margaret Kilgo Question Stems @Nancy Apodaca-Hilley LCC~2010 |Margaret Kilgo Question Stems @Nancy Apodaca-Hilley LCC~2010 |

|1.6B determine the meaning of compound words using knowledge of the meaning of their individual component |1.6C determine what words mean from how they are used in a sentence, either heard or read (Level 3) |

|words (e.g., lunchtime) (Level 3) | |

|Can you find two shorter words in this word? |What clues in this sentence help you know what __ means? |

|What do these two shorter words mean? |What does the word __ mean in this sentence? |

|What does the word with both shorter words mean? | |

|Margaret Kilgo Question Stems @Nancy Apodaca-Hilley LCC~2010 |Margaret Kilgo Question Stems @Nancy Apodaca-Hilley LCC~2010 |

|1.6D identify and sort words into conceptual categories (e.g., opposites, living things): (Level 3) |1.6E alphabetize a series of words to the first or second letter and use a dictionary to find words (Level|

| |2) |

|How are these two words alike? |Would __ come before or after __ in the dictionary? |

|What do these two words have in common? | |

|Margaret Kilgo Question Stems @Nancy Apodaca-Hilley LCC~2010 |Margaret Kilgo Question Stems @Nancy Apodaca-Hilley LCC~2010 |

|1.7A connect the meaning of a well-known story or fable to personal experiences (Level 3) |1.7B explain the function of recurring phrases (e.g., “Once upon a time” or “They lived happily ever after”)|

| |in traditional folk and fairy tales (Level 3) |

| | |

|Have you had an experience like __in this story? |Why do you think the authors of these stories always begin with “Once upon a time”? |

|What did we learn from reading this story? |What do the authors mean by “they lived happily ever after” in these two fairy tales? |

|How can the lesson in this story help you? | |

|Margaret Kilgo Question Stems @Nancy Apodaca-Hilley LCC~2010 |Margaret Kilgo Question Stems @Nancy Apodaca-Hilley LCC~2010 |

|1.8A respond to and use rhythm, rhyme, and alliteration in poetry (Level 4) |1.9A describe the plot (problem and solution) and retell a story’s beginning, middle, and end with the |

| |sequence of events (Level 3) |

| | |

|What words rhyme in the first verse of this poem? |What happened when__? |

|What other word would rhyme with __in this poem? |What happened at the beginning of the story? |

|What sounds are repeated over and over in this poem? (alliteration) |What happened at the end of the story? |

|Teacher: Let’s find the rhythm in this poem by listening to me clap the rhythm as I read the poem. |Why is paragraph __ important? |

| |Retell 3 important events in the order that the events happened. |

|Margaret Kilgo Question Stems @Nancy Apodaca-Hilley LCC~2010 |Margaret Kilgo Question Stems @Nancy Apodaca-Hilley LCC~2010 |

|1.9B describe characters in a story and the reasons for their actions and feelings (Level 3) |1.10A determine whether a story is true or a fantasy and explain why (Level 4) |

|How does __feel about__? |This story was mainly written to__ |

|Why do you think __ did__? |Could the events in this story really happen in real life? Why? Or Why not? |

|Which word best describes __? |Why did the author write this story? |

|Why did __ want to__? |You can tell this story is make believe because__ |

|Margaret Kilgo Question Stems @Nancy Apodaca-Hilley LCC~2010 |Margaret Kilgo Question Stems @Nancy Apodaca-Hilley LCC~2010 |

|1.11A recognize sensory details in literary text (Level 2) |1.13A identify the topic and explain the author’s purpose in writing about the text (Level 2) |

|How did you feel when you read__? |What was the topic of this article? |

|Which words in this story made you feel like you could almost (smell, hear, see)__? |The topic of this information is__ |

| |The author wrote this article to__ |

|Margaret Kilgo Question Stems @Nancy Apodaca-Hilley LCC~2010 |Margaret Kilgo Question Stems @Nancy Apodaca-Hilley LCC~2010 |

|1.14A restate the main idea, heard or read (Level 3) |1.14B identify important facts or details in text, heard or read (Level 1) |

|What is the main idea of this newspaper article? |How do you know__? |

|The main idea of the section called __ is__. |Tell one thing you learned from this article. |

| |What was important in this information? |

|Margaret Kilgo Question Stems @Nancy Apodaca-Hilley LCC~2010 |Margaret Kilgo Question Stems @Nancy Apodaca-Hilley LCC~2010 |

|1.14C retell the order of events in a text by referring to the words and/or illustrations; (Level 3) |1.14D use text features (e.g., title, table of contents, illustrations) to locate specific information in |

| |text. (Level 1) |

| | |

| |How would you find__in this information? |

| |Which of the following would be helpful in finding information about__? |

|Look at the 3 pictures and put the pictures in order of the information. |How would you find __ in this information? |

|What happens first when__? |Which of the following would be helpful in finding information about__? |

|Which words tell you what happens after__? | |

|Which words tell you what happens before__? | |

|Margaret Kilgo Question Stems @Nancy Apodaca-Hilley LCC~2010 |Margaret Kilgo Question Stems @Nancy Apodaca-Hilley LCC~2010 |

