Goal: The students will be able to expand his/her sentence ...

|Sentence and Paragraph Writing |

|Primary and Intermediate |

|Summer Reading Camp |

Goals: Students will:

• Expand sentences by adding words or phrases that answer the questions what, where, when, and how.

• When given a writing frame for a paragraph, write a coherent paragraph with a topic sentence and related details.

• OR

• When given a paragraph title and topic sentence, write a coherent paragraph with a topic sentence, related details, appropriate elaboration, and transition words.

• OR

• When given a topic, write a coherent paragraph with a topic sentence, related details, appropriate elaboration, and transition words.

Why should writing be taught to struggling readers?

• Poor readers in 1st through 4th grades are also poor writers. ( Juel, 1988).

• Poor writers in grade one end up being poor writers in fourth grade. (Juel, 1988)

• Most struggling readers have difficulty formulating and expressing their ideas, writing complete sentences, and writing well organized paragraphs.

• Early writing instruction provides many benefits to learners. (Wong & Berninger, 2004)

Goal: Students will expand sentences by adding words or phrases that answer the questions what, where, when, and how.

(These lessons are based on the Primary Level of Step Up To Writing.)

|Example - Sentence Type #1 |

|Who |Action |What |

|My friends |watched |a movie. |

|My friends |watched | |

1. Introduce the sentence type.

a. Display Example - Sentence #1 on the screen.

b. Point out that this sentence has three parts: who-action-what.

c. Read the parts of the example sentence with your students.

2. Have students create alternative sentences using the example sentence.

a. Have students fold a piece of lined paper into three columns and label the columns: who-action-what.

b. Next, have students copy the example sentence, placing the parts of the sentence under who-action-what.

c. Model creating parallel sentences. Write down the who (my friends) and action (watched), and add a new what (the full moon).

d. Have the students copy the who (my friends) and the action (watched) on the next line but add a new what.

e. Have students create additional sentences until you say “stop”. Circulate and carefully monitor students’ work providing feedback on sentence structure, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation.

A student’s paper might look like this.

|Example Student Paper |

|Who |Action |What |

|My friends |watched |a movie. |

|My friends |watched |zoo animals. |

|My friends |watched |a small dog. |

|My friends |watched |a video. |

|My friends |watched |television. |

(Note: If students have difficulty generating the sentence expansion component, brainstorm with the class, recording their ideas and displaying the ideas using a document camera.)

3. Have students reread and proofread their sentences.

a. Direct students to read each sentence by touching each word, whisper-reading the words, and asking if the sentence makes sense.

b. Next, have students proofread their sentences for punctuation and capitalization.

4. Have students share their sentences.

a. Ask students to read their sentences to their partners.

b. Then, call on individual students to read their “best” sentence to the class.

5. If time permits, have students create additional sentences with different sentence stems.

a. Display a sentence stem with the same structure. Have students copy the who and action and create new sentences by adding what.

|Additional sentence stems |

|Who |Action |What |

|Max |created | |

|Ms. Jones |lifted | |

|Pauline |drew | |

|Thomas |fixed | |

|Mr. King |baked | |

|The children |cleaned | |

Depending on the performance of your students, you may wish to spend one, two, or three days on a sentence pattern before moving to additional sentence patterns.

On subsequent days, repeat the five instructional steps with the other sentence patterns.

Below are sentence stems that can be used on subsequent days.

