Goshen Creek/1st GRADE - Springtown ISD

Lesson Plans for December 8 – 12, 2014

|Monday, |Subject |Materials |Activity |Homework |

|December 8, | | | | |

|2014 | | | | |

| |PHONICS |Johnny Can Spell cards |Review Phonemes |Read 20 minutes and practice spelling words |

| |Unit 3 |Spelling and Sight words |Introduce Long o (o, oa, ow) write on index cards and sort spelling words | |

| |2.2A(iv), |Balanced Literacy Guide | | |

| |WRITING |Daily proofreading |Daily Proofreading |Read 20 minutes and practice spelling words |

| |Unit 3 |Empowering Writers book |Review adverbs and | |

| |TEKS 2.22B(ii) | |introduce suffix endings –ly was projectable 14.9 | |

| |2.2D, 2.21A(vi) | |Empowering Writers Month 4 Lesson 2 | |

| | | |Writing Prompt: Close your eyes and touch a pencil all over. Describe how it feels. | |

| |MATH |GoMath TE Module 4 |Daily math and fact practice 5s |Students are expected to practice learned |

| |Unit 5: 2.1 A, 2.1 C, 2.1 |Rectangular paper for lesson opener |Lesson opener 4.3 (interactive SE) model with rectangular paper. |math skills for 10 minutes every night. |

| |D, 2.1 E, 2.1 F, 2.1 G |(1 per student) |In Math Notebook, have students draw three foods for a picnic: a sandwich, an apple, |Homework should be logged on homework form in|

| |2.3A, 2.3B, 2.3C, 2.3D, |Math notebook |and a banana. Then ask them to divide these objects into equal parts. |folder. |

| |2.8E |Pattern Blocks |Complete GoMath Lesson 4.3- Describe Equal Parts (pgs. 127-130). | |

| | | |Accelerated Math Objectives 32-37/Guided Math/RTI | |

| |SCIENCE | |Watch Road Trip to California State Mining & Mineral Museum. Have students create |Reading and Math homework will enhance |

| |Unit 4 |Road Trip to California State Mining|their own exhibit with rocks that have been brought in. Have students create |Science. |

| |TEKS 2.1, 2.1A, 2.2,2.2A, |and Mineral Museum |notecards that describe their rock and what kind it is. Students will then walk | |

| |2.2D,2.4, 2.4A,2.7, 2.7B | |around and look at each person’s rock to check and see if it matches the description.| |

| |ELPS c1-5 | | | |

| |SOCIAL | |Daily Geography Practice – Picturing the Unites States | |

| |STUDIES |Daily Geography Practice – |The student understands how historical figures, patriots, and good citizens helped |Reading Homework will enhance Social Studies |

| |Unit 6 |Picturing the Unites States |shape the community, state, and nation. The student is expected to: identify | |

| |Remembering Heroes | |contributions of good citizens who have shaped the community. | |

| |2.1A, 2.4B, |Good Citizen Reports |Watch How Leaders and Events Shape Communities | |

| |13A,B, 18B,E | |Review reports on Good Citizens from last week. | |

| | |Discovery Education |Ask students how their citizen is remembered. Discuss. | |

|Tuesday, |Subject |Materials |Activity |Homework |

|December 9, | | | | |

|2014 | | | | |

| |PHONICS |Johnny Can Spell cards |Review learned phonemes |Read 20 minutes and practice spelling words |

| |Unit 3 |Spelling and Sight words |Play a matching game with Long o (o, oa, ow) words | |

| |TEKS 2.2B(vi) |Balanced Literacy Guide | | |

| |WRITING |Daily proofreading |Daily Proofreading |Read 20 minutes and practice spelling words |

| |Unit 3 |Empowering Writers book |Empowering Writers Month 4 Lesson 3 | |

| |TEKS 2.2D, 2.22B(ii) | |Introduce Pronouns – he, she, it, them, they, we, me, I | |

| |2.21A(vi) | |Suffixes ending -ful, | |

| | | |Writing Prompt: Tell what you think reading with your fingers would be like. Refer | |

| | | |back to sensory poems | |

| |MATH |Play-doh |Math fact practice 5s |Students are expected to practice learned |

| |Unit 5: 2.1 A, 2.1 C, 2.1 |MM SE pgs. 44 |Use play-doh to create a shape. Have students divide the shape into equal parts and |math skills for 10 minutes every night. |

