Week 6 Innovative Instructional Unit - Weebly

The following Innovative Instructional unit will include the course guidelines: combine strategies and include cross-curricular group activities. Components include: Name the unit, subject matter taught, grade level, 5 days in length, strategies, graphic organizer, technology, motivation, means of communication, assessment, and resources.

Topic/Unit: Main Idea and Supporting Details

Grade Level: 3

Time Period: 5 days

Subject Matter: Reading/Language Arts and Writing

Organization: Whole Group and Small Group Instruction

Special Vocabulary: Main Idea and Supporting Details

Common Core Standards:

Common Core Reading Informational Text Standard 3.RIT.2 – Determine the main idea of a text; recount the key details and explain how they support the main idea.

Common Core Speaking & Listening Standard 3.SL.2 – Determine the main ideas and supporting details of a text read aloud or information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally.

Common Core Writing Standard 3.W.2 – Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly.

Relevance: Students will be able to:

• Determine the main idea of a text

• Recount the key details and explain how they support the main idea

• Determine the main ideas and supporting details of a text read aloud or information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually and orally

• Write a paragraph to examine a topic and convey ideas clearly

Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence:

• Verbal Intelligence

• Intrapersonal Intelligence

• Interpersonal Intelligence

• Bodily – Kinesthetic

• Verbal linguistic

• Visual – Spatial

• Linguistic


Breaking the normal classroom setting and instruction, students will have the opportunity to be involved in a social, cooperative environment while improving their understanding of main ideas and supporting details of a text. This setting is easily designed for an instructor’s enthusiasm and energy to have a positive influence on students, allowing them to work in small group settings that are differentiated for their needs.


• Shel Silverstein’s book Lafcadio, The Lion Who Shot Back

• Mary Pope Osborne’s book Dinosaurs Before Dark

• Vocabulary Memory Game

• Dry erase board

• ELMO projector

• Promethean Board (technology) MainIdeaSupportingDetails.flipchart,

• iPad (technology), Dragon Dictation Application

• Computer (technology)

• Pictures from the Internet (technology)

Whole Group Reading (1 hour)

Objective: Main Idea and Supporting Details

Read Aloud: Lafcadio, The Lion Who Shot Back, by Shel Silverstein

Novel: Dinosaurs Before Dark, by Mary Pope Osborne

Vocabulary: built, gripped, trembled, soared, examine, cautiously, shoved, cheerfully

Day 1:

• Introduce the read aloud to students by preview and predicting it. Then read the first chapter out loud. After reading, discuss the main idea of the chapter by asking the students who the main character is and what is happening in that chapter. Tell students the objective we are working on this week, and how we will focus on the main idea (and details that support the main idea) of each chapter in the books we are reading this week. Mention that we are also working on this during small group reading time.

• Introduce the novel for this week by preview and predicting it. Also, point out the new vocabulary words that will be in the reading for this week; these words will be posted up in the room. Students will then break up into their cooperative groups and start partner reading Day 1 (pages 1-5) of the novel. While reading, students must think about the main who (characters) of the story is and what is the most important thing happening in the reading.

• The groups are differentiated based on the reading level they are at. Students who have an IEP and are below 1st grade reading level are in a group with an aide. The aide guides them while reading. This allows them to be able to comprehend and get familiar with third grade literature. I will walk around the room, listening to students read, checking on their fluency. Students do a great job working cooperatively, helping each other out.

• After partner reading, students must work together in writing the main idea of Day 1 reading. They must write the main who and the main what, then draw a picture that represents it.

Day 2:

• Start off the hour by reading chapter 2 of Lafcadio, then ask them what the main idea of the chapter is by asking the students who the main character is and what is happening in this chapter. Discuss if it is the same as yesterdays reading.

• Read the vocabulary words out loud together as a class. Then show pictures of each word, mentioning how these pictures were from the Internet. Have students match up the picture to each word.

• Once students are in the cooperative groups, they will read Day 2 (pages 6-12) of the novel, and repeat the same activity they did on Day 1.

Day 3:

• Start off the hour by reading chapter 3 of Lafcadio, then ask them what the main idea of the chapter is by asking the students who the main character is and what is happening in this chapter. Next, talk about some details that support the main idea.