|Example - Sentence Type #2 |

|What |Action |Where |

|The small goldfish |swam |across the fishbowl. |

|The small goldfish |swam | |

|Additional Sentence Stems |

|A baby colt |trotted | |

|The huge elephant |wandered | |

|The red car |stopped | |

|A black crow |landed | |

|The squirrel |scampered | |

|The lion |napped | |

|The children’s ball |rolled | |

|Example - Sentence Type #3 |

|When |What |Action |Where |

|Early in the morning, |an airplane |landed |in the field. |

| |an airplane |landed | |

|Additional Sentence Stems |

| |the river |flowed | |

| |the small bunnies |hopped | |

| |two kittens |leaped | |

| |a hummingbird |flew | |

| |a flock of seagulls |landed | |

| |a rattlesnake |hid | |

| |tulips |blossomed | |

|Example - Sentence Type #4 |

|What |Action |How |Where |

|Two dogs |ran |quickly |into the house. |

|Two dogs |ran | | |

|Additional Sentence Stems |

|The tractor |moved | | |

|The airplane |flew | | |

|The tiny ball |rolled | | |

|A baby robin |ate | | |

|The earthquake |shook | | |

|The stray dog |barked | | |

|Example – Sentence Type #5 |

|When |Who |Action |What |

|Today in music class, |we |learned |a new song. |

| |we |learned | |

|Additional Sentence Stems |

| |the girls |played | |

| |I |wrote | |

| |Mr. Hendricks |painted | |

| |the pilot |flew | |

| |the class |completed | |

| |a jazz band |played | |

| |we |cleaned | |

Instructional Steps - Writing Frame for Paragraph

Goal: When given a writing frame for a paragraph, students will write a coherent paragraph with a topic sentence, related details, and transition words.

1. Prepare for the writing lesson.

a. Select a writing frame from those provided.

b. Duplicate a writing frame for each student.

2. Introduce the writing frame.

a. Read the title with your students.

b. Next, read the topic sentence with your students. Remind students that the topic sentence tells the reader what the whole paragraph is about.

c. Read the remainder of the writing frame with your students. When they come to a line have them tap on their desk or say "blank" to indicate where they will need to add to the paragraph.

3. Guide students in planning completion of the writing frame.

a. Have students list ideas that could be used to complete the writing frame. (THINK and WRITE)

b. Have students read their lists to their partners. Encourage students to add their partner's best ideas to their lists. (PAIR)

c. As the students are thinking and pairing, circulate and write down students' ideas and writer's name.

d. Display and discuss ideas. (SHARE) Have students add additional good ideas to their lists. (Leave the ideas displayed on the screen to support spelling.)

e. Have the students circle their two or three best ideas (depending on the paragraph) that they wish to add to their paragraphs.

f. Have students number their ideas in the order they wish to have them in their paragraph.

4. Have students complete the paragraph frame.

a. Have students fill in the paragraph frame using their best ideas.

b. When they finish, ask students to reread the paragraph to ensure that it makes sense.

c. As they are working, continue to circulate, acknowledging their work, encouraging them, and providing corrective feedback.

d. Have students read their paragraphs to their partners.

e. Call on one or two students to read their paragraphs.

5. (Optional – if time permits) Ask students to illustrate the paragraph OR have them recopy and illustrate the paragraph.

On each subsequent day, use these five instructional steps until the students are proficient in creating paragraphs using writing frames.

Paragraph Frames

1. My Favorite Dinner

If I could have my favorite dinner, these are the foods I would pick. First, I would pick _________________________

because _______________________________________________.

Next, I would also select __________________________________. I also like _________________________ because _____________


This will be a great dinner.

2. The Perfect Outfit

If I could pick the perfect outfit, it would include these things. First of all, my outfit would include __________________


Equally important, I would wear ___________________________

________________________ because ________________________

________________________________________________. Finally, I would add _____________________________________ to my outfit. I will look terrific in this outfit.

3. My Best Friend

_________________ is my best friend for a number of reasons. First of all, ______________________is my best friend because_____________________________________________.

Also, ______________ is _______________________________


In addition, ____________________ is my best friend because


I am lucky to have _______________________ as a friend.

4. My Favorite Place

_____________________________ is my favorite place.

One reason is that__________________________________


Another reason is that _______________________________


___________________ is also my favorite place because


There is no place as wonderful as _____________________


5. Good Readers

There are many reasons for being a good reader. One important reason to be a good reader is ______________________________


Another important reason to become a good reader is ______


This is important because _________________________________


Finally, if you are a good reader, you ________________________

_______________________________________________________.Being a good reader takes time but it is worth it.

6. Be Nice

People should be nice to each other for a number of reasons. One reason to be nice to is ________________________________


Another important reason to be nice is ______________________


An additional reason to be nice is ___________________________


The world would be different if everyone tried to be nice.

7. Summer Activities

In the summer, I enjoy these activities. First, I love to ___________________________________________________.