| |D, 2.1 E, 2.1 F, 2.1 G |Paper for snowflakes |then compare their parts with the parts of a partner. Use words such as larger, |Homework should be logged on homework form in|

| |2.3A, 2.3B, 2.3C, 2.3D, | |smaller, fewer… |folder. |

| |2.8E | |***Complete MM SE pg. 44 Journal/Vocabulary Activity | |

| | | |Make snowflakes with different number of folds- compare snowflakes using comparative | |

| | | |language. | |

| | | |Accelerated Math Objectives 32-37/Guided Math/RTI | |

| |SCIENCE | |Display a map and show students where sources of water are. Students will see that |Reading and Math homework will enhance |

| |Unit 4 |Science Fusion |there are rivers, lakes, ponds, streams, oceans, glaciers, and hot springs. Tell |Science. |

| |TEKS 2.1, 2.1A, 2.2,2.2A, | |students there are two different types of water- fresh water and saltwater. Read | |

| |2.2D,2.4, 2.4A,2.7, 2.7B | |pages 179- 185 in Science book. | |

| |ELPS c1-5 | | | |

| |SOCIAL | |Daily Geography Practice – Picturing the Unites States | |

| |STUDIES |Daily Geography Practice – | |Reading Homework will enhance Social Studies |

| |Unit 6 |Picturing the Unites States |The student understands how historical figures, patriots, and good citizens helped | |

| |Remembering Heroes | |shape the community, state, and nation. The student is expected to: identify | |

| |2.1A, 2.4B, |Horizons |contributions of good citizens who have shaped the community. | |

| |13A,B, 18B,E | | | |

| | | |Read Unit 4 – lesson 4 as a class. Discuss. | |

|Wednesday, |Subject |Materials |Activity |Homework |

|December 10,| | | | |

|2014 | | | | |

| |PHONICS |Balanced Literacy Guide |Have students find words with the Long o (o, oa, ow)in their decodable readers, |Read 20 minutes and practice spelling words |

| |Unit 3 | |leveled readers, and story of the week | |

| |TEKS 2.2B(vi) | | | |

| |WRITING |Daily proofreading |Daily Proofreading |Read 20 minutes and practice spelling words |

| |Unit 3 |Empowering Writers book |Empowering Writers Month 4 Lesson 4 | |

| |TEKS 2.2D, 2.22B(ii), | |Review Pronouns in writing | |

| |2.21A(vi) | |Suffixes ending in -less | |

| | | |Writing Prompt: Write sentences about everything you can smell right now. | |

| |MATH | |Math fact practice 5s |Students are expected to practice learned |

| |Unit 5: 2.1 A, 2.1 C, 2.1 |GoMath lesson 4.4 pgs. 133-136 |Complete GoMath Lesson 4.4-Identify Parts of a Whole |math skills for 10 minutes every night. |

| |D, 2.1 E, 2.1 F, 2.1 G | | |Homework should be logged on homework form in|

| |2.3A, 2.3B, 2.3C, 2.3D, | | |folder. |

| |2.8E | |Accelerated Math Objectives 32-37/Guided Math/RTI | |

| |SCIENCE | |Work through the interactive lesson on Science Fusion with students. Have students |Reading and Math homework will enhance |

| |Unit 4 |Think Central |get into pairs and work on pages 186 – 187 in Science book. |Science. |

| |TEKS 2.1, 2.1A, 2.2,2.2A, |Science Fusion | | |

| |2.2D,2.4, 2.4A,2.7, 2.7B | | | |

| |ELPS c1-5 | | | |

| |SOCIAL | |Daily Geography Practice – Picturing the Unites States | |

| |STUDIES |Daily Geography Practice – | |Reading Homework will enhance Social Studies |

| |Unit 6 |Picturing the Unites States |Review Good Citizens. | |

| |Remembering Heroes | |Complete “My Hero” | |

| |2.1A, 2.4B, |Horizons Activity Book | | |

| |13A,B, 18B,E | |Students may choose one of the studied heroes or a person they know. | |

|Thursday, |Subject |Materials |Activity |Homework |

|December 11,| | | | |

|2014 | | | | |

| |PHONICS |Balanced Literacy Guide |Students need to make up sentences using words with Long o (o, oa, ow) |Read 20 minutes and practice spelling words |