|1.15A follow written multi-step directions with picture cues to assist with understanding (Level 2) |1.15B explain the meaning of specific signs and symbols (e.g.,map features). (Level 3) |

|What are the ingredients in this recipe? |What does this ask a person to do? |

|What equipment do we need for this science experiment? |How would you follow the directions on this sign? |

|What is the first step in the directions for making__? |What should you do if you see this sign? |

|What do you do according to this recipe after__? | |

|When making __, what is the last step to follow? | |

|Complete this task by following these steps. | |

|Margaret Kilgo Question Stems @Nancy Apodaca-Hilley LCC~2010 |Margaret Kilgo Question Stems @Nancy Apodaca-Hilley LCC~2010 |

|2.16A recognize different purposes of media (e.g., informational, entertainment) (with adult assistance) |2.16B identify techniques used in media (e.g., sound , movement) (Level 3) |

|(Level 2) | |

|Let’s find an advertisement in the newspaper that makes us laugh. |How is music used in this advertisement? |

|Let’s find an advertisement in the newspaper that gives us important information. |Identify the movements in this advertisement. |

|Margaret Kilgo Question Stems @Nancy Apodaca-Hilley LCC~2010 |Margaret Kilgo Question Stems @Nancy Apodaca-Hilley LCC~2010 |

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|Level 1: Locate! |Level 2: Combine! |

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|(The reader must be able to locate facts, details, events, characters, etc.) |(The Reader must be able locate to combine facts, details, events, characters, etc., to determine sequence |

|Locate the answer—the answer is stated. |and cause/effect.) |

|Where is the answer? |Combine parts of the text for the answer—the answer is stated. |

|Facts and details questions |What parts go together for the answer? |

| |Sequence/chronological order questions |

| |Cause and effect questions |

|Margaret Kilgo Question Stems @Nancy Apodaca-Hilley LCC~2010 |Margaret Kilgo Question Stems @Nancy Apodaca-Hilley LCC~2010 |

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|Level 3: Connect! |Level 4: Analyze! |

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|(The reader must be able to locate and combine to connect facts, details, events, characters, etc. to |(The reader must be able to locate, combine and connect facts, details, events, characters to analyze the |

|inferences and implied meanings.) |author’s writing.) |

| | |

|Connect clues and evidence to the unstated answer. |Analyze the author’s writing. |

|Answer is not stated but is inferred or implied. |What is the author thinking? |

|Where are the clues and evidence for the answer? |Author’s purpose questions |

|Inference questions |Author’s craft questions |

|Making predictions questions | |

|Main Idea questions | |

|Summary questions | |

|Margaret Kilgo Question Stems @Nancy Apodaca-Hilley LCC~2010 |Margaret Kilgo Question Stems @Nancy Apodaca-Hilley LCC~2010 |

|Question Stems for the ELAR TEKS/SEs Aligned with Reading Comprehension Skills |RCS (A) establish purposes for reading selected texts based upon desired outcome to enhance comprehension |

|(Theme and Genre) | |

| | |

|Grade 1 | |

| |Why do you think we read ____ ? |

| |How did this story make you feel? |

| |What do you like best in__? |

| |What did you learn from listening from reading this article? |

| |Which of these two selections do you think you would enjoy reading the most? |

|Margaret Kilgo Question Stems @Nancy Apodaca-Hilley LCC~2010 |Margaret Kilgo Question Stems @Nancy Apodaca-Hilley LCC~2010 |

|RCS(B) ask literal questions of text |RCS (C) monitor and adjust comprehension (e.g., using background knowledge, creating sensory images, |

| |rereading a portion aloud, generating questions) |

|Who was __’s mother? |Reread to find out why __ is important. |

|What did ___do in the story? | |

|What happened in the story? | |

|When was this article written? | |

|Margaret Kilgo Question Stems @Nancy Apodaca-Hilley LCC~2010 |Margaret Kilgo Question Stems @Nancy Apodaca-Hilley LCC~2010 |

|RCS (D) make inferences about text and use textual evidence to support understanding (Level 3) |RCS (E) retell or act out important events in stories in logical order (Level 2) |

|You can tell from the story that__ |Retell the three most important events in this story in the order in which these events happened. (sorting |

|Which sentence in the story tells you that__ |important from not important) |

|From this article the reader can tell that__ |What happened after__? |

| |What happened before__? |

| |What happened when __? |

|Margaret Kilgo Question Stems @Nancy Apodaca-Hilley LCC~2010 |Margaret Kilgo Question Stems @Nancy Apodaca-Hilley LCC~2010 |

|RCS (F) make connections to own experiences, to ideas in other texts, and to the larger community and |Question Stems for the ELAR TEKS/SEs Aligned with Reading Comprehension Skills |

|discuss textual evidence. | |

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| |Grade 1 |

|How are your experiences like those of the character in the story? | |

|Have you read about this information before in a different article? | |

|What information in this article reminded you of our community? | |

|Margaret Kilgo Question Stems @Nancy Apodaca-Hilley LCC~2010 |Margaret Kilgo Question Stems @Nancy Apodaca-Hilley LCC~2010 |



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