Next, I really enjoy ___________________________________


_________________________. Finally, in the summer I like to


_______________________________________. Summer is

a great time of the year.

8. Improve our World

These are three things that people could do to improve our world. To begin people could ____________________________________


People could also ________________________________________


Finally, to make the world better, people could _______________



9. Anger Gone

When you best friend is angry with you, try the following things. In the first place, you might __________________


After that you might _______________________________


Later on you might also ____________________________


If you do all of these things, your friend will not be mad for long.

10. Lost Pet

If you lost your dog or cat, you could try these things.

First, you could ____________________________________


Second, you could __________________________________


This might help because ____________________________


Third, you could also _______________________________.

11. A New Friend

If you wanted someone to be your new friend, you could do these things. One thing that you could do is _________________


This would be a good idea because _________________________


Next, if you really want a new friend, you could ______________


However, the best idea would be to _________________________


12. Getting Better

If you wish to get better at ________________, follow this plan. First, you should _________________________________


Another way to get better would be to ______________________


In addition, you should ________________________________


13. A Great Saturday

One Saturday, I enjoyed three activities. First, I __________


_________________________. I also ____________________


Finally, I ___________________________________________

__________________________________. It was a wonderful day.

14. Great Lunches

I eat several favorite foods at lunchtime. One food is ________________________________________. I also like

________________ because __________________________

____________________________________. My very favorite food is ______________________________________________________.

I can’t wait for lunch!

15. My Favorite Person

One of my favorite people is ________________________.

One reason is that _________________________________________


An other important reason is that ____________________________


One thing that _________________________ does that I appreciate is

__________________________________________________________. So you can see why I adore __________________________________.

16. A Perfect Pet

My perfect pet would be a ____________________. One reason that a ________________ would be a perfect pet is _______________


In addition, a ________________________ would _______________


Finally, a __________________ would make a perfect pet because


17. Responsibilities of Friendship

There are a number of responsibilities of friendship. One important thing that a friend should do is _____________________


Another critical thing that a friend should do is ________________


This is important because ___________________________________

_________________________________. Finally, a responsible

friend would ______________________________________________.

18. A Great Career

___________________________________ would be a great career. One reason that I would select this career is ____________


Another reason that I would enjoy this career is _______________


This career is important because ____________________________


19. Staying Healthy

There are many suggestions about how to stay healthy. One suggestion is that you ________________________________________


This would make a difference because _________________________


If you really want to be healthy, you should _____________________


Another thing that would improve your health is ________________


20. Summer Reading Camp

I have learned a number of things at Reading Camp. First, I

learned __________________________________________________


Next, I learned ___________________________________________


Finally, I learned _________________________________________


I am proud of my extended knowledge.

Instructional Steps - Title and Topic Sentence are Provided

• Goal: When given a paragraph title and topic sentence, the student will write a coherent paragraph with a topic sentence, related details, appropriate elaboration, and transition words.

1. Prepare for the writing lesson.

a. Select a paragraph title and topic sentence from those provided or create a title and topic sentence.

b. Duplicate page for each student.

c. Duplicate transition word reference page for each student.

d. With your students, highlight the transition words that students would be most likely to use.

2. Introduce the title and topic sentence.

a. Read the title with your students.

b. Next, read the topic sentence with your students. Remind students that the topic sentence tells the reader what the whole paragraph is about.

3. Guide students in planning completion of paragraph.

a. Have students list ideas that could be used to complete the paragraph. (THINK and WRITE)

b. Have students read their lists to their partners. Encourage students to add their partner's best ideas to their list. (PAIR)

c. As the students are thinking and pairing, circulate and write down students' ideas and the author's name.

d. Display and discuss ideas. (SHARE) Have students add additional good ideas to their lists. (Leave the ideas displayed on the screen to support spelling.)

e. Have the students circle their two or three best ideas (depending on the paragraph) that they wish to add to their paragraph.

f. Have students number their ideas in the order they wish to have them in their paragraphs.

NOTE: For remainder of each lesson, select the following steps of I do it, We do it, and You do it based on students' progress.

Initial Instruction: I do it. We do it. (One or two days.)

Guided Instruction: We do it. (Gradually fade your guidance.)