| |Unit 3 | | | |

| |TEKS 2.2B(vi) | | | |

| |WRITING |Daily proofreading |Daily Proofreading |Read 20 minutes and practice spelling words |

| |Unit 3 |Empowering Writers book |Empowering Writers Month 4 Lesson 5 | |

| |TEKS 2.2D, 2.22B(ii) |Balanced Literacy Guide |Writing Prompt: Describe how you think you would talk if you were unable to speak. | |

| | | |Have students write a sensory poem about themselves. | |

| |MATH |United Streaming |Math fact practice 5s |Students are expected to practice learned |

| |Unit 5: 2.1 A, 2.1 C, 2.1 |GoMath TE pg. 134 |Show The Number Crew: Action with Fractions (9:24) from United Streaming |math skills for 10 minutes every night. |

| |D, 2.1 E, 2.1 F, 2.1 G |Fraction match game |Complete Enrich activity from GoMath TE pg. 134 |Homework should be logged on homework form in|

| |2.3A, 2.3B, 2.3C, 2.3D, | |Play one of the fraction matching games. |folder. |

| |2.8E | |Accelerated Math Objectives 32-37/Guided Math/RTI | |

| |SCIENCE | |Sink and float activity to represent Fresh and Salt water. Set this up in three |Reading and Math homework will enhance |

| |Unit 4 | |centers. Give everyone a Popsicle stick to stick into each bowl of water so they can |Science. |

| |TEKS 2.1, 2.1A, 2.2,2.2A, | |taste the difference. The first center will be to taste the waters and look at the | |

| |2.2D,2.4, 2.4A,2.7, 2.7B | |differences. The second will be to touch and smell the water. The third center will | |

| |ELPS c1-5 | |be to see what items sink or float in the water. Use a bar of soap or something else| |

| | | |that will float and sink. Record data in science notebooks. | |

| |SOCIAL | |Daily Geography Practice – Picturing the Unites States | |

| |STUDIES |Daily Geography Practice – | |Reading Homework will enhance Social Studies |

| |Unit 6 |Picturing the Unites States |W.E.B. DuBois – DE Streaming | |

| |Remembering Heroes | |Read biography and discuss. | |

| |2.1A, 2.4B, |Discovery Education |“Walk in My Footsteps” | |

| |13A,B, 18B,E | | | |

|Friday, | |Materials |Activity |Homework |

|December 12,| | | | |

|2014 | | | | |

| |PHONICS |Balanced Literacy Guide |Sight word Test |Read 20 minutes and practice spelling words |

| |Unit 3 | | | |

| |WRITING |Balanced Literacy Guide |Spelling and dictation Test |Read 20 minutes and practice spelling words |

| |Unit 3 | |Long o (o, oa, ow) | |

| |TEKS 2.2D | | | |

| |MATH |Fact Assessment |***Fact Assessment #5 |Students are expected to practice learned |

| |Unit 5: 2.1 A, 2.1 C, 2.1 |Ornament template |*** Create an ornament - write fractions for the decorations on the back. (If they |math skills for 10 minutes every night. |

| |D, 2.1 E, 2.1 F, 2.1 G |Fraction Match Game |use stripes, 5/8 are purple and 3/8 are blue) |Homework should be logged on homework form in|

| |2.3A, 2.3B, 2.3C, 2.3D, | |Fraction Match Game |folder. |

| |2.8E | |Accelerated Math Objectives 32-37/Guided Math/RTI | |

| |SCIENCE | |Make a Venn Diagram using the data you recorded yesterday over salt water and fresh |Reading and Math homework will enhance |

| |Unit 4 | |water. As a class, complete the sources of water chart on page 188 in Science book. |Science. |

| |TEKS 2.1, 2.1A, 2.2,2.2A, | | | |

| |2.2D,2.4, 2.4A,2.7, 2.7B | | | |

| |ELPS c1-5 | | | |

| |SOCIAL |Daily Geography Practice – | | |

| |STUDIES |Picturing the Unites States |Daily Geography Practice – Picturing the Unites States |Reading Homework will enhance Social Studies |

| |Unit 6 | | | |

| |Remembering Heroes |Rachel’s Challenge |Rachel’s Challenge Lesson: Acceptance | |

| |2.1A, 2.4B, |lesson |Primary Link | |

| |13A,B, 18B,E | | | |


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