• Read the vocabulary words out loud together as a class along with looking at the pictures. Have students play a memory game with cards that have the vocabulary words and pictures on them (16 cards).

• Once students are in the cooperative groups, they will read Day 3 (pages 13-20) of the novel, and repeat the same activity they did on Day 1 and 2.

Day 4:

• Start off the hour by reading chapter 4 of Lafcadio, then ask them what the main idea of the chapter is by asking the students who the main character is and what is happening in this chapter. Next, talk about some details that support the main idea.

• Read the vocabulary words out loud together as a class along with looking at the pictures. Discuss the suffixes on each word (ed, ly, ful) and their meanings and point out the root words.

• Once students are in the cooperative groups, they will read Day 4 (pages 21-28) of the novel, and repeat the same activity they did on Day 1, 2 and 3.

Day 5:

• Start off the hour by reading chapter 5 of Lafcadio, then ask them what the main idea of the chapter is by asking the students who the main character is and what is happening in this chapter. Next, talk about some details that support the main idea.

• Read the vocabulary words out loud together as a class along with looking at the pictures. Have students partner up and quiz each other on the meanings.

• Once students are in their groups, they will take an assessment over the past weeks readings. They will be assessed over vocabulary and comprehension, multiple choice.

Small Group Reading (1 hour)

Teacher Table: 17 Minutes, Aide Table: 17 Minutes, Centers: 17 Minutes (Rotation)

Objective: Main Idea and Supporting Details

Assessment on Day 5

| |Day 1 |Day 2 |Day 3 |Day 4 |Day 5 |

|Aide |Students will learn a new |While using iPads, students will use the|The aide will show |The aide will play a word |Students will take the |

|Table |word sort of the week, which|Dragon Dictation Application to speak |students 6 different main|study game, quizzing them |word study assessment, by |

|(The aide will |the words are |out the main idea and supporting details|idea sentences they can |for the word study |typing the words on iPads.|

|assist students)|differentiated, based on |from the read aloud, Lafcadio, chapters |choose to write about. |assessment tomorrow. | |

| |their learning level. |1 and 2. After the students speak a |Then, they will fill out | | |

| | |sentence into the iPad, it will type out|a graphic organizer to | | |

| | |that sentence automatically. From there,|guide them in writing a | | |

| | |the aide will help students form it into|paragraph. Their | | |

| | |a complete sentence. |paragraph must contain | | |

| | | |the main idea sentence | | |

| | | |and 3 details. They will | | |

| | | |complete this task on | | |

| | | |Friday. | | |

|Centers |Working with a partner, |Listening: Listen to novel, Dinosaurs |The centers stay the same|The centers stay the same |Students will complete the|

| |students will look into |Before Dark, on iTunes, following along |and groups will rotate |and groups will rotate |activity from the aide |

| |brown paper bags, pull out |in their book. |through them, working |through them, working with|table on Wednesday. This |

| |each item from the bag, and |Technology: Students will work with |with a partner. |a partner. By this day, |will be an assessment |

| |decide what the main idea |their partner on Promethean Board Main | |the students should be |guide to see where they |

| |(topic) is for each bag. |Idea Lesson. | |working on the last center|are at in writing a |

| |Then, decide on the item |Word Study: Students will go to this | |rotation. |paragraph. This activity |

| |that doesn’t belong. Then |website, , | | |follows a more detailed |

| |they will write out the main|type in their ten words from their word | | |lesson I have already |

| |idea and list the details |sort, and pick a game to play. | | |taught about paragraphs. |

| |(items) on a piece of paper.| | | | |

Graphic Organizer


|Main Idea Sentence |

|Detail |Detail |Detail |

Memory Game

Vocabulary for Dinosaurs Before Dark

| | | | |

|built |gripped |trembled |soared |

| | | | |

|examine |cautiously |shoved |cheerfully |

|Picture representing built |Picture representing gripped |Picture representing trembled |Picture representing soared |

|Picture representing examine |Picture representing cautiously |Picture representing shoved |Picture representing cheerfully |




Week 6 Innovative Instructional Unit

Prepared for Dr. Vickie Wilcox

Janie Stoy


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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