Independent Practice: You do it. (Plan with the students and then have them write.)

4. Model how to transcribe plan into a paragraph. (I do it.)

a. Introduce the list of transition words.

b. Reread the title and topic sentence.

c. Using your plan, model how to transcribe the first idea into a complete sentence and how to add it to the paragraph after the topic sentence.

d. Reread the partial paragraph for flow from sentence to sentence and add transition words as needed.

e. Continue this process for remaining ideas.

f. When you finish writing the draft of the paragraph, reread the paragraph to ensure that it makes sense.

g. Then, reread your paragraph, checking punctuation, capitalization, and spelling.

5. Guide students in transcribing their paragraph plans into paragraphs. (We do it.)

a. Have students read their detail #1 to themselves.

b. Tell them to think of a sentence that contains that idea.

c. Have them add the idea to their paragraph and add transition words if appropriate.

d. As they are working, circulate, acknowledging their work, encouraging them, and providing corrective feedback.

e. (Repeat a, b, c, and d for detail #2.)

f. (Repeat a, b, c, and d for detail #3.)

g. Either guide students on the next detail OR have them finish the paragraph.

h. Circulate and give feedback as they write.

i. When they finish, have them reread their paragraphs to ensure that they make sense.

j. Have them reread their paragraphs to check for punctuation, capitalization, and spelling.

k. Have students read their paragraphs to their partners.

l. Call on one or two students to read their paragraphs.

6. Have students transcribe their plans into paragraphs. (You do it.)

a. Have students complete their paragraphs by adding details and transition words.

b. Circulate and give feedback as they write.

c. When they finish, have them reread their paragraphs to ensure that they make sense.

d. Have them reread their paragraphs to check for punctuation, capitalization, and spelling.

e. Have students read their paragraphs to their partners.

f. Call on one or two students to read their paragraphs.

7. (Optional – if time permits) Ask students to recopy and illustrate the paragraph.

Transition Words

|Addition |Summary |Cause |

|first |to summarize |because |

|second, secondly |in sum |since |

|third |to sum up |for that reason |

|last, lastly |Time |Effect |

|finally |while |therefore |

|in addition |immediately |thus |

|next |after |as a result |

|besides |when |Place |

|Compare (same) |soon |here |

|in the same way |whenever |there |

|similarly |meanwhile |nearby |

|likewise |sometimes |above |

|Contrast (different) |during |below |

|yet |afterwards |Example |

|nevertheless |next |for example |

|after all |following |for instance |

|however |once |to illustrate |

|on the other hand |then |Qualification |

|Purpose |Intensification |almost |

|so that |to repeat |nearly |

|for this purpose |by all means |probably |

| |certainly |never |

| |without a doubt |always |

| | |maybe |

| | |perhaps |

| | |although |

Instructional Steps – When Paragraph Topic Is Given

• Goal: When given a topic, the student will write a coherent paragraph with a topic sentence, related details, appropriate elaboration, and transition words.

1. Prepare for the writing lesson.

a. Select a paragraph topic. (See list of topics.)

b. Duplicate transition page for each student.

c. With your students, highlight the transition words that students would be most likely to use.

d. Distribute lined paper for planning and paragraph writing.

2. Guide students in planning paragraph. (Do this step with all topics.)

a. Present the topic on the screen and have students write the topic on their planning papper.

b. Have students list ideas that could be used to complete the paragraph. (THINK and WRITE)

c. Have students read their lists to their partners. Encourage students to add their partner's best ideas to their list. (PAIR)

d. As the students are thinking and pairing, circulate and write down students' ideas and their names.

e. Display and discuss ideas. (SHARE) Have students add additional good ideas to their lists. (Leave the ideas displayed on the screen to support spelling.)

f. Have the students circle their two or three best ideas (depending on the paragraph) that they wish to add to their paragraph and cross other ideas in their list.

g. Have students number their paragraph ideas in the order they wish to have them in their paragraphs.

NOTE: For remainder of each lesson, select the following steps of I do it, We do it, and/or You do it based on students' progress.

Initial Instruction: I do it. We do it. (One or two days.)

Guided Instruction: We do it. (Gradually fade your guidance. This step may continue for many days.)

Independent Practice: You do it. (Plan with the students and then have them write independently.)

3. Model how to transcribe plan into a paragraph. (I do it.)

a. Introduce the list of transition words.

b. Reread the topic. Suggest a number of topic sentences. Write one down.

c. Using your plan, model how to transcribe the first idea into a complete sentence and how to add it to the paragraph after the topic sentence.

d. Reread the partial paragraph for flow from sentence to sentence and add transition words as needed.

e. Continue this process for remaining ideas.

f. When you finish writing the draft of the paragraph, reread the paragraph to ensure that it makes sense.

g. Then, reread your paragraph, checking punctuation, capitalization, and spelling.

4. Guide students in transcribing their paragraph plans into paragraphs. (We do it.)

a. Have students read the topic.

b. Have them suggest possible topic sentences.

c. Have them indent on their writing paper and record the topic sentence.

d. Have students read their detail #1 to themselves.

e. Tell them to think of a sentence that contains that idea.

f. Have them add the idea to their paragraph and add transition words if appropriate.

g. As they are working, circulate, acknowledging their work, encouraging them, and providing corrective feedback.

h. (Repeat a, b, c, and d for detail #2.)

i. (Repeat a, b, c, and d for detail #3.)

j. Either guide students on the next detail OR have them finish the paragraph.

k. Circulate and give feedback as they write.

l. When they finish, have them reread their paragraphs to ensure that they make sense.

m. Have them reread their paragraphs to check for punctuation, capitalization, and spelling.

n. Have students read their paragraphs to their partners.

o. Call on one or two students to read their paragraphs.

5. Have students transcribe their plans into paragraphs. (You do it.)

a. Have students write down a topic sentence that matches the topic.

b. Have students complete their paragraphs by adding details and transition words.

c. Circulate and give feedback as they write.

d. When they finish, have them reread their paragraphs to ensure that they make sense.

e. Have them reread their paragraphs to check for punctuation, capitalization, and spelling.

f. Have students read their paragraphs to their partners.

g. Call on one or two students to read their paragraphs to the class.

6. (Optional – if time permits) Ask students to illustrate the paragraph.

Possible Topics

What I Like

What I like about where I live

What I like about my best friend

What I like about school

What I like about Saturdays

What I like about books

What I like to do during the summer

What I like to do during the winter

What I like about my bedroom

What I like about computers

If I could

If you could fly, what would you do?

If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

If you could be a different age, what would it be?

If you were a grown-up for one day, what would you like to do?

If you were a teacher for one day, what subjects would you want to teach?

If you were the President, what would you do on your first day in office?

If you were given one hundred dollars, what would you do with it?

If you could give yourself a new name, what would it be?

If you had a day all for yourself and could do whatever you wanted to, what would you do?

If you could improve the world, what would you do?

If you could invent a new device, how would you use it?

If a new student entered the class, how could you make them feel welcome?


What are the most irritating things in your life?

What are the best things in your life?

What personality traits do you admire most in other people?

What acts of kindness could you give to others?

What is the most valuable thing that you have learned in school?

What is something that you do well?

What are you thankful for in your life?

What is something you like about yourself?

What is something you dislike about yourself?

What is your favorite time of the year?

What is your idea of an exciting evening?

What is your idea of a dull evening?

What is your most important possession and why?

What is the best birthday present you ever received?

What is the best birthday present you could receive?

What is something that makes you feel sad?

What is something that makes you feel joyful?

What makes you feel safe?

What is the best advice you ever received?

What would you do if a bully bothered you on your way home?

What would happen if…..

What would happen if there were no televisions?

What would happen if people never helped each other?

What would happen if you could become invisible whenever you wanted to? What would happen if everyone looked exactly the same?

What would happen if you everyone threw trash on the roads and lawns?

What would happen if everyone really cared about each other?

What would happen if the only way you could travel was on foot?

What would happen if children set the school rules?

My Favorites

My favorite book

My favorite pet

My favorite holiday

My favorite breakfast

My favorite snack

My favorite ice cream

My favorite sport

My favorite lunch

My favorite dinner

My favorite toy

My favorite time of day

My favorite season

My favorite out door game

My favorite birthday


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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