RUSLE2 Tillage Worksheet

RUSLE2 Tillage and Rotation Worksheet

|Producer: |Tract: |Tract: |Tract: |FOR NRCS USE |Soil Type: | |Phone #: |

|Primary Tillage (SP, FC, SC, NT) | | | | | | | |

|Secondary Tillage | | | | | | | |

|Other Tillage | | | | | | | |

|Residue Removal | | | | | | | |

|Routinely & Uniformly Applied Manure: Type: | | | | | | | |

|Solid/Semi/Liquid Rate: _______/ac. | | | | | | | |

|Cultivation | | | | | | | |

|(specify timing and method below) | | | | | | | |

|Fertilizer Incorporation | | | | | | | |

|(specify type and method below) | | | | | | | |

|Notes: |

|Tillage Options Applied (P = Primary S = Secondary): |Soybean Production: |Other Information: |

|___Moldboard: Spring Fall |Row Spacing: Narrow (-10) Wide (+10") |Was Anhydrous injected: Yes No |

|___Chisel: Twisted Straight Sweep / Spring Fall |No Till: Yes No) Type of drill/planter: |Other Fertilizer Incorporation (when/how): |

|___Subsoiler: When:______________ In Row: |Double disk w/coulter Double disk w/coulters & airway |Manure Incorporation (when/how): |

|Type of Shank:______________ Depth: |Single disk Single disk & aerway |Document Grassed Waterways and other existing conservation practices: |

|___Disk: Tandem Offset / Light Heavy | |Contour Strips Contour Buffers Contour |

|Spring Fall | |Contour: Absolute Row Grade %: |

|___Finishers: Describe: | |Width of strips: |

|Spring Fall | |Number of strips: |

|Twisted Straight Sweeps | |Other Conservation Practices: |

|Harrows Gangs Rollers | | |

|Cultivator/Rotary Hoe: When: | | |

|Type: | | |

| |Small Grain Production: | |

| |Used as cover crop: Yes No | |

| |Seeding date: | |

| |Planter Type: | |

| |Used as Forage: Yes No Date Removed: | |

|Corn Production: |Alfalfa/Hay Production: |Other Crop (Details): Crop Name: |

|Planter Type: |Seeding: Direct Seed With Nurse Crop |Seeding Date: |

|Row Spacing: |Seeding: Straight Alfalfa Grass Mix |Harvest Date: |

|Planter Attachments (coulter, etc.): |Seeding: Spring Fall |Planter Type: |

|Other Residue Removal (gleaning, etc.): |If nurse crop: Forage Grain |Row Spacing: |

| |Alfalfa/Hay Seeding Rates: |Residue Removed: Yes No